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Performance management is one aspect of major reforms which have transformed the public sector workforce in Australia and other Western countries since the 1980s. Embedded in the discourse of managerialism, performance management represents an attempt by the state to make workers—in this case teachers—more efficient, more effective and more accountable. In this paper we want to explore and compare a number of perspectives on performance management. Firstly, we consider several evaluation studies which have been undertaken in various contexts over recent years. These studies tend to take for granted the assumptions behind performance management and to judge its effectiveness within the framework of managerial thinking itself. Secondly, we review the critical literature which locates performance management in a broader social and political context and considers the interests it might serve. Finally, we present the perspectives of a focus group of teachers who are currently ‘being performance managed’ and reflect on the relationship between their stories, the official rhetoric of their education system and the views expressed in the literature.  相似文献   

Written from the vantage point of both a mother and teacher educator, the author recounts the journey taken by Sarah, her 4-year old daughter, as she is introduced to and explores map making as a means of representing and making sense of familiar and unfamiliar places. Offering Sarah’s experience as context, the author offers both a practical and theoretical discussion of children’s emerging geographic literacy, its relationship to identity development and the importance of understanding children’s experience and socio-emotional development to inform pedagogy.
Jennifer H. JamesEmail:

This study of classroom discourse and other data from a physical science course for in-service teachers show the areas of success and challenge of the participants in making claims supported by justifications. It also shows that the teachers learned to make scientific claims and were able to make some justifications. Nevertheless, many found the process difficult. Some of those who performed well in the course did not consider the pedagogy suitable for their own students. The implications of the findings for elementary teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

The TV show Sense8 tells the story of eight strangers from all around the world who realize they are connected to each other in a unique way. While taking their first steps of their quest to understand what bonds them and how they relate to one another, they are challenged by powerful people who want to capture them. Their individual journeys become a collective one, and through practicing a love ethic, they grow individually and collectively—an important lesson that can be taught in our classrooms. This article discusses what a love ethic entails and how it relates to restoring a sense of community within our schools and classrooms as a counteraction to neoliberal ideology and practices that harm our schools and atomize our communities.  相似文献   

Educational Policy on Emotional Intelligence: Does It Make Sense?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Educational policy on emotional intelligence appears to be based more on mass-media science journalism than on actual educational and psychological research. The first section of this article provides an overview of the research areas of emotional intelligence, social and emotional learning, and character education; it further examines how these areas became linked in the popular press. The second section examines the scientific evidence for whether emotional intelligence underpins social and emotional learning, how emotional intelligence relates to success, and whether it is central to character. We conclude that educational policy in this area has outpaced the science on which it is ostensibly based, and recommendations for the future are made.  相似文献   

We investigated the dimensionality of inference making in samples of 4- to 9-year-olds (Ns = 416–783) to determine if local and global coherence inferences could be distinguished. In addition, we examined the validity of our experimenter-developed inference measure by comparing with three additional measures of listening comprehension. Multitrait, multimethod modeling determined that the best fitting model included both text and inference factors, but the factor loadings of these final models showed that local and global inference factors could not be measured reliably. The Inference Task as a whole was reliable and showed good validity at all grade levels.  相似文献   

Experiential learning and self-directed learning are keystone constructs in adult education. This paper examines ideas underpinning these constructs and offers a rethinking of experiential learning and self-directed learning as contextualised meaning making. In exploring this concept, the paper discusses contextualised meaning making as a multi-layered experience incorporating exposed meanings, hidden meanings and unheard voices. These ideas are illustrated by reference to practice in an adult education degree program.  相似文献   

This study examined the importance of reported sense of coherence (Antonovsky, 1987) in mothers of children with hearing impairment. Sense of coherence was explored as a factor in relation to the experience of stress and subjective life satisfaction and in the context of other relevant variables in coping (e.g., social support, additional handicaps of the child, child's hearing status, means of communication). Two hundred thirty-five mothers completed a questionnaire, and path analysis corroborated a theoretical model in which sense of coherence was delineated as a factor contributing directly to stress perception. Both sense of coherence and the experience of social support were identified as resources that reduced reported stress and improved quality of life, with sense of coherence especially important in reducing stress. Child variables, including additional handicaps and extent of hearing impairment, intensified reported stress for the mothers, but mode of communication with the deaf child did not affect stress experience. The findings are discussed within the context of socialization theory. Recommendations for further research (e.g., longitudinal data, control designs, socio-economic status, applicability to fathers) are made.  相似文献   

