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Over the last years great efforts have been made within the University environment to implement e-learning technologies in the standard educational practice. These learning technologies distribute online educational multimedia contents through technological platforms. Even though specific e-learning tools for technical disciplines were already available on the Internet, in our opinion more general tools, typically involving calculations, plots or diagrams, through the use of spreadsheets or graphical applications, were still needed to provide a more flexible and multi-purpose integrated environment. Therefore, we developed an integrated system to supply e-learning platforms with almost the same functionalities offered by standalone Office Automation applications. Modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment (MOODLE) and OpenOffice.org were selected to deal with any problem originating from the software and to smooth over the users' learning curve. Furthermore, MOODLE is a modular platform and offers an extensive application programming interface for coding in a simple and effective manner. The implementation of the work required the employment of Java and Asynchronous JavaScript and Extensible Markup Language technologies and included the creation of a Java Applet to be embedded in the web pages of the new MOODLE modules. Students could thus be offered a single working environment for handling “traditional” material and performing practical activities. The students' feedback on this new integrated system was very positive and proved the effectiveness of our work.  相似文献   

This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between students' sense of community, perceived cognitive learning, and satisfaction in an e-learning course. Additionally, the relationship of these variables with Internet self-efficacy and final examination scores is investigated. The participants were 88 students enrolled in elementary level English as a Foreign Language course of the distance education program at a higher education institution in Turkey. The results of the study suggest that sense of community and course satisfactions are strongly related to each other. Moreover, students' course satisfaction is highly related to their perceived cognitive learning. Students' perceived cognitive learning was observed to have a very strong relationship with learner-to-content interaction, while learner-to-learner interaction was at medium level and learner-to-instructor interaction was weak.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a fragment from an educational action research in a teacher education setting, ascertaining the possibilities of using the online environment of google.doc for initiating pre-service teachers’ discourse about the nature of inclusive relationships between individuals and the environment, and the ways of their enhancement. The method of discourse analysis applied to the generated data demonstrates contradictory evidence as regards the effectiveness of the chosen medium for discourse in terms of the participants’ involvement. However, content analysis of the generated discourse yields a system of 15 approaches that pre-service teachers use for communicating about the nature of and prerequisites for inclusive relationships as well as for contemplating the role of education in enhancing them. We suggest that teacher educators can apply these approaches as a framework for exploring the frames of reference that future teachers use in making sense of the phenomenon of inclusion. The identified approaches can help to identify the paths to be pursued to develop these frames, on the grounds of an assumption that a balance can be found between the cognitive, affective, experiential and action orientations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate how hybrid learning instruction affects undergraduate students' learning outcome, satisfaction and sense of community. The other aim of the present study is to examine the relationship between students' learning style and learning conditions in mixed online and face-to-face courses. A quasi-experimental design was used and 140 sophomores were recruited in this study. Students' learning outcomes, satisfaction, sense of community and learning styles were measured. Results showed that students in a hybrid course had significantly higher learning scores and satisfaction than did students of the face-to-face courses. The result also indicated that students of hybrid learning classrooms felt a stronger sense of community than did students in a traditional classroom setting. Analysis of learning style indicated that learning style had significant effect on learning outcome in the study group. Accommodator learners had higher e-learning effectiveness than other style learners. Possible reasons of results were discussed.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of online learning platforms, learners have more access to various kinds of courses. However, they may find it difficult to make choices due to the massive number of courses. The main contribution of our research is the design of a course recommendation framework which extracts multimodal course features based on deep learning models. In this framework, different kinds of information of course, such as course title, and course audio and course comments, are used to make proper recommendation in online learning platforms. Moreover, we utilize both explicit and implicit feedback to infer learner’s preference. Based on real-world datasets, our empirical results show that the proposed framework performs well in course recommendation, achieving an AUC score of 79.03%. This framework can provide technical support for course video recommendation, thus helping online learning platforms to manage course resources and optimize user learning experience.  相似文献   

Drawing from social resource-social capital theory, this paper aims to clarify and characterize the role of harmonious learner–instructor and learner–learner relationships in promoting experience and retaining learners in online learning environments. Hypotheses are tested by applying a structural equation model and the data are collected from a survey of online learning website (n?=?539). The results suggest that harmonious relationships have a positive impact on learners’ experience (i.e. perceived performance, enjoyment and social presence), which, in turn, strengthen learners’ continuous intention to use the e-learning platform. And learners’ expertise moderates the relationships between harmonious relationships and learner experience. Based on the analysis results, this study can provide educational institutions with useful tactics to retain learners in the e-learning environments.  相似文献   

