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本研究采用了实验的方法,以言语、非言语性任务,意外转移与表征变化任务为变量,考察了不同语言能力的88名3-4岁幼儿的错误信念理解能力。研究结果发现,降低错误信念任务对语言能力的要求并不能改变幼儿在错误信念理解上的年龄特征;在3岁和4岁两个年龄组中,语言能力超常的幼儿在各项实验任务上的表现均好于语言能力一般的幼儿。  相似文献   

This article examined longitudinal relations among socioeconomic risk, maternal language input, child vocabulary, and child executive function (EF) in a large sample (= 1,009) recruited for a prospective longitudinal study. Two measures of maternal language input derived from a parent–child picture book task, vocabulary diversity (VOCD), and language complexity, showed variation by socioeconomic risk at child ages 15, 24, and 36 months. Maternal VOCD at child age 24 months and maternal language complexity at child age 36 months mediated the relation between socioeconomic risk and 48-month child EF, independent of parenting sensitivity. Moreover, 36-month child vocabulary mediated the relation between maternal language input and child EF. These findings provide novel evidence about mechanisms linking socioeconomic risk and child executive function.  相似文献   

非语言交际具有生物性和社会性等特点,它对语言交际具有补充、否定、重复、替代、调节、强调等作用。非言语言同语言一样,都是文化的一部分。各民族有不同的非语言交际方式。因此,我们要重视非语言交际的作用,积极开展跨文化非语言交际和努力探索这一研究与外语教学之间的密切关系,从而避免由文化障碍研究而导致的误解,成功的实现跨文化交际。  相似文献   

Why is there an increased need for quantitative indicators of student socioeconomic status at the school level? What alternative approaches have been used to measure SES? Can principals accurately estimate the SES distribution of their student populations? How do their estimates correlate with other indexes o f family SES?  相似文献   

This study compared the ease of verbal and nonverbal versions of a number conservation problem for 4and S‐year‐old children. The nonverbal task employed a ‘train‐transfer’ procedure in which children were first trained to a criterial level to make one response to stimulus pairs that contained two rows of the same number in one‐to‐one correspondence and a different response to stimulus pairs in which one of the rows was of greater or of lesser number than the other. Conservation performance was maintaining the learned response to the identical pair after one of its rows had been deformed. Taking both ages together the nonverbal task was the easier. However, children's justifications showed that verbal processes may have been responsible for both correct and incorrect performance in many cases. The data are interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that children interpret conservation terms perceptually when used by others in certain contexts in spite of what they know about the underlying fact of conservation.  相似文献   

The verbal and nonverbal communication behaviors of consultants and consultees were examined in this study. The problem identification interviews (Bergan, 1977) of two consultants and 20 consultees were videotaped as they discussed school problems being experienced by the consultees. A modified version of the Message Process category of Bergan's (1977) Consultation Analysis Record was employed to measure verbal behavior. Nonverbal behaviors (Facial, Voice, and Body) were assessed as either positive, negative, or neutral following the coding scheme employed by Gottman, Markman, and Notarious (1977). Consultant and consultee verbal and nonverbal behaviors were coded each 10 sec using a system of momentary time sampling. Preliminary mapping of consultation communication behaviors are presented. A more complex behavior code is suggested to better understand the nature of communication interactions during consultation sessions. Limitations of the' current study are examined and results are discussed in terms of implications for consultation practice and future research.  相似文献   

影响跨文化商务交际的中英文化差异包括思维方式、价值观念、风俗习惯和语言现象的差异。而这种差异通常会反映在语言和非语言的交流之中,凸显到国际商务的经济运行中便会形成商业冲突。要进行有效的跨文化商务交际,应采取适当的沟通途径,克服文化差异的不利因素,合理利用语言和非语言因素,以加强理解和融合。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the interactions of mathematical abilities when 6 high achieving Swedish upper-secondary students attempt unfamiliar non-routine mathematical problems. Analyses indicated a repeating cycle in which students typically exploited abilities relating to the ways they orientated themselves with respect to a problem, recalled mathematical facts, executed mathematical procedures, and regulated their activity. Also, while the nature of this cyclic sequence varied little across problems and students, the proportions of time afforded the different components varied across both, indicating that problem solving approaches are informed by previous experiences of the mathematics underlying the problem. Finally, students’ whose initial problem formulations were numerical typically failed to completed the problem, while those whose initial formulations were algebraic always succeeded.  相似文献   

M. Maqsud 《教育心理学》1997,17(4):387-397
Two experiments were conducted with senior high school pupils in the North‐West Province of South Africa to examine relationships of metacognitive strategies and nonverbal reasoning ability to their performance in tests of mathematics and English comprehension. The analyses of data revealed that both metacognitive ability and nonverbal reasoning ability have significant positive association with mathematics and English achievement scores. Significant sex differences in mathematics performance were also found. The findings of the two experiments suggested that some intervention programmes to teach metacognitive strategies to students, who lack such skills, may improve their academic attainment  相似文献   

