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In the aftermath of the Bosnian war, the country has been challenged with the task of responding to the atrocities that culminated in the killing of thousands of people. Furthermore, the country’s resultant political instability and economic underdevelopment have been complicated by the multiple transitions to which it has been subject since the war. As a consequence, the process of healing and reconciliation remains a challenge. Young people from different ethnic groups still live in separation and struggle to remain hopeful after witnessing many years of stagnation. This paper conceptualizes a participatory youth development framework designed to enhance the educational experience and active civic engagement of Bosnian youths from three ethnic groups in fostering community change and post-war healing through creative learning and Nonviolent communication. The proposed program aims to enable them to explore the stories of their shared history, challenge their shared future by facing up to their personal, wartime, pre-war and post-war experiences and view themselves as legitimate participants in the community development process.  相似文献   

This paper describes the different challenges faced by all members of the local community who are directly or indirectly responsible for the educational reform regarding the process of inclusion in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Yugoslavia education system is regulated in canton legislature. Each canton has its own law on preschool, elementary school, high school and university education, with more than 30 laws covering the area of education. General and special education are separately regulated, thus violating the rights of children with special needs to be educated in the mainstream schools closest to their home. Negative attitudes, prejudices and stereotypes, educational standards non supportive for the inclusive education, lack of engagement of university facilities and negligence of scientifically based research are also considered in this study.  相似文献   

按照国际标准对波黑的5所医学院进行了内部评估和外部评估,参与者包括医学院管理人员、教师、学生以及外部评估专家.评估内容包括10个项目:学校宗旨和目标、课程、管理、教师、学生、设施和技术、经费情况、国际关系、内部质量保证和发展规划.结果表明,内部评估中有的学校高估了自己的总体表现,有的学校明显高估或低估自己在某些项目上的表现.评估工作表明,即使在复杂和不利的条件下,对医学教育进行建设性的、有组织的评估也是可能的.  相似文献   

联合国非殖民化机制的成功开创了国际社会非殖民化史的新篇章.全球绝大部分殖民地都实现了自治或独立,从而结束了过去少数殖民帝国武力征服、统治与掠夺殖民地半殖民地的旧时代,开启了发展中国家崛起的新纪元.非殖民化进程在全球范围的基本胜利改变了国际格局,深刻影响了世界历史的面貌,使世界历史整体发展步入和平与发展、平等与依存的新时期.  相似文献   

第一次世界大战对中国思想界的影响至深至巨,引起了战后(1918--1927)中国文化思潮的变动,具体体现在:一是进化论受到批评,互助论受到欢迎;二是科学万能论受到批评,要求重新审视科学功用和价值的呼声高涨;三是文化取代论受到冷落,中西文化调和或互补论开始为人们所倡导。  相似文献   

二战以来,发达国家无不根据新的形势要求对成人教育管理体制进行改革。由于各国经济发展水平的不同以及社会化背景的差异,其成人教育改革的出发点也不尽相同,改革举措各具特色。尽管如此,发达国家在成人教育管理体制方面却都呈现法制化、民主化、均权化、专业化和科学化之势。  相似文献   

抗战胜利后,国民政府对收复区伪学校及师生进行了教育甄审活动,由于设计和实施本身有缺陷,遭到了收复区广大师生的强烈反对。甄审的结果不但没有达到政府整合教育资源的目的,反而造成学生与政府的对立局面,开战后学生运动之先河。教育甄审减弱了国民政府对青年学生的向心力。  相似文献   

This article describes a case study in the use of the return on investment (ROI) evaluation methodology in local self‐government training in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Out of 20 training programs, the Project Cycle Management course was selected. The article describes pioneering work for the ROI approach in the Western Balkan public sector. A main challenge was to identify an impact measure due to difficulties in accessing relevant data. A conservative approach to data management showed the strengths of the ROI methodology and the reliability of the results.  相似文献   

日本侵华期间,在沦陷区实施了彻底的奴化教育。教育行政制度和组织管理体现了日伪教育管理的奴化本质。伪教育行政机构及其教育行政制度将教育工作纳入殖民地教育的轨道;奴化教育管理体系及其配套措施将奴化教育落实到了实际的教育工作中。  相似文献   

信息化发展对信息化教学平台的建设和应用有重要的推动作用。慕课对教育传播效果有以下影响:受众范围拓展,不仅拓展了课程资源的受众范围,也推动了终生教育的发展;师生关系更加和谐,教师有意识地引导学生主动学习,提高了学习效率;教育方法灵活化、反馈形式多样化,不受时空、环境及内容等限制,完善学习效果。慕课平台在国内的发展存在盲目跟风的现象,要趋利避害。  相似文献   