通过对商丘市社区体育现状调查分析发现:商丘市社区居民参加健身活动的意识增强;散步、慢跑、有氧健身操等体育项目深受老年人青睐;体育人口老年人居多,中年、青少年所占比例偏小;公共体育设施匮乏,体育场所单一;社会体育活动指导力量发展不均衡等.为此,主要采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法等多种研究方法,对河南省商丘市社区健身活动现状进行了调查与分析,并提出合理的对策和建议.  相似文献   

河北省信息服务业现状及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年来,河北省信息服务系统硬件建设发展很快,但服务质量有待提高。正确分析信息服务的水平并探讨其发展对策,对推动社会信息化进程具有特别重要现实意义。  相似文献   

Using Giddens’ theory of structuration as a theoretical framework, this paper outlines how five prominent United Kingdom universities aimed to integrate top-down and bottom-up approaches to the adoption and diffusion of e-learning. The aim of this paper is to examine the major challenges that arise from the convergence of bottom-up perspectives and top-down strategies. Giddens’ theory is used to understand the dynamics of organisational change as they pertain to the adoption and diffusion of e-learning. This is intended to support our understanding of the interplay between top-down strategy and bottom-up adoption of e-learning. From the research and from our findings, we present a set of change levers that are intended to provide practical value for managers responsible for the diffusion of e-learning strategy in higher education.  相似文献   

元心理学是近年来发展起来的针对常心理支配下产生的行为,以及对这些行为进行的自我调节、自我激励、自我监控、自我升华的一种交叉学科、边缘学科.其核心是对自我的一种评价.怎样充分利用这种评价,优化学生行为,促进其个性发展,使其更符合新时期特别是中国入世后培养人才标准的变迁,作者做了有益的探索.  相似文献   

当前我国高校学生社区建设及后勤产业化改革不断推进,在学生社区开展大学生党建工作,既是大学生思想政治教育工作的迫切需要,又是大学生党建工作的内在要求。高校必须站在全局的高度,注重大学生社区的文化与环境建设,营造良好育人氛围,强化组织建设,使社区党建工作和院系党建互为补充、相互促进。  相似文献   

本就教师人格中存在的“虚无”倾向,从哲学的角度进行了分析,阐述了现代教师人格的特征。提出了实现现代教师人格的途径。  相似文献   

学习型社区的媒介环境建设在我国是一个朝阳研究领域,而针对职教师资能力提升的学习型社区媒介环境建设的研究论述尚未见诸于报端.本文为职教师资能力提升的学习型社区建立有效的媒介环境模型,通过整合各种媒介建立起的环境为职教师资提供有效的信息传播途径,促进有效的学习,以达到提升师资能力的目的.  相似文献   

语言单位和认知语境在信息处理中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在信息处理过程中,语言单位和认知语境决定了学习者能否正确地理解语篇中的语言意义,研究语言单位和认知语境在信息处理中的作用,会有助于英语教学,更有效地影响和转变中国学生习得英语的思维方式。作者对如何利用语言单位和认知语境来获取语言意义作了一定的探讨和研究。  相似文献   

分析了在网络环境下,文献信息资源的现状及缺陷,以及信息资源共建共享下的读者需求变化,提出了网络环境下文献信息资源共建共享的对策.  相似文献   

网络环境下,图书馆服务工作从内容到形式都发生了很大变化。图书馆工作者应熟练掌握现代信息技术,进一步提高获取、处理和利用信息的能力。只有这样,才能做好读者服务工作。  相似文献   

在当今以网络信息化为特征的时代,信息素质教育是大学生素质教育的一个重要组成部分。文章从阐述信息素质、信息素质教育的概念入手,在分析大学生信息素质状况的基础上,提出了网络环境下加强大学生信息素质教育的途径和方法。  相似文献   

本从网络环境对高校图书馆信息服务工作的影响;高校图书馆开展信息服务具有的优势;可开展的现代信息服务工作;以及亟待解决的问题等四个方面对网络环境下高校图书馆的信息服务工作做了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

环境权是公民环境知情权的权利来源,环境知情权是公民参与环境保护的前提条件。应该构建和完善我国公民环境知情权法律制度,以求在实践中把公民环境知情权落到实处,为公民参与环境保护创造条件,同时也为公民保护自己合法的环境权益奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

针对社区医疗地域分散、与外部系统活动频繁等特点,提出了基于SOA的社区医疗信息系统信息集成的设计与实现方法。利用.NET框架的高度集成、跨平台共享等特点,通过Web Service封装对外的业务处理模块,提供了统一的服务接口,从而实现对分布异构数据进行数据交流。提出了利用.NET中的WebService技术实现SOA集成的解决方法,充分论证SOA在社区医疗信息系统的重要作用。  相似文献   

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