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"平静的革命"给加拿大魁北克社会带来了深刻变化,也使魁北克公民教育获得了新的发展.新的魁北克公民身份和认同逐渐形成.而魁北克社会的多元文化现实又使其在发展过程中形成了自己独特的公民教育理念--文化间性主义.法语教育、历史教育和文化间性教育成为学校中公民教育实施的主要途径.面对复杂的民族关系,魁北克试图实现多元文化社会中的公民整合与民族建构.  相似文献   

魁北克分离主义一直是加拿大联邦政治的难题,即魁北克问题。加拿大双语框架下多元文化政策的实施,对于孤立和遏制魁北克分离主义势力功不可没,但魁北克问题并没有因此得到根本解决,某些方面甚至更加恶化。  相似文献   

加拿大多元文化政策的完整内涵是双语框架下的多元文化政策。其特别的内容特征折射出加拿大复杂的族群关系和政治难题。加拿大版本的多元文化政策是加拿大联邦自由党总理特鲁多基于自己的政治理念,为应对魁北克政治分离主义的挑战并谋求最终化解这一政治难题而出台的战略国策。移民族群和原住民在加拿大多元文化政策的出台中所起的促动作用,不宜过分夸大。  相似文献   

1995年加拿大魁北克省就主权问题第二次全民公投之后,魁北克人党担纲的魁北克分离主义渐入低潮;但是2007年后呈现回升之势。魁北克分离主义的社会基础是魁北克法裔族群,魁北克人党与魁北克自由党和加拿大联邦当局围绕法裔族群的社会文化利益进行博弈。2011年5月加拿大联邦大选之后,魁北克分离主义力量受到明显削弱,但其对加拿大国家政治稳定与和谐的潜在挑战和冲击仍然存在。  相似文献   

在实行多元文化主义和教育分权制的加拿大,国家认同显得尤为重要和复杂。安大略省和曼尼托巴省的历史课程标准堪称加拿大各省历史课程标准的典范,足以反映加拿大建构国家认同的基本策略。为建构国家认同,两省历史课程标准均在建构加拿大通史框架、塑造加拿大国家形象、处理魁北克问题三个方面煞费苦心,所采取的策略基本相同,但又呈现出一定的差异。这种差异是由于各省的教育传统、课程编制以及历史、社会与文化的不同而造成的。加拿大国家认同的建构仍是一个任重道远的过程。  相似文献   

加拿大作为世界上经济发展水平较高的发达国家之一,自独立以来在国家发展道路上具有许多鲜明的特色.对正处在转型期的中国,具有较高的研究和参考价值.加拿大国家发展道路中,争取国家主权独立成为发展主线且总体态势平稳、政党制度具有独特性、多元文化政策和多元文化教育、高度成熟的社会保障与福利政策、通过双语教育缓解魁北克民族独立问题等,构成了加拿大独立以来发展道路的基本特点.这些特点对于中国和其他发展中国家未来的政治发展道路同样具有较强的启示和借鉴作用.  相似文献   

分析了加拿大魁北克人党的上台及其分离主义倾向,认为加拿大魁北克人党在当前任期内难以策动旨在推动魁北克分离的全民公投,今后则变数增多。在可预见的未来,魁北克在加拿大国家中的特殊权利和地位会向着进一步扩大的方向发展。  相似文献   

加拿大的魁北克人党从创建开始仅仅用了8年的时间,就赢得大选得以上台执政,标志着魁北克分离主义的赫然兴起。究其原因,魁北克人党良好的公众现象、比较中庸的民族主义追求和投合多元诉求的政纲使得魁北克人党对魁北克选民产生了广泛的吸引力。  相似文献   

加拿大第41届联邦大选,魁北克人团惨败,魁北克人党因此也面临危机和困境,这意味着魁北克分离主义的势力和影响受到实质性的削弱,魁北克问题的演进因此呈现积极的迹象。但是,魁北克人党在魁北克依然保持较高的支持率,并承诺举行第三次全民公决;加拿大联邦层面和魁北克省也存在对魁北克分离主义的助推因素:魁北克人对哈珀保守党多数联邦政府更加疏离甚至敌视。这表明魁北克问题对加拿大国家政治稳定与和谐的潜在挑战和冲击依然存在。  相似文献   

加拿大政府一直努力支持其少数民族语言的教育。英语和法语是加拿大的官方语言。只有少数加拿大人是双语者,魁北克以外的法语仅能勉强存活。加拿大正式出台了多元文化政策,但是对包括原住民语言在内的非官方语言的支持非常有限。本文在分析加拿大总人口语言教育模式的基础上,认为政府在提高英法双语效率方面仅取得了有限的成功,官方对少数民族语言的支持十分有限。  相似文献   

