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看图写话是聋校学生从学句到作的过渡,看图写话又是为命题作打基础的,所以提高聋生看图写话的能力至关重要,那么如何提高聋生看图写话的能力呢?  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 《全日制聋校语文课程计划》中明确提出聋校语文教学的目的之一是:培养耳聋学生正确理解和运用祖国的语言文字,使他们具有初步的看话能力。看话是聋校传授知识的工具,是耳聋学生掌握知识和学习有声语言的手段,它贯穿于各科教学之中,目的是要培养聋生具有视觉观察说话人的口部活动及面部表睛来理解说话内容的一种交际技能。  相似文献   

聋校教学语言效率研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
选用聋校中年级一堂具有代表性的语文课作研究样本,通过聋生看 话和看手语写话的方式,检验聋校教学语言的实际效率。结果表明,教师教 学语言效率比较低,效率最高大概只有55.2%,平均约为39.87%。提高教学 语言效率已成为提高聋校教学效率的首要问题。  相似文献   

发音、听话—看话、拼音等与语音有关的项目在聋校教学中占有非常重要的地位。这些教学的最主要目的是发展学生的口语交际能力。然而 ,经过这些语音教学 ,聋生实际获得了怎样的口语能力却是令人怀疑的。聋生通过学习能够以口语与人交际的极为少见。不过 ,聋校的语音教学对于书面语言和手语的运用还是具有重要的意义。如果我们把聋校语音教学的目的调整为促进书面语言和手语的运用 ,教学方式和时间安排也应该做相应的调整  相似文献   

正语文是一门基础性学科,在聋校的教学中占有非常重要的地位。《聋哑学校语文教学大纲》明确提出:"语文教学的目的是向学生进行发音、说话、看(听)话教学,进行祖国语言文字教学;培养学生能够正确地理解和运用祖国的语言文字,具有初步的看(听)话、说话能力和阅读、作文能力。对学生进行思想教育,不断提高学生的社会主义觉悟,培养良好的道德品质。"综观当前的聋校语文教学,教学普通化,脱离聋生的实际情况,采用常规的教学手段,普遍存在"费""慢""差"的现象。而且,在教学中虽然教师付出了很大的精力,但是聋生语文整体素养不高。聋校教学面对的是一群特殊的学生,其特殊性就  相似文献   

作文教学一直困扰着聋校语文教学,让教师、学生甚为苦恼。现对聋生学习写作的现状,以及对形成此种现状的原因进行了初步的解析。并着重从激发聋生的写作兴趣、指导聋生观察、加强阅读和教会聋生评改这四个方面,针对性地提出了教学策略,让聋生写作时做到有话愿说、有话可说、有话会说、有话说好。  相似文献   

一、聋校英语教学现状传统观念认为聋生因听力缺失,沟通受阻,造成接受能力和学习主动性较差。受传统观念的影响以及对聋生潜在能力认识的偏差,聋校在传统的课堂教学中,形成了教师讲、聋生看的灌输式教学模式。这种传统课堂教学模式势必也影响着英语课堂教学。  相似文献   

在聋校实施创新教育、培养学生的创新精神,开发创新潜力,提高创新能力,是聋校深化素质教育的迫切需要,在全面实施素质教育的号召下,本文提出了"提高聋儿看话能力,提高整体素质"的观点,结合理论学习和自己的实践经验,阐述了看话能力对聋儿全面发展的重要性,并从五方面简要论述了如何提高聋儿的看话能力:一、重视训练学生的视觉感受能力,提高视觉的敏锐性和正确率;二、要提高汉语拼音教学质量:三、要借助多种辅助手段,提高学生的推断能力;四、要反复训练,强化记忆;五、要循序渐进,逐步提高看话能力。  相似文献   

梁梅 《现代语文》2009,(9):50-51
《聋校教育学》明确指出:形成和发展聋生的语言是聋校教育的重要任务,是矫正他们心理缺陷的重要途径,是对他们进行教育、教学的重要前提,是他们回归社会的必备条件。然而,当今聋校的语言教学效果不容乐观。有些学生读了五、六年级,甚至读完初中,还不能顺畅地表达思想、与人交流。说话、写话时,词序颠三倒四、句子成分残缺、条理不清、表意不明等现象非常普遍。因此,发展聋生的语言表达能力是聋校教育中迫在眉睫的重要任务。那么,在语文教学中如何发展聋生的语苦表达能力呢?笔者认为,可以从以下几方面着手:  相似文献   

聋生由于听力受损,丧失了通过听觉感受语言信息的能力,导致春后天学习语言受到严重障碍,写出的句子颠三倒四,词不达意,意思不连续等。究春原因,主要是低年级写话基础差所致。如何提高聋校低年级学生写话能力?笔者的认识是:  相似文献   

聋童语音的声学参数分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为提供聋童在语言训练各阶段语音的声学参数,测查了不同听力损失聋童在语言训练过程中的元音参数变化,以及语言训练对各频率段参数的影响,并证明聋童经过语言训练可获得听力补偿,并提高语言能力  相似文献   

