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试用h指数评价科技期刊   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年,Hirsch提出了用h指数评价科学工作者的个人成就。文章对2003年被中国科技引文数据库收录的化学和土木建筑领域类期刊按h指数和相对h指数排名情况进行分析,目的在于说明h指数、相对h指数与影响因子排名的不同,及h指数和相对h指数用于评价期刊的现实意义。最后指出在使用h指数和相对h指数评价期刊时,应该全面、综合性地考虑。  相似文献   

周承振 《编辑学报》1992,4(3):137-139
提出了质量功能扩展方法与编辑系统相结合的方法,即质量功能扩展系统方法,并给出强化系统功能的简单表达式。表达式中以“效益”作为功能强化因子,而因子为系统接受系统外部环境的信息,即用“读者要求”协调和强化编辑系统功能。通过逐层和逐级系统功能的扩展,使刊物社会功能尽量与实际情形相符合。  相似文献   

随着科学的快速发展,各学科和领域的进展日新月异,领域专家的识别成为领域分析的重要内容。提出领域内h指数的概念,并介绍其获取途径和意义,继而以复杂网络领域专家识别为例,论证其在帮助缺乏先验知识的“外行”快速识别陌生领域专家时的价值。  相似文献   

h指数批量统计法及其应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
h指数研究在全世界引起了广泛的兴趣,已成为国际情报学界最为关注的热点领域,但实证研究手段的落后严重阻碍了相关研究的快速发展.为解决以作者为检索单位的传统h指数统计方法不适于领域层次大范围作者h指数研究等缺陷,提出以期刊为检索单位的h指数批量统计法,它一次可自动提取某领域全部作者的h指数,具有适合程序处理、精确、快速等特点.以国内图书情报界为例进行了实证对比研究,证明其可行性和有效性,并用该方法和WOS数据得到国际图书情报界高影响力作者名单及其h指数.最后指出该方法的潜在应用价值和局限性.  相似文献   

Research was undertaken that examined what, if any, correlation there was between the h-index and rankings by peer assessment, and what correlation there was between the 2008 UK RAE rankings and the collective h-index of submitting departments. About 100 international scholars in Library and Information Science were ranked by their peers on the quality of their work. These rankings were correlated with the h and g scores the scholars had achieved. The results showed that there was a correlation between their median rankings and the indexes. The 2008 RAE grade point averages (GPA) achieved by departments from three UoAs – Anthropology, Library and Information Management and Pharmacy were compared with each of their collective h and g index scores. Results were mixed, with a strong correlation between pharmacy departments and index scores, followed by library and information management to anthropology where negative and non-significant results were found. Taken together, the findings from the research indicate that individual ranking by peer assessment and their h-index or variants was generally good. Results for the RAE 2008 gave correlations between GPA and successive versions of the h-index which varied in strength, except for anthropology where, it is suggested detailed cited reference searches must be undertaken to maximise citation counts.  相似文献   

本文通过对社会化软件在图书馆信息服务领域应用的初步探索和研究,试图发现社会化软件在图书馆信息服务领域应用中一些轨迹和路径,使图书馆网络信息服务更好的适应web2.0背景下的技术环境,以满足读者和用户的需求。  相似文献   

We propose a simple stochastic model for an author's production/citation process in order to investigate the recently proposed h-index for measuring an author's research output and its impact. The parametric model distinguishes between an author's publication process and the subsequent citation processes of the published papers. This allows us to investigate different scenarios such as varying the production/publication rates and citation rates as well as the researcher's career length. We are able to draw tentative results regarding the dependence of Hirsch's h-index on each of these fundamental parameters. We conjecture that the h-index is, according to this model, (approximately) linear in career length, log publication rate and log citation rate, at least for moderate citation rates.  相似文献   

The definitions of the rational and real-valued variants of the h-index and g-index are reviewed. It is shown how they can be obtained both graphically and by calculation. Formulae are derived expressing the exact relations between the h-variants and between the g-variants. Subsequently these relations are examined. In a citation context the real h-index is often, but not always, smaller than the rational h-index. It is also shown that the relation between the real and the rational g-index depends on the number of citations of the article ranked g + 1. Maximum differences between h, hr and hrat on the one hand and between g, gr and grat on the other are determined.  相似文献   

h指数和h型指数研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从改进指数、实证分析、数学模型三方面,概述了国内外h指数和h型指数的研究进展,总结了h指数的优点与缺点,并将其与论文总数、引文总数和篇均引文数等传统文献计量学指标进行比较,认为h指数和h型指数可能发展成为重要评价工具和核心评价参数.  相似文献   

