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How does visual experience change over development? To investigate changes in visual input over the developmental transition from crawling to walking, thirty 13‐month‐olds crawled or walked down a straight path wearing a head‐mounted eye tracker that recorded gaze direction and head‐centered field of view. Thirteen additional infants wore a motion tracker that recorded head orientation. Compared to walkers, crawlers' field of view contained less walls and more floor. Walkers directed gaze straight ahead at caregivers, whereas crawlers looked down at the floor. Crawlers obtained visual information about targets at higher elevations—caregivers and toys—by craning their heads upward and sitting up to bring the room into view. Findings indicate that visual experiences are intimately tied to infants' posture.  相似文献   

近年来,教育公平问题越来越成为人们关注的焦点,我国基础教育均衡发展趋势的强化,引发了一系列关于示范高中是否应该继续存在和发展的讨论。但创建示范高中这一工作,仍在争议中前行,不仅成为政府的教育工程,而且越来越受到人们的关注。不管我们是否承认,示范高中实际上已成  相似文献   

我国本科教学评估该向何处去?   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
首先,对首轮评估方案设计存在的问题进行深度分析;其次,从构建我国高等教育质量保证体系的视角,借鉴欧美经验,提出我国高等教育质量保证体系建设思路和基本框架;最后,对新一轮的审核评估方案设计提出基本构想。  相似文献   

地方高等学校走向何方   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘尧 《江苏高教》2007,(1):67-69
地方高等学校是指我国高等教育管理体制改革后,由各级地方政府主管的普通高等学校.截止2005年,国家主管的高等学校有111所,其余均为地方高等学校.地方高等学校走向何方已经成为地方高等学校必须研究的重要问题.作为我国高等教育主体的地方高等学校,要在办学方向、办学定位、办学特色三个方面作出战略选择.  相似文献   

This paper presents an interpretive summary of the progress that has been made in the study of motivation, especially as this work relates to the area of education. Motivation research has come of age with theoretical frameworks rooted in an established body of findings, and with the development of core methodologies for pursuing further knowledge. It has begun to provide a firm base for guiding educational practice. Current work is clearly in accord with mainstream psychology in that cognitive models of motivation are the predominant guides for research. Future work is likely to focus increasingly on how the meaning construction process affects engagement in tasks. Researchers should consider a wider array of research procedures and give greater attention to understanding motivation as it occurs in natural settings, especially as educational interventions are attempted. A serious deficiency in the motivation literature is that relatively little attention has been given to differences related to sociocultural backgrounds.  相似文献   

《人生》在八十年代初便引起了人们的广泛关注,读者的态度从对高加林离乡的批判到对作者"恋土情节"的批判经历了一个发展变化。本文试通过对高加林城市化进程中的尴尬处境的分析,探讨当今农村青年人生道路的选择问题。  相似文献   

教育研究既要关注个体生命成长,又要关注国家需求及其发展,应致力于二者之间的平衡,而不可顾此失彼。同时,中国教育研究应从中国现实及其传统出发,为培养"中国人"服务,而不可从某种抽象观念出发,为培养一般意义上的"人"服务。为此,中国教育研究应走出对"现代性想象"的迷恋,重构"中国式愿景",应强调"文明自觉"而非现今颇为流行的"文化自觉",应重返"古今之争"而不是简单的"中西之争"。  相似文献   

阮籍《咏怀诗》第八十首和《悲回风》一样,是诗人的绝命诗。其从诗歌营造的肃杀悲凉的意境氛围、诗人对时间意识的自觉和生命价值的探寻及卓而不群、风神潇洒的“佳人”形象三个方面袭取屈原《悲回风》旨意,表达诗人人生失路、不知行将何之的惶惧和对个体生命价值的重新审视。  相似文献   

李政涛 《中学教育》2020,17(3):94-98
"新冠疫情"的发生,是一个分界线,从此以后,世界基础教育将分为"前疫情时代的基础教育"和"后疫情时代的基础教育"。疫情的发生,首先,打破了"线上线下""家内家外""校内校外"等的边界;其次,带来了"体系化重建"的机遇,涉及到基础教育的理念体系、课程体系、教学体系、学校管理体系,以及治理体系等的重建;再次,加快了各种融合的步伐,包括线上教学与线下教学的融合,居家学习和在校学习的融合,校内教育与校外教育的融合等,最终,将促成"双线教学"和"双线融合教学"时代的来临。  相似文献   

Writing Process and Progress: Where Do We Go from Here?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article examines the rationale behind the government's methods for raising standards in writing at Key Stage 2. Firstly there is a renewed drive to teach discrete units of sentence grammar. Secondly there is a fresh commitment to shared and guided writing. But, because it is envisaged that these teacher‐led sessions will take up at least half of the Literacy Hour two or three times a week, both these aims will lead to a diminution of time for written composition by the children themselves. This is in accordance with new criticisms by NLS policy makers of the model of ‘process’ embedded in the National Curriculum, particularly the idea of creative pre‐writing activities and sustained independent writing. The article goes on to argue that these new measures ignore research on the ways children learn to write and will not lead to a rise in standards.  相似文献   

