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LibQUAL+® is an instrument purported to measure three dimensions of library service quality: service affect, library as a place, and information control. After changes were made to the instrument in 2003, however, no confirmatory factor analyses have been published in peer-reviewed journals affirming the three-factor structure of LibQUAL+®. These deficiencies were addressed by testing the hypothesized three-factor structure and the stability of that structure over time. Specifically, data from three samples (n = 550; n = 3261; n = 2103) were collected over a five-year period and analyzed using a multi-group confirmatory factor analysis. Results suggest that the theoretical model fit the data across the three samples and demonstrates factorial invariance over time. Multicollinearity between affect of service and information control, however, indicate that service quality may be measured as two dimensions rather than three, providing a more parsimonious explanation of service quality.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the validity of LibQUAL+™ scores, and specifically how total and subscale LibQUAL+™ scores are associated with self-reported, library-related satisfaction and outcomes scores. Participants included 88,664 students and faculty who completed the American English (nAE = 69,494) or the British English (nBE = 19,170) LibQUAL+™ language versions in the 2004 data collection cycle. Results suggest that LibQUAL+™ scores primarily measure satisfaction rather than outcomes.  相似文献   

LibQUAL+TM和Rodski Group之对此研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用户满意度调查是评价图书馆服务质量的重要方法和依据.LibQUAL TM和Rodski Group是国外较有影响的用户满意度调查体系.两者在产生背景、研究目标和指导思想、调查指标体系、实施思路等方面既各有千秋,又相互补充;其应用效果也对图书馆提高服务质量产生不同的指导作用.通过对二者的对比分析,有利于图书馆在进行服务质量评价时,建立一种客观、全面的指标体系.  相似文献   

LibQUAL+TM作为一种基于用户的图书馆服务质量的定量评价模型,对图书馆服务质量的控制和改进有着深远的意义。但是该模型的一些缺陷同时也影响了评价的准确度和客观性。如:①样本的随机选择导致样本有时脱离母体实际;②没有考虑用户层面“图书馆阅历”的差异,绝对平均化;③没有看到感知服务水平和期望服务水平之间的相关性。本文以对用户“图书馆阅历”的测评和分级为着眼点,尝试为以上不足提供一个参考的解决方案,同时为图书馆之间的服务质量评比提供可能。  相似文献   

从LibQUAL+的变化看图书馆服务质量测评的发展方向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
LibQUAL+是美国研究图书馆协会(ARL)推行的用于图书馆服务质量测评的一种方法,是基于用户感知对图书馆的服务质量进行测评的工具。经过8年持续实践,LibQUAL+测评指标得到不断修改完善,已经形成一个比较成熟的图书馆服务质量测评体系。研究8年来LibQUAL+的变化发展,可以探索图书馆服务评价的特点和规律,寻求图书馆服务质量测评的发展方向。  相似文献   

图书馆管理目标是通过馆员的努力为用户提供高质量的信息服务,图书馆服务质量控制是图书馆管理的重要内容。LibQUAL+TM是一种用户视角下的满意度测量,可以被看成是图书馆服务质量反馈控制的评价工具,ClimateQUALTM是一种馆员视角下的包含员工工作满意度的工作气候测评,可以被看成是图书馆服务质量过程控制的评价工具。该文从理论基础、测评指标、应用前景等方面对LibQUAL+TM与ClimateQUALTM进行了评析,并讨论了这两种评价工具在图书馆服务质量控制方面所体现的相关性。论文的结论是:LibQUAL+TM与Climate-QUALTM都可以为图书馆服务质量控制提供决策支持,面向图书馆服务质量控制的评价工具应是两者的协同运用,我们需要从观念培育、指标本地化改造、制度完善、测评结果利用等方面全面努力,建设能够协同运用两种评价工具的图书馆评估文化。  相似文献   

对SERVQUAL和LibQUAL应用缺陷的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文摘SERVQUAL和LibQUAL作为国外高校图书馆测评服务质量的重要方法,是值得国内学习和借鉴的。我国高校图书馆在具体实施过程中要扬其长、避其短,尽量减少因它们自身所固有的缺陷而产生的不良影响,同时,要根据各馆自身的现实情况与特点,借助多维度的统计工具,增加、删除或修正它们所提供的属性和域内容,以期尽可能地获取真实、有效的测评结果,为图书馆在改善服务质量上指明方向。  相似文献   

LibQUAL+AM的信度与效度检验:来自本土大学图书馆的证据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在回顾LibQUAL^+AM图书馆服务质量测量基础上,通过对LibQUAL^+AM的信度和效度进行实证检验,分析LibQUAL^+AM在我国高等学校图书馆的适用性。验证性因子分析结果表明,在删除个别存在问题的指标后,LibQUAL^+AM具有较高的信度和可接受的收敛效度和区别效度,内容效度亦令人满意,表明LibQUAL^+AM指标体系具有适用于国内大学图书馆服务质量评估的条件。  相似文献   

以LibQUAL+TM为基础,通过查阅国内外文献、读者开放调研与专家访谈的方式可以构建科学的、适用于公共图书馆服务质量评价的本土化指标体系。首先,依据该指标体系对公共图书馆服务质量进行实证评估研究,通过数据来验证量表是否具备良好的信度与效度;然后,从图书馆专业人员的视角对各评价维度进行权重评定;最后,将两个评价结果透过差距模型呈现分析,得出导致读者满意度下降的服务质量差距,即"标准差距"、"传递差距"、"资源差距"、"服务差距"。  相似文献   

IJibQual+是一种图书馆服务质量评价方法。利用LibQual+评价方法通过对读者满意度的分析评价,图书馆管理者可以掌握用于改善服务管理绩效的第一手数据。6σ管理法是代表高质量水平的管理方法,可有效提高服务质量.把其作为图书馆评价体系之后的业务流程改进的方法十分有益。  相似文献   

