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本文采用文献资料法、调查讨论法对当前高校体育教学中体育教学方法的改革进行了研究.结果认为,改革高校体育教学方法是实现“健康第一“教学指导思想的有效手段.  相似文献   

我国卫生专业技术资格考试至今已成功举办了12年,随着考试设计和考试方式的不断完善,它对于促进卫生专业技术人才发展、推动医疗卫生行业进步和体现社会公平方面的作用日益凸显。为进一步深化卫生专业技术资格考试在我国卫生事业发展中的作用,应尽快提高考试的法律层次,维护考试的公平正义;增加成本投入,加快考试方法创新;提高管理水平,规范医学考试行业制度。  相似文献   

流程变革包括流程改良和流程再造,它是企业优化管理体制机制的主要手段和方法,通过介绍某信息化企业开展流程再造的实践,可知流程变革是优化企业管理的有效手段和方法。  相似文献   

体育课是通过树立"健康第一"的意识和体育活动的锻炼来促进人的健康,这与医护人员通过治疗、照料使病人恢复健康有异曲同工之处。所以中职医护学校体育教学应树立为社会培养适用人才的信念,强健学生身体,为学生作好体力储备;健美学生形体,提高学生从业自信心;开展团体性体育活动,培养学生协同合作精神;编制体育处方,教授适用技能。  相似文献   

魏青 《宜宾学院学报》2006,6(7):117-119
模拟讲课法,是指在教学过程中,学生在教师的指导下,模拟教师开展讲课活动,以达到帮助学生理解知识、学习加工处理教材的基本方法;也是指培养学生传导知识的各种能力,逐渐掌握教师劳动的一整套方法和技能、培养学生良好的教师素质的方法。模拟讲课法对于突出高等师范院校的师范性,培养学生良好的教师素质和教育教学实践能力有着独到的作用。它操作简便,效果明显,具有推广价值。  相似文献   

高校保健体育班课程设置现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献法、调查法、统计法,对福建、安徽部分高校保健体育班课程设置现状进行研究。结果表明:现阶段保健体育课与其教学目标之间缺乏对应和衔接,教学实践中表现出较大的随意性,许多保健课形同虚设,流于形式,无实质内容。从理论课的教学内容看,缺乏针对性和实用性,不能有效地传授相关的体育保健、康复运动处方和康复评价等理论知识。  相似文献   

文章通过对传世材料和出土材料《居延汉简》的研究,解释“强饭自爱”。简单分析了“饭”字的用法。试图说明“强饭自爱”是汉人习语,常用于别人出行之前和书信的末尾,用来表示对他人的祝福和劝勉,以示对人的关心。  相似文献   

将游戏教学法引入心理健康教育课程浅探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘微 《三明学院学报》2007,24(3):343-345
在大学开设“心理健康教育”课程是加强大学生心理健康教育的有效手段。针对我校对该课程设置的实际情况,笔者提出了将游戏教学法引入课堂的想法,并结合我校对该课程使用游戏教学的实践进行讨论。  相似文献   

STEM教育因其融合多学科知识、培养创新精神和实践能力的特点受到广大研究者和实践者的关注。当前国外真正聚焦到STEM教育质量评价并具有较强可操作性的研究较少,而国内少量相关研究主要是介绍国外STEM教育评价的研究进展。严重缺乏成熟可行且适用于我国STEM教育发展的评价工具,很大程度上制约了我国STEM教育的可持续发展。经过德尔菲法两轮专家意见征询以及层次分析法确定评价指标权重后构建的STEM教育教学质量评价工具,既综合考虑了STEM的本质特征、已有STEM教育评价工具及指标维度,又直接聚焦于课堂教学,最终包含课堂环境、课程结构、教学内容以及学生表现4个一级指标和22个二级指标。该指标体系形式与我国教育教学中教师所用的教研表、评课表等类似,有助于教师更好地理解与使用;且经过初步试用,具有较高的信度,能够比较全面地评价STEM教育中的各方面要素,有助于促进STEM教育的健康有序发展。  相似文献   

The introduction of a new Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice in 2015 marked one of the most significant reforms to the SEND statutory assessment process in England since its introduction over 30 years ago. This article presents the findings of a small‐scale study that aimed to identify the extent to which the reforms have successfully addressed some of the shortcomings of the former Statementing process. Interviews, questionnaires and a focus group were used to gain the perspectives of parents, young people and professionals from education, health and social care services in two local authorities in the English Midlands. The research found that the new Education, Health and Care (EHC) assessment and planning process has been effective in some areas, particularly in achieving greater parental involvement and a more person‐centred approach. However, important issues remain unresolved. The data suggest that greater consistency in interpreting and applying legislation, and in individual professional practices, are still needed to fully achieve the intentions of the new system. Some recommendations for practitioners are proposed.  相似文献   

