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Searching for alternatives to using animals in research is not a standard service currently offered by most medical research libraries. The goal of this article is to demystify this type of expert search for medical librarians and to do so using a language they know well, that of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) thesaurus. An attempt is made in this paper to discuss possible search strategies and to include examples of recommended approaches to searching-all in the context of the 3Rs of alternatives: Replacement, Refinement, and Reduction.  相似文献   

Presents findings from a study into the attitudes and practices of pandemic-era early career researchers (ECRs) in regard to obtaining access to the formally published scholarly literature, which focused on alternative providers, notably ResearchGate and Sci-Hub. The study is a part of the Harbingers project that has been exploring the work lives and scholarly communication practices of ECRs in pre-pandemic times and during the pandemic, and utilizes data from two rounds of interviews with around 170 ECRs from the sciences and social sciences in eight countries. Findings show that alternative providers, as represented by ResearchGate and Sci-Hub, have become established and appear to be gaining ground. However, there are considerable country- and discipline-associated differences. ECRs' country-specific level of usage of the alternative providers is partly traceable to the adequacy of library provisions, although there are other factors at play in shaping ECRs' attitudes and practices, most notably convenience and time saving, as well as the fact that these platforms have become embedded in the scholarly dashboard. There is a dearth of evidence of the impact of the pandemic on ECRs' ways of obtaining scholarly papers.  相似文献   

Statistical reference questions are among the most problematic a government information specialist faces. Answering such queries is a subjective process and librarians must be sensitive to the context of both the query and the data. The first issue is to recognize the potential lack of consistency in definition or methods among agencies or governments. This paper provides a few illustrative examples that reinforce this point and demonstrates how a general knowledge of statistical measures can lead to better informed reference service.  相似文献   

Aims: To assess the awareness and use of NHSnet within general practice. To investigate the presence of skills necessary to maximize the benefits of NHSnet connections. Methods: Postal survey of general practice staff in the Northern and Yorkshire Region. Results: At least one completed questionnaire was obtained from 65% of the general practices surveyed, and the individual response rate to the general practice survey was 44%. Ninety per cent of all respondents reported that their practice was connected to the NHSnet, with 59% of respondents reporting that they use NHSnet at least once a week. Although NHSnet was used to search for research information or guidance, all respondents in this survey still reported greater access to and use of paper‐based information resources. Respondents indicated that they still needed further training on how to use NHSnet (42%), how to search the Internet (31%) and how to search electronic databases such as medline (49%). Conclusions: Since our 1999 survey, reported NHSnet connectivity has increased greatly, with a majority of respondents reporting that they use NHSnet at least once a week. Although encouraging, this level of usage suggests that using the Internet/NHSnet to find research has yet to become a core activity in general practice.  相似文献   

Rapid analytics and visualization software such as Tableau provide an opportunity for Access Services staff to utilize quantitative data on a routine basis to support decision-making about services and staffing. Data visualization tools make analyzing, updating, and sharing data analysis easier and faster than ever before. However, fullest utilization of these tools requires consistent, on demand access to data. This article discusses a strategic initiative at NYU Libraries to support data-driven decision-making by establishing a robust data warehouse paired with front-end access for library staff via Tableau Desktop. Specific application of this model to reporting, usage visualization, and workflow analysis in Access Services is discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Our objectives were to identify literature on: (i) theory, evidence and gaps in knowledge relating to the help-seeking behaviour of people with learning disabilities and their carers; (ii) barriers experienced by people with learning disabilities in securing access to the full range of health services; (iii) interventions which improve access to health services by people with learning disabilities. DATA SOURCES: twenty-eight bibliographic databases, research registers, organizational websites or library catalogues; reference lists from identified studies; contact with experts; current awareness and contents alerting services in the area of learning disabilities. REVIEW METHODS: Inclusion criteria were English language literature from 1980 onwards, relating to people with learning disabilities of any age and all study designs. The main criteria for assessment was relevance to the Guilliford et al. model of access to health care (Gulliford et al. Access to health care. Report of a Scoping Exercise for the National Co-ordinating Centre for NHS Service Delivery and Organisation R & D (NCCSDO). London: NCCSDO, 2001), which was modified to the special needs of people with learning disabilities. Inclusion criteria focused on relevance to the model with initial criteria revised in light of literature identified and comments from a consultation exercise with people with learning disabilities, family and paid carers and experts in the field. Data abstraction was completed independently and selected studies were evaluated for scientific rigour and the results synthesized. RESULTS: In total, 2221 items were identified as potentially relevant and 82 studies fully evaluated. CONCLUSIONS: The process of identifying relevant literature was characterized by a process of clarifying the concept under investigation and sensitive search techniques which led to an initial over-identification of non-relevant records from database searches. Thesaurus terms were of limited value, forcing a reliance on using free-text terms and alternative methods of identifying literature to supplement and improve the recall of the database searches. A key enabler in identifying relevant literature was the depth and breadth of knowledge built up by the reviewers whilst engaged in this process.  相似文献   

科技档案管理在高校教学科研工作中具有重要作用。如何通过发挥科技档案的信息传播作用来充分利用其价值 ,至少应做到 :更新传统管理观念 ,实现管理网络化 ,处理好管理中计算机网络化与档案原件保存的关系 ,等等。参考文献 3。  相似文献   

