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社会性别问题不是某一个学科的问题,它涉及社会经济政治文化的各个领域。讨论社会公正视野下的性别问题,既看到中西方思想观念的不同影响,又审视本土文化中因社会转型与传统根深蒂固的惯习的冲突而产生的纠结。在学理上,它牵涉哲学、法学、社会学、伦理学,甚至文学的理解层面,同时又关乎我们生活世界的日常经理的解释,因此,也可以理解为一个跨学科的问题。本组笔谈即是一组多学科的对话与讨论。  相似文献   

This article discusses recent policy developments in Europe regarding Roma and Traveller integration and Early Childhood Provision. After a long history of oppression, Roma issues have recently become prominent on the EU policy agenda. The article discusses how these relate to developments in other areas of policy: the European children's rights agenda and the recognition that early childhood education and care is a key policy tool to combat social exclusion. It gives background information on Roma and Travellers in Europe and discusses the consequences of subsuming the various communities under one umbrella term: Roma. The EU Commission is concerned with responses from Member States to the European Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies. The article argues that in order to address Roma children's experience from a holistic perspective, social justice and equality need to be key elements of early childhood education and care provision and training. The European policy developments that frame the article are examined from a local vantage point: the experiences of Traveller and Roma children in Ireland and the Irish Preschool Education Initiative for Children from Minority Communities.  相似文献   

Undergraduate sociatl work and criminal justice students completed 1 of 4 vignettes that were identical with the exception of the age and gender of the vignette's subject. In each vignette, the subject interacted with an opposite-sex 24-year-old waiter or waitress. Following each vignette, respondents answered 20 items relating to the age, gender, and perceived sexual behavior of the vignette's subject. The multivariate general linear model was significant (F = 174.572, p = .000) by the Wilk's Lambda Criterion. Tests of between-subjects effects yielded 17 significant item variables that focused on perceptions of the age appropriateness of the behaviors, perceptions of the sexual behaviors of the vignette's characters, perceptions of the affability of the vignette's characters, perceptions of characters being lonely, perceptions regarding the waiter's/waitress' financial gain/incentive, and perceptions of social acceptance for the vignette's main character and his/her affiliation with the younger service person. The findings suggest that male characters were perceived as sexually interested more often than female characters. Older characters are more likely to be perceived as nonsexual, particularly older women. Sexual behaviors in older characters were perceived as a gender transgression. While perceptions may be negative surrounding older males who engage in sexual behaviors, judgments appear harsher for older women.  相似文献   

社会公正具公共性、权威性、公开性、利益性、心理性,主要有准则的公正、程序的公正和补救的公正。我国中小国企在改制中推行“管理层收购”,但国有资产流失,社会补救工作滞后、不力等都是我们不愿看到的负面效应,由此而产生的社会不和谐因素依然存在。实现社会公正对建设和谐社会具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In this article we discuss the experience of the Institute Ilíberis, a public high school in a small town in Granada, Spain, that has been engaged in innovative ways of teaching. Located in Atarfe, one of the few rural Spanish municipalities with expanding, rather than shrinking demographics, in the last 2 decades the Institute Ilíberis has experienced the challenges of educating for democracy with an increasing diverse student body. This article focuses on the innovative and committed response of the entire school to address these challenges. By looking at the programs that the school prioritized in the articulation of this response, our article attempts to highlight an unorthodox Spanish school that has been successful in educating all of their students, respecting their ethnic and religious values while encouraging the students to do the same with their peers.  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify patterns of subject and qualification choices made at age 14. Much of the previous research on ‘subject choice’ has focussed on the later stages of educational trajectories, particularly Higher Education. However, the choices made at early branching points can limit pupils’ subsequent options, potentially contributing to educational inequalities. This paper identifies the patterns of General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) subjects chosen by a cohort of young people born in 1989/1990. We make use of the Next Steps data (formerly the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE)) which is linked to the National Pupil Database. We develop an approach to measuring the academic selectivity of subjects and qualifications. We examine the roles of social class, parental education, income, gender and ethnicity in determining participation in these curriculum groupings. Using measures of prior attainment from age thirteen, we address the question of whether curriculum differentials simply reflect differences in prior attainment or whether they actually operate above and beyond existing inequalities. We find clear socio-economic, gender, ethnic and school-level differences in subjects studied which cannot be accounted for by prior attainment.  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - This paper presents the Educational Technology Social Justice Matrix based on a review of thirty-eight recent papers from a search for the terms...  相似文献   

