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Visual Attention Movements: A Developmental Study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pattern of attention movements underlying reorientation of visual selective attention independent of eye movements was studied developmentally in 2 experiments. In Experiment 1, 8-year-old, 11-year-old, and college-age subjects first oriented their attention to a central location and were then cued to direct their attention either to the left or the right peripheral field. Following variable intervals, the target appeared at the cued location and reaction times were recorded. The data were interpretable in terms of the attentional spotlight theory since there was an interaction between distance of the target from fixation and SOA. In terms of this theory, the data indicate that the velocity of attention movements increases throughout the age range studied. Experiment 2, in contradiction to attentional spotlight theory, failed to find evidence of an interaction between distance and SOA. This experiment suggested that young children can covertly orient their attention by including valid, neutral, and invalid cues, and that these cues can both facilitate and inhibit attentional orientation. This experiment also extended the findings to central as well as peripheral cues.  相似文献   

This article presents a rationale for including training in program evaluation in counselor education programs.  相似文献   

Qiong Wu  Jia Yan  Ming Cui 《Child development》2021,92(5):e997-e1016
This study replicated and extended the Feldman (2009) study by applying the developmental hierarchical-integrative model to understand the emergence of self-regulation. Participants included 360 children (48.6% boys; 62.8% identified as Caucasian and 36.9% African American) and their families, predominantly from a low-income, rural background. Families completed assessments on child physiological, attention, emotion, and self-regulation when children were 6-, 15-, 24-, and 36-month-old, when caregiver sensitivity was observationally assessed. A path model revealed that child attention regulation at 6 months predicted physiological regulation at 15 months, and child attention regulation at 15 months predicted emotion regulation at 24 months. Attention regulation at 24 months predicted better self-regulation at 36 months. Notably, caregiver sensitivity moderated several developmental pathways. Findings support a continuous model of early self-regulation development and the ongoing individual-environment interplay in early childhood.  相似文献   

旅游产业发展潜力的结构模型及其测度研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
旅游产业发展潜力是指现有的旅游产业资源在各种内外环境因素的影响和作用下,逐渐积累而成的一种潜在能力,这一能力是对产业未来的竞争力和发展力的支持与保障,并在一定条件下能够转化为竞争实力和发展力.在此概念框架下对旅游产业发展潜力的系统结构、影响要素、测度模型及相关测度环节进行层层递进的剖析,可为下一步开展不同尺度下的旅游产业发展潜力纵向测度和横向评价构建理论框架并提供操作思路.对于涉及到产业发展潜力测度的具体问题,应结合评价体系和案例展开更为深入的分析,这样才能得出更翔实的结论.  相似文献   

近年来,各种心理学方法被广泛应用于社会认知研究,事件相关电位(theevent-related brain potential,ERP)是其中之一.它拓展了传统的行为研究方法,有效测评外显行为背后的潜在大脑加工.文章在回顾总结近年来相关电位成分在社会认知领域应用的基础上,展望了ERP技术在我国社会认知心理学领域的发展前景.  相似文献   

讨论了VisualBasic 6 .0中Data控件的RecordSet及其他任何RecordSet的表格形式打印问题 ,说明了打印预览Ocx控件———PrintRecord Set的属性方法设计及用VisualBasic 6 .0的实现过程 ,给出一个Print RecordSet控件的应用实例和今后的改进设想  相似文献   

Data are reported from 3 groups of children residing in Bucharest, Romania. Face recognition in currently institutionalized, previously institutionalized, and never-institutionalized children was assessed at 3 time points: preintervention ( n  = 121), 30 months of age ( n  = 99), and 42 months of age ( n  = 77). Children watched photographs of caregiver and stranger faces while event-related potentials were recorded. Results demonstrate that institutionalized children show pervasive cortical hypoarousal in response to faces and that foster care is somewhat effective in remediating this deficit by 42 months of age. All 3 groups of children distinguished between the familiar and unfamiliar faces. These results have the potential to inform an understanding of the role of early experience in the development of the neural systems that subserve face recognition.  相似文献   

通过对国外基础美术教学的考察和了解,再与我国当前基础美术教育比较。深感学生在表现能力和想象能力方面较弱,在教学内容方面较单一。学生进大学之前大部分受强化训练,为了美术高考,基本是按某种概念模式记背。学生个人的、积极的、潜在的主观能动性受到明显的抑制,对社会对生活更是陌生。作为对艺术设计专业学生素质的培养应从多方面的能力去考虑,把动手、想象、表现能力整合起来训练。因此,我们根据目前学生的特点和状况,特意将版画与版式设计课程的结合教学作为一个契机,来探索对学生能力培养的更为有益的一种新的教学模式。  相似文献   

