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文章以美国科罗拉多大学PhET项目为例,分析了PhET仿真科学实验的专业发展过程,从研究团队构成、软件开发过程、软件设计以及教学应用研究等方面,阐述了PhET仿真科学实验的开发特点,归纳了从实践出发,动态设计为特点的仿真科学实验研发思路,为相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

人类的和谐共处和矛盾冲突的必然性、偶然性是2007年奥斯卡最佳影片《通天塔》的主题。在上帝创造了世界之后,整个地球只有一种语言和少量词汇。地球上的人类决定建造一座可以直达天堂的高塔。但上帝并不乐见于此。他决定将所有这些人划分成不同的种族,居住在不同的地方,讲的是不同的语言,因而使他们无法互相容易地沟通交流。在电影中,一次灾难情况的出现引出了不同种族、不同语言以及不同文化背景的个体之间的千丝万缕的联系并体现了人类的区别性和同一性。这部影片的和谐与冲突的主题也随之变得突出。语言作为人类的普遍沟通方式,也是影片用来揭示主题的一个重要因素。这部电影涉及了多个国家和不同的语言:英语、日语、墨西哥语、摩洛哥语,甚至还有聋哑人的手语。影片所使用的语言,以及各类人的表面沟通和错综复杂的关系体现人类思想相互沟通的重要性。  相似文献   

In this study, we examine how bilingual students in elementary school use their languages and what this means for their meaning-making in science. The class was multilingual with students bilingual in different minority languages and the teacher monolingual in Swedish. The analysis is based on a pragmatic approach and the theory of translanguaging. The science content was electricity, and the teaching involved class instruction and hands-on activities in small groups. The findings of the study are divided into two categories, students’ conversations with the teacher and student’s conversations with each other. Since the class was multilingual, the class instruction was carried out in Swedish. Generally, when the conversations were characterised by an initiation, response and evaluation pattern, the students made meaning of the activities without any language limitations. However, when the students, during whole class instruction, were engaged in conversations where they had to argue, discuss and explain their ideas, their language repertoire in Swedish limited their possibilities to express themselves. During hands-on activities, students with the same minority language worked together and used both of their languages as resources. In some situations, the activities proceeded without any visible language limitations. In other situations, students’ language repertoire limited their possibilities to make meaning of the activities despite being able to use both their languages. What the results mean for designing and conducting science lessons in a multilingual class is discussed.  相似文献   

Under the influence of globalization, English has almost become the default language in scientific academia. While the culture-independent nature of scientific research may result in scholars' preference for using one common language, over-reliance on English may shape non-English-speaking scholars' negative attitudes toward their national languages and may constrain their use of these languages in the domain of scientific publication. Therefore, this study investigated the attitudes of Taiwanese science scholars toward English and Chinese as languages of publication. The findings indicated that it is not “English” itself but its “pragmatic value” (which is accrued through publishing in international indexed journals) that drives the choice of English over Chinese. However, this choice has led to an early sign of diglossia and the minimal use of Chinese in scientific publication. To mitigate this problem, it is believed that stakeholders in both international indexed journals and local universities should make efforts to value different languages as well as local journals published in other languages.  相似文献   

中国是一个多民族多语言多文字的国家,很早就形成了多民族交错聚居和相互杂居的状态;少数民族不但使用本民族语言文字,还普遍使用汉语和汉字。根据《中国语言文字使用情况调查资料》提供的数据,目前,少数民族文字的使用处于濒危状态;简化汉字在我国各族人民中得到广泛使用;学校是人们学习文字最主要的场所。鉴于此,在全面实施国家通用语言文字法的同时,我们必须处理好汉语文与少数民族语文之间的关系;加强民汉双语人才的培养;倡导民族语文的学习,构建我国多民族语言文字生活的和谐。  相似文献   

The need for a knowledge of foreign languages by the leaders in scientific research is discussed. It is argued that if one language is started in school and a second one in college, fluency in both may be achieved before entering graduate school. This avoids the waste of valuable time by Ph.D. candidates who are far beyond the age when languages are easily learned. Engineering colleges are urged to adjust their requirements and curricula to implement this proposal.  相似文献   