试论社会转型期高职院校的班主任工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在分析社会转型期高职院校学生心理特点的基础上,对社会转型时期高职院校的班工作的重要作用和方法进行了一些探索性的分析,提出了高职院校班的若干方法.  相似文献   

浅谈社会公平与社会保障   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
公平是现代社会首要的和基本的价值取向,是现代社会进行制度设计和制度安排的基本依据。在现代化和市场经济条件下,只有立足于公平的基本理念与规则,才有可能既增强社会经济发展的活力,又提升社会的整合程度,实现社会的全面协调发展。社会保障正是实现社会公平的一种调节器、润滑剂。在我国现实条件下,不断完善社会保障制度,加大社会保障力度,是维护社会公平的一次重要举措。为此,需要建立面向弱势群体的社保制度,扩大社保覆盖面;建立城市综合援助体系,完善城市贫困人口的社会保障制度;通过社会保障立法,实现社保的法制化,是推进社会保障制度改革的关键。  相似文献   

大多数性别差异研究者侧重于从社会学、语用学、语言学等视角研究女性在英语实践过程中所表现出来的某些消极元素,将图式理论应用于女性英语文明、进步交际特征的研究仍是一项空白。从语言认知、社会文化及伦理道德等心理机制影响所形成的性别图式来看,性别图式制约下女性在英语实践过程中所表现出来的“正义化”的符号语言及行为举止有其独特的性别特征。  相似文献   

In this article that reviews this special issue, we identify 5 ironies and limitations of educational leadership for social justice: (a) the meaning of inclusive practice, (b) the intersection of identity and difference, (c) the emphasis given to student achievement, (d) the lack of policy and practice coherence, and (e) the separation of superheroes from critical collaborative leadership. Although we discuss each issue separately, these conceptions are interrelated and intersecting. We conclude with a call to educators for social justice to change their work in several fundamental ways.  相似文献   

In this article, we promote the use of controversial images to enhance the discussion of social justice issues in schools. Controversial images provide rich opportunities for students to question what is occurring currently in society as well as what has occurred in the past. We provide an example set of activities to be used in teacher education that can help future teachers explore engaging methods for teaching with controversial images, discuss tensions involved with the use of controversial images, and to develop connections between using controversial images and teaching for social justice.  相似文献   

This reflective essay explores the relationship between wonder and learning. Building on the belief that child-like wonder is a precursor to growth, the author discusses four ways to encourage wonder in her college students: getting straight on “who we are” as learners, providing opportunities for discovery and surprise, asking and inviting questions, and creating memorable classroom experiences.  相似文献   

非经济福利与社会公正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会公正问题在我国的现代化进程中已经凸现,社会公正缺失将会导致社会主义的现代化无法驶向正确的彼岸。在关注福利制度的建构的同时,应该注意到非经济福利与社会公正之间的关系。在这个过程中,科学的经济发展理念,政府积极的引导作用,良好的公共服务,资方和雇佣者的责任心以及全民人文素质的提高都是重要的促进因素。  相似文献   

目前,我国的教育公平问题主要表现为阶层不公平、城乡不公平、地域不公平和学段不公平.从本质上讲,它不仅是一个教育问题,也不仅是一个经济问题,而更是一个政治问题.其根源在于市场化背景下的日益加剧的社会分化,尤其是阶层分化.教育公平问题能否妥善解决好,从根本上取决于政府及各级教育行政部门的立场、态度和决心.只要各级政府及教育行政部门从应有的政治立场出发,以严肃认真的态度,下定决心来处理问题,政治上反对特权化--阶层特权、城市特权、区域特权、精英特权,坚持阶层公平、城乡公平、区域公平、学段公平,坚持教育为人民服务,为民族服务;经济上反对资本化、产业化,坚持教育的人民性、公益性,教育公平问题就能够得到令人满意的解决.  相似文献   

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