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This study examines channel choice and public service delivery in Canada, comparing e-government to traditional service delivery channels such as the phone or visiting a government office. Factors studied include the digital divide, the nature of the citizen interaction with government, public service values, and satisfaction with services received by citizens. These factors are used to determine whether they impacted choice of channel and satisfaction with that channel. This study, through logistic regression of a public opinion survey of Canadian residents, found indications suggesting a digital divide in accessing e-government; found that government websites were most commonly used for information purposes, while the phone was most commonly used to solve problems. In regards to citizens' satisfaction, the apparent digital divide was bridged when females and older Canadians were more satisfied with their contact with a government website. In addition, a positive experience with service delivery and positive public service values lead to greater website satisfaction. The results of this study imply that the phone is a more effective service channel for solving problems, and the website is more effective for getting information. Therefore, governments need to provide multiple contact channels for citizens, depending upon their task at hand, while ensuring consistency of information and service response across channels. Creating a positive experience for citizens when they received a service translates into a more satisfied experience with e-government.  相似文献   

This study examines the perceived impacts of electronic government or e-government adoption on U.S. cities. This research conducted a survey of Texas and Florida city managers in the fall of 2005 to find out their opinions on the impact of e-government on their city government. The results indicated that e-government is having a positive impact on management, stakeholder involvement, needs and collaboration, and procurement in American cities. There are, however, concerns over spam or unsolicited e-mail and the ability of e-government to reduce the level of staffing. The results of this study imply that, according to city managers' perceptions, e-government adoption in American city governments is positively viewed as having an impact on their organizations and communities.  相似文献   

In the context of Political Science, fragmentation refers to the process of decentralization, department differentiation and division of management in governmental institutions. Increasingly fragmented features emerge in China's administrative values, public resource operation, public organizational structures and public service provision in the post-industrial age, which affect the planning and implementation of e-government and inevitably map onto virtual government, leading to a fragmented Chinese e-government. Although most of the literature include impediments or measures to China's e-government, hardly any research can be found that focuses on theoretically identifying and innovating the way to handle problems. An aim of this research is to determine that holistic governance could be considered a rational choice for the transformation from fragmentation to holistic development and an effective measure for the sound advancement of e-government.  相似文献   

E-government involves the use of information and communications technology to facilitate government interaction with citizens, employees, businesses and other governments. E-government studies provide a platform to examine prior developments, and explore future opportunities in the field. This paper presents a theoretical model for the analysis of e-government studies and further uses a bibliometric analysis to examine constructs such as theoretical perspectives, methods, and units of analyses. We examine current trends in e-government research, and discuss emerging opportunities.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(87-88):109-149

Increasingly, the global business community is viewing Sub-Saharan Africa as a continent of rich business, trade, and investment opportunities. A major challenge to political and business leaders is access to accurate and time-critical information on business, economic, political, and social developments in the Sub-Saharan African countries. This resource guide will provide an organized collection of major African business and economic information resources available via the Internet. Additionally, it includes an appended selection of information sources available in print format. The information originates from multiple Internet-based sources, including African commercial and government agencies, U.S. commercial and government agencies, and international organizations engaging in economic, business, and trade issues in the Sub-Saharan African countries.  相似文献   

This paper provides a preliminary report of a 5-year study that looks at graduate students’ perceptions of the information professions, and examines if and how perceptions change as they progress through their program of study, as well as over the years. The survey population is made up of students in the three streams of study (archives, information systems, and library and information science) at the Faculty of Information Studies (FIS) at the University of Toronto. The data, gathered from three iterations of a self-administered questionnaire over one and a half years, includes demographic profiles, as well as students’ views on the social status of various professions, including archivists and records analysts. Also included are students’ views on how much computing knowledge is required, salary expectations, career prospects, expectations for career and personal achievements, and reasons for pursuing the master’s degree. We examine differences between students in different streams of study, and differences between groups of respondents surveyed at different points in time. We hope that our findings will help us improve recruitment of individuals into the information professions.  相似文献   

During the 2004–2005 fiscal year, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) awarded $252,654,341.97 in grant money to 6,958 research initiatives submitted by Canadian researchers working in academic settings. The results of these initiatives are reported in published papers, books, articles, and other forums. A question of concern is how much of the data being produced in the course of this research is being archived? What are the attitudes and concerns of the researchers themselves towards ensuring their work is preserved for the future? Results indicate that Canadian researchers in the humanities and social sciences actively share data. On the whole they are supportive of initiatives to preserve data but have thus far not systematically ensured preservation of their research materials. Researchers expressed concern over issues of confidentiality in providing access to their research data. Further dialogue is needed between researchers and other stakeholders to overcome impediments pertaining to preservation and access to research data on a national scale.  相似文献   

This article overviews work by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) to build the workforce competencies and capacity of academic librarians in respect of librarian research skills. CARL's Librarians' Research Institute (LRI) is reviewed and evaluated as a case study example of strategic and collaborative workforce capacity building. The CARL LRI offers a model for possible replication by others seeking to build workforce competencies and capacity through collaborative action.  相似文献   

