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according to a famouse report,the foreign Technical Barriers to Trade(TBT)have some effects on the exports of the People's Republic of China.Major findings are as follows:(1)TBT makes it more difficult for China to export;(2)TBT increases the costs of Chinese export commodities;(3)TBT causes friction and confilicts in the international trade;(4)SOME developed countries have moved their phase-outs to China and other developing countries,which have become victims of TBT.  相似文献   

率先在全球范围内推动未来技术学院建设,对于中国跻身未来技术全球竞争、促进人才培养模式变革具有关键意义.本文从理论、实践两个维度对未来技术学院的概念、方法、标准等展开了讨论,对比分析了中国科学院大学和麻省理工学院的未来技术学院建设路径.研究认为,未来技术竞争的核心是未来技术人才培养所依托的高等教育体系、政策、制度的比拼,...  相似文献   

机器人曾大量出现在科幻电影和与小说中,当其最终成为现实的存在,我们会不会大惊失色?虽然它可能需要数年的研究制造,才能成为我们日常生活的一部分,然而现在,这一天似乎比以往更加接近。  相似文献   

Future Life     
in the past, people could know how their children would five. Now things are changing so quickly. So we don' t even know what our own fives will be like in a few years. Here is how scientists see what the life will be like in twenty years.[第一段]  相似文献   

My Future     
<正>Everyone is thinking about the future.Do you know what my future is?Now let me tell you about my future—I’ve decided to become a middle school teacher.Does it sound surprising?I had this dream from1the age of 10.I love children.I don’t think dealing with them all over the year round is just wasting time.In my opinion,it would mean great happiness to me.We all know that teachers are bad2needed in our country,but none3of us want to become  相似文献   

Functional Ink实用墨水墨水,我们不是已经天天在用了吗?不,这里的墨水是用来制成三维金属部件,以便用于特殊场合。Researchers are making progress in developing functional inks-the materials that are used to print out three-dimensional metal parts.Parts aren't just parts-they need specific features,such as hard surfaces and soft interiors,electromagnetic properties,or heat resistance.At the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany,researchers have been able to  相似文献   

Future Telephones未来的电话 电话让声音长上了翅膀,使信息跨越了时间和空间的羁绊;电话拉近了人们之间的距离,纵使远隔万里,我们也觉得近在咫尺。现代的电话功能越来越齐全,使用也越来越方便,那么未来的电话又会给人们带来哪些惊喜呢?  相似文献   

<正>We often think of future.We often wonder what the world would be like in a hundred years’time.我们经常想到未来。我们总是在思考一百年内世界会是什么样子的。Think of space:Perhaps a permanent~1 station on the moon will have been set up.Perhaps people will be able to visit the moon as tourists.Cheap rockets for space travel will have been  相似文献   

Whether or not more effective schools can successfully mitigate the impacts of early disadvantage upon educational attainment remains uncertain. We investigated 2,664 children aged 6–11 years and measured their academic skills in English and maths along with self-regulation at 6, 7, and 11. Experiencing multiple disadvantages before age 5 strongly impaired later self-regulation and academic attainment. However, attending a more academically effective primary school for just a single year was found to partially protect all outcomes at age 6. In addition, more academically effective primary schools significantly lessened the extent to which earlier abilities in reading, writing, and self-regulation predicted these same abilities at age 11. Thus, although attending a more academically effective primary school does not eliminate the adverse impacts of multiple disadvantage experienced at a younger age, it can mitigate them by promoting better academic attainment and self-regulation up to age 11 for children who had experienced more disadvantages.  相似文献   

<正>A person may meet many challenges in his or her life.Some people think challenges are terrible.But I think they’re great.And I want to say,Thank you,challenges!For some people,it’s hard to face the challenges because they are afraid of failingin the end.However,it’s necessary for a person to face the challenges.Challenges aregood to you.If you beat them,your knowledge and braveness will increase.Beat them  相似文献   

A person may meet many challenges in his or her life. Some people think challenges are terrible. But I think they're great. And I want to say, "Thank you, challenges! "  相似文献   

The future of money is increasingly digital,likely virtual,and possibly universal.A globally accepted networkedcurrency would reduce costs and alleviate many prob-lems,such as the money hundering(洗黑钱)that sup-ports terrorists,but there are still many obstacles to sucha system,reports the Organization for Economic Cooperationand Development(OECD).金钱数字化的必要  相似文献   

当今哲学的发展陷入了困境,问题的实质不仅仅在于哲学自身,更在于哲学的社会利用状况。从哲学的社会属性这一角度出发,哲学自身存在的两个基本矛盾和哲学在社会利用过程中产生的一个不可避免的固有矛盾是导致当今哲学陷入困境的根本原因。哲学要长远发展,有必要尽早做好在人类当前文明发展的最大布局上争取到哲学的切蛋糕位的思想准备。一切问题的关键在于哲学要转向对整个社会进行服务。  相似文献   

据专家预计,到2030年世界城市人口将上升到50亿。那么,将来的大都市,会有一些什么变化呢?市中心两人座电动车因其体积小,可一直行驶至地铁口。它晚上可以寄放在自己家附近的指定地点或公园内。它占地面积很小,且可一辆又一辆折叠地停放。这种小型电动车安装有太阳能电池板,无论在行驶中还是停放不动,它都会不停地吸收太阳能。  相似文献   

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