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本提出了曲Banach空间的概念,证明了曲Banach空间中可微函数和分中值定理,并应用它证明了概率Banach空间中可微函数的微分中值定理。  相似文献   

从时间的均匀性可推得机械能守恒定律,从空间的均匀性和空间的各向同性可分别推出动量守恒定律和角动量守恒定律。如果没有时间对称性、就根本谈不上物理学。因此,守恒定律是物理学的基石,它与基本定 律和各种物理现象一层层地构成了整个物理大厦。  相似文献   

利用增算子不动点定理讨论一阶抽象Volterra型脉冲微分积分方程周期边值问题的广义解,并建立了迭代公式。  相似文献   

Various index structures have recently been proposed to facilitate high-dimensional KNN queries, among which the techniques of approximate vector presentation and one-dimensional (1D) transformation can break the curse of dimensionality. Based on the two techniques above, a novel high-dimensional index is proposed, called Bit-code and Distance based index (BD). BD is based on a special partitioning strategy which is optimized for high-dimensional data. By the definitions of bit code and transformation function, a high-dimensional vector can be first approximately represented and then transformed into a 1D vector, the key managed by a B -tree. A new KNN search algorithm is also proposed that exploits the bit code and distance to prune the search space more effectively. Results of extensive experiments using both synthetic and real data demonstrated that BD out- performs the existing index structures for KNN search in high-dimensional spaces.  相似文献   

阐明指出对牛顿第二定律动量形式进行实验验证的意义,并设计出该实验的两种具体验证方法。  相似文献   

在“Cesàro一致可积”系列条件下研究了 B值随机元阵列的弱大数定律 ,并刻划了Banach空间的几何特征  相似文献   

在严格凸Banach空间中,引入保持严格凸性的范数,得到了严格凸Banach空间积空间的严格凸性,证明了单空间和积空间中关于无穷维紧凸子集最佳逼近元的存在与唯一性定理,改进和推广了某些已有结果。  相似文献   

水电管理是学校基础管理工作,而公用水电节能管理又是学校管理工作的难点。本文从健全管理机构等方面对推进学校公用水电节能管理作了简要的阐述,对创建节约型校园具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Inclusive education (IE), which calls for equal opportunities for students with diverse abilities in the achievement of knowledge, has been developed as a central pedagogical strategy in primary schools worldwide, including those in Turkey. Besides educators, the issue of IE becomes an important discussion area among designers who question the provision of supportive learning environments in terms of inclusion. Equal opportunity, diversity, social justice and participation are necessary parameters for a comprehensive understanding of inclusion and the evaluation of the spatial character of inclusive learning environments. The lack of clarity of ideas about inclusion leads to limited implementation of IE in Turkey. Insufficient provision of school facilities that are necessary for IE and a lack of effective and comprehensive design approaches for physical learning environments further complicate this situation. Design specifications in Turkish regulations regarding inclusive learning environments in primary schools remain too technical, as they merely focus on the issue of disability and special education rather than inclusion. This paper focuses on assessing the conformity of these regulations to universal design (UD), a recent architectural design strategy that supports the idea of inclusion in physical environments through its mission of design for all and design for equity and social justice and seeks to make physical environments accessible, usable and tolerable for all students with diverse abilities.  相似文献   

This article situates secondary schooling within the evolving transnational social field. Drawing on 43 interviews with teachers and former students with transnational connections in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Canada, I examine how transnational practices and dispositions fit within existing curricular and pedagogical frameworks in secondary schools. It is suggested that the ‘ways of being’ and ‘ways of belonging’ for transnational students are in conflict with the teachers’ views on how students ought to act and feel within classroom settings. When transnational secondary students travel to their sending societies for ongoing periods, the data reveal disconnections at school that threaten the dominant classroom norms. When there is sustained direct contact with multiple countries, including both travel and new modes of communication, this may create knowledge and vivid experiences for transnational youth who are ‘betwixt and between’, but also leads to concerns by teachers about a ‘strategic’ use of Toronto-area schools and fears about ‘dual loyalties’. Finally, many of the transnational youth find their teachers’ assumptions of schooling superiority in the Global North to be sorely misdirected, and perhaps even harmful. These discordances highlight the existence of competing systems of capital within GTA classrooms.  相似文献   

