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一、单项选择(15分)1.Ifyou add 5 2,you w illget7.A .and B.with C .to D .on2. m ilk w ould you like to m ake the shake?A .H ow m uch B.H ow m any C .H ow long D .H ow far3.Its tim e for CC TV new s,please the TV .A .turn off B.turn down C .turn on D .turn back4.There isn t yogurtin this bottle,butthere s in thatone.A .som e,any B.som e,som e C .any,any D .any,som e5.—H ow do you m ake fruit salad?— .A .Putthe pizza in the oven B .C utup an apple and a tom atoC.Turn on the popper D…  相似文献   

I.单项选择(每空1分,共20分)()1.-does she exercise?-Every day.A.W here B.H ow often C.W hy()2.Eating vegetables every day good for your health.A.is B.are C.am()3.H e,because he wasn’t feeling well.The doctor gave him som e pills.A.went to the doctor B.eat som ething C.stayed at hom e()4.I feel.Do you have anything to drink?A.hungry B.tired C.thirsty()5.She has a.She can’t speak loudly.A.headache B.stom achache C.sore throat()6.-W hy do you drink a cup of m ilk every night?-Because m …  相似文献   

感恩节的晚上,猫夫人准备了一桌丰盛的晚餐。听听选选,看看桌子上都有些什么东西。()1.A.bus B.cup C.hat()2.A.fish B.peach C.beef()3.A.beef B.m ilk C.m eat客人来了,猫博士和猫夫人正在和他们聊天。选选哪句话是他们说的吧。A.H ow do you do?B.H ow are you?C.I’m fine,thanks.D.D o you like som e bananas?E.H ere you are.F.W ould you like,tea orcoffee?终于开饭了,大家根据你所听到的,来判断下面的话是对是错吧。()1.H e w ould like som e fish.()2.T he beefisdelicious.()3.H e likestea w ith m ilk.()4.H e w o…  相似文献   

Unit4Ⅰ.词汇(10分)A)根据句意及首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。(5分)1.M y com puter is on the t in m y room.2.This is a p ofm y fam ily.3.D o you k this plant?4.H is brother is b you and m e.5.—W hat蒺s on the s?—It蒺s a backpack.B)根据句意和汉语提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。(5分)1.Please(带)these new books to your classroom.2.I(需要)som e English books.3.Look!Your key is(在……下面)the table.4.M y photos are in the(抽屉).5.There are som e(激光唱片)on the bookcase.Ⅱ.单项选择(10分)1.—the …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.语音(5分)找出每组单词中划线部分读音不同的一项。(每题1分,共5分)1.A.nam e B.station C.can’t D.date2.A.health B.although C.three D.think3.A.book B.look C.cook D.food4.A.who B.when C.what D.why5.A.drink B.think C.junk D.beginⅡ.词汇(10分)A)用所给词的适当形式填空。(每题1分,共5分)6.M other wants m e(drink)m ilk every day.She says it’s good for m y health.7.I usually eat vegetables ten to eleven(tim e)every week.8.M r W u tries(exercise)every day.9.W hat are the(different)between these …  相似文献   