This study introduces a hybrid approach (i.e., a social network analysis technique and triple helix indicators) to study certain aspects of the e-government (EG) domain that would otherwise remain hidden when using conventional analytic tools. Particularly, we provide network analysis of the EG research domain by focusing on the network collaboration between regions, nations and institutions. We collected and analyzed 1091 scholarly papers which were classified as being about “e-government” by the Web of Science database. The results indicate that hybrid method can be used to understand certain network-level structures and patterns in the EG domain which are beyond the scope of the predominantly-used systematic literature review (SLR) method. Particularly, the hybrid method is useful in understanding collaboration patterns between countries, institutions and regions in the EG domain, identifying key players by studying their network properties (i.e., degree centralities); and in understanding the pattern of relations among universities, industries, and government. The implications of these results in terms of research and practice, and study limitations are discussed.  相似文献   


This article is a preliminary report on the work of the Canadian Linked Data Initiative (CLDI), a collaboration between five of Canada’s largest research libraries, Library and Archives Canada, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, and Canadiana.org. Although still in its nascent stage, participating institutions are working together to advance the technical services divisions of our libraries in the area of linked data. Project working groups are making progress in five main areas: grant funding, digital collections, education and training, legacy metadata enhancement, and in the evaluation and adaptation of Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative tools. By working across geographic and institutional boundaries, the CLDI aims to chart a path to a new age of technical services, one based on the foundation of Linked Open Data.  相似文献   

This study assessed the security of the U.S. state e-government sites to identify opportunities for and threats to the sites and their users. The study used a combination of three methods – web content analysis, information security auditing, and computer network security mapping – for data collection and analysis. The findings indicate that most state e-government sites posted privacy and security policy statements; however, only less than half stated clearly what security measures were in action. Second, the information security audit revealed that 98% of the sites secured users' accounts with SSL encryption for data transmission, and the sites' search tools enable public users to search for public information only. Third, although the sites had most of their internet ports filtered or behind firewalls, all of them had their main IP addresses detected and their port 80/tcp open. The study discussed the threats and opportunities and suggested possible solutions for improving e-government security.  相似文献   

The national survey, conducted for all art museums in the United States and Canada, resulted in 252 questionnaires, of which 166 were computer-user museums with acceptable questionnaires. The institutions using computers averaged 2.2 million in budget and had a median membership level of 860. Museums were divided in small, medium, and large budget categories by the budget ranges of2.2 million in budget and had a median membership level of 860. Museums were divided in small, medium, and large budget categories by the budget ranges of 0-210,000, 211-817,000, and211-817,000, and 818,000+.  相似文献   

Internet diffusion is not homogeneous and depends on many factors. This study uses data from the Canadian Internet Use Survey (CIUS) to explore the extent demographic variables affect Internet use by individuals in Canada. A logistic model confirms that certain factors, educational attainment, and geography in particular influence Internet use in Canada, controlling for age and income. Education maintains a strong, significant impact on Internet use such that the odds of using the Internet are about three times greater for someone who has some post-secondary education than someone who has, at most, a high school education. An urban–rural digital divide persists in Canada with the odds of using the Internet being almost one-and-a-half times greater for someone who lives in an urban area. While language also has a large effect on Internet use, the presence of children in households no longer seems to be a significant factor. This study thus underscores the changing digital environment in Canada and the need for adaptive, flexible policies addressing national connectivity issues and, in particular, broadband Internet availability.  相似文献   

Currently the literature examining formal business information literacy (BIL) instruction and graduate business students focuses on the collaborative efforts between individual librarians and business school faculty members to bring information literacy into the classroom. This article argues that all graduate business students need formal BIL instruction to succeed in their studies and as business leaders. The unique decade-long collaboration between Hofstra University's Axinn Library and Frank G. Zarb School of Business is examined.  相似文献   

This study is an examination of access to business research resources through academic library websites, including research databases, catalog services, research guides, and business librarians. The websites of 114 academic libraries serving top business programs in the United States were studied. Results reveal a wide range of access to business research databases among the schools studied (anywhere from 11 to 100 business databases available). More than 95% of the schools provided business research guides, and nearly all schools provided at least some contact information for business librarians.  相似文献   

This article describes the research methodology and design of electronic resources in support of the graduate program in International Transportation Management at SUNY Maritime College. A team of faculty librarians have designed the online research guides to meet the requirements of the graduate students at the final stages of completing their Master of Science in international transportation management. The SUNY Maritime College graduate students are required to conduct a final research assignment in global business and transportation, global statistics; foreign labor markets; foreign trade policies; and cultural, economic, and political contexts of supply chain management.  相似文献   

Canadian public sector organizations require users to make use of content management systems. Symptoms of low adoption include misuse and inefficient workarounds. This research project, through the use of a survey, investigates perspectives of end users in the Canadian public sector; it focuses on assessing users' needs and incorporating their feedback. A goal for this research was to explore and interpret the challenges related to needs assessment in content management projects.  相似文献   


Associated Canadian Theological Schools is a graduate seminary consortium affiliated with Trinity Western University. Since its beginning in 1988 it has had a required one credit research course as a prerequisite for all programs. Several factors demanded the creation of an online version of the course as an alternative to the ongoing live course, but the literature on graduate level for-credit information literacy courses was sparse, and for online courses of this type was virtually non-existent. A process of trial and error since the online course's inception in 2000 has created a more mature offering that now meets the desired criteria for education that is learner-focused and interactive, with a priority on skill development through assignments using student-selected topics. While several hard lessons have had to be learned, the course is achieving its desired ends.  相似文献   

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