滇西抗战是发生在多民族聚居的云南边疆的一场反法西斯战争,在这场战争中,云南边疆民族关系发生了一些明显变化,并反过来对滇西抗战产生了深刻的影响,构成了云南抗日战争史和民族关系史的重要内容。滇西的沦陷,到滇西反攻战收复失地,都对滇西土司产生了重大的影响。  相似文献   

精英话语对教育考试制度改革的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,精英话语权体现在精英对公众态度的吸纳、民意的表达和制度制定等方面。在教育考试制度改革中,公众态度通过人大提案、教育专家建议、知识分子呼吁等形式表达。知识精英对教育考试制度改革话语一定程度上存在着知识精英群体的主观认知局限和精英主义的价值取向。因此,政府在进行教育考试制度改革过程中要综合各种建议和意见,摒弃主观价值取向,加强民意调查,进行成本收益分析和现实适应性研究。  相似文献   

在鸦片战争前,清政府在广州实行一口贸易管理体制后,受到了西方“自由贸易”势力的冲击。在对华贸易中通过鸦片走私逐渐发展壮大的英国散商为了打破垄断、争取自由贸易,通过各种不同的途径逃避和抵制广州贸易体制的管制和约束,实施了对广州贸易体制最猛烈的冲击和破坏。  相似文献   

陶行知先生的“生活即教育”理论,构建以人为本的人性化教育,并以此为基础,形成一套完整的教育思想。其中以人为本的教育理念,自主学习的理念,全面学习理念,实践教育的理念,至今仍在指导着中国基础教育和高等教育的发展。研究其教育思想,领会其精神实质,对当代教育改革和发展,都具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   

日本侵华期间,日伪在河北沦陷区实施了彻底的奴化教育。教育行政制度和组织管理体现了日伪教育管理的奴化本质。伪教育行政机构及其教育行政制度将教育工作纳入殖民地教育的轨道,奴化教育管理体系及其配套措施将奴化教育落实到了实际的教育工作中。  相似文献   

To incorporate gender issues into public policy, most nations have established women in development (WID) units in their governmental bureaucracies at some point in the last 20 years. An examination of 48 WID units in developing countries indicates that in most cases these multisectoral organizations consider education among their activities. Within education the focus is more on non-formal education for adult women than on formal education. By concentrating on literacy programs combined with income generation, health and nutrition activities or on vocational education, WID units implicitly subscribe to a definition of gender issues as those concerning mostly poor women. It is argued that limited contestation by these units of the ideological function of schooling, revealed in the scarce attention given to teacher training and curriculum/textbook revision-added to their limited funding and infrequent contact with feminist non-governmental organizations (NGOs)-makes these WID units relatively ineffectual in altering the reproductive functions of the formal educational system.  相似文献   

中国加入世贸组织后,高等教育只有树立全球观念,规范教育行政,加大教育投入,引进教育资源,深化专业改造,提高教育质量,面向世界培养人才,才能融入世界教育大潮。  相似文献   

Recent sustainability and training and development reports have shown that banks are increasingly investing in training and development. While most banks are already utilising different forms of e-learning for certain types of training interventions and employee assessments, the focus going forward is to reinvent training within the organisation by making it more efficient, convenient, accessible and fun with educational technology. The aim of the study reported on in this article was to investigate the impact that educational technology has on training and development downtime, accessibility with regard to different learning platforms, return on investment (ROI), organisational culture and learning within the banking environment. A targeted sample of 110 respondents from 30 branches of one of the leading banks in South Africa were surveyed using a stratified random sampling approach. The study revealed that the bank has a strong organisational culture; and educational technology at the bank showed positive results with regard to decreasing downtime and seeing increased ROI.  相似文献   

民族地区教育落后,基础薄弱,发展民族教育,对于提高我国少数民族的人口素质,促进民族地区的经济文化发展,增强民族团结,起着十分重要的作用。本文旨在通过对抗战时期湘西教育的发展情况研究,探究当时湘西教育繁荣的原因,对民族地区的教育有着很大的启示作用  相似文献   

战后,随着西方历史学的转向以及美国女权主义运动的发展,美国女性主义教育史学研究模式也发生了嬗变,从传统教育史学向新教育史学迈进.美国女性主义教育史学经历了从妇女史到妇女教育史,再到妇女一社会性别教育史,而后,随着科学的发展,后现代女性主义教育史学开始对传统教育史学的诸多问题进行反思和讨论,在全球史观的影响下,美国女性主义教育史学走向了整合与深化.教育史学家们围绕着妇女教育问题,引入了社会性别的分析范畴,探讨美国女性主义教育史学的发展趋势.  相似文献   

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