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Governments worldwide are increasingly using Web-based business models to enhance their service delivery. Yet the concept of the business model is unexplored within the context of e-government. Drawing upon the literature on e-commerce, we develop a taxonomy for analyzing Web-based business models for e-government. Based on a systematic survey of 59 e-government Web sites in the Netherlands, our findings indicate that most of the Web sites use the content provider or direct-to-customer business models, while only a few are using novel business models. Overall, the concept of business model is appealing and useful in the public sector. Specifically it compliments research on Web site quality by analyzing and describing Web sites using atomic e-government business models and suggesting improvements by using combinations of business models.  相似文献   

This study examines queries submitted through two municipal government websites over a 3-year period to discover patterns in information seeking that current web log analysis literature have not discovered or addressed. The findings reveal: in spite of subtle differences strong similarities remain between two different communities' information needs from municipal government websites; demographic variables and close physical proximity do not appear to affect these similarities; there appears to be a belief that municipal government websites can deliver all types of information; and, using methods presented in this paper, municipal governments may better manage their online information resources.  相似文献   

Assessing e-government responsiveness is one of the major gaps in the currently dominant e-government maturity models. While we have a relatively large pool of models focusing on technological and organizational integration from a supply side perspective, measures of responsiveness of e-government systems from a user perspective are still lacking. Replicating a study from New Zealand and Australia, this study explores the response time and quality of e-mail response in Danish local and central governments (N = 175). Despite that Denmark is high ranking in international benchmark studies, we find that one third of central government agencies did not respond at all, and close to 80% of the ministries provided none or incomplete answers. Local government responds faster and provides answers that are more complete and accurate than those provided by central government. Implications for e-government are discussed.  相似文献   

Providing government information, services, products and transactions electronically has the potential benefit of accessibility for a wider audience, political and administrative transparency, and improved service delivery. By using e-government websites, citizens can conveniently access government information and services and gain greater opportunities to participate in democratic processes. The present study aims to evaluate National Portal of India, which provides single window access to 601 e-government portals and websites in India. A total of 1576 online services are provided by these portals responding to information needs of the citizens. Ranking of the state and union territory portals has been done based on the number of online services they provide. The paper also focuses on the digitization of documents, acts, rules and schemes of central and state government departments and their availability and accessibility through government portals.  相似文献   

Web2.0的兴起给网络信息的生产、组织、传播、利用带来了巨大的变革。Web2.0环境下的信息组织方式有基于Blog的组织、RSS组织方式、基于SNS的组织方式、基于Tag的信息组织、以及Wiki信息组织方式。Web2.0下网络信息组织的变革包括信息组织方式的多元化、以“微内容”为基础的信息组织、强调“人的关系”在信息组织中的作用和网络信息的自组织性。研究Web2.0的信息组织还需关注网络信息的深层挖掘、在信息组织中引入语义、用户的积极参与和信息组织的效率问题等。  相似文献   