随着MOOC教学模式和"以学生为中心"的教育理念成为新时代教学发展的新趋势,高校公选课的教学模式改革迫在眉睫。实践表明,在线教学模式存在教学管理难度大、师生互动不够、考核评价不合理等问题。为激发大学生自主学习兴趣,提升公选课教学质量,进而提高学生的综合能力,探索一种融合传统教学优点与MOOC教学优势的混合教学模式十分必要。课题组以吉林大学"能源与环境概论"卓越工程类公共选修课为例,重点论述基于MOOC理念的混合教学课程设计与实践,以期为我国高校公选课的教学改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

香根草是一种适应性广、抗逆性强的多年生禾本科草本植物,是治理水土流失行之有效的生态绿篱工程的核心物种。基于衡南县大片紫色土丘岗荒地及其严重的土壤侵蚀的存在和多年来科技人员在本地已取得的大量实验性成果和实际推广应用的不足,本文探讨了香根草在衡南县紫色土丘岗区水土保持中的实际应用与推广的有效途径。  相似文献   

Renewable energy and building in the People's Republic of China are (besides the transport sector) two of the most challenging areas when it comes to sustainable development yet among the strongest pro...  相似文献   

麻城山丘区面积大,水土流失严重,洪水灾害频发。一段时间内,人们不合理地经济活动,破坏了自然植被,导致境内植被覆盖率降低,土地失去植被的庇护,水土流失加剧,造成洪水径流量和洪峰流量加大,加重了洪水灾害。二十多年的水土保持工作实践表明:以小流域为单元的水土保持综合治理工作,通过在流域内实施工程措施、生物措施和农耕措施相结合,坚持山、水、林、田、路统一规划,拦、截、灌、蓄、排优化配置,集中连片,规模治理,防范减灾效益显著。事实证明,水土保持工作是山丘区防治洪水灾害的根本措施。  相似文献   

根据校译体会提出了科技汉语英译应遵从明确、通顺、简练的原则,科技汉语英译时常用合并、倒装等手段,并根据具体情况采用词性转换,加词、减词等手法进行翻译。  相似文献   

由于语言和文学以及文化的天然内在联系,大学英语教学中不可能忽视学生英美文学意识与能力的培养。然而,面对文学意识与基础十分薄弱的理工科类学生,如何在教学实践中培养他们的英美文学能力,进而提高他们的英语综合素质,这是一项值得英语教育者研究的课题。本文将从教学实践出发,结合Halliday语言功能学说中有关文学层面观的理论对理工科类学生文学能力培养的途径予以探讨。  相似文献   

赏析王维后期著名诗作《山居秋暝》,细品诗情画意,再现青松明月图、乡村风俗画;体味诗中有画,画能传声,动静结合,以动显静的独特艺术魅力;探寻诗人的心路历程与诗歌主旨。  相似文献   

高师图书馆文献采访工作面临的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高师图书馆的采访工作面临着图书市场紊乱、图书价格大幅上扬、文献购置费严重不足等问题,对此应采了以整顿图书市场、推行全员采`访开拓采访渠道、实施网上采访等措施,以中文献资源建设。  相似文献   

高职高专文史类毕业生,由于所学专业知识局限,实践性技能相对欠缺,就业十分困难。因而,改革文史类专业的课程体系,有选择地缩减理论课程时数,加大应用型课程时数,强化实践技能,与此同时,准确定位,树立正确的择业观,是高职高专文史类毕业生顺利就业的根本前提。  相似文献   

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