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Two biases can occur in multimedia learning: overconfidence and over-reliance on text processing. The present research sought to identify these biases and to investigate whether they can be reduced, and hence learning fostered, when studying and testing are repeated. In 2 experiments (Exp.1: N = 79, Exp.2: N = 52), students learned either with text only or with text and pictures (multimedia) about how the toilet flush works, gave judgments-of-learning (JOLs), were tested on the learning contents; afterwards this study-test cycle was repeated. Results from both experiments revealed stronger overconfidence due to multimedia in both study-test cycles (JOLs higher than learning outcomes). Eye movement data showed a relative increase in attention on the picture versus text from cycle 1 to cycle 2; this relative increase in attention was related to better learning outcomes. Repeated studying and testing thus helped to reduce over-reliance on text processing in multimedia learning, fostering performance.  相似文献   

Over the last 10 years, text comprehension research has undergone profound theoretical and methodological upheaval. Today, psychologists study language and texts because they present the trace markers of structures and cognitive operations. A text is no longer seen as a vehicle for conveying constructed meaning. Rather, text has been redefined as merely a structured sequence of stimuli, which activates both domain-related knowledge triggered by text information and linguistic knowledge. We present the theoretical views and experimental findings of the TEXTIMA group, characterized by the importance of the connectionist concepts.  相似文献   

The aim of the present meta-analysis was to examine the effects of feedback on learning from text in conventional readers (ranging from primary school students to university students). Combining 104 contrasts of conditions of reading texts with and without feedback, including 6,124 participants, using the random effects model resulted in a positive effect of feedback on learning from text (g+ = 0.35). Moderator analyses showed that feedback is particularly effective if provided directly after reading, but less so when provided during reading. If feedback is provided directly after reading, elaborate feedback and knowledge-of-correct-response feedback were more effective than knowledge-of-response feedback. If feedback is provided during reading, no differences are found between the effects of different types of feedback. Additionally, computer-delivered feedback is more beneficial for learning from text than non-computer-delivered feedback. Implications for optimizing conditions to support learning from text are discussed.  相似文献   

Leinonen  Seija  Müller  Kurt  Leppänen  Paavo H.T.  Aro  Mikko  Ahonen  Timo  Lyytinen  Heikki 《Reading and writing》2001,14(3-4):265-296
Subgroups of Finnish dyslexic adults (N = 84)displaying, relative to each other, a distinctivecombination of accuracy and speed of oral text readingwere compared in phonological and orthographicprocessing, verbal short-term memory and readinghabits. Inaccurate phonological decoding appeared todetermine the number of errors made in text reading,while inability to utilize effectively rapid lexicalaccess of words manifested as slow text reading speed.Phonological and orthographic word recognitionprocesses were less tightly integrated among dyslexicthan normal readers. Our results indicate thatadvanced orthographic processing skills might help anumber of the dyslexic readers to compensate for theirserious phonological deficits. The subgroups alsodiffered from each other in reading habits. Arelatively fast reading speed, even with numerouserrors, appears to be more rewarding in everydayreading than a slower but more accurate readingstyle.  相似文献   

Adapting a modified reception paradigm, three bidimensional rules (conjunctive, disjunctive, conditional) and two instructional conditions (enforced attention vs standard rule learning) are used to test the assumption that deficient rule learning rather than inattention is responsible for poor learning with learning-disabled children. Main findings indicate learning-disabled children are deficient on binary conceptual rule tasks for three age groups (6 to 7, 8 to 9, 12 to 13) compared to normal children matched on sex and IQ regardless of experimental instructions. For both groups, learning is retarded by rule complexity while rate of learning diminishes with increasing age. Data reflect a truth-table logic at all ages for both groups, although there is evidence that disabled children perseverate with a rule-learning hypothesis characteristic of younger nondisabled children. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that rule learning is deficient in children with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