Various studies have been devoted to the evaluation of the research and development (R&D) performances of universities and research institutes. However, existing studies tend to focus on static systems, that is, systems with no intertemporal effect. To tackle this issue, this study attempts to assess relative R&D efficiency of institutes from a dynamic perspective. The unified two-stage model proposed by Kao (2017) made a contribution to combining division efficiencies in the multiplier form with frontier projections in the envelopment form in a unified framework. We develop his model in a dynamic framework into which the effects of carry-over activities are embedded across the period. If the dynamic effects in the efficiency measures are not considered, the results will be biased. This is one of the few studies to examine dynamic effects within the framework of the R&D process. Our analysis is based on samples of 17 research institutes in the Chinese Academy of Sciences over the period of 2012–2015. When compared with the proposed data envelope analysis (DEA) model, results show that the static DEA model may underestimate the R&D efficiency scores. The institutes experienced significant improvements in system efficiency, mainly due to the improvements in transfer efficiency. However, there is still much room for improvement in transferring scientific and technological (S&T) achievements. We also find that the resource scale played an important role in influencing basic research. Finally, the projections of inefficient institutes indicate that most institutes had insufficient carry-over inputs (newly approved projects and management cost) based on the average four-year values, and existing slack resources for managers to improve the future performance.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]描述并分析我国网络内容政策法规的基本信息和文本内容,了解其存在的问题和不足,与主要发达国家网络内容政策法规予以对比,给出相应解决办法,为我国网络内容治理提供法制保障。[方法/过程]在政府门户网站和政策法规专业数据库中搜索网络内容政策法规,经筛选,共得到有效样本202个。将所得数据导入Nvivo11,采用内容分析法从颁布时间、颁布主体、颁布形式三个角度对我国网络内容政策法规文本的基本信息予以探索,并从网络内容主体和网络内容客体两个维度对政策法规文本内容展开分析。同时,对政策法规颁布主体进行共词分析,采用社交网络分析法利用VOSviewer软件绘制政策法规颁布主体合作网络图。[结果/结论]研究发现我国网络内容政策法规存在颁布主体多元、立法层级低和政策法规内容科学性有待提升等问题,通过与主要发达国家网络内容政策法规的对比分析,建议从改革管理体制、加快重点领域立法、完善网络服务提供者相关规定、明确违法内容判定标准四个角度予以完善。  相似文献   

随着互联网时代的到来,许多适用于传统媒体的研究方法和工具已不再能完全沿用,内容分析法在媒体研究中的应用必须根据媒介特性的改变而作出及时的调整与改进。与传统媒体的内容分析法应用相比较,内容分析法在互联网研究中的应用,在实施抽样、确定分析单位、收集资料和信度检验等方面已发生了显著变化。内容分析的自动化将是互联网研究中内容分析法应用发展的新趋势。  相似文献   

随着互联网的快速发展和网络带宽的逐年增加,网络上视频内容逐渐增多,更多的内容从纯文本网页发布变为文本加视频发布。但是,互联网存档很难采集到网络视频,这些视频通常使用非标准工具和协议。本文提供了该领域采集技术的概述。基于几年采集网络视频内容的经验,本文提供了HTTP协议和RTMP协议视频采集的示例,阐述了采集网络视频内容的问题和解决方案。本文还提出了一种外部下载器作为视频采集模块,用于扩展网络视频内容采集。  相似文献   

Increasing adoption and implementation of social media applications suggests a cultural shift in the way special collections departments communicate with external constituents. Research shows many social networking tools are used successfully to connect with special collections patrons, but limited documentation exists to describe whether special collections departments receive demonstrable returns for the time, effort, and energy expended to sustain social media activity. This article provides the results of an empirical study that examined social media usage in special collections departments at 125 Association of Research Libraries member institutions. By analyzing publicly available data from profiles on a variety of social media platforms, the authors explore how special collections units employ social networking tools and whether it is possible to determine success in terms of benefits received by the department, such as increased dialogue between departments and supporters. By using return on investment, this study found that special collections departments achieve moderate success when using social media to advertise collections, events, and activities, but they have little success when using social media to engage with external constituents. To address less successful aspects of social media projects, departments can engage in routine assessment activities, such as return on investment, to make the most of new technologies.  相似文献   