In 2008 Quebec introduced a new ethics and religious culture course. This marks a significant development in Canadian education as the mandated curriculum is intended for use in publically funded secular schools. In the past such courses have been in the domain of denominational schools. This new approach is examined in the context of the profound changes in Quebec society in recent years, typified by the sudden decline in the influence of the Roman Catholic Church. An overview of the curriculum is given, noting its basis as a particular type of phenomenological approach to the study of ethics and religion. The curriculum is analyzed against the theoretical perspectives developed by Moore and Wright. A number of issues on the scope of the study, the significant demands it places on students and teachers, and how it critically engages with religious truth claims are examined.  相似文献   

The diversity of Canadian society and the significance of education for occupational mobility have prompted investigations into immigrant’s educational attainment, yet little research examines immigrant post-secondary students. This phenomenological study illuminates the institutional, societal, educational, and psychosocial barriers facing immigrant undergraduates in Quebec, and examines their mentoring and career counselling needs. Recommendations for career counselling and university programming are discussed.  相似文献   

A public debate over the market provision of schooling and the possibilities of monitorial pedagogy raged in the city of Quebec during the second decade of the nineteenth century. Debate intensified when a group of small merchant manufacturers organised a school association in 1818. The group was denounced by private venture schoolmasters as attempting to create an unfair monopoly, in a debate in the pages of the Quebec Mercury newspaper. Others warned of the dangers to society of universal education for the ‘lower orders’. The School Association failed in its immediate objectives, but it was a precursor to the Quebec British and Canadian School Society, organised in 1823 and associated with the British and Foreign School Society in London.  相似文献   

在哈贝马斯交往行为理论的基础上,本文对加拿大大学教师接收国际访问学者的原因和动机、挑战性问题、主要收获以及未来合作建议等问题进行了深入探讨,之后得出结论:他们接收国际访学旨在扩大学术交流范围,但交往过程中存在着语言、文化以及访学自身引起的诸多问题;通过合作,他们极大肯定了访学带来的积极影响并提出接收前要对申请者认真考察等建议。这对中国高校教师接收访学和申请访学都具有指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This study in social cognition has been focused on exploration of ways in which cultural contexts shape formation of knowledge about art in early childhood years. Focusing of the connotative rather than denotative meanings of the term art, this study was designed to examine how this concept functions in a variety of cultural contexts. The method of structured interviews was used to elicit answers of four- and five-year-old children in Canada, France, and Taiwan to questions regarding the nature of art and its salient characteristics. In particular, this study addressed questions about portability of culture and the effects of heritage and enculturation in the formation of social knowledge among individuals whose cultural identity is negotiated in the context of a ‘transplanted’ culture. Responses of francophone children in the Canadian province of Quebec were contrasted with those of their French counterparts, as well as their Canadian peers from European ancestry other than French living in the province of British Columbia. Similarly, responses of interviewees in Taiwan, ROC were compared to the reported beliefs about art of young Chinese-Canadians. The results of this study bring support to the theory of modified cultural pluralism that emphasizes the interplay between the original cultural beliefs and values and those prevalent in the societies that become new home for a transplanted culture. Implications of the study findings to art education are discussed. Research reported in this paper has been supported by a grant from the Social Studies and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the France-Canada Accord.  相似文献   

近代天主教、新教在豫北地区传播活动的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为基督教两大分支的天主教和新教,传播福音,使中国皈依基督是它们共同的目标,但由于教义、历史渊源、文化传统以及在华历史背景等因素的不同,天主教会和加拿大长老会在近代豫北地区的活动具有各自的特点和差异。本文主要从传教理念、传教方式和手段、传教经费来源三个方面,对天主教会和加拿大长老会在近代豫北地区的活动作一比较。  相似文献   

虽然美国和加拿大近在咫尺、互为贸易伙伴,讲同一种语言(魁北克除外),且均为先前的英属殖民地,但是两国在文化建构方面的差异很大。本文试图从社会学关于少数民族关系模式的理论出发,较为深入地阐释美、加文学主题方面的差异。  相似文献   

This paper considers the adoption of general science courses in two Canadian provinces, Ontario and Quebec, during the 1930s. In Ontario, a few science teachers had followed the early general science movements in the United States and Britain with interest. During the 1930s, several developments made the cross-disciplinary, applied thrust of general science particularly appealing to Ontario educationists. These developments included a new demand for vocational education, renewed reservations about pedagogical rationales based on transfer of training, and a growing professional divide between high school science teachers and university scientists. Around the same time, scientists in the Quebec’s French-language universities were engaged in a concerted campaign to expand the place of science in the province’s francophone secondary schools. The province’s prestigious classical colleges, which were the scientists’ principal target for reform, privileged an inductive view of science that had little in common with the applied, cross-disciplinary emphasis of the general science courses gaining support in English-speaking school systems. In 1934, however, a popular American general science textbook was adopted in a workers’ cooperative devoted to adult education. Comparing the fate of general science within these two education systems draws attention to the fact that general science made inroads in francophone Quebec but had little influence in public and private schools. In light of the growing support general science enjoyed elsewhere, we are led to explore why general science met with little overt interest by Quebec scientists pushing for school science reform during the 1930s.  相似文献   

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