This article tells how Six Sigma builds on a progression of earlier approaches to increasing workplace efficiencies and improving product quality. The article explores the productivity improving contributions of Adam Smith, Frederick Taylor, W. Edwards Deming, the Systems school, and Michael Hammer, showing that Six Sigma ends up combining the strengths of these contributions. It offers an alternative approach focused more on the non‐quantifiable elements, an approach that might be the next step in the progression.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Colorharmonyisanimportantwaynotonlyinachievingaestheticmeasureofcolorcompositions ,butalsoincreatingmessagecontextforcolorcompositionpurposes.Themoderncolorharmonytheorydealswithcolordesignproblemsinindustrialproductswithquantitativeandrationalengineeringmethods ,whichisnecessaryintothedevelopmentofproductivity .Thestudyofcolorharmonyaestheticmeasureisnotonlyapsychologicalsubjectbutalsoanengineeringsubject.Withthedevelopmentofproductivity ,therequirementofproductdesigngoesbeyo…  相似文献   

Data-driven decision-making (DDDM) reform has proven to be an effective means for improving student learning. However, little DDDM reform has happened at the classroom level, and little research has explored variables that influence teacher adoption of DDDM. The authors propose a model in which teachers’ sense of efficacy for the skills that support classroom-level DDDM and DDDM anxiety significantly influenced teachers’ DDDM efficacy, which then influenced collaboration concerns that influenced refocusing concerns. The authors used structural equation modeling to analyze data on 537 teachers in order to validate this hypothesized model. Results supported this model and are discussed.  相似文献   

The field of information technology in education is nearly 30 years old. There have been many impressive achievements during that time. However, the field seems to have developed a number of theories, concepts, and activities that are often taken for granted and are regarded as sacrosanct. A case is made for the notion that theories should be practical and that it is possible to have too much of a good thing.  相似文献   

This article reports on a qualitative study on the dialogical approach to learning in the context of higher education. The aim was to shed light on the I-Position and multivoicedness in students’ identity building and to provide empirical substantiation for these theoretical constructs, focusing especially on the connection between personal knowledge and theoretical knowledge. The study explored how health science students’ reflections on their work and discipline-related experiences provided resources for making personal sense of and understanding the subject studied. The students took an online course on the philosophy of science. To study students’ internal and external dialogue in terms of multivoicedness in their sense-making processes I combined a discourse analysis with a dialogical approach. The results showed that in reflecting on their experiences in light of different scientific approaches, the students became engaged in dialogues with different voices, thereby experiencing tensions in their professional positioning. The reasoning tasks gave rise to internal dialogue, involving negotiation between different I-Positions of the self or heterodialogue with the texts. These identity negotiations were manifested in refining, strengthening, and reconstructing professional and scientific I-Positions and in sharing and constructing a We-Position.  相似文献   

Assessing gains in learning has received increased attention as one dimension of institutional accountability both in the USA (Arum and Roksa, Academically adrift: Limited learning on college campuses, 2011) and abroad (OECD, http://www.oecd.org/document/22/0,3746,en_2649_39263238_40624662_1_1_1_1,00.html, 2013, http://www.oecd.org/edu/skills-beyond-school/AHELOFSReportVolume2.pdf, 2012). Current approaches to assessing college learning are dominated by objective tests as well as student self-reported questionnaires, such as the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). This study examined how the three NSSE deep approaches to learning scales contribute to the narrative on academic rigor at a large, public research institution. Using Confirmatory Factor Analyses and Structural Equation Modeling, results showed that the three deep approaches to learning constructs were internally valid, but deep learning was not related to GPA. Findings raised questions regarding good measurement of student learning and student reward for rigorous performance.  相似文献   

Despite broader social changes in attitudes and policies regarding lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people, the space available for gay students to develop and express their identities in Christian colleges provides only limited and fleeting relief because of the culture of heteronormativity central to their history and identity. Yet, in an era of enrollment competition in higher education, Christian colleges must navigate their traditional mission to preserve and advance the faith, changing cultural attitudes regarding LBGTQ people, and the financial realities facing contemporary institutions. This article draws from interviews with men who attended Christian colleges. First, we present their narratives to render the presence of LGBTQ people visible in these sites. Second, we seek to understand how these men made sense of their sexualities within educational cultures saturated with retention imperatives, institutional surveillance, and denominational ambivalence or hostility about LGBTQ persons. The men's narratives highlight the challenges they faced as “unfit subjects” (Pillow, 2004 Pillow, W. (2004). Unfit subjects: Educational policy and the teen mother. New York, NY: Routledge.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), their absorption of normative constructions of gender and sexuality governing their educational context, and the need for Christian colleges to better serve their gay students of faith.  相似文献   

Children in the United States grow up in a context wherein colorblindness and racism coexist. This article examined how colorblindness functions as a societal “master narrative” that shapes how children construct their own racial identities. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews with 217 Black, White, and Multiracial children (Mage = 9.92) in public schools in the Pacific Northwest during 2013–2014 academic year. Our analysis identified four race narratives, which varied systematically by child age and race. Associations were also found between narrative types and children’s ratings of racial identity importance. Although colorblindness infuses many of the racial narratives, there was evidence that children also question and disrupt this master narrative with stories of resistance that counter colorblind norms.  相似文献   

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