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建立民主、平等与和谐的师幼关系是对幼儿进行有效教育的基础,而师幼对话则是建立良好师幼关系的桥梁.但当前的师幼对话难尽人意,主要表现为师幼对话的目的的功利性追求、师幼对话过程中教师对幼儿的引领不足、师幼对话过程中幼儿主体地位的缺失等.为此,应采取积极有效的对策以促使其归真,即明确多元开放的对话目的,树立科学而理性的对话理念,构建友好合作的对话平台.  相似文献   

生长性师幼对话是一种超越事实的、具有建设性的对话,有助于教师深刻地发现儿童、理解儿童,且在基于理解的基础上展开有效的教育回应和支持。营造生长性师幼对话需要四个“共同”:拥有共同立场是生长性师幼对话的前提,保持共同视角是生长性师幼对话的基础,达成共同理解是生长性师幼对话的指引,保持共同思考是生长性师幼对话的关键。  相似文献   

高水平的师幼对话是指师幼双方调动高级思维进行的基于创造性思考的、较为复杂的对话。高水平的师幼对话为幼儿与教师之间架起心灵沟通的桥梁,是实现教育教学目标的有效途径之一,影响着幼儿的学习与发展。一、高水平的师幼对话的价值1.高水平的师幼对话,发掘学习契机高水平的师幼对话,能够引发幼儿结合当前的环境,深入发现新的学习探究点。如:在幼儿自主拍摄毕业照的活动时,突然降雨,活动被迫停止。  相似文献   

人类生命存在的一项基本诉求是对话。教师与幼儿之间的诸多行为,无一不是通过对话来实现的。那么,什么是“对话”?什么是“师幼对话”呢?本文中,师幼对话界定为师幼双方以语言为中介进行的相互的“敞开”、“接纳”、彼此倾听对方的想法和建议。具体地讲,师幼对话的本真面貌是什么呢?  相似文献   

介绍了师幼对话的特征及作用,阐述了师幼对话中,对幼儿教师的要求是学会倾听、学会回应、学会理解。指出师幼对话中,幼儿教师的定位应该是平等参与者、合格指导者和积极促进者。  相似文献   

杨娟  杨晓萍 《文教资料》2008,(20):96-98
随着社会对幼儿的主体地位日益关注,在教学中构建一种新型的师幼关系,"我与你"型师幼关系成为顺应这一时代要求的必然.对话是塑造这种"我与你"型师幼关系的重要途径.构建"我与你"型师幼关系有两种策略:第一,理解对话,了解对话的涵义和价值.第二,走向对话,创造和谐、宽松的对话氛围;在对话中教师要把握对话的时机;找到正确合适的话题;适当地运用提问,真正地走向对话,使"我与你"型师幼关系得以建立.  相似文献   

幼儿园的教育活动是在教师和幼儿之间开展的,因此师幼关系就成了教育现象中最基本也是最重要的关系。传统的师幼关系认为教师是知识的传授者,幼儿是知识的接受者,师幼关系是单向的“教师一幼儿”模式。传统的师幼关系直接影响着幼儿的发展。因此我们要用“对话”来改变这种传统的师幼关系,建立起一种以理解为前提、对话为手段、精神相遇为核心...  相似文献   

师幼对话教学是近年来幼儿教育领域讨论较多的一个话题,它是一种弘扬主体性的、人性化的新型教学模式.但是,在当前的教育实践中,师幼对话的开展深受各种因素的影响和制约.从教育公平的视角对师幼时话教学进行理性审视,并进而为公平、合理的师幼对话教学实践模式的构建作一点探讨.  相似文献   

"对话"是幼儿园师幼互动的主要方式,但是幼儿园中的"对话"多停留于单纯的言语应答,存在诸多诟病。本文例举幼儿园中常见的师幼对话案例,用教育哲学的相关理论对其进行分析解读,期望有利于幼儿教师对其与幼儿的"对话"进行哲学反思,从而使师幼实现真正的"视界融合",彼此理解,敞开和接纳,回归幼儿和教育本该有的面貌。  相似文献   

现行师幼关系主体严重倾斜,幼儿教师霸权、粗暴的语言、冷落与歧视的态度呼吁理解型师幼关系的建构。理解型师幼关系对于增加师幼愉快体验、促进师幼共同发展具有积极意义。幼儿教师具有正确的儿童观、良好的品质是建构理解型师幼关系的前提与根本保证;师幼间平等与对话是建构理解型师幼关系的核心要素和必要途径。  相似文献   

幼儿园谈话活动具有重要的价值和意义,是语言教育不可缺少的一种形式.而部分幼儿园教师在谈话活动的开展中却表现出:师幼关系处理不当、内容选择脱离幼儿、活动情境缺乏创设等问题.针对这些问题,对开展谈话活动时所存在的四大要素即教师、幼儿、内容、环境进行分析和解读,是从宏观上把握如何有效开展谈话活动的重要切入点.  相似文献   

In many early childhood classrooms, visual arts experiences occur around a communal arts table. A shared workspace allows for spontaneous conversation and exploration of the art-making process of peers and teachers. In this setting, conversation can play an important role in visual arts experiences as children explore new media, skills, and ideas. The investigation of informal conversations during visual arts experiences will serve to improve understandings of the cognitive, imaginative, social, and affective components of young children’s creative endeavors. In particular, the exploration of conversational discourse contributes to understandings of conversation as an integral component of pedagogy in early childhood arts. As an exploration of the nature of conversation as pedagogy in early arts experiences, I present a ‘telling case’ (Mitchell 1984) featuring the collaborative work between a teaching artist and two young students as they explore and create together. The findings from this research have important implications for early childhood and art education teacher educators striving to develop supportive educational practices that will assist early childhood teachers in promoting supportive visual arts practices.  相似文献   

