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Recent decades have witnessed dramatically improved survival rates for infants born prematurely, especially those born very and extremely preterm. Follow-up studies concerned with long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes for children born preterm indicate that these children are at high risk for a range of cognitive, learning, neuromotor, and behavioral difficulties. However, to date, most of the existing literature has tended to focus on the medical and developmental impact of preterm birth, with little consideration given to the educational implications. Addressing this research gap is important since cognitive and educational difficulties represent the most commonly occurring cluster of adverse outcomes affecting children born very or extremely preterm, with up to two thirds likely to require educational assistance during their school years. The goal of this review is to provide an overview of existing research findings relating to the educational needs of school-age preterm children. Methodological issues that need to be addressed in future outcome research relating to the developmental and educational needs of very preterm children are also highlighted. Finally, implications of existing findings for educational psychologists, counselors, teachers, and teacher educators are discussed in terms of the roles of society, education systems, schools, and teachers.  相似文献   

Visual Attention Movements: A Developmental Study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pattern of attention movements underlying reorientation of visual selective attention independent of eye movements was studied developmentally in 2 experiments. In Experiment 1, 8-year-old, 11-year-old, and college-age subjects first oriented their attention to a central location and were then cued to direct their attention either to the left or the right peripheral field. Following variable intervals, the target appeared at the cued location and reaction times were recorded. The data were interpretable in terms of the attentional spotlight theory since there was an interaction between distance of the target from fixation and SOA. In terms of this theory, the data indicate that the velocity of attention movements increases throughout the age range studied. Experiment 2, in contradiction to attentional spotlight theory, failed to find evidence of an interaction between distance and SOA. This experiment suggested that young children can covertly orient their attention by including valid, neutral, and invalid cues, and that these cues can both facilitate and inhibit attentional orientation. This experiment also extended the findings to central as well as peripheral cues.  相似文献   

中、加大学生英语课文阅读眼动过程比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以中国大学生与加拿大大学生为样本,探讨了二之间英语阅读眼动过程的相同点与不同点。结果表明,(1)中国大学生的阅读速度(每分钟240—250个单词)慢于加拿大大学生的阅读速度(每分钟270—290个单词);(2)在阅读插图课方面。加拿大学生明显优于中国学生;(3)在阅读难度较大的课方面。加拿大学生也明显优于中国学生。这些区别的主要原因在于加拿大学生在阅读连贯的课时能够更多地注视每个内容词即实词。而且该词的上下特征对意义理解的影响比较小。  相似文献   

This feasibility study investigated if feedback about individual eye movements, reflecting varying word processing stages, can improve reading performance. Twenty-five university students read 90 newspaper articles during 9 eye-tracking sessions. Training group participants (n = 12) were individually briefed before each session, which eye movement parameter(s) (fixation count, first fixation duration, regression, and/or skipping) to address, and informed about changes achieved in preceding sessions. Control group participants (n = 13) were told that self-instruction to read faster would produce training gains. Total fixation times decreased significantly more for training than for control group participants. Important to note, faster reading did not impair comprehension. Results are interpreted as first indications for a possible applicability of the feedback approach to silent reading. In addition to implications for future studies, alternative result interpretations (e.g., motivational effects, reduction of mindless reading) are discussed.  相似文献   

The developmental outcomes for children born preterm have been examined by many, with results unequivocally indicating that children born preterm tend to have poorer cognitive outcomes and more developmental difficulties. Less attention has been paid to academic outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to review the academic skills assessment of children born preterm, examine the methodologies used to ascertain skill deficits, and identify essential directions for future research. Overwhelmingly the results of studies of academic skills indicate that children born preterm function lower than their full term peers. The methodological flaws with existing studies that impede broad conclusions about specific skill deficits will be discussed. It is critical that future research examine the academic skill deficits contributing to disability status so that effective early intervention strategies may be developed and implemented.  相似文献   

Eye movements were recorded as 12‐month‐olds (n = 15), 4‐year‐olds (n = 17), and adults (n = 19) watched a 15‐min video with sequences of shots conveying continuous motion. The central question was whether, and at what age, viewers anticipate the reappearance of objects following cuts to new shots. Adults were more likely than younger viewers to make anticipatory eye movements. Four‐year‐olds responded to transitions more slowly and tended to fixate the center of the screen. Infants’ eye movement patterns reflected a tendency to react rather than anticipate. Findings are consistent with the hypothesis that adults integrate content across shots and understand how space is represented in edited video. Results are interpreted with respect to a developing understanding of film editing due to experience and cognitive maturation.  相似文献   

Time-compressed, tape recorded messages were used to determine if listening to the message twice, in the same amount of time required to listen to the uncompressed message once, would improve listening comprehension scores of high and low aptitude men. The results indicated that for both groups of subjects, listening to the compressed messages twice improved comprehension scores over scores obtained by listening to the compressed tapes once. Comprehension of repeated time compressed messages was not improved over that obtained by a single listening to the uncompressed messages.  相似文献   

善意同乘作为好意施惠行为,在间接侵权责任的法律关系中,其应当以过错责任为标准衡量机动车驾驶者的责任,但是除此之外,法律和理论并未论述到善意同乘建立时的不同:是驾车者主动要求搭载第三人;还是驾车者受第三人所邀,被动搭载第三人。不论是从法理上还是社会情理上,这两种情形在法律关系建立时所起的效果明显完全不同,因此本文尝试论述这两种情形的差异以及事后相关侵权责任的划分,以完善整个交通事故侵权责任理论。  相似文献   