Companies are beginning to realize that simply storing data in warehouses and databases is not sufficient to ensure the usefulness of that data or information. As information is processed with a purpose ( Ackoff & Emery, 1972 ), it becomes knowledge. Knowledge exists on many planes; one is the tacit‐explicit plane described by Polanyi (1966) . Knowledge‐based applications are becoming a key factor in determining organizational value. For example, Activity‐Based Costing (ABC) and Knowledge Value Added (KVA) are two methodologies that organizations use to measure explicit knowledge. However, this interest in measuring and managing knowledge creates two important questions. First, do companies include tacit knowledge in their measurements of knowledge? Second, can educators demonstrate that they are helping increase tacit knowledge? This paper posits that companies may not be including the full range of knowledge in their endeavor to measure knowledge in their organizations. To help make a case for including tacit knowledge and implicit learning, an active learning exercise is created to demonstrate a method to quantify and test for changes in both types of knowledge. The results show that the activity created observable changes in explicit and tacit knowledge. Future research will need to concentrate further on understanding how the two types of knowledge interact. For now though, these results demonstrate one way to observe the two types of knowledge and more importantly, point out the need for organizations to find ways to value both implicit and explicit knowledge.  相似文献   

采用文献资料﹑调查访问﹑数理统计等方法,了解郑州市高校保健班学生参与体育锻炼的现状,通过分析,得出结论,旨在提高保健生身体的整体素质,为郑州市普通高校保健生更科学的参与体育锻炼提供有利参考。  相似文献   

Eliciting the views, wishes and feelings of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) has been a primary element of the Children and Families Act 2014. Despite professional rhetoric that aims to ensure the voice of children and young people remains at the centre of assessments, SEND professionals often experience difficulties in ensuring meaningful participation during assessments for Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) and subsequent Annual Reviews. In this study, 36 SEND professionals from local authorities and 16 SEND professionals from specialist schools within England were asked their views on eliciting pupil voice through an online-based questionnaire, with a particular focus on the barriers they experience. This was then followed up with six in-depth semi-structured interviews. The findings identify two distinct categories of barriers; the barriers relating to children and young people that inhibit their ability to express their views meaningfully, and the barriers relating to professionals that impede on their ability to elicit views meaningfully within their role. The implications of the analysis for a person-centred approach during EHCP assessments and Annual Reviews are discussed.  相似文献   

郭力平  谢萌 《幼儿教育》2012,(15):46-50
本文回顾了美国早期教育质量评定与推进系统(QRIS)的发展历程,介绍了质量评定与推进系统的基本构成要素及运作模型,并分析了其建设过程中面临的问题及未来走向。借鉴美国的经验,我们有必要夯实基础,协调发展,重视科学研究,加强各方协作,以进一步提升学前教育质量。  相似文献   

问卷调查800例粤西地区基层的老年消化道出血患者,分析其中部分患者通过牧牛出诊长期看病及咨询获益的教育价值。结论表明,通过牧牛出诊长期看病及咨询教育可以减少老年患者消化道出血年住院次数,牧牛出诊具有早期预防及诊治老年患者消化道出血的价值。  相似文献   

The Affordable Care Act aims to increase affordable coverage, reduce overall costs, and improve health outcomes. To achieve these aims, new knowledge and skills must be built within the existing workforce. The purpose of this article is to examine the behavioral and organizational changes brought about by an educational program that aimed to retool the healthcare workforce for the implementation of integrated primary and behavioral healthcare models, with an added emphasis on prevention. Sixty-three participants of an Advanced Certificate Program completed 1 or more evidence-informed learning modules centered on integrated primary and behavioral health care. The vast majority of students who completed each of the 5 modules of the program reported acquiring new knowledge and skills. Student satisfaction of the program met or exceeded overall expectations. In addition, program participation has resulted in not only students’ intentions to change workplace practices but also actual implementation of workplace changes related to integrated care models. The Advanced Certificate Program appears to be a promising platform for service providers to align their knowledge and skills with the premises of current healthcare reform.  相似文献   

对门窗现场气密性数据采集方法改进的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对贵州地区所需要检测房屋门窗中遇到的困难,在国标JG/T211-2007和GB/TT016—2008对门窗现场气密性数据采集的基础上,对传统的检测方法进行了简单的改进,通过数据对比,表明改进的方法操作简易、耗时短、数据采集过程中气流量稳定性好于传统方法。  相似文献   

护理保险是针对急速发展的老龄化社会问题所实施的,对陷于卧床不起等老年人,在充分尊重他们的意愿和选择的基础上,向他们提供日常生活方面的支援的制度.护理保险制度以社会保险的方式导入,各地方行政机构作为保险者,对40岁以上的国民征收保险费,国家和各地方政府有义务给予经济和发展护理保险事业的支持与援助.护理保险的财政来源以国家公费和所征收的保险费为主.  相似文献   

首先,通过合理的分析,将普兰林肽长链分割为7个短肽链。以Fmoc氨基酸为起始原料,首先通过液相合成法,合成7个短肽链化合物。然后采用Fmoc固相合成法,以Amide Rink MBHA树脂做载体,以HB-TU/HOBt/DIEA做缩合剂,逐步缩合得到全保护线性普兰林肽树脂。用碘氧化半胱氨酸的巯基形成二硫键。以TFA的混合溶剂裂解脱除保护基团得到粗品。最后,通过反相制备液相纯化得到98%以上的普兰林肽产品。该工艺总收率为37%。液相固相组合合成的方法操作简单,效率高,成本低,收率高,产品纯度高,更适合于工业化生产。  相似文献   

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