The aims of this research were to investigate the ways in which students in primary and secondary schools process texts and accompanying visual aids and to ascertain any developmental patterns. Think-aloud protocols were gathered from 119 Grade 5, Grade 7 and Grade 9 students while they read and studied grade-appropriate History and Science materials which contained both text and visual aids (tables, diagrams). Analyses of the think-aloud protocols yielded over 50 different processes, subsumed under 10 major categories. While the History results showed no reliable grade differences in the 10 think-aloud categories, the Science results showed developmental differences. Older students demonstrated a more diverse array of strategies, and explicit linking of text and visual aid information was not as evident in the younger students. ANOVAs following cluster analyses showed weak relationships between cluster membership and outcomes. Implications for instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

"反思是专业方式的一部分。"教育实践反思是教师专业发展的基石,其反思意识、行为、能力、意志、水平的程度是教师专业发展差异性的试金石。基于反思的必要与重要,就反思的内涵与理解、反思的意义与作用、反思的途径与方式、反思的困乏与解惑、反思的类型与内容加以认识与探究。  相似文献   

电影与戏剧曾长期处在"混杂"、"连体"的状态,作为人类新奇的发明,早期电影是动作的纪录,显得零碎而随意。乔治.梅里爱首先将电影引向戏剧艺术轨道,"无声戏剧(电影)的天才和热情的大师"埃德温.鲍特通过剪辑尝试,使电影的戏剧意趣得以完善。而离经叛道的戏剧探索,也曾向"前电影"学习,以丰富自身现代性的建构。显然,戏剧与电影有诸多相似——都按照冲突律来结构剧本,都依赖演员表演,都采取剧场或影院"展示—观赏"即"一对多"传播模式,寻求"公众娱乐效应"。但是,电影与戏剧的差异其实更本质:时空上,戏剧多点受限,电影则高度自由;距离和角度上,舞台"中景"固定观赏,而银幕镜头堪称"自由的精灵";视听构成上,戏剧倚重台词,而电影将"可看性"作为第一生命,视觉元素是其感染力核心。今天,电影与戏剧相互看视、参照、启迪,在置换、融通中丰富自身,空前的互动带动着彼此艺术上的成长。  相似文献   

创建世界一流大学,办学思想是灵魂,科学研究是核心,管理体制是保障。本文从办学思想,科学研究,管理体制等三个方面,提出创建世界一流大学的对策:办学思想必须国际化,现代化,科学研究必须产业化,特色化,管理体制必须自主化,主体化。  相似文献   

文章从教学专长的角度来认识教师知识及其获得方式。专家教师的教学专长是由各类相互联系的专业知识组成的,且知识的性质是既有理论知识又有实践知识。基于此,教学专长的获得方式有:注重教师知识的教师培训、个体教师的蓄意练习和群体教师的合作学习。启示是教师知识在于它是由哪几类区别于其他专业的知识组成的;教师知识的获得可通过个体教师的教学反思,但不容忽视教师合作学习,尤其是教育研究者参与的合作学习。  相似文献   

通过对“大市场营销”的产生及其发展现状的论述 ,阐明了企业与市场营销环境的关系及市场营销的微观环境、宏观环境对企业的影响及作用 ,表明了企业在现代经济生活中的“社会营销观”。并进一步论述了企业在目前的“大市场营销”中 ,对它的外部环境是可以接受的 ,并能够采用各种不同的方式增加适应环境的能力 ,在一定的条件下转变环境 ,并通过“大市场营销”活动来使这种能动的思想对企业的大环境加以影响和改变  相似文献   


The critical incident technique was employed to study 85 student teachers' perceptions of and acts in dealing with discipline problems. Results showed that: (I) 80 percent of the discipline problems were attributed to pupils' talking and aggressive behaviors; (2) punishment (including withholding of approval) and threat of punishment were utilized to deal with discipline problems in more than 80 percent of situations; and (3) approval was applied more frequently in effective situations, while disapproval was used more frequently in ineffective situations.  相似文献   

借助文献计量工具对人类命运共同体研究进行可视化分析发现,围绕这一主题的研究进路可分为初始起步、快速发展和深化拓展三个阶段,以思想理念溯源、逻辑框架分析、价值意义阐释、实践路径探索为主要研究内容,以国际传播和话语权、中国特色大国外交实践整合、国际秩序和全球治理变革互动以及实践挑战和现实路径为前沿动向,并逐渐形成以马克思主义为主,涵盖政治学、社会学、法学等多学科参与的学术综合体。在人类命运共同体理念的重要性、必要性和紧迫性凸显的大变局时代,应进一步厘清基本概念、拓展研究视角和研究方法、加强研究力量整合和支持、加强对不同国家的认知和态度研究,深化理论研究和实践拓展。  相似文献   

探讨了常用电器机壳上虚电压、漏电压的产生,对人体的危害及其消除方法,指出安全使用电器应采取的保护措施。  相似文献   

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