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目前,新疆双语师资培训院校在少数民族双语教师培训学员的党建工作中存在着诸多问题,主要原因是承训院校和学员对党建工作认识有偏差,双语教师培训学员党建工作队伍建设不力。双语教师培训的特殊性给党建工作提出了更高的要求,思想的多样化使得党建工作复杂化,对双语教师培训学员党建工作的研究迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

通过对中学双语教师主要培训途径的优势与不足对双语师资培训途径的有效性进行探讨,为双语教师培训途径的改进与完善提供现实依据.期望不仅能使双语教师的培训工作在多元的途径实践中增强培训的有效性,同时也使双语教师专业化成为双语教师培训工作的一种理念,更好地推动双语教师的继续教育实践.  相似文献   

通过对新疆少数民族双语教师培训成效的调查分析,笔者发现现行的双语教师培训工作缺乏对教师的民族文化自觉和教学文化自觉的重视和关注。因此,双语培训工作应做出一些调整和改革:(1)调整培训目标与课程内容,帮助少数民族双语教师形成对本民族文化的自觉认识,建立对双语教育政策的认同意识;(2)调整课程设置,唤醒双语教师文化自觉意识,增强对双语培训任务的认同;(3)调整培训方式,培养教师教学文化自觉意识,增强少数民族双语教师对培训活动的认同。  相似文献   

通过对新疆学前双语教师培训工作的现状调查发现,新疆学前双语教育存在着一些不足之处,比如基础薄弱、底子较差、双语教师数量不足、教学质量不高等,本文针对这些问题提出了充实培训内容、改进培训方式、提高双语教师素质、健全培训管理等对策和建议,从而提高新疆学前双语教师的培训质量。  相似文献   

<正>新疆少数民族双语教师培训工作对提高少数民族教师的专业知识水平、汉语应用水平,增强他们对现代教育理论和教学方法的认识、理解和运用等能力具有重要意义。如今,新疆少数民族双语教师培训工作已开展了十余年,经历了创建队伍、摸索经验、建章立制和巩固提高等阶段。实践证明,新疆少数民族双语教师培训工作在探索中不断发展。本文试图从现实状况、成绩与不足以及工作设想等三方面探讨新疆少数民族双语教师的培训改革工作,旨在更好地提高新疆少数民族双语  相似文献   

根据乌鲁木齐少数民族小学双语教师培训工作的需要,抽取参加乌鲁木齐地区第三期小学双语教师培训的学员和参加培训和考核的专家进行问卷调查。根据调查数据,分析乌鲁木齐少数民族小学双语教师培训的现状、培训效果和存在的问题,并针对存在的问题提出相关的工作对策。  相似文献   

文章对如何使双语教师真正成为合格的科学教师进行了研究,总结了抓住双语教师培训工作的实践环节,不断巩固和提升培训效果、增强参训教师双语教学适应能力的具体措施,为探索提高双语教师培训质量的有效途径提供参考.  相似文献   

中小学少数民族"双语"教师培训是新疆的一项重要工程,具有特殊的意义。本文结合新疆几年来"双语"教师培训工作的实践,总结、探索中小学少数民族"双语"教师培训工作的经验和规律,并阐述自己的认识和思考。  相似文献   

自2004年自治区党委和人民政府出台《关于大力推进双语教学工作的决定》以来,自治区双语教师培训工作进入了快车道,呈现出前所未有的大好局面.但承训院校对双语培训教师的思想政治工作普遍重视不够.文章分析了当前双语培训教师思想政治工作存在的问题,并提出了解决对策.  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国民汉双语教师培训工作取得了巨大的成就。但也面临着"民汉"两种文化冲突的文化困境、双语教师培训路径的发展性困境、培训效果的变革性困境以及教师双语能力提高与需求满足的能力性困境等。因此,要突破这些困境的束缚与压迫,就要建立多元化"双语人"培养机制、建立大学专业引导下的职前职后双语教师培养培训一体化机制、建立政府主导下的双语教师培训协同创新机制以及建立以中小学为基础的双语教师实训基地,以提高民汉双语教师培训的质量与效率。  相似文献   

Instituting reform in science education requires teachers who are knowledgeable in science content, process, and inquiry pedagogy. Most elementary and middle-grades teachers are not teaching reform-based science and need training to be able to do so. Project LIFE, a state systemic initiatives professional development program for middle-grades life science teachers, has been successful in improving the science content knowledge, process skills, and attitudes toward teaching science of 90 teachers during the first 3 years of the project. Data collected through classroom observations, surveys, and tests given to students of project teachers and students of matched nonproject teachers revealed a significant positive impact of the project in classrooms. The essential characteristics of the project are described as a guide for individuals planning or delivering reform-based science education professional development. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 73-88, 1998.  相似文献   