本文从现代语言学理论发展的角度,结合语言与文化的关系,就现代外语教学理论和语言教学中存在的核心问题提出见解.交际语言教学揭示了语言教学的本质,但并未解决所有的问题.交际过程因为"文化休克"现象而中断,因此交际教学中应注入文化内容.跨文化交际学提供了相应方法.  相似文献   

Languages change and adapt to new political, socio-cultural and economic realities, and people change in terms of their attitudes towards languages, the languages they learn, the circumstances in which they use those languages and the purposes they use them for. These changes have important implications for language planning and language policy, and for determining the ends and means of language teaching. This paper outlines the different roles and functions of English and attitudes towards the language during its transition from colonial language to international lingua franca. I argue that attitudes, and particularly the attitudes of those involved in the English language teaching ‘industry’, have failed to take these changes adequately into account. The paper distinguishes between international and intra-national purposes for using English, and considers the target language proficiency, curriculum content and the ideal teachers for a notional international (as opposed to intranational) variety of English. The paper concludes that identifying such a variety would free the international language from native-speaker, and other, ethnocentrisms, and from any remaining colonial or neo-colonial assumptions of cultural and linguistic superiority. Defining International English in this way would also make it easier, quicker and cheaper to learn.  相似文献   

对比分析方法在外语学习者的学习过程中起到一种辅助作用,因为任何一种外语的教与学都离不开母语这个因素。因此,对比研究在外语学习中,是加深对所学语言的理解、排除母语烦扰、变阻力为助力的好方法。俄汉语言的对比,其内容主要涉及语音对比,语法对比,词汇、词义和成语对比,修辞手段对比以及其他方面的对比。  相似文献   

零形回指是一种涉及到句法、语义、语用、认知等语言描写层面上的多维限制,不同的语言有不同的衔接方式.并受到不同条件的语义和话语结构的制约作用。因此在跨语言交际时,应根据不同语言间存在的结构差异作适当的调整,以符合目标语的语言习惯,使跨语言、跨文化交际能顺利地进行。  相似文献   

Sign language in the Arab World has been recently recognized and documented. Many efforts have been made to establish the sign language used in individual countries, including Jordan, Egypt, Libya, and the Gulf States, by trying to standardize the language and spread it among members of the Deaf community and those concerned. Such efforts produced many sign languages, almost as many as Arabic-speaking countries, yet with the same sign alphabets. This article gives a tentative account of some sign languages in Arabic through reference to their possible evolution, which is believed to be affected by the diglossic situation in Arabic, and by comparing some aspects of certain sign languages (Jordanian, Palestinian, Egyptian, Kuwaiti, and Libyan) for which issues such as primes, configuration, and movement in addition to other linguistic features are discussed. A contrastive account that depicts the principal differences among Arabic sign languages in general and the spoken language is given.  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的不断深入 ,社会急需大批的懂外语能进行跨文化交际的高科技专门人才。作为语言背景的深层文化 ,与语言有着密不可分的关系。研究语言能力与语言交际能力的关系 ,以及研究文化差异带给语言的影响 ,有助于顺利地进行跨文化交际。  相似文献   

Reading research has shown that variable relationships exist between measures of oral reading fluency and reading comprehension, depending on whether the language of the text is the reader's first language or an additional language. This paper explores this phenomenon, using reading assessment data for 2,000 Kenyan children in two or three languages: English, Kiswahili and one of two mother tongues, Dholuo or Gikuyu. The assessment data allowed us to compare reading and comprehension rates across languages. The data indicated that many children could read English words more easily than words in Kiswahili or their mother tongue; nevertheless, their reading comprehension was significantly lower in English than in Kiswahili, Dholuo or Gikuyu. The paper concludes that emphasising English reading fluency is an inefficient route to gaining reading comprehension skills because pupils are actually attaining minimal oral reading fluency in English and only modest comprehension skills in their own languages. The evidence also demonstrates that Kenya's national language policy of mother tongue as a medium of instruction in the early primary grades is consistently ignored in practice.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION India is a nation with pluralistic culture, a large number of cultures, ethnicities, languages and relig- ions coexisting with each other. While the culture and faith unify the country under one umbrella either by similarity or by tolerance, the language is what separates them. In the 1951 census, the first census after India attained independence, 845 languages (dialects) were identified, of which 60 were spoken by at least 100000 people each. The Indian constitu- tion iden…  相似文献   

