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天津市各高校图书馆自2009年开始统一使用CALIS馆际互借系统。在使用CALIS馆际互借系统共享版的过程中,用户服务及用户管理仍存在问题。应构建文献传递原文库,完善系统统计功能,实现馆际互借系统与图书管理自动化系统中数据的同步更新,以弥补系统的缺陷。  相似文献   

CALIS馆际互借系统利用介绍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严宏 《图书馆杂志》2004,23(2):52-52,19
CALIS馆际互借系统(CALIS ILL SYSTEM)是基于国际标准馆际互借协议ISO10160/10161开发的ISO10160给出ILL(馆际互借)协议提供给应用者的各种服务;ISO10161对参加ILL(馆际互借)系统的两方或多方之间的行为标准给出措施。由于是按照一个通用的国际标准开发的,所以CALIS馆际互借系统需要和其他同样采用国际标准的系统互联时,就能不费周折地进行数据交换,为读者提供了很大的方便:当读者在Z39.50检索系统找到某文献,按馆际互借按钮跳接到馆际互借系统,检索结果就直接转化为馆际互借申请。  相似文献   

CALIS馆际互借与文献传递网的现状与发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李军凯 《图书馆杂志》2005,24(10):30-33
本文介绍了CALIS馆际互借与文献传递网的服务模式及运行情况,并对高校馆际互借工作以及CALIS馆际互借与文献传递网的未来发展方向进行了思考。  相似文献   

CALIS全国医药文献馆际互借核心服务系统的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析全国医药文献资源特点和医药图书馆馆际互借工作现状的基础上,指出医药文献馆际互借工作面临的问题和困难,并根据全国医药文献资源分布特征,提出构建CALIS全国医药文献馆际互借核心服务系统。该系统依托CALIS馆际互借系统软件,整合优势资源,优化运行机制,切实提高了馆际互借服务的效率和文献需求满足率,是一个可供其他专业学科领域参考和借鉴的馆际互借服务新模式。  相似文献   

针对馆际互借员需要对用户向CALIS系统提交的文献请求进行大量重复性预处理操作的现状,设计并实现基于网页文档对象的辅助程序,全自动检索、获取并向用户推送免费资源,执行"本馆运送"操作,以提升馆际互借员操作体验,有效节省图书馆经费。  相似文献   

CALIS馆际互借系统的工作流程   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
介绍了ISO的馆际互借协议,在此基础上阐述了遵照此协议开发的CALIS馆际互借系统完整的工作流程,并对系统的应用现状做了概括。  相似文献   

馆际互借服务是实现资源共享的有效方式.概述了高校图书馆开展馆际互借的必要性及高校图书馆开展馆际互借的意义,介绍了我国目前广泛使用的4个馆际互借系统,并对高校图书馆开展务实、高效的馆际互借服务中存在的问题进行了探讨,针对其存在问题提出了改进建议.  相似文献   

北京地区高校图书馆文献资源保障体系(BALIS)馆际互借服务代替了传统图书馆之间的互借服务,通过集中管理和分散服务相结合的方式,为北京各高校的教学和科研工作提供了文献保障。但在实践过程中,BALIS馆际互借服务仍然存在着诸如物流成本较高、休眠用户较多、服务对象狭窄、服务内容单一等需要不断改进的地方。作为新生事物,BALIS有着广阔发展空间,同时也面临着巨大挑战,需要不断地提高管理水平和服务质量,加大开放程度,最大限度地满足读者需求。  相似文献   

文章从OCLC馆际互借体系的不断完善和CALIS馆际互借服务体系的建立角度,指出军队院校图书馆馆际互借的五大基础工作,即将馆际互借工作提高到战略高度认知;保证馆际互借费用及时全额到位,联合联机编目人员应及时如实地输入馆藏信息,配备责任心强的ILL工作人员,读者用户检索和获取资料的能力等方面需进一步提高。  相似文献   

高校图书馆三大文献传递系统存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文在对CALIS、CASHL和NSTL三大文献传递服务体系进行分析比较的基础上,重点探讨这三大文献传递系统在为我国高校教学科研提供文献保障的过程中存在的问题与不足,并提出了一些完善文献传递系统服务的建议与对策.  相似文献   