Look 1 the m ap here.M rFang is 2 for the nearestpostoffice.H e 3 som e help. I 4 where it is. I can 5 him the way熏“W alk 6 this road,and 7 the third turning 8 the left.It蒺s about9 m etres from here.You had better 10 a bus.”1.A.at B.on C.in D.to2.A.seeing B.looking C.finding D.watching3.A.needed B.need C.needs D.needing4.A.know B.knowsC.don蒺tknow D.doesn蒺tknow5.A.talk B.say C.tell D.speak6.A.on B.along C.near D.at7.A.take B.to take C.takes D.taking8.A.in B.on C.to D.at9.A.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.听力理解(20分,略)Ⅱ.单项选择(20分)1.The m otherwanted to find the bestdoctorto herson.A.look at B.look after C.look over D.look forA School Garden Of English中学英语园地2.It蒺s very cold outside,you蒺d better yourcoat.A.puton B.wear C.in D.take off3. you are well,and we can go swim m ing in the river.A.I蒺m sorry B.Ithink C.I蒺m afraid D.Ihope4.The girlis late and .A.so the boy is B.so is the boyC.so does the boy D.so the boy does5.Don蒺tforgetto yourstory鄄book when you com e her…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.语音(5分)找出每组单词中划线部分读音不同的一项。(每题1分,共5分)1.A.food B.book C.cook D.look2.A.head B.bread C.heavy D.please3.A.back B.that C.m an D.nam e4.A.front B.som e C.nose D.brother5.A.m outh B.that C.thing D.toothⅡ.词汇(15分)A)用所给词的适当形式填空。(每题1分,共5分)6.H ow m any(tooth)does the baby have?7.Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need abalance of yin and yang(keep)us healthy.8.M y brother is a football fun.H e enjoys(watch)football gam es.9.I believe it’s im …  相似文献   

nit 101.(N M ET 2003)If anybody calls,tell them Im out,and ask them totheir nam e and address.A .pass B .w rite C .take D .leave2.(N M ET 1994)—D o you need som e m ore paper?—N o,thanks.I .A .stillhave leftsom e B .have still left som eC.have som e stillleft D .stillhave som e left3.(N M ET 1994)—H ow long has this bookshop been in business?— 1982.A .In B .Since C .From D .A fter4.(M ET 1987)Finally,the thief handed everything he had stolento the police.A .after B .w hat C …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。1.M rs Jenny gave us on how tolearn E nglish.A.som e advices B.m any advicesC.som e advice D.an advice2.W e keep the new traffic lawand learn how to protect ourselves.A.m ay B.should C.can D.could3.—Eating vegetables is good for yourhealth.do you eat them?—Twice a day.A.H ow long B.H ow oftenC.H ow m any D.H ow soon4.I didn’t go to the park with m yclassm ates,because m y m other askedm e to m y little sister at hom e.A.look after B.look atC.look for D.look like5.Liu …  相似文献   

中学生英语Ⅰ.语音(每题1分,共5分)找出各组单词划线部分与其它三项不同的一项。1.A.ride B.find C.night D.m ilk2.A.m ust B.subway C.put D.fun3.A.round B.young C.house D.m outh4.A.hungry B.plan C.train D.depend5.A.work B.for C.short D.m oreⅡ.词汇(每题1分,共10分)A)用所给词的适当形式填空。6.Thanks for(help)m e.7.Look at the boy’s(foot).They are notclean.8.All the(leaf)turn green in spring.9.W hen it(rain),I usually go to schoolby bus.10.This is(Lucy and Lily)bedroom.B)根据句意补全单词,首字…  相似文献   

阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题的四 个选项 (A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。一 A glass ofm ilk m ightwarm our whole life.One day, a 1 boy who was trying to pay his way through school by 2 goods door to door .H e was hungry so he decid鄄 ed to beg for a m ealatthe nexthouse. 3 ,he lost his nerve when a lovely wom an opened the door.She thought he looked 4 so she broughthim a large glass ofm ilk. H e 5 itslowly,asking “H ow m uch do I owe you?” “You don蒺towe m e anything,” she replied. …  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)Ⅰ.句子理解(5分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答你所听到的句子的答语。1.A.It蒺s Sunday today.B.It蒺s cloudy.C.It蒺s June22.2.A.Class O ne.B.G rade Three.C.R ow Tw o.3.A.M y pleasure.B.Thank you.C.D on蒺t m ention it.4.A.Y es,please.B.G ood idea.C.N o,I don蒺t.5.A.Itdoesn蒺tm atter.B.Y ou are w elcom e.C.That蒺s right.Ⅱ.情景反应(5分)根据你所听到的对话及问题,从A、B、C、D四幅图画中选出可以回答问题的正确选项。Ⅲ.对话理解(5分)根据你所听到的一段对话,在下面表格…  相似文献   

