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This study aims to explore the regular patterns and rules that male and female college students follow to accept compliments in the speech community of Qingdao, as well as the cultural elements that influence the patterns and rules.  相似文献   

我国修改后的《证券法》对保荐人民事责任作了原则性规定,但缺乏可操作性的具体制度安排,因保荐信息涉嫌虚假与欺诈,使得投资者受到损失往往难以补偿。为保护投资者的利益,维护法律的公平与正义。促进证券市场的健康发展,我国迫切需要改变过去对保荐人违法行为处罚重行(刑)轻民的做法,完善保荐人民事责任赔偿诉讼制度。  相似文献   

1.Introduction In the course of teaching, teachers are sometimes conscious of the hostility hidden behind silence of some students. While there may be different levels of this hostility, it surely will cause some obstacles to the teaching activity. Here these students keep silent to show their resistance. This paper mainly focuses on students' resistance psychologically. Through the anal- ysis of the causes of their resistance, we hope a teacher can learn how to judge his class. How we teach …  相似文献   

As the only tragedy written by Oscar Wilde,Salome enjoys a unique status among all the works of Wilde.It is the representative work of aestheticism and has faced as many controversies as its author since the day it came out.Through the careful analysis of the conflict revealed both inside the play and outside the play,and based on Aristotle’s tragedy theory to interpret the causes of these conflicts,it can be concluded that the design of the conflict in Salome is in accordance with the tragedy theory.Furthermore,interpreting Salome from the perspective of Aristotle’s theory has attached this play with more intricate meaning and different understanding.  相似文献   

This paper has discussed Bacon's thoughts that refer to education and their applicability to modern education in China. This paper focus on the four points which have been picked up from Bacon's works: empirical philosophy, learning with a right aim, suitableness, and the relation between custom and education。  相似文献   

陈少敏 《海外英语》2012,(7):189-190
If translation has such far-reaching social effects such as contributing to social reproduction and change in forming cultural identity,it seems significant to adopt a translation ethical principle to evaluate these effects,confirm whether they are good or bad and consider whether the formed cultural identities are ethical.Venuti resorts to minoritizing translation,argues for releasing "language remainder" which develops into translation ethics--"Ethics of Difference".To put to work these strategies could form cultural identities both for source-language culture and target-language culture.  相似文献   

毛绍磊 《海外英语》2013,(4X):120-122
Through the analysis of the denotations and connotations of Chinese" 羊 "and its various English synonyms- "sheep","goat","ram","ewe"and"lamb",this paper aims to make a comparative study on the translation of Chinese"五羊" from the perspective of comparative literature.  相似文献   

韩国春 《海外英语》2011,(11):334-335
The use of "however" by Chinese learners’ writing is studied through a comparison of its use in CLEC and in BROWN and found that "however" is overused in the front of a sentence,underused in the middle of a sentence and misused as a disjunctive conjunction,as is followed by the analysis of three attributable factors,i.e.the writing style,confusion with "but" and negative L1 transfer.  相似文献   

The translator, as the main body of a translation, has been in an invisible and ignored state for a long time. The position of the translator has been improved and the role of the translator has begun ...  相似文献   

卫娜 《海外英语》2015,(2):189-190
The translator, as the main body of a translation, has been in an invisible and ignored state for a long time. The position of the translator has been improved and the role of the translator has begun to be recognized since the field of translation studies multifaceted and deepened. In order to analyze the translator’s subjectivity better, the thesis states comprehensive definitions of the translator’s subjectivity and uses Wolf Totem as a case study, whose author is Jiang Rong and the translator is Howard Goldblatt, to show that how the translator Howard Goldblatt utilizes his subjectivity in the translation process.  相似文献   

Ode to the West Wind is one of the marvelous poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley. In order to study the Ro-manticism in Shelly's Ode to the West Wind, this thesis, by studying the features of Romanticism, shows the fasci-nating romantic beauty and glamour of this poetry.  相似文献   

王雯 《海外英语》2012,(12):172-173
Tourism literature is a window for foreigners to know China and a medium for publicizing Chinese culture.Increasing the quality of translation of tourism literature is of great significance in promoting Chinese tourisms’ further development.This paper explores the strategies to deal with the translation of tourism literature,taking Skopos Theory as the theoretical base.  相似文献   

蒋佩均 《海外英语》2012,(23):273-274,279
This paper conducted a pilot study by interviewing five Chinese students who study at a British university to see how they have adapted to British culture.This paper mainly found that the’curve’theory couldn’t fully reflect students’intercultural adaptation,students’failure in becoming intercultural and the language pressure they suffer.At the end of the study,some possible measurements limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

As one of the greatest Romantic poet, Coleridge had contributed to the realm of poetry many remarkable works, of which conversation poems take a part. The author of this paper chooses one typical piece...  相似文献   

Mr Xu Yuanchong puts forward the translation theory of "three beauties" which defines that poetry translation should reproduce the sense beauty, sound beauty and form beauty of original poetry. This thesis analyzes Mr Xu’s translated work on the Height from "three beauties" theory and explains the concrete realization of three beauties in his translation work.  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionGPSS(GeneralPurposeSimulationSystem)isaconvenientandapplicablesimulationlanguage ,whichisextensivelyusedindiscrete -eventsimulationstudies .Productionsystemsorproductionlinesareitsmajorapplicationareas .UndertherequestsfromtheTianjinDieselEn…  相似文献   

The sentence Come to Wuhan University to see the sea has become so popular in internet since June last year.This paper first looks back on the theory of memetics,and subsequently tries to discuss and find out the reason why this sentence could be so popular rapidly from the perspective of memetics,from the example,we could finally realize the ways and characteristics of the network language memes in replication and transmission.  相似文献   

Word meaning usually consists of denotative and connotative meaning.Many English text books and English-Chinese dictionaries tend to put English words directly into Chinese without paying due attention to their cultural-specific connotations.English beginners also try to seek the Chinese equivalent in learning English words,which,on many occasions,give rise to misunderstanding.This paper mainly deals with meaning analysis and how to learn well English words with an view to ensuring an appropriate usage and wipe out the potential misconception.  相似文献   

黄平 《海外英语》2012,(7):64-67
This corpus-based study aims to explore if the high frequently used word "really" is at a risk of overused,underused or misused in the writing of Chinese learners.Then draw attention on English learning and teaching and raise learners’ awareness of the structural and collocation complexity of words.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of information technology, how to utilize the Web in the field of language teaching has become a heated issue in the foreign language teaching reform around the whole world. ...  相似文献   

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