14-month-old toddlers vs. 8.5-month-old crawling infants were encouraged to ascend and descend a sloping walkway (10°, 20°, 30°, and 40°). Infants in both locomotor groups overestimated their ability to ascend slopes. However, on descending trials where falling was more aversive, most toddlers switched from walking to sliding positions for safe descent, but crawlers plunged down headfirst and many fell at each increment. Toddlers touched and hesitated most before descending 10° and 20° slopes, and they explored alternative means for descent by testing out different sliding positions before leaving the starting platform. In contrast, crawlers touched and hesitated most before descending 30° and 40° slopes, and they never explored alternative sliding positions. In addition, we analyzed measures of locomotor skill and experience in relation to children's ability to perceive affordances. Findings indicate that children must learn to perceive affordances for locomotion over slopes and that learning may begin by fine-tuning of exploratory activity.  相似文献   

教育博士专业学位教育与教育学学术博士教育存在趋同现象,与教育硕士专业学位教育、本科阶段教师教育专业缺乏衔接,课程模块缺乏系统设计,指导教师知识结构单一。为此,教育博士专业学位教育要明确培养目标;建立教师教育专业本科学位、教育硕士专业学位与教育博士专业学位相互衔接的教师教育体系;需要优化教育博士专业学位教育的课程模块;改善教育博士指导教师的知识结构。  相似文献   

The ability of 1-year-old infants to remember the location of a nonvisible target was investigated in 3 experiments. Infants searched for a toy hidden in one of many possible locations within a circular bounded space. The presence, number, and spatial arrangement of local cues or "landmarks" within this space were varied. The results of Experiment 1 showed that search performance was highly successful when a landmark was coincident with the location of the toy ("direct"), but less successful when a landmark was adjacent to the target location ("indirect"). The results of Experiment 2 suggested that search with an indirect landmark may be more fragile than search with no landmarks at all. In Experiments 3a and 3b, 2 different configurations of indirect landmarks were employed; search performance was equally poor with both of these and was inferior to search with no landmarks. It is concluded that infants of this age are able to associate a nonvisible target with a direct landmark and are able to code the distance and direction of a target with respect to themselves or with respect to the larger framework. However, there was no evidence that they can code the distance and direction of a target relative to another object. The difficulty of coding with indirect landmarks is interpreted in terms of cognitive complexity and conflict between spatial strategies.  相似文献   

The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) provides data that seems clearly important to science and mathematics education in the U.S. TIMSS gathered extensive data on curriculum, textbooks, teachers, and instructional practices in science and mathematics education and some of these data are presented and discussed. Eighth grade achievement data show the U.S. to be somewhat above average in science achievement but consistently average or below in mathematics. U.S. official curricula cover comparatively many topics and are relatively unfocused. U.S. science and mathematics textbooks typically take a cautious, inclusive approach keeping traditional content while adding new reform topics. They thus lack. Teachers, without guidance to help them focus, typically divide their attention among many topics. Empirically, there is little agreement in the U.S. on what is truly basic judging by common topics among curricula and textbooks. U.S. teaching, at least in mathematics, is teacher and moves among many different activities, failing to tell a coherent story. We must face these as we seek to find ways to become what we want to be in providing science and mathematics education.  相似文献   


Qualitative metasynthesis (QM) is a research methodology that permits the meaningful integration and interpretation of qualitative research. This study applies a QM approach combined with constructivist grounded theory methods, bolstered by several features of research credibility, to examine the state of consultee-centered consultation (CCC) and related relational, process-oriented school consultation research. A systematic search and retrieval process including two rounds of appraisal resulted in a final sample of 38 relevant studies from 1995 to 2014. Data analyses included two stages of coding/theme development. Integrated themes suggest a number of considerations regarding consultation implementation including: system-level factors; consultation structure; consultee voice, social-emotional support, and learning; ecological orientation and cultural responsiveness; and consultation training. Future research priorities stemming from these themes are identified and elaborated upon, as are future applications for QM in educational research.  相似文献   

Developmental transitions of complex systems may be studied by selecting (collective) variables that constrain the degrees of freedom for each developmental state. In a dynamical systems approach, the transitions from state to state are engendered through the scaling of contributing subsystems (control parameters). In this study, the locomotor skills of walking and running were compared in newly running infants by observing several likely collective variables including relative stance, estimated pathway of center of mass, and segmental/joint action. 4 children were filmed longitudinally at 5.5, 7.5, and 9.5 months of independent walking and then at 3 years of age. 3 trials per gait were selected for single stride analysis and compared with data from 4 adults. In general, the proposed collective variables showed transitional forms over the first few months of running, indicating a relatively continuous change between the 2 gait forms. Coordination of the knee joint was very similar between gaits and across age, but the ankle joint was less consistent for both gaits in the infants. Relative stance and stride length data indicated that the children could not generate vertical and horizontal displacement. These findings echo those found in newly walking infants and suggest that similar rate-limiting parameters are present for both gaits.  相似文献   

思想政治工作是党的优良传统,在党的形成,建立和发展的过程中,思想政治工作都发挥了十分重要的作用,在当前的形势下,更需要我们党总结思想政治工作的历史经验,提高对思想政治工作重要性的认识,搞好当前的思想政治建设。  相似文献   

思想政治工作是党的优良传统,在党的形成、建立和发展的过程中,思想政治工作都发挥了十分重要的作用.在当前的形势下,更需要我们党总结思想政治工作的历史经验,提高对思想政治工作重要性的认识,搞好当前的思想政治建设.  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 "综合性主题教育"研究始于二十世纪八十年代初,是基于对当时幼儿园分科教育弊病的认识而提出的,试图通过一种包容式的主题设计,打破"成人"化、学科教育化的教育模式,实施符合幼儿认识特点的幼儿园教育.经过十余年的实践研究,已形成了一套比较有效的教育方案,并对上海及其他省市产生了较大的辐射影响.  相似文献   

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