第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共65分)Ⅰ.听力理解(20分略)Ⅱ.单项选择(20分)1.You are a child.You should wash yourclothes by yourself.A.notlonger B.no longerC.any long D.any longer2.—M ay Ihave to eat?—No,you m ustn'teat untilyou see the doctor.A.som ething;som ething B.anything;anythingC.som ething;anything D.anything;som ething3.W hatabout outfora walk with us?A.to go B.went C.go D.going4.On his way back yesterday,he fasterthan usual.A.drives B.has driven C.is driving D.drove5.The Browns to the USA…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇(15分,每小题0.5分)(A)根据句意和所给的中文提示填空。1.—W ho(正在读)English?—Tom is.2.(不要合上)your book,Tom.3.There()som e bread and m eat on有the table.4.Look。They(正站)over there.5.Li Tao(在学习)in E ngland now.6.W hat are you going to do for the(将要到来的)field trip?7.W e are going to do som e(购物)there.8.I don’t know what()now.做9.W hat about(去)swim m ing?10.W hy not()a little earlier?来(B)用括号内的词的适当形式填空。11.I m ust(do)m y hom ew ork now.12.Let us(m eet)outs…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇。A)用所给词的适当形式填空。1.How many穴sandwich)do you want to buy芽2.穴not put)the bananas and yogurt into thisblender,Lucy.3.I want to buy two穴pair)of shoes for m ydaughter.4.Do you want to buy a box of穴tom ato)foryour mother芽5.I think yogurt is much穴delicious)than m ilk.B)释义。从下列各组四个选项中选择一个与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。1.I drink a lot of water,because I am very thirsty.A.many B.much C.few D.little2.Are you able to m ake som e popcorn for me芽A.Can you …  相似文献   

根据句意,用下列各句括号内所给动词的正确形式填空。1.W hata wind.It (blow )so hard.I hope it (stop)later on.2.It w as said that M r H unt (ride)his horse along when som ething(hit)him from behind.3.—W hen K ate (leave)for London?—Last M onday.She (be)there for about five days already,Ithink.4.M rs Addison told m e she (pay)a visit to H ong K ong som etim elater,and (be)back in abouthalfa m onth.5.—It蒺ll take you a lotoftim e (learn)C hinese.—Itdoesn蒺tm atter.I蒺llspend allm y spare-…  相似文献   

1.Im sorry for breaking in, I have som e news for you.A .so B .and C .but D .yet2. you re busy these days,Ill do the washing and cooking insteadof you.A .N ow that B .U nlessC.Even though D .A s though3.—H ave you recognized m e?—Y es, I caughtsightofyou.A .while B .directlyC.one m om ent D .once4.Y ou will m ake a difference you stick to w hat you re doing.A .as far as B .unless C .so long as D .so that5.A nother m onth, w e willfinish building this road.A .so B .and C .or D .oth…  相似文献   

李建高 《初中生》2006,(15):37-39
同学们,请先看几道中考题:1.—Can I park m y car here?—Yes.You can park on side ofthe street.A.either B.neither C.both D.all(2005苏州市)2.W e asked John and H enry som e easy questions,but of themcould answer them.A.none B.both C.all D.neither(2005宁夏回族自治区)3.—W hich is m ore useful,biology or chem istry?—I think them are useful.A.either of B.none of C.both of D.allof(2005湖北黄冈市)4.Lily Lucy m ay go with you because one ofthem m uststayathom e.A.Notonly,butalso B.Neither,nor…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇用所给词的适当形式填空 。 1.As for radio stations,m ost people think that Jazz 107.9FM is (real)great. 2.The kids m ake m uch noise in the room .They are too (noise). 3.W e need som e m ore (act)for the talent show. 4.Sanya has (love)beaches.H ow I wish to visit it one day。 5.H arbin is in (north)China. Ⅱ.语法单项选择 。 1.If you want to be thinner and healthier,you’d better eat food and take exercise. A .m ore;fewer B.m ore;less C.fewer;m ore D.less;m ore 2.Is this song popula…  相似文献   

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