Alfred North Whitehead's theory of learning is best understood in the overall context of his process philosophy. The rhythmic cycles of growth forming the basis of human learning (romance, precision, and generalisation) are organically connected to the characteristics of life typifying all entities in the universe (self-enjoyment, creative activity, and aim).The kind of balanced education which best enhances growth and connectedness is one in which art and aesthetic appreciation in the broadest sense are dominant. By experiencing the beauty of the sunset, for example, children and adults have access to feelings that flow through them from the world and connect them to distant events taking place in space and time. These bodily feelings at the base of all experience provide concrete ways in which human beings can appreciate the intrinsic value of the world around them.By way of contrast, the methods of 17th century science replace our concrete experience of the sunset with abstract categories that are used to measure the phenomena in question and deny the importance of that experience in understanding the world. Schools' and universities' emphasis upon this methodology produces an imbalanced education with minds in a groove.A renewal of balance in education helps us to understand the false dichotomy between child-centered and and curriculum-centered education. Education for Whitehead must pay attention to both. Moreover, he understands that the academic freedom enjoyed by bands of imaginative scholars in universities is not an article of commerce to be sold to the highest corporate bidder but something to be valued for its intrinsic worth.  相似文献   


Eye tracking methodology offers insights into human attention, decision-making processes, and user behaviours. In the context of teacher learning, data generated from eye-tracking technology has the potential to provide important information about teachers’ behavioural patterns and cognitive processes that may or may not be occurring during learning experiences. This review analyses existing studies that use eye tracking methodology for studying teacher learning. The authors accessed three different databases (ERIC, PsycNet, and EBSCOHost) for their review. An iterative process of reviewing and coding the articles led to an in-depth review of 10 recently published articles. Emergent themes resulted from the in-depth review and include information processing, multimedia learning, learning tools and resources, and expert-novice knowledge construction. The reviewed articles also highlight how eye tracking can be used to determine teachers’ engagement with learning material, reading patterns, and sense-making strategies. Additional study characteristics, including context, data sources, eye tracking device and metrics were also reviewed. Results of this review shed light on how educational researchers can effectively use eye tracking methodology to investigate teacher learning at different career stages. This, in turn, can inform educational stakeholders about how to optimize learning opportunities and environments.  相似文献   

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) has increasingly been recognised as a useful way to certify experience and competencies gained in the workplace informally. Particularly pertinent is RPL in the context of international migration or in economies, where system reforms seek to overcome challenges related to access to formal training and qualifications. India has the goal to skill 300 million of its growing workforce and provide them access at various levels to certification and further learning opportunities. As a part of the overall system reforms, the Government of India, jointly with the ILO, pilot tested RPL in four sectors in collaboration with the industry and built the foundation for wider replication for another 26 growth sectors by undertaking a tracer study and evaluation. This paper can empirically establish that RPL has had a positive effect on income opportunities, occupational safety, social status and openness to further learning. The paper further discusses the challenges encountered during the implementation of the RPL projects before concluding with recommendations, highlighting the aspects required for quality RPL in an emerging economy. It closes by emphasising the importance of conducting tracer studies to determine impact and the need to provide complementary training during the RPL process.  相似文献   

High quality feedback is known to be essential for learning, yet in higher education it has been highlighted as a problem area in the UK by both the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and National Student Surveys. Furthermore, a recent study has shown that there is a fault-line between the highly structured guidance system that exists in schools/colleges and the culture of ‘independent’ learning that is promoted in higher education and suggests that this is a significant barrier to a successful transition. This article reports research to improve the transition for first-year undergraduates by providing a structured set of guidance activities (scaffolding) as a means of an extended induction into the assessment processes in higher education. The activities are based on the dialogic feedback cycle, which encompasses principles of feedback as dialogue, emphasising guidance at the start of and during an assignment rather than summative written feedback. The intervention was evaluated by means of a questionnaire and supported by focus groups. The questionnaire was administered to a control group and an intervention group. Results showed statistically significant improvements (p < 0.05) in students’ perceptions of their understanding of assessment tasks and criteria and increased confidence in terms of completing assessment tasks and self-regulated learning.  相似文献   

Game-based learning has been a popular development and recommended as an effective pedagogy in educating new generations of learners. Few studies, however, have demonstrated the efficacy of game-based learning on learners’ academic performance with empirical data. The described learning outcomes of game-based pedagogy within the limited available research are diverse. One prominent explanation is the lack of established guidelines. This paper addresses the issues of game design guidelines through a qualitative phenomenographic perspective of the experience of a group of students designing an educational game utilizing an adapted instructional design (ID) model – the gentry model. The results revealed the participants benefited from the process primarily in two capacities: a significant growth in their knowledge of game design and content knowledge; and great enjoyment and high motivation in the learning process. We conclude ID models with proper adaption and adjustment are effective to provide guidance and improve the efficacy of game-based learning if more ID models will be examined.  相似文献   