In recent years, eBook collections have been increasing at a slow but steady rate in both public and academic libraries. With the increasing eBook collections in libraries and the advancements made in information discovering services, users can now discover materials existing outside of their local library more easily. EBooks also offer the potential for quick interlibrary loan delivery. Ironically, eBook interlibrary loan has not become prevalent in libraries. Many studies have been done to explore eBook licensing and interlibrary loan in academic libraries and to offer practical solutions for eBook interlibrary lending. Few studies have been done in public libraries. This study explores the current practice of eBook interlibrary loan activities in American public libraries. Survey questionnaires were distributed to 118 randomly selected public libraries. Questions focused on current eBook interlibrary loan best practices, issues, and obstacles in American public libraries. Findings from this study indicate eBook ILL is not a priority for the surveyed public libraries, and the adoption rate of eBook ILL in public libraries is much lower than that in academic libraries.  相似文献   

The Ten Commandments of interlibrary loan borrowing, the Ten Commandments of interlibrary loan lending, and the Ten Commandments of shipping and general conduct, including basic rules to make interlibrary loan go smoothly. The title says it all.  相似文献   

Because of the changing world of librarianship and the introduction of new technologies, telecommuting has become an innovative option for certain jobs in the library. Telework gives an organization the opportunity to retain skilled employees and cut the costs of recruiting, selection, and training of a new employee. There are certain tasks in the workflow of the interlibrary loan department that could permit an employee to work from a distance. This is specifically due to resource sharing management systems such as ILLiad. Florida Atlantic University decided to retain an interlibrary loan employee who had to relocate and try telecommuting on a trial basis. This paper details the employee's experiences.  相似文献   

CALIS在"十五"建设期间,构建了一套完整的馆际互借服务环境,对国内高校图书馆的馆际互借服务起到了巨大的推动作用.文章从软环境和硬环境的角度,详细分析了CALIS馆际互借服务环境的建设成果,分析了建设过程中存在的一些问题,并对"十一五"馆际互借服务建设进行了展望.  相似文献   


Many of the processes for interlibrary loan are not unique to law firms, but may have unique applications given the substantially shorter deadlines and the possibility of allowing increased costs. Rapid borrowing of standard and obscure material-same day or next day deliv-ery-via interlibrary loan is considered standard. Within that environment, learning how to make tools which will work the first time can make the difference between meeting deadlines and failure. Discussion includes principles of interlibrary loan behind the immediate transaction, a discussion of applying “fair use” to a law firm context, the history and philosophy of interlibrary loan, and the nature of collaboration. Specific tools for interlibrary loan are discussed with an application to a law firm library context. Bibliographic utilities (like OCLC) and the use of lender Online Public Access Catalogs are discussed for maximizing the percentage of first attempt affirmative responses. The role of consortia and the use of online resources are discussed, with an eye towards licensing issues that can prevent lending libraries from providing information. Lending and borrowing policies are discussed with a focus on the nature of reciprocity. The positive and negative impact of using broadcast e-mails to identify and find resources is outlined. Request transmission protocols like the ALA form, OCLC and other methods of request transmission are discussed within the context of law firm interlibrary loan. Protocols for when transactions go awry are discussed. The role of continuing education is emphasized.  相似文献   

罗武建 《图书馆论坛》2011,31(5):85-87,165
随着RFID技术在图书馆应用的逐步普及,国内高校图书馆也越来越多地开始进行RFID技术的应用。文章就高校图书馆多校区通借通还模式下如何进行RFID技术的应用问题,着重从业务流程、技术手段和RFID应用服务器等方面提出一些设想和探讨。  相似文献   


Technology is rapidly moving libraries toward a self-service interlibrary loan model. Patrons currently request books and articles through OCLC's unmediated ILL Direct Request service, and interlibrary loan management software enables users to request, track, and renew borrowed materials unassisted online. In addition, products such as SFX and Serials Solutions further expand unmediated requesting. Peer-to-peer resource sharing defined by the ISO ILL Protocol and direct consortial borrowing, which has become possible following the recently approved NCIP standard, encourage and support the widespread development of self-service interlibrary loan. As borrowing from other collections becomes an almost effortless process for library users, reference librarians must find ways to encourage patron use of local collections, as well as familiarize themselves with the mechanics of unmediated interlibrary loan to better assist patrons in their use of evolving interlibrary loan technology.  相似文献   

The University of Evansville Libraries conducted an assessment to determine if interlibrary loan users were satisfied with the service. Patrons completed a survey online that gauged their levels of satisfaction with nine components of the University of Evansville Libraries’ interlibrary loan service. Overall, patrons were very satisfied with the service but offered concrete ways to improve the interlibrary loan experience, which were then implemented.  相似文献   

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