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“Stacie” “Yes!” Stacie thought to herself as she picked up the five-dollar bill on the sidewalk, "I know it's just five dollars, but that can get you rich! You could invest in some underdog idea. It would have to be a good idea. One that's thought out and that people really need."  相似文献   

美甲的时候,我指向一瓶暗红色的OPI瓶子。最近时常帮我美甲的美甲师马上建议我:“不来点儿更活泼的颜色吗?万圣节就要到了呢……稍微夸张一点多好啊!橘色加黑色条纹再配上亮片的点缀会非常完美!”我轻笑,同时摇摇头。“那可是万圣节啊!”她试图说服我,但我否定的态度依然十分坚决。  相似文献   

乔恩是我最好的朋友,我们无论做什么事都在一起。一天放学的时候,乔恩问我今晚愿不愿意去他家过夜,我说好啊。所以放学后我就跟乔恩回家了,  相似文献   

杨斯毅 《海外英语》2014,(12):45-47
在冲击波英语教育培训集团,前来咨询的客人多如牛毛.Simmy算了一次,大大小小每天平均下来有10~20个面对面的询问过程,经由电话沟通的可多达每天40通。于是,他做出了一个非常艰难的决定:必须的!把沟通语言给练利索了!下面.我们来看看Simmy是如何分类记录这些沟通档案的。询问课程A:你好,听说你们提供办公室英语课程?B:是的.没错。你准备报名参加其中一种办公室英语课程吗?A:哦,但我要知道我能够从此课程中真正学到些什么。B:好的,让我给你看看我们的介绍手册……通过学习这一课程,你将能够学会很多与办公室业务有关的词汇,能够记录电话信息,并可以训练你读写备忘录、电子邮件和传真的能力。A:太好了!那我现在就报名。  相似文献   

What a Bad Day !     
1.D这是一个关于学生上学迟到的故事。短文一开始就是电话铃声响了,Sam应该起来接电话,所以本空应选D项,这四个动词中只有answer能表示“接电话”这个含义。  相似文献   

作为一名建筑包工头,我所了解的一件事就是:意料之外的事时有发生。无论什么事情都会或者都一定会出点什么差错,譬如:需要的建筑材料没有运来,好好的天气突然生变,工人们时不时会生病,诸如此类。在你挽起袖子开始投入工作之前你真的无法预料到会发生什么。我经常跟人们说,即使是最简单的工作也有可能令你栽跟头:正如一句老话说的:“谋事在人,成事在天.”在建筑行业,这一说法千真万确.  相似文献   

卡尔  佚名译 《高中生》2012,(11):63-63
琳达是一个好女孩,但她上学经常迟到。 一天.琳达又迟到了。她的老师克拉克先生生气地说:“如果你再迟到,我就通知你爸爸。”琳达不想他那么做,因为她爸爸对她要求很严格。  相似文献   

原文 I went to bed at night 11 with snow outside.I shrinked into the quilt inside,picked up the alarm clock,alarm clock was found stopped-Ⅰ forgot to replace the battery.It was so cold,I would not rise again.I called my mother,"Mum,my alarm clock is dead,tomorrow still catch an early bus,six clock,when you give me a call and told me to get up."My mother's voice was a little dumb there.May be have been asleep.She said:"Well,my dear."  相似文献   

Conclusion When you think about it, many of the things we do are expressly designed to maintain a sense of wonder because once it is lost, childhood is lost. I still vividly recall a class discussion with one of my teachers about the existence of Santa Claus when I was 10 years old. By that time, nobody in the class was a believer. Sister Christopher told us that she still believed in Santa until she was 13. When we asked her how she could have been so gullible, she said that just about the time she was beginning to question the myth, her father (she later found out) climbed up on the roof in the middle of the night to make “reindeer tracks” and lines from the runners of the sleigh. Now that was a man who really wanted to keep the wonder alive! If you reflect on all of the people you know and love, I'll wager that most of them are individuals who have managed to keep some sense of awe intact despite its erosion throughout life. Early childhood practitioners are fortunate because we have the best possible role models of wonder to follow. Being in the company of young children whose sense of wonder is at a lifetime high helps to keep us from becoming jaded and disaffected. For if we allow children to show us the way, they can lead us back to wonder.  相似文献   

每个即将面临毕业的大四学生都会对未来感到迷茫与害怕。应如何面对毕业后的生活,应提前为毕业做哪些准备,想必都是每个大四学生都比较关心的问题。接下来,就看Brad怎么说吧!  相似文献   

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