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Social studies educators have identified three areas where the Web is being used to assist social studies teaching and learning: inquiry-based learning, online interaction, and displaying student work online. Examples of each are provided. The chapter concludes with the challenges ahead.  相似文献   

While the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education to address complex world problems, such as global warming, disease, and an increasingly interdependent world economy has led to many educational reform efforts in recent years, other content areas, such as social studies, have unnecessarily become marginalized. As STEM is not a standalone subject area, it serves as a tool to facilitate the learning of a variety of topics and is best served when integrated into all content areas, establishing a collaborative, rather than competitive, culture of content throughout the academic environment. To date, though, this integrated culture has not been realized.  相似文献   

Self-concept is linked to student achievement in many domains. In this study, we examined reading self-concept's (RSC) and RSC calibration accuracy's links to reading achievement across different contexts via multi-level analyses of 34 countries' 158,848 fifteen-year-olds' reading tests and questionnaire responses. Students with higher RSC, higher calibration accuracy (of RSC to their reading scores) or underconfidence (relative to their reading scores) had higher reading scores. RSC was more strongly linked to reading scores in countries that were richer, less equal, more collective, less uncertainty averse, less hierarchical, or less rigid regarding gender roles. Calibration accuracy was also more strongly linked to reading achievement in more hierarchical, individualistic, or uncertainty-tolerant countries. In more individualistic countries, underconfident students were more likely to have above average reading achievement. Hence, excessive confidence does not necessarily benefit students, especially in more individualistic countries.  相似文献   

社会考试的社会建设功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在党的十七大明确提出社会建设概念、构建和谐社会的背景下,我们有必要对社会考试的社会建设功能进行探讨并加以明确。社会考试作为一种教育形式,为社会发展提供人才支持、为社会成员提供教育服务、促进和谐社会的发展是其在社会建设中的基本职能。  相似文献   

真实性评价是美国评价社会科课程的重要评价方法和评价理念,其出于美国教育改革的需要,并在实践中得到丰富和发展。真实性评价强调评价任务的真实性,重视考察学生综合运用知识技能解决复杂社会问题的表现,主张采用多种方法收集有关学生课程学习的信息。真实性评价能为我国课程评价改革提供有益的启示。我国课程评价改革应制定真实性评价任务、明确具体的标准、采用多元的评价方法及构建多主体参与的评价体系。  相似文献   


In Australian schools, "inclusion" is a term that is used to challenge a previously narrow focus on students with disabilities and their integration within and distribution amongst "mainstream" schools and classrooms. Nevertheless, this article argues that, as a concept, "inclusion" requires further broadening and deepening, particularly in arenas of practice, if it is to serve the interests of all students. Informed by notions of recognitive justice, the paper advocates rethinking inclusion to accommodate student differences in more socially just ways - emphasising students' contributions rather than their disabilities - and what this means for the organisation of classrooms and schools. Within the article, research data are focused primarily on students with learning disabilities and draw on twenty semi-structured interviews conducted with parents and teachers across six Australian state primary and secondary schools. Three sets of conditions are proposed as necessary for inclusive classroom and school processes: specifically, those that promote self-identity and respect, self expression and development and selfdetermination and decision-making.  相似文献   

作为课程形态的中小学社会实践,和学校其他课程相比,在课程内涵、功能和实施模式上,都有自己的独特特征。在中小学把社会实践纳入学校课程,用课程与教学理论去统整和设计,能够更好地开发和实施社会实践课程,提高学生社会实践水平和适应能力。  相似文献   

The Common Core State Standards for literacy in history and social studies present opportunities and challenges for teachers of and adolescents with learning disabilities (LD). In addition to reading challenges, students must engage in higher order thinking and reasoning. To provide opportunities for students to successfully respond to such challenges, teachers must have an understanding of the expectations in the Standards, and of the learning needs of students with LD. Teachers can assure success for adolescents with LD by selecting proven instructional procedures and engaging in collaboration to provide students with the supports they need. Examples of one evidence‐based practice, Content Enhancement, are provided to illustrate instructional protocols for teachers of diverse classes that include adolescents with LD.  相似文献   

王晶 《毕节学院学报》2012,30(10):93-98
采用文献资料法查阅特殊教育的发展现状,运用逻辑分析法分析相关政策,采用访谈法对特殊教育专家及用人单位(以天津市为例)关于特殊教育专业毕业生的需求状况进行调查,通过以上三种途径分析特殊教育专业人才的社会需求情况。研究结果表明,特殊教育专业人才的社会需求领域主要有普通幼儿机构、康复机构、特殊学校、普通学校、残疾人体育事业;在社会需求结构方面,社会对具有本科学历的特殊教育专业人才更为青睐,更看重理论知识水平高、实践能力强,具有敬业精神的人才。  相似文献   