With the advancement of disruptive new technologies, there has been a considerable focus on personalisation as an important component in nurturing users' engagement. In the context of smart cities, Internet of Things (IoT) offer a unique opportunity to help empower citizens and improve societies' engagement with their governments at both micro and macro levels. This study aims to examine the role of perceived value of IoT in improving citizens' engagement with public services. A survey of 313 citizens in the UK, engaging in various public services, enabled through IoT, found that the perceived value of IoT is strongly influenced by empowerment, perceived usefulness and privacy related issues resulting in significantly affecting their continuous use intentions. The study offers valuable insights into the importance of perceived value of IoT-enabled services, while at the same time, providing an intersectional perspective of UK citizens towards the use of disruptive new technologies in the public sector.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对大规模用户讨论过程进行分析,能够深入挖掘网络百科群体冲突发展特征及其影响因素,并有助于理解内容生产过程中的群体冲突现象,为管理这种冲突提供理论指导。[方法/过程]在团队冲突理论基础上,构建包括词条主题、冲突成因、任务复杂度、冲突持续时间、冲突强度、冲突转化、冲突结果7个变量的编码框架,采用内容分析法从冲突开端、中间过程、冲突结果三个方面对选自于百度百科吧中与词条编辑冲突相关的137个"用户讨论过程"展开分析。[结果/结论]研究发现,认知差异、利益矛盾和权力分歧均为网络百科群体冲突发生的原因,且无主次之分;任务复杂度与冲突强度呈正相关关系,且在一定范围内与冲突发生的可能性呈负相关关系,但对冲突结果无直接影响;冲突转化会显著提高冲突强度,冲突强度与冲突持续时间呈正相关关系。冲突强度过大和冲突转化均不利于冲突的解决。网络百科群体冲突结果包括分离、支配、妥协、整合一致、结构性改善5种类型,但超过一半的冲突并未得到解决。  相似文献   

郑晓南  丁佐奇 《编辑学报》2009,21(6):558-561
通过对中国知网CNKI数据库下载<中国天然药物>数据的分析,研究学术期刊专栏组稿策划与影响网络下载率的相关因素,分析高下载文章集中度与组稿质量的关系,探讨学术期刊专栏策划与品牌衍生的方式与途径.结果验证了重点管理法引入编辑管理的实效,同时为调整组稿策划方案提供决策依据.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]在“互联网+”环境以及建立和完善推动公共文化服务均等化政策的背景下,调研我国省级公共图书馆公益讲座的现状并分析其存在的问题,以期提高其适应新环境、利用新技术服务于广大公众的水平。[方法/过程]利用文献调研法、网络调研法、问卷调查法、电话访谈法等方法对我国省级公共图书馆公益讲座的开展情况进行调查,基于调研数据分析现阶段存在的问题,并就“互联网+”环境下如何开展省级公共图书馆公益讲座提出相应的建议。[结果/结论]省级公共图书馆公益讲座可利用“互联网+”的理论与技术,从以下方面予以完善:施行讲座数字化管理、强化讲座互动式宣传、创新讲座特色化选题、推动讲座开放式共享等。  相似文献   

Major cultural values in Chinese and Indian TV commercials were identified in this content analysis. Commercials in both countries were found emphasizing modernity over tradition as a dominant value. Chinese commercials used more traditional values while Indian commercials reflected a more Western value orientation. Foreign brands used modernity more frequently than domestic brands. Foreign brands of Eastern origin used modernity even more often than those of Western origin. Product category emerged as the most important variable affecting cultural values in both countries' commercials. While contributing to international advertising research, this study provides implications for international advertising practice.  相似文献   

魏瑞斌 《图书情报工作》2016,60(24):107-114
[目的/意义] 从微观层面对某种研究方法的期刊论文进行内容分析,从创新视角分析研究方法的研究成果,以期为研究图书情报学领域的论文研究方法的创新提供参考。[方法/过程] 对国内外相关研究成果梳理的基础上,提出一个研究方法创新的分类体系和分析流程。利用内容分析方法,选取国内181篇共词分析论文进行实证研究。[结果/结论] 研究发现:国内学者对共词方法改进性研究的成果相对较少,而在共词方法应用方面的研究较多。在共词分析改进性研究中,国内学者的创新性研究主要体现在共词分析某个过程的创新,原理性创新缺乏。在共词方法应用研究文献,国内学者在数据源、数据分析或数据可视化工具等方面有一定的创新。  相似文献   

In this study I conducted qualitative content analysis of alternative media in order to uncover the different categories about corporate power presented to activist audiences in social justice movements. I found that there were two dominant categories about corporate power disseminated through alternative media: (1) “traditional” corporate power and (2) hegemonic corporate power. “Traditional” corporate power is based on the idea that corporations dominate resources in society. Hegemonic corporate power is based on the idea that corporations dominate the ideological assumptions in contemporary society. Both of these categories hold significant implications for comprehension and classification of alternative media.  相似文献   

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