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Student A:When do people talk least? Student B:In February. Student A:Why? Student B:Because February in the shortest month of a year.  相似文献   

Student A: When do people talk least?
Student B: In February.
Student A: Why?
Student B: Because February is the shortest month of a year.  相似文献   

案例片段:学习完6A Unit3课文后,老师创设了一个小情境,给了学生一个话题:Ifyou’re Helen’s friend,Liu Tao,what will you say to her?学生一听立刻就兴奋起来,七嘴八舌的讨论开了。Student A:Helen!Here is my birthday present.it’s a book.I hope you like it.Student B:Helen!This card is for you.I hope you will be happy.Student  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=The Captain;B=A Student of the International Navigation school)船长国际航运学校学生B:Look at all those different kinds of ships in the harbour.Captain,港口里仃泊着各种各样的船舶。could you tell us how to classify them?船长,你能否告诉我们船舶如何分类?  相似文献   

码群 1.Iam on three legswhenlrest and onewhen Iwork.What am1? A.A wheelbarrow B.A trieyele C.A frog 2.What must you do beforeyoureturn abook to the library? A,TO readit B.Toborrow it C.Tosellit 3.Whatis darkbut makebylight? A‘Shadow B.Lighting C.Fire 4.Whiehmonthhas28 days? A.None- B.All C.ouly February 5.What falls often but lleverge伙hurt? A.AStone B.A Snowllake C.A cat 6·Ifyouthrow a stone intothe叙d Sea,what will it beeome? A。Red B.Blue C.Wct…口}showoff everythingthat…  相似文献   

犷、 ,;对未来寄托 飞· ‘洲书一‘ O ‘一.一刁 ,.What,sjenny,sfavourite饱stival? 窄犷 盛 摊彝 A .Thanksgiving B .Mid一Autumn Day C .SPring Festival 2.When 15 it this yea价 、或 食 令 A .January B .February C .MarCh 口. 暴 三、大家一定都淋过雨,淋雨也别  相似文献   

第Ⅰ卷(共110分)Ⅰ.ListeningComprehension(略)Ⅱ.GrammarDirections:Beneath each of the following sen-tences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25.The accident is reported to have occurred the first Sunday in February.A. at B. on C. in D. to26.I had to buy these books because I didn’t know which one was the best.A. both B. none C. neither D. all27.According to a…  相似文献   

请看下列几道高考题:1.(NMET 20()l)It 15 generally believed that teae城119 15It 15 SCI-enCe。A .an art as mueh asC .as an art mueh asB,;ntxeh an artasD .as mueh肛2 art as2.(NMET 20()0)It,salways di伍eult beingin aforeign eount叮 you don,t speak thelanguage.if A .extremely B.naturally C.basieally D.es伴eially3.(NMET 200())_to take this adventure叻urse初11 eertailily learna lot of skills. A .Brave enough students B.Enough brave students C .Student、brave enough D.Studento enough brave…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词语A.根据已给首字母或汉语提示,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式。1.“Student”hasthesamemeaningas“p”.2.Hecantsayawordnow.Hehaslosthisv.3.Sheworksinalibrary.Sheisal.4.Wouldyouliketohavehisa?HelivesinRoom305.5.Themgoesaroundtheearth.B.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Thedeskis(make)ofwood.2.MrGreenhas(write)manypopularbooks.3.Tommydoesntknowhow(say)thesentenceinEnglish.4.Doyouknowthe(mean)oftheword?5.I(phone)youthreehoursago.C.从A,B,C,D中选出与句子划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。1.Doyouo…  相似文献   

New Word     
Teacher:Today we'll learn anew word.It's "eye".Nowlook here,please.What arethese beside my nose?Student:A pair of glasses.Teacher:No,look carefully.What  相似文献   

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