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A recently suggested modification of the g-index is analysed in order to take multiple coauthorship appropriately into account. By fractionalised counting of the papers one can obtain an appropriate measure which I call gm-index. Two fictitious examples for model cases and two empirical cases are analysed. The results are compared with two other variants of the g-index which have also recently been proposed. Only the gm-index shows the correct behaviour when datasets are aggregated. The interpolated and continuous versions of the g-index and its variants are also discussed. For an intuitive comparison of the determination of the investigated variants of the h-index and the g-index, a visualization of the citation records is utilized.  相似文献   

The definitions of the rational and real-valued variants of the h-index and g-index are reviewed. It is shown how they can be obtained both graphically and by calculation. Formulae are derived expressing the exact relations between the h-variants and between the g-variants. Subsequently these relations are examined. In a citation context the real h-index is often, but not always, smaller than the rational h-index. It is also shown that the relation between the real and the rational g-index depends on the number of citations of the article ranked g + 1. Maximum differences between h, hr and hrat on the one hand and between g, gr and grat on the other are determined.  相似文献   

试论如何增强图书馆的吸引力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李艳玲 《河北科技图苑》2002,15(2):21-22,20
在信息网络化的今天,图书馆要想在信息服务市场上占稳脚跟,就必须想办法吸引人们的目光。论述了图书馆的形象建设、现代化进程及特色服务等方面的问题。  相似文献   

Hybrid open access journals generally authorize self-archiving along with Author-pays model. Given the dependence of the Author-pays model on APCs paid by authors, it is expected to have a negative association with the free-of-charge Green model. By exploring a sample of 52,150 papers published in 47 Elsevier's hybrid journals, the study compares the OA models' citation performances to non-open access (NOA) model's and investigates the relationship between the quantities of their papers.Three OA groups are identified, including Green-only, APC-only and Green-APC. The OA papers show a citation advantage over the NOA articles, despite their lower number. The mixed APC-Green, gains the highest citation compared to the three other access models. However, the number of Green and APC-funded papers are revealed to have a negative association. Although, the combination of the Green and APC models magnifies the impact of OA papers, the inverse association between the quantities of their papers signifies that the lower number of the latter can be partially explained by the prevalence of the former. The results help academic librarians involved in advocating and managing OA to better understand authors' behaviors towards OA models and adopt a more supportive role for OA according to their preferences.  相似文献   

The arbitrariness of the h-index becomes evident, when one requires q × h instead of h citations as the threshold for the definition of the index, thus changing the size of the core of the most influential publications of a dataset. I analyze the citation records of 26 physicists in order to determine how much the prefactor q influences the ranking. Likewise, the arbitrariness of the highly-cited-publications indicator is due to the threshold value, given either as an absolute number of citations or as a percentage of highly cited papers. The analysis of the 26 citation records shows that the changes in the rankings in dependence on these thresholds are rather large and comparable with the respective changes for the h-index.  相似文献   

化干戈为玉帛——如何有效处理读者投诉   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
徐洁 《图书馆》2007,(2):104-106
读者投诉是图书馆服务工作中的常见问题。文章以作者单位为例,在对引起投诉的原因进行分析的基础上,重点讨论了如何正确认识投诉、有效处理和减少投诉的方法和途径。  相似文献   

基于关键词词频和G指数的新兴研究热点分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章探讨一种基于关键词g指数及改进gt指数的新兴研究热点的分析方法,指出该方法具有同时计量关键词词频和该主题论文的影响以及凸显新兴研究热点等特点,并以学科化服务研究领域为例进行实证分析。  相似文献   

如何解决数字图书馆中的版权问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何炳祥 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(3):173-175
阐述了版权法扩张对数字图书馆的限制,并提出了解决数字图书馆版权问题的途径。  相似文献   

如何快速查找Internet网上资源   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Internet上的各类信息资源在以惊人的速度增长,如何从其网上快速查找资源,已成为人们在网络环境下急需掌握的一项技能.介绍了有关网络查询的一些工具,还介绍了网上一些主要信息资源的地址、特点及服务方式,并提出了检索时要注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