Government employees play a critical role in adopting and using new technologies in government, and their attitude and willingness to use them matter in creating a sustainable and meaningful digital transformation. This study explores how the perception of government employees shapes the willingness to support the use of AI technologies in government. Based on a survey data on current government employees in the U.S., our analysis reveals that the willingness to implement and use AI technologies in government was contingent upon a series of positive and negative perceptions about the new technologies, long-term outlook on the role of AI technologies in society, and the familiarity and experience in using some form of AI applications in the past. In particular, the perception of AI enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the work and a positive and longer-term outlook on AI's future about human labor (as an assistant or a competitor), the perception of the technology's ultimate harm or benefit (does it harm or benefit humanity), its ability to eventually make ethical and moral judgments influenced the willingness to support AI technologies in government. A substantial proportion of the government employees in the survey sample responded that they had experienced using some form of AI applications in their work and this familiarity had a strong positive influence on their support for AI. Our findings point to the importance of training the government employees in AI technologies to improve their understanding and perception about the new technologies as well as their potentials in government that will foster a culture of innovation toward sustainable and impactful digital transformation.  相似文献   

诚信档案是资本市场良性运行的保障,国家先后颁布多项法律法规强化资本市场信用制度体系建设,然而近年来,资本市场失信行为有增无减,信用伦理危机日渐加重.通过相关政策性文件的梳理,分析资本市场诚信档案信息来源与范围及其利用方式,可以看出,现阶段资本市场诚信档案信用价值未得到应有的重视,诚信信息利用意识较弱.基于"善"的伦理视角,从诚信档案管理与数据治理两个层面,树立诚信档案善治观,激发多元治理模式,完善诚信档案数据共治策略,以化解资本市场信用伦理危机.  相似文献   

This article will provide an overview of current topics in Digital Scholarship and Scholarly Communications (DS/SC) and draw connections between these new areas and the traditional skill set of electronic resources librarians. Commonalities between the skills outlined in the Core Competencies for Electronic Resources Librarians and those needed for success in DS/SC will form the basis of the author’s recommendations for involvement in these new areas.  相似文献   

The article discusses the Jagiellonian Library's scanned version of its catalog of books published up to 1949. This case study analyzes the issue of information management in light of the history of the catalog from 1802 onwards and the process of making the catalog accessible via the Internet. It examines the consequences of the decision to scan the catalog on the various library departments' current procedures, as well as on library users.  相似文献   

电子政务环境下企业图书、情报、档案一体化探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何振  蒋冠 《档案学研究》2005,19(6):47-50
电子政务在我国的迅速发展,为企业的图书、情报、档案一体化创造了良好的环境和契机。图书、情报、档案是企业内部主要的信息资源,三者的整合对于企业信息化应用水平的提升有着极为重要的意义。在信息化背景下,企业必须建立一个合理有效的一体化信息资源管理系统,从而真正实现三者的整合。  相似文献   

Online library resources can act as a trusted source to find various references for conducting research or writing research papers. With the increasing number of published papers, the use of online library resources becomes increasingly important for academics, including for university students. This study aims to investigate the factors that lead to the continued use of online library resources among university students in developing countries, especially Indonesia. We investigate the impact of resource quality, confirmation, satisfaction, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived enjoyment of users on their intention to continue using online library resources and the effect on e-WOM intention. This study will enhance the Post-Acceptance Model of Information System (IS) Continuance by adding several other constructs and tested using data from 215 university students in Indonesia who have used online library resources. The method used to analyze the data is Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results of the study indicate that satisfaction and perceived enjoyment have a significant effect on the intention to continue using online library resources. In addition, it was also found that the continuation intention to use online library resources also affects the user's intention to convey it to others (e-WOM intention). This study provides insight to online library resources service providers in making improvements and formulating strategies to increase users' intentions to continue using their online library resources.  相似文献   

This paper explores the dynamic between media and social-political forces through a content analysis of Chinese media coverage of intellectual property rights (IPRs) since China's accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001. We examined how media attributes, such as party affiliation and media location, have influenced the use of media frames. Three media frames were extracted from previous studies: (1) national interest; (2) cost and benefit; and (3) legal/contractual. Our results demonstrate that both media attributes exert significant influence on the use of media frames in IPRs coverage: the closer a news organization is affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party, the more likely it would adopt a national interest frame. Moreover, national press and party newspapers are more likely to adopt the national interest frame in covering IPRs-related issues; whereas, regional/popular and professional press are more likely to report the IPRs-related issues from economic and legal perspectives.  相似文献   

通过对高校电子档案管理发展历程进行梳理,对高校电子档案管理从双套制到单套制嬗变的内涵、意义、制约因素进行分析,提出推进高校电子档案单套制实施的措施:打破禁锢、更新观念,提供思想保障;调整机构、重塑流程,提供管理保障;健全制度、完善规范,提供法制保障;改造系统、完善功能,提供软件保障;升级技术、提升标准,提供安全保障;引进人才、培养人才,提供人力保障;加强研究、推进试点,提供经验保障。  相似文献   

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