理解就是理解者与对象之间的一种对话过程。对话实质上是一种致力于相互理解、相互合作,致力于和睦相处、共享共生和共同创造的过程。教学活动在本质上是一种理解与对话的过程。理解与对话彰显出师生一种幸福的生存方式,教学需要理解与对话。通过理解与对话促进师生共同追求幸福生活,不断提升生命质量,促使师生共享共生。  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of professional development on 20 preschool teachers' use of instructional conversations in classrooms for 2- to 5-year-old children. Instructional conversation is a small group discussion that builds on children's prior knowledge to assess and assist conceptual understanding. Over a 3-year period, the educators participated in professional development designed to increase their use of the strategy in their classrooms. Each teacher was video-recorded six times annually while teaching. Two coders rated the video recordings, and the data were analyzed using a longitudinal multilevel model. Results indicated that regardless of their prior teaching experience, all of the teachers increased their use of instructional conversation throughout their participation in the professional development program. These increases were along the same trajectory for all teachers, suggesting that the professional development was effective for both new and veteran teachers. Results suggest that those who taught older children tended to use instructional conversation to a greater degree, indicating that the strategy may be easier to implement with older preschoolers.  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which preschool teachers used literal and inferential questions during classroom-based shared reading. Specific foci included (a) investigating the association among the level of literal or inferential language in the text, teachers’ text-related questions, and children's responses using sequential analysis, and (b) examining the relation between teachers’ inferential questioning and children's vocabulary outcomes. Participants included 25 preschool teachers and 159 four-year-old children. Teachers videotaped their whole-class shared reading of an informational narrative text. Teachers and children's extratextual talk was analyzed and children completed standardized vocabulary assessments in fall and spring of the academic year. When reading this informational narrative text, teachers posed, on average, slightly more inferential questions than literal questions. Significant sequential associations were observed between the level of teachers’ questions and child responses, with inferential questions consistently eliciting inferential child responses. Few characteristics of teachers’ questions were associated with children's vocabulary outcomes. Results suggest that preschool teachers can use inferential questioning to encourage children to participate in conversation at complex, inferential levels; informational texts appear to provide a successful context for this inferential discourse. Implications for teachers and allied professionals are discussed.  相似文献   

作为一种新的教学形态,理解教学已引起国内外教育学者、一线教师的关注, 并开始进入课堂教学领域。理解教学主要有反思型理解和对话型理解两种实现形式。反思型理解是以反思为主要手段的教学理解,主要表现是师生的理解自我;对话型理解是以对话为主要手段的教学理解,表现为师生对话式理解、生生对话式理解和生本对话式理解。  相似文献   

论研究生教育师生观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师生对话的倡导是当前师生关系研究的一种必然。通过解读师生对话关系.并把对话性关系作为研究生教育师生关系一种本质性的预设存在,藉此分别从教师观、学生观以及师生对话的特殊内涵三个方面完成了研究生教育师生观的理论建构。  相似文献   

The present study examined the verbalizations of 16 teachers from inclusive preschool classrooms. Two hours of audiotaped verbalizations for each teacher were analyzed for one-on-one interactions between teachers and children and also for interactions between teachers and small groups of children. Results showed that teachers did not modify their question-asking behavior depending on the ability level of the children or the composition of small groups of children. Teachers asked primarily low-level questions to all children. In their statements, teachers used more logical directives and directives, and fewer supportive responses to children with disabilities than they did to typically developing children. The focus of teachers' verbalizations differed depending on whether children had disabilities or were typically developing. These results suggest that teachers need to be provided with information that will help them challenge children by varying the demand level of questions and matching their verbalizations to the child's ability level. Future research should address the bi-directionality of interactions and the implications for teacher preparation programs.  相似文献   

Although a number of studies document the fact that adult males interrupt females more often than females interrupt males, less is known about whether this behavior is also true of younger boys and girls. This study examined some aspects of dominant-submissive sex role behavior in preschool children and their teachers during conversation at the snack table. It asked whether there was any difference in the number of times girls and boys interrupted their teacher, and whether there was any difference in the number of times the teacher interrupted boys or girls. In succeeding observations, researchers investigated whether girls or boys were assigned the privilege of passing snack more frequently.In Investigation 1 nine boys and nine girls, 4 years of age, were observed talking with a variety of student teachers in a naturalistic snack setting, and checklists were kept of the number of teacher-child, child-teacher interruptions during conversation. In Investigation 2, tallies were kept of the number of times boys and girls assumed the dominant roles of distributing snacks and snack materials.Results indicted that during conversation, boys interrupted their teachers more frequently than the girls did (p > .03). Teachers interrupted girls more frequently than they interrupted boys (p > .02). No significant differences were found in the frequency of participation by boys or girls in passing snack. Results are discussed in relation to the teacher's role in teaching dominant-submissive sex role behaviors to children.  相似文献   

This study investigated the conversations of 10 deaf children and their families at dinnertime and documented types of verbal exchanges, both spoken and signed, among family members. Results were compared with two other studies of deaf children's conversations--with teachers and with mothers during playtime. This study found that the deaf children responded more loquaciously to questions than they did to statements or expressions of ideas; and the children did not have success in continuing topics of conversation. Suggestions are presented to help families engage their deaf children in conversations in more depth.  相似文献   

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