Vendor evaluation data in online and offline format such as reports varies according to your system. The volume of data is also a key determinant. Advantages and disadvantages of using data obtained from automated systems are compared with those from manual surveys. The paper concludes that statistical data should not be the only input to ongoing supplier evaluation.  相似文献   

参考咨询馆员的素质关系着参考咨询服务的质量,其素质主要包括专业知识、服务技巧和行为方式。本文简要分析了美国图书馆协会参考咨询与读者服务分会制订的两个主要指南的特点和现实意义。  相似文献   

从《亚洲男科学杂志》看我国英文版期刊如何国际化   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:12  
郑芹珠  肖宏  任丹青 《编辑学报》2005,17(4):264-266
归纳了<亚洲男科学杂志>在创刊短短6年间走国际化路线的经验:国际化的宗旨和办刊理念,国际化的主编和编委会,国际化的稿源,国际化的审稿人队伍,国际化的运作策略和国际化的网站及服务.  相似文献   

袁宁 《编辑学报》2013,25(3):223-225
医学科研近年来逐渐进入转化医学时代,未来将有大量的转化医学研究成果通过医学期刊这一载体发布。医学期刊编辑应当顺应时代发展需求,积极思考和探索如何从转化医学的视角进行期刊的选稿工作,在从良莠不齐的稿件中甄别出优质稿件的同时也为推动转化医学研究发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

陆建松 《中国博物馆》1998,(1):24-27,43
一般认为,博物馆的基本职能有收集、整理、保管、研究、展览和教育普及等。已故日本博物馆学家鹤田总一郎则进一步将之概括为内部职能、外部职能和综合职能(见下图)。并认为,仅仅从事文物标本的收集、整理、保管和研究工作的机构不是真正的博物馆,而只能称之为保管所、资料馆、考古研究所或文化研究所。若想使博物馆不成为上述机构而成为真正意义上的博物馆,就必须进一步开展展览和教育普及工作,即将内部职能扩展到外部功能。内部职能是外部职能的基础,而外部职能则是内部职能的目的和结果。博物馆工作是一项系统工程,博物馆追求的…  相似文献   

出版业的会计学会起步较晚,最近几年各省才相继成立起来,在当地新闻出版局的领导下,在有关部门和单位支持下,工作取得了一定的成绩。但是由于各省出版会计学会(以下称学会)条件的差异,学会工作开展很不平衡,差距很大,有必要对学会成立以来的正反两方的经验作一反思,以便做好今后学会的工作。  相似文献   

呼声波 《晋图学刊》2005,(3):12-13,57
本文主要描述了ilasⅡ2.0中从CNMARC到USMARC的转换过程,并结合我馆的实际操作,总结了一些技巧和经验,以供图书馆界的同行们参考和交流。  相似文献   

张燕  李禾 《编辑学报》2017,29(4):390-393
近年来,在科技期刊界“融合发展”“集约化经营合作”越来越引起大家的广泛关注.处于散、弱、低水平的科技期刊个刊,如何在集约化经营合作中获得更大实惠,取得更好发展,已成为科技期刊人不得不面对的一个重要课题.本文将《中国中药杂志》近年来的办刊理念和发展案例进行了总结和分析,展望当前科技期刊集约化发展的机遇,对科技期刊如何在集约化的经营合作中取得较大利益提出了相关建议,以期为科技期刊在新时期的发展运营提供借鉴.  相似文献   

报刊的发行工作作为承接采编、启动广告的重要环节,如何对现有的各类型发行渠道去芜存菁,选择合适的渠道代理商、销售商,使其配合整体的发行运作,是报刊社开展发行工作时需要慎重考虑的问题.笔者认为在选择代理发行商时应警惕如下几类陷阱.  相似文献   

结合实例,从科研设计的角度指出医学论文的题目、引言、一般资料、方法、结果、讨论、参考文献几大部分中存在的具体问题,以期能对医学科研工作者解决医学论文写作中的问题有所帮助,提高医学论文的刊用率。  相似文献   

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