The European Commission has determined the following priorities to increase the quality of teacher training programmes in the European Union: ensuring that all teachers have access to the knowledge, attitudes and pedagogic skills they require to be effective; ensuring that provision for teachers’ education and professional development is coordinated, coherent and adequately resourced; promoting a culture of reflective practice and research among teachers; promoting the status and recognition of the teaching profession; and supporting the professionalization of teaching. In this context, the RELEASE project pursued the adaptation of the teachers’ in-service training programme in Cyprus to the teachers’ and schools’ needs. The project also aimed at the enhancement of the school principals’ pedagogic role in supporting teachers’ professional development, the promotion of teachers’ development at school and the acquisition of self-regulated learning skills. The present paper draws on the benefits of the action research procedure for teachers’ development and the changes revealed in the teachers’ discourse throughout the project as illustrated in their oral and written reflections. The discourse analysis of the teachers’ speech in different stages of the project indicates a movement from remoteness and distance to collaboration, participation, openness and exchange, and a movement from low trust in their own choices to reflection and self-confidence to make justified selections and act in alternative ways. The discussion of the project’s results attempts to distinguish the effective key components of this project, providing empirical evidence/support for the reflective paradigm of teacher development.  相似文献   

湖南省小学师资情况调研报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
湖南省第一师范学校具有悠久而光荣的历史,曾是小学教师的摇篮,现已成为湖南惟一的初等教育师资培养、培训的普通高校。面对教师教育的新形势,了解目前的师资情况,研究高素质的小学教师的培养,优化师资结构,是一项十分重要的课题。  相似文献   

“城乡二元结构”体制造成农村教育发展明显滞后,而农村中小学教师职后培训的低效性又使农村教育质量问题更是“雪上加霜”.实践表明,“送培上门”项目是破解当前农村教师专业发展困境的利器.文章旨在通过对“送培上门”运行机制(包括专家团队遴选机制、培训课程资源生成机制、项目管理机制、参训教师选拔机制、项目评价机制和项目推进的“后效应”机制等)的研究,寻求该项目长效的制度机制,开辟农村教师专业发展的新路径.  相似文献   

This article presents and discusses findings related to the relationship between a university researcher acting as the external agent and three self-selected teachers involved in a professional learning and research project. The role of an external agent in supporting teachers’ professional development is of interest because it has not always been a role that has benefited teachers. The focus centres on how these three teachers viewed this role at the end of a two-year partnership. The wider project is centred on developing these teachers’ proficiency and knowledge of the value of iPads to both their own professional growth and classroom practices as well as their students’ learning. Some digital aspects of the project have already been addressed by Wright and colleagues, but not the perceptions of teachers regarding what value they put on the external agent role. Bevins and Price’s conception of school/university partnerships inspired this focus on wondering about the impact of the researcher acting as an external agent intersecting with teachers’ professional lives as we tracked their progress in using the iPads.  相似文献   

利用计算机网络平台实现系列化探究式项目教学中的过程管理和资料存储,采用流行的B/S架构,在项目教学管理网站提供项目登录入口。以项目执行流程为主线,将指导教师、学生及浏览用户有机地结合起来,指导教师和学生通过网站进行交互,教师监控项目实施阶段的执行进度。管理网站还具有简单的新闻发布系统,可以提供成果分享和学习功能,项目执行过程生成的资料也可以导出保存。  相似文献   

当前我国STEM教育快速发展,对教师核心能力的要求逐步提高,如何设计系统化的培训项目以支持STEM教师的能力发展,成为了亟待解决的问题。美国MSUrbanSTEM项目重点关注STEM教师创新能力、教学实践能力和跨学科交流与协作能力的培养,对我国STEM教育的发展具有借鉴意义。基于此,文章在介绍MSUrbanSTEM项目背景和理念的基础上,从设计逻辑和运行逻辑两个方面剖析了项目活动设计与实施的特色,并提出我国的STEM教师专业发展项目应树立能力本位的价值导向、融入行之有效的STEM教学方法、建立专业标准的评价体系。  相似文献   

This article draws upon the findings from a unique research project that provided new insights into the relationship between parents and teachers working with children experiencing difficulties in school. The article introduces ten modes of parents and teachers ‘working together’, each of which has implications for the provision for children experiencing difficulties in school, as well as their parents and teachers.  相似文献   

A large‐scale, school‐based in‐service project has attempted to improve the skills of teachers who use English as the medium of instruction in African primary schools in Soweto. The project has been financed by the private sector, but substantial assistance has also been received from the British Council. Responsibility for co‐ordination and administration of the programme has been accepted by the University of the Witwatersrand.

A preliminary survey indicated that during the first year of its implementation with the Standard 3 teachers, attitudes have become favourably inclined towards the project. In addition, the resources made available to children have enhanced the possibility of effective learning. The financial outlay has been parsimonious if reckoned on the basis of the cost per individual child.  相似文献   

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