With the implementation of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy, as well as the onset of the C3 framework from the National Council of Social Studies, social studies teachers are tasked with integrating content and writing instruction in thoughtful and relevant ways. A middle school social studies teacher addressed this complex task by integrating a planning strategy for argument-based writing in his 8th-grade United States History class. To frame the teaching of the planning strategy and social studies content, the six instructional stages from the Self-regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) model were used. This article highlights the teacher's exploratory use of cognitive strategy instruction, SRSD, and impact on student writing.  相似文献   

目的:探讨云南中小学生道德判断和道德行为的发展关系。方法:用团体施测方法对410名学生的道德判断和行为进行评定。结果:小五、初二学生及哈尼族学生的道德发展得分有一致性,男、女学生的道德发展也具有一致性;昆明学生的道德发展相关程度明显高于元江学生。讨论:中小学生的道德判断与道德行为相关非常显著,学生对道德认知的内化是影响其道德发展的关键。  相似文献   

中国高校工程教育一直受到广泛关注。中国于2016年6月正式加入《华盛顿协议》,并成为该协议的签署方,这标志着具有国际实质等效的工程教育专业帷幕在中国已经拉开。中国一直是一个注重工程教育的国家,但它却不是一个工程教育强国。人文素养的内涵在工程教育实施中发挥着积极作用。科学求真,人文务善。工程教育应该注重人文素养培养,将人文教育与工程教育融合,着力培养兼备人文社会科学知识和现代科学技术的工程技术人才,这是高校人才培养时代的必然要求,也是实现工程教育全面发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

美国是世界上最早将社会科作为中小学公民教育科目的国家,迄今已经走过了一百年左右的历程。在长期的发展演变中,美国学校公民教育课程历经了三次影响较大的变革。第一次变革的标志是社会科的初创和确立,也是美国公民教育从分科走向综合化的开始;第二次变革出现在20世纪60年代,即所谓“新社会科教育运动”;第三次变革开始于20世纪90年代的课程标准运动并延续至今,在这场制订全国统一课程标准的浪潮中,美国诞生了有史以来第一个全国性的社会科课程标准,目前,全美社会科课程标准正在修订之中。  相似文献   

A comprehensive research base exists concerning the congruence between parents’ and teachers’ ratings of the behavior of typically developing young children. However, little research has been conducted regarding the degree to which parents’ and teachers’ behavioral ratings of young children with disabilities are congruent. Additionally, previous research has not always correctly proportioned the variance to that between and within classrooms. The purpose of this study was to examine congruence (using hierarchical linear modeling) at the classroom level, rather than the individual student-level, between parents’ and teachers’ ratings of young children's social skills and problem behaviors. We also examined the potential impact of selected family and child demographic variables, including disability, on this congruence. Consistent with other researchers, we found moderate levels of congruence for children's social skills (as framed by strengths-based statements) and low levels of congruence for problem behaviors (as described using deficit-based terminology). Parents’ and teachers’ congruence was higher when rating the social skills of young children with disabilities as compared to young children without disabilities.  相似文献   

毕节试验区的三大主题之一是人口问题。人口众多与人口素质低下的矛盾,是毕节经济社会发展最直接的制约因素。毕节要真正完成脱贫致富的任务,必须加快发展职业教育。要根据毕节经济社会发展实际,科学规划职业教育的专业,才能使毕节职业教育的专业设置和社会人才需求衔接,更好地为试验区经济建设服务。  相似文献   

中小学生音乐素养是从基于个体又超越个体的知识认知与技术技巧,转向更加注重综合、情境、内隐和适应性的社会化概念。本文结合相关实证调查和顺序性音乐教学研究,分析了当前在中小学生音乐素养培养上的问题本质,并针对中小学生音乐素养培养方式、体制上的障碍和束缚,提出了六项主张,以促进中小学生音乐素养教育健康发展。  相似文献   

美国在《为大学、职业及公民生活做准备的社会科州立标准框架:提高K-12年级公民、经济、地理和历史学科严谨性的指导》(C3框架)中提出了推动探究在课程实施中落地的指导框架——"探究弧"。该框架围绕问题、概念、证据和行动四个维度对社会科课程的实施进行指导,意在通过探究增进学生对知识的理解,提升学生相关的学习能力,使学生为更好地参与未来生活做好准备。我国德育课程可以考虑借鉴"探究弧"将学生发展作为核心的理念及其在课程方案设计、跨学科教学实施和教学过程中多种能力融合培养等方面的经验,提升德育课程教学的效果。  相似文献   

通过对我国社会体育指导员的现状进行分析,发现社会和国家对社会体育指导员这一新兴职业客观定位的重要性,并就这一职业的定位和培养途径进行了理论上的探讨,指出国家要加强宣传力度,努力为社会体育指导员营造一种良好的社会氛围,同时要拓宽社会体育指导员的培养渠道,从而保证社区体育健康、协调的发展.  相似文献   

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