学前教育越来越受到家长和社会的重视,而名目繁多的学前教育行为在一定程度上迎合了家长对孩子进行“超前教育”的需求。一些家长(甚至一些教育机构和非教育机构)认为孩子认字越多越聪明,越有利于他们将来的语文学习。本文对学生学前识字量与其四年级上学期的语文成绩进行了相关性研究。研究显示,学前识字量对语文成绩有影响但也是有限的;学前识字量的多少不能完全反映儿童心智水平;识字量只是促进语文成绩提高的一个方面。  相似文献   

How impressions of credibility are formed in trial type settings is examined using 173 participants. It is hypothesized that the severity of the penalty faced by an accused individual will increase participant involvement with the accused's testimony. Involvement is predicted to interact with verbal and nonverbal cues associated with deception to influence jurors’ honesty judgments. Although penalty severity did not influence participant involvement, results indicate that involvement moderates the effect of verbal cues, but not nonverbal cues, on perceptions of deception.  相似文献   

Research Findings: As policymakers expand access to preschool, the sociodemographic composition of preschool classrooms will become increasingly important. These efforts may create programs that increase the concentration of children from low-income families or, alternatively, foster the creation of socioeconomically diverse preschool classrooms. What effect the creation of such contexts would have on very young children remains unclear. Using multilevel methods and data on 2,966 children in 704 prekindergarten classrooms, this study explores the relationship between socioeconomic classroom composition and children's social and cognitive development. The results indicate positive associations between the mean socioeconomic status (SES) of the class and children's receptive language, expressive language, and mathematics learning, regardless of children's own sociodemographic backgrounds and the characteristics of their classrooms. However, the analyses indicate no association between the development of social competence and class mean SES. Practice or Policy: The links between classroom SES and language and mathematics development were comparable in size to those associated with instructional quality and even children's own SES. Neither structural nor instructional characteristics of prekindergarten classrooms explained these relationships, suggesting the possibility of direct peer effects. The findings indicate that the composition of children's classrooms should be considered an important aspect of preschool quality.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether children’s preschool experiences are associated with later achievement via enhanced learning behaviors using data from a German longitudinal study following children (N = 554) from age 3 in preschool to age 8 in second grade. There were two main findings. First, results suggest that more positive learning behaviors at school entry mediate effects of teacher–child interactions in preschool on second-grade achievement. Second, these effects varied by parental socioeconomic status (SES) indicating that low-SES children benefited the most. The findings highlight the role of preschool classroom environments in shaping the school readiness of children with socioeconomic risk factors.  相似文献   

五年制幼专数学和中学数学在学生心理和学法、教材、教学方法等方面的衔接上出现的问题,直接影响着幼专数学的教学质量。正确处理好五年制幼专数学与中学数学的衔接问题,是指导五年制幼专学生学好数学的关键之一。在幼专数学教学中关注学生的情感、引导学生掌握优秀学法、树立教材适应学生的理念、选用合理的教学方法是进行教学衔接的有效方法。  相似文献   

Amid growing controversy about the oft-cited “30-million-word gap,” this investigation uses language data from five American communities across the socioeconomic spectrum to test, for the first time, Hart and Risley's (1995) claim that poor children hear 30 million fewer words than their middle-class counterparts during the early years of life. The five studies combined ethnographic fieldwork with longitudinal home observations of 42 children (18–48 months) interacting with family members in everyday life contexts. Results do not support Hart and Risley's claim, reveal substantial variation in vocabulary environments within each socioeconomic stratum, and suggest that definitions of verbal environments that exclude multiple caregivers and bystander talk disproportionately underestimate the number of words to which low-income children are exposed.  相似文献   

数能力作为儿童认知发展的重要方面一直是心理学关注的问题.近些年来,国外手指动作与早期数能力关系研究越来越受到研究者的重视.笔者通过发展心理学与认知神经科学两个视角,从数概念及其表征、计数技能的获得以及运算能力的发展等方面概述了国外近些年来幼儿手指动作与数认知关系的研究,并在此基础上提出了当前该领域研究的前景与教育上的思考.  相似文献   

试论学生在校经历与能力培养的互动关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生的在校经历丰富多彩,然而任何一种经历都具有其两面性,本文探求了大学生在校经历与其能力提升之间的某种互动关系。  相似文献   

语音能力是说话能力的基础,作为一种语文学科能力,是中小学学业成绩评价的一部分。在2011版课程标准及现行多种版本教材中,都体现了对语音能力的关注。小学生语音能力如何测量和评价,尚缺少操作性较强的方式方法。基于此,本文拟以小学一年级语音能力测评为例构建小学生语音能力的指标体系,作为教师或家长评价学生语音能力发展的参考。  相似文献   

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