对听力受损学童(编者注:听觉障碍学生)实施融入教育是全面推行一体化教育的一项重要内容。本文通过对香港听觉受损人数概况的分析,指出推行听觉受损学童融入教育(编者注:随班就读)的先决条件是:早期发现,早期训练。为了实践融入教育,要建立学龄前儿童村训练中心、弱听班(编者注:重听班),加强巡迥教师和弱听学童教学辅导工作。为了取得融入教育的成功,需要家长的积极参与,同时,也要对普通学校任教教师提出基本工作要求。  相似文献   

听觉障碍儿童的家庭应对和以家庭为中心的早期干预   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童的听觉障碍不仅是儿童的,也是家庭的,它会影响家庭所有的成员和家庭生活的各个方面.本文本着支持儿童必须从支持家庭开始的理念,综述了西方国家近年来有关听觉障碍儿童家庭应对以及以家庭为中心早期干预的研究和研究结果,总结了家庭应对儿童听觉障碍的困难、策略,介绍了以家庭为中心早期干预的主要特点,旨在从理论上和实践上对我国听觉障碍儿童的早期干预和家庭支持提供一些借鉴.  相似文献   

This study examined strategies for initiating social interactions with peers, among 4 children with hearing impairment, aged 33 to 36 months, attending a special early education center or a regular kindergarten. The study investigated initiation type (related to partner's hearing status) and rates of initiation success/failure vis-a-vis hearing and deaf partners. Results revealed (a) more initiations in the regular program than in the special program; (b) in the special program, much more successful initiations toward children with hearing impairment than toward hearing children; (c) vocalization as the most frequent strategy used with both hearing and hearing-impaired partners; and (d) referential decisions about their initiations even among young children with hearing impairment (made by changing frequencies of various strategies according to partner's hearing status). The discussion addressed implications regarding integration of children with hearing impairment into regular educational settings.  相似文献   


The focus of this study was to explore the opinions, knowledge and requirements of regular primary school teachers who taught in schools where children with hearing impairments were included. A questionnaire which covered the four aspects, was used to collect data on a sample of 104 regular school teachers. Results indicate that teachers who taught these children had more knowledge about hearing impairment than those who did not. The majority of teachers expressed a positive attitude towards inclusion and there was no difference in the opinions of teachers concerning inclusion. On seeking teachers' views on their requirements when helping children with hearing impairments, seminars and short courses, full-time in-service training, sign language and equipment were the four major factors suggested. The implementation of the results was discussed in relation to the INSET requirements of teachers and the education of the children with hearing impairments in included settings.  相似文献   

The results of previous cross-section studies suggest that childhood hearing impairment may lead to parental psychosocial stress. The present study investigated whether modifications in parental psychic state can be ascertained in connection with the child's treatment events and the child's hearing and speech status, in a prospective study design. Data were available on 116 fathers and mothers regarding the pre-cochlear implant examination or hearing aid fitting of their child. In the course of the child's treatment, parental quality of life improved from a low to a normal level. Among children who were at the stage of pre-examination for a cochlear implant, better hearing and speech capacity was linked to more severe impairment of the parental state. It is emphasized that the parents whose children showed comparatively good language development at the time of pre-examination for a cochlear implant were especially subjected to stress.  相似文献   

The impact of participation in a classroom with a peer with a severe hearing loss on preschool children's understanding of hearing and hearing loss was investigated. Subjects included children with and without a peer who had a hearing impairment. All children referred to their own experiences to explain hearing loss. Children who had a hearing-impaired classmate demonstrated a more complete understanding of sign language and the consequences of hearing loss than children without this experience. The implications of these results for children who are enrolled in inclusive preschool programs is discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of participation in a classroom with a peer with a severe hearing loss on preschool children's understanding of hearing and hearing loss was investigated. Subjects included children with and without a peer who had a hearing impairment. All children referred to their own experiences to explain hearing loss. Children who had a hearing-impaired classmate demonstrated a more complete understanding of sign language and the consequences of hearing loss than children without this experience. The implications of these results for children who are enrolled in inclusive preschool programs is discussed.  相似文献   

The constructs of accuracy and speed were adopted as performance criteria against which to define 2 clinical samples of disabled readers. Accuracy-disabled subjects had failed to achieve reliable age-appropriate word recognition skills. Rate-disabled readers were age-appropriate in word recognition accuracy but deficient in reading speed. These disabled readers were compared to fluent normal children selected to be reading at the same level of accuracy as the rate-disabled subjects but at a significantly faster rate. All aspects of the accuracy-disabled subjects' reading systems proved deficient, and these children were less able to learn new sound-symbol associations in a task simulating initial reading acquisition. The rate-disabled subjects exhibited a basic deficit in word recognition speed, compromised accuracy when reading in context, and compromised spelling when competing visual patterns were available. A multidimensional oral language impairment was found to accompany the accuracy disability, while the rate disability appeared restricted to language in its visible form and the naming of visual representations. A visual naming speed impairment was associated with both profiles of deficient reading skill.  相似文献   

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