图书馆通过LibQUAL+TM评价模式不仅能够获得用户对图书馆实际服务绩效的评价,还可以了解用户对服务的期望,从而通过改进服务、不断缩小实际服务质量与用户期望之间的差距,最大限度地满足用户的需求。基于LibQUAL+TM的图书馆服务质量评价体系应以用户需求为导向,以用户满意度和关注度作为指标测度,通过不断完善资源配置和运行管理机制提高图书馆服务水平,推进图书馆事业健康发展。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study was undertaken to provide evidence that library outreach projects in the NHS in the Thames Valley Strategic Health Authority area were effective and could justify continued funding. Objectives: The object was to assess whether information literacy skills training taken up by health professionals impacts on their confidence and skills in using electronic sources of health information. METHOD: A total of 487 health professionals taking up training on a voluntary basis were assessed by completing a self-assessment questionnaire prior to and after training to establish their information literacy skills and confidence levels. Of these, 223 trainees (46%) also returned 6-week follow-up questionnaires. RESULTS: Results showed that 464 trainees (95%) intended to apply what they had learnt in a variety of ways; use of specific resources greatly increased after training and confidence in using them increased substantially. Use of search techniques increased considerably overall, whereas use of Google decreased. CONCLUSIONS: The major findings of this research are that training health-care personnel in the use of electronic resources impacts positively on their information literacy skills and confidence, and that the information available to them is considered to have potential value across health-care practice.  相似文献   

The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in public organizations increasingly holds the potential to improve transparency, accountability, and public participation, by providing a more effective and efficient disclosure of information to the citizens and organizations and by providing channels for interaction with the government. While transparency and interactivity features of government websites constitute two critical elements for public participation and democracy facilitated by web-based technologies, little research has been done to explain why some public organizations choose to deploy website technology more openly with these features. This paper aims to examine the managerial, organizational, and environmental factors that are related to variation in transparency and interactivity features of local government websites, which we believe are key dimensions to governmental website openness. The paper first develops a literature informed conceptual model of governmental website openness and then tests this model using data from a national survey of 850 government managers in 500 cities. The model results are compared across three different departments: community development, finance, and police department. Overall findings indicate that higher website openness is positively related to increased frequency of public participation in agency decision making and civil society influence, increased technical capacity, lower organizational control, and higher perceived usefulness of website technology. In addition, due to differences in the operating contexts of the departments, the effects of organizational control, technical capacity, environmental influences, and perceived usefulness of website technology on governmental website openness tend to differ by the type of department.  相似文献   

图书馆信息服务评价的核心是图书馆信息服务质量评价。图书馆信息服务质量评价要依据用户的知觉和用户对服务的期望,才能准确衡量服务提供者的表现。国外图书馆界运用服务导向质量理论建立LibOUAL+评价模型,可以准确评价用户的满意率,改进图书馆的服务工作。目前,国内已经有图书馆借鉴LibOUAL+的评价思路和方法,通过用户调查评价图书馆服务质量,这预示了我国图书馆服务质量评价的发展方向。  相似文献   

Many studies demonstrate differences in the coverage of citing publications in Google Scholar (GS) and Web of Science (WoS). Here, we examine to what extent citation data from the two databases reflect the scholarly impact of women and men differently. Our conjecture is that WoS carries an indirect gender bias in its selection criteria for citation sources that GS avoids due to criteria that are more inclusive. Using a sample of 1250 U.S. researchers in Sociology, Political Science, Economics, Cardiology and Chemistry, we examine gender differences in the average citation coverage of the two databases. We also calculate database-specific h-indices for all authors in the sample. In repeated simulations of hiring scenarios, we use these indices to examine whether women's appointment rates increase if hiring decisions rely on data from GS in lieu of WoS. We find no systematic gender differences in the citation coverage of the two databases. Further, our results indicate marginal to non-existing effects of database selection on women's success-rates in the simulations. In line with the existing literature, we find the citation coverage in WoS to be largest in Cardiology and Chemistry and smallest in Political Science and Sociology. The concordance between author-based h-indices measured by GS and WoS is largest for Chemistry followed by Cardiology, Political Science, Sociology and Economics.  相似文献   

This paper updates an earlier 2010 longitudinal study of LibQUAL qualitative and quantitative data from the University of Mississippi libraries with an additional year of LibQUAL data, collated with other library-collected data such as gate-count numbers. In doing so, it identifies several results that are not satisfactorily analyzed by LibQUAL, and it concludes that a more specialized local survey may be helpful to supplement or supplant LibQUAL.  相似文献   

文章基于LibQUAL+评价模型,提出衡量图书馆服务质量的量表,通过试调查(探索性因子分析)和二次调查(验证性因子分析)先后对该量表进行规范的实证研究,获得由馆藏服务、馆员服务和图书馆环境三大指标构成的服务质量指标体系.  相似文献   

随着高校“211工程”建设的不断深入,高校科研投入的财力、人力资源不断加大,科研产出也更有成效,论著成果的数量和质量不断攀升,数据信息整理工作日益重要。为了确保论著成果信息数据报出的准确性、及时性、权威性和提供资源共享的有效性,我校特别设置了论著归档与建立数据库同步管理的新模式,以适应信息时代的要求。在论著信息资源从档案实体稳妥转移、整合的管理过程中,数据的形成与审校是新管理模式一个尤为重要的环节。数据的审校与维护数据的准确性有密切的关系,有其特点和规律,数据的反复审校贯穿数据形成的整个管理工作,是档案管理…  相似文献   

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