从《红楼梦》“红色”翻译比较英汉颜色词的联想意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘莉 《大连大学学报》2009,30(2):157-159
语言和文化之间的关系非常紧密。颜色术语被用来探究不同语言和文化之间的关系。由于中英颜色词联想意义的不同,有时颜色词不能直接从一种语言翻译戍另一种语言。通过《红楼梦》中“红色”的翻译来比较中英颜色词联想意义的不同,进而了解英语和汉语两种语言的文化内涵。  相似文献   

英汉两种语言分属两种不通的语系,因此两者在组句成篇等方面都有一定的差异,这样就造成了英汉语篇逻辑结构上的差异.为此,结合英汉翻译的一些实例,从语篇衔接、语篇连贯、语篇主语话题转换三个方面进行了英汉语篇的逻辑结构对比,并给出了相应的翻译策略.  相似文献   

阅读是一个多种认知活动同时参与的非常复杂的过程,阅读的心理过程是当代认知科学的核心问题之一。本文主要从阅读的加工过程、母语和外语阅读的不同特点及阅读焦虑研究不同角度揭示阅读焦虑的特点,以期为留学生汉语阅读教学提供参考。  相似文献   

Education and ethnicity cannot be discussed without taking language into account. This paper will argue that any discussion of ethnic minorities cannot ignore the question of language, nor can any discussion of human rights ignore the question of language rights. Unfortunately, in today's globalised world, governments and minorities are faced with conflicting pressures: on the one hand, for the development and use of education in a global/international language; on the other for the use and development of mother tongue, local or indigenous languages in education. Language complexity and ethnic plurality were largely brought about as a result of the creation of nation–states, which were spread around the world as a result of European colonialism. European languages and formal education systems were used as a means of political and economic control. The legacy that was left by the colonial powers has complicated ethnic relations and has frequently led to conflict. While there is now greater recognition of the importance of language both for economic and educational development, as well as for human rights, the forces of globalisation are leading towards uniformity in the languages used, in culture and even in education. They are working against the development of language rights for smaller groups. We are witnessing a sharp decline in the number of languages spoken. Only those languages which are numerically, economically and politically strong are likely to survive. As a result many linguistic and ethnic groups are in danger of being further marginalised. This paper will illustrate this thesis both historically and from several contemporary societies, showing how certain policies have exacerbated ethnic conflict while others are seeking to promote harmony and reconciliation. Why this should be so will be explored.  相似文献   

South Africa is a country of many languages and cultures. Education is mostly in English which implies that about 80% of all secondary school students are second language learners. Currently many mathematical problems are posed in real-life contexts. This not only introduces more language in mathematics texts, but also more issues related to culture. When considering the influence on readability, it is difficult to disentangle the role of linguistic and cultural factors and this in turn seems to be a manifestation of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. The study was therefore guided by research questions such as: what linguistic and cultural factors in the ordinary language of mathematics texts influence readability? Protocol analysis was used with students aged 17–18 years to establish readability problems. Linguistic as well as cultural factors were identified and the hypothesis that improved readability of mathematics assignments improves achievement was confirmed in a number of cases. Writers of mathematics texts should therefore consider linguistic as well as cultural factors when writing for different reading audiences. Other conclusions address teaching and examination practice.  相似文献   

所谓的元语用学是对语用学研究自身的考察、审视和反思,是对语用学研究中方法论和理论体系建构问题的思考。在语用学发展日趋成熟的过程中,对其理论基础、研究对象、语用原则及其解释力等进行反思、审视,有利于语用学的健康发展。然而,从科学分类的角度看,似没有必要建立语用学的元学科,元语用学的相关研究内容可归于语用学本身的研究范围。  相似文献   

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