中国特色高水平高职学校和专业建设计划是继我国高等职业教育领域实行"国家示范性高等职业院校建设计划"骨干高职院校建设项目之后的又一项重大举措,对于引领和带动职业教育持续深化改革,为建设高等教育强国、人才强国提供强有力的人才资源支撑具有重要意义。对我国10所A档高水平建设学校建设方案进行分析后发现,这些学校总体呈现建设基础雄厚、机遇挑战并存、指导思想明确、总体目标清晰、建设任务明确、建设保障有力等特点,同时各校建设蓝图需要进一步优化:需要更加突出立德树人,需要更加突出办学特色,需要更加突出深化改革,需要更加突出文化建设。  相似文献   

现行高中语课本一至三册共收言诗36篇,其中注释古书用字多达64条,编对古书用字的注释煞费苦心,取得显成绩,但并未尽如人意,甚至存在严重错误。  相似文献   

知识的学习与传授是学校教学的重要部分.本文从知识-文本-符号学习的视角分析了多元智能关于教学的重要观点:在学校教育的情境中,符号系统的教与学是学校教学的一个突出特点,儿童正是在对符号化知识的"释义"和使用中,掌握知识、发展智能.因为不同的智能对不同的符号系统具有不同的敏感性,因此,"通过多元智能而教"是增进教学有效性的重要途径.  相似文献   

军队院校领导的素质和能力,决定着院校建设的方向,影响着军事人才的培养质量.因此,院校领导必须提高科学发展能力.提高把握办学方向能力,提高教育创新能力,提高科学管理能力,提高知人善任能力,提高凝聚感召能力.  相似文献   

立足于近体诗的两大基本特征——语词构建与意象呈现,也就确立了唐诗语言学批评研究的标准:即诗歌的优劣与否,取决于诗歌"语词建构"的艺术表现能力和诗中以"语词建构"为表现形式的"意象"能否"呈现"令人感发的、深厚的文化情感。这种语言学批评研究的意义在于:摆脱了传统诗论中"印象批评"的主观模糊体验,也超越了笼统的"背景批评"的历史藩篱,将诗歌作为个人感受与体验的"主观文本"或依赖时代背景支撑的"历史文本",还原为立足文学本位、自给自足的、客观的"文学文本"。  相似文献   

“农安社稷安,农伤国家贫”。从国际的发展经验看,解决“农民、农业、农村”问题是实现一个国家现代化的必由之路。建设社会主义新农村,既是一条立足我国现阶段国情和经济社会发展规律提出的破解之道,也是一个新的发展命题。笔者试着从历史和现实的角度,从国内和国际的视野,特别是从整体上梳理和比较韩国“新村运动”与中国在“三农”问题方面的主要做法,为当前社会主义新农村建设提供管窥之见和粗鄙建言。  相似文献   

教育公平是现代社会公平的关键,对和谐社会的构建具有重要作用。随着我国高等教育步入大众化发展阶段,越来越多的人拥有了享受高等教育的机会,但同时高等教育中的不公平也日益显露,直接影响和谐社会建设。引起高等教育不公平的原因错综复杂,如高等教育资源配置的不合理、基础教育不公平在高等教育中继续延伸、高额学费在高等教育产生分层作用等。要促进社会和谐就必须寻求高等教育效益与公平的平衡、协调,这样我国高等教育才能获得长远发展,在创造效益的同时,为广大人民提供越来越公平的高等教育机会。  相似文献   


This paper demystifies the process of open and distance learning (ODL) policy development in a dual-mode university after existing without one for 50 years. The two-pronged critical questions this paper addresses are: What does it take to successfully develop an ODL policy? And what aspects constitute an ODL policy applicable for a dual-mode context? To address these, the study adopted a qualitative constructivist approach to generate evidence on policy development process and content. In using the constructivist approach, the researchers focused on policy development records, such as proposals, correspondence, speeches and workshop reports. Four lessons emerged for dual-mode institutions with a similar context to replicate, two of which are the need for high leadership level sponsorship of the policy development process and product; and the need for total involvement of staff to minimise sabotage at the implementation stage.  相似文献   

以高校学报为研究对象,构建高校学报生态位适宜度的数学模型,表征高校学报对其生境可变资源利用的适合性程度.  相似文献   

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