Cognitive impairment is common among children born very preterm (VPT), yet little is known about how this risk changes over time. To examine this issue, a regional cohort of 110 VPT (≤ 32 weeks gestation) and 113 full‐term (FT) born children was prospectively assessed at ages 4, 6, 9, and 12 years using the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence–Revised and then Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 4th ed. At all ages, VPT children obtained lower scores than their FT born peers (p < .001). Growth curve modeling revealed stable cognitive trajectories across both groups. Neonatal white matter abnormalities and family socioeconomic adversity additively predicted cognitive risk. Despite some intraindividual variability, cognitive functioning of typically developing and high‐risk VPT children was stable and influenced by early neurological development and family rearing context.  相似文献   

本研究以英语语言学、认知语言学、心理语言学、教育学等理论为基础,立足汉-英学习者的阅读学习以及英语教学的实际,分析切分法对汉-英学习者英文阅读过程中产生的影响,采用文献法、观察法、实验法等研究方法,采取不同的切分方式使用眼动仪对汉-英被试者进行英文阅读的眼动观察,以此发现汉-英双语者在英文阅读中的眼动特点及规律,从而探究提升英文阅读绩效的方法。  相似文献   

眼动可以反映视觉信息的选择模式.在我国,眼动技术在其主要的应用领域如阅读心理学、广告心理学、运动心理学和病理心理学等方面已有了广泛的发展,并取得了大量的研究成果.本文在介绍这些成果的基础上,针对眼动方法在心理学应用方面的发展趋势提出了具体的建议.  相似文献   

Vulnerability and Resilience: A Study of High-Risk Adolescents   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Factors that allow children to maintain socially competent behaviors despite stress were examined among 144 inner-city ninth-grade students with a mean age of 15.3 years. Stress was operationalized by scores on a negative life events scale, and definitions of social competence were based on peer ratings, teacher ratings, and school grades. Moderator variables examined included intelligence, internal locus of control, social skills, ego development, and positive life events. Following theoretical models by Garmezy and Rutter, distinctions were made between compensatory factors (which are directly related to competence) and protective/vulnerability factors (which interact with stress in influencing competence). Ego development was found to be compensatory against stress. Internality and social skills proved to be protective factors, while intelligence and positive events were involved in vulnerability processes. This study also revealed that children labeled as resilient were significantly more depressed and anxious than were competent children from low stress backgrounds.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,心理学家开始使用眼动分析法对数学解题进行研究.近年来国内外应用眼动分析法对应用题解题的研究成果很多.教育工作者应思考以下问题:眼动分析法使解题研究更接近纯实证研究;应加强代数应用题的眼动研究;考察数学成绩优生的眼动模式,有利于探索出培养学生解题的最佳训练策略.  相似文献   

某一违法行为的犯罪化是指对该违法行为的控制是否有必要通过设立刑法规范进行规制。我国现行刑法典规定洗钱罪的罪过形式只能是故意,过失不构成此罪,而我国反洗钱的司法现状说明立法的规定不尽合理。国内也有学者对过失洗钱行为犯罪化持否定态度。从刑法学理论看,过失洗钱行为同样具有严重的社会危害性和应受刑罚惩罚性,符合犯罪化的标准。同时,国际反洗钱立法标准和域外较成熟的立法经验也说明将过失洗钱行为纳入我国立法范畴是可行的。因此,我国刑事立法有必要将过失洗钱行为犯罪化。当然,过失应仅限于"重大过失",其量刑也应明显轻于故意洗钱犯罪。此外,还应注意区分过失洗钱犯罪与过失处置赃物行为。  相似文献   

眼动方法在心理学研究中的现状及其趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
眼动可以反映视觉信息的选择模式、在我国,眼动技术在其主要的应用领域如阅读心理学、广告心理学、运动心理学和病理心理学等方面已有了广泛的发展,并取得了大量的研究成果.本文在介绍这些成果的基础上,针对眼动方法在心理学应用方面的发展趋势提出了具体的建议.  相似文献   

以空间顿悟问题四点、九点问题为实验材料,采用学习——测试的实验范式,探讨诱导对顿悟问题解决的影响。结果发现:与无诱导组被试相比,诱导组被试问题解决的成绩更好;与动态的视觉诱导相比,静态视觉强诱导条件下被试问题解决的成绩更好。突出解决问题关键特殊成分的诱导,不但激活了被试头脑中原型,而且还给被试提供了一个具身的物理机制,促发顿悟解答的感知模拟。  相似文献   

This report describes the Ocular Communicator(OC) and its use with a person who is severely physically disabled. The device is designed for persons who have minimal motor function and employs eye movements for the operation of a printer or computer keyboard.  相似文献   

Feeding imprinting, considered a survival‐enabling process, is not well understood. Infants born very preterm, who first feed passively, are an effective model for studying feeding imprinting. Retrospective analysis of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) records of 255 infants (Mgestational age = 29.98 ± 1.64) enabled exploring the notion that direct breastfeeding (DBF) during NICU stay leads to consumption of more mother's milk and earlier NICU discharge. Results showed that DBF before the first bottle feeding is related to shorter transition into oral feeding, a younger age of full oral feeding accomplishment and earlier discharge. Furthermore, the number of DBF meals before first bottle feeding predicts more maternal milk consumption and improved NICU outcomes. Improved performance in response to initial exposure to DBF at the age of budding feeding abilities supports a feeding imprinting hypothesis.  相似文献   

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