高校档案馆不仅是高校信息资源存储的平台,也是高校联系社会的窗口,但在社会化服务中存在馆藏门类不齐全、管理模式缺现代、社会服务少主动等问题,因此高校档案馆需要转变观念,促进档案服务工作社会化;丰富馆藏,建立档案信息特色数据库;优化资源,促使档案服务形式多样化;广泛宣传,提高档案信息资源利用率。  相似文献   

h指数与论文数量的相关性探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者尝试在不同层面对"h指数与论文数量正相关"这一命题进行检验,结果显示:该命题在国家、地区和我国大学层面成立,但在我国学者和我国期刊层面未必正确.特别按影响力水平的分段细化后,我国学者和期刊的h指数与论文数量甚至出现负相关.文章讨论了这一现象成因.  相似文献   

This article reviews the debate within bibliometrics regarding the h-index. Despite its popularity as a decision-making tool within higher education, the h-index has become increasingly controversial among specialists. Fundamental questions remain regarding the extent to which the h-index actually measures what it sets out to measure. Unfortunately, many aspects of this debate are confined to highly technical discussions in specialised journals. This article explains in simple terms exactly why a growing number of bibliometricians are sceptical that the h-index is a useful tool for evaluating researchers. It concludes that librarians should be cautious in their recommendations regarding this metric, at least until better evidence becomes available.  相似文献   

Despite the huge amount of literature concerning the h-index, few papers have been devoted to its statistical analysis when a probabilistic distribution is assumed for citation counts. The present contribution mainly aims to divulge the inferential techniques recently introduced by Pratelli et al. (2012), by explaining the details for proper point and set estimation of the theoretical h-index. Moreover, some new achievements on simultaneous inference – addressed to produce suitable scholar comparisons – are carried out. Finally, the analysis of the citation dataset for the Nobel Laureates (in the last five years) and for the Fields medallists (from 2002 onward) is considered in order to exemplify the theoretical issues.  相似文献   

In this paper a generalisation of the h-index and g-index is given on the basis of non-negative real-valued functionals defined on subspaces of the vector space generated by the ordered samples. Several Hirsch-type measures are defined and their basic properties are analysed. Empirical properties are illustrated using examples from the micro- and meso-level. Among these measures, the h-index proved the most, the arithmetic and geometric g-indices, the least robust measures. The μ-index and the harmonic g-index provide more balanced results and are still robust enough.  相似文献   

开放科学的发展正在改变学术交流生态,同时对传统科研评价产生挑战,对于科研评价创新的呼声也日益高涨。负责任评价(RRA)应时而生并成为开放科学政策框架的重要组成部分,而如何实现RRA成为关键问题。本文解析开放科学环境下的RRA内涵,总结国内外相关理论与实践进展,在此基础上尝试探索RRA的实现路径,以期为“破四唯”指导下的我国科研评价提供借鉴与参考。以典型内容文本为数据源,通过关键词提取和共现分析得出结论,即以研究质量和影响力为主维度,以知情同行评议为主基调,构成国际RRA改革的主要思路。在分析开放科学背景下我国学术交流新业态与RRA的基础上,提出我国RRA的三层结构框架。其中以识别科研新范式为情境,以改善宏观政策为支撑,以改革评价方式为实操,以评价主体多元化、评价内容多维化、评价对象精准化、评价方法循证化为路径,建立有利于潜心研究和创新的我国科研评价制度,并回答科研评价改革的必答题:“谁来评”“评什么”“如何评”“怎么用”。研究认为,建立质量意识、培育“影响素养”、达成评价系统变革的国际共识,从而提高RRA的互操作性和可移植性,避免相关理论与实践的碎片化是保证RRA顺利实施的关键;将负责...  相似文献   

The arbitrariness of the h-index becomes evident, when one requires q × h instead of h citations as the threshold for the definition of the index, thus changing the size of the core of the most influential publications of a dataset. I analyze the citation records of 26 physicists in order to determine how much the prefactor q influences the ranking. Likewise, the arbitrariness of the highly-cited-publications indicator is due to the threshold value, given either as an absolute number of citations or as a percentage of highly cited papers. The analysis of the 26 citation records shows that the changes in the rankings in dependence on these thresholds are rather large and comparable with the respective changes for the h-index.  相似文献   

Hirsch's h-index seeks to give a single number that in some sense summarizes an author's research output and its impact. Essentially, the h-index seeks to identify the most productive core of an author's output in terms of most received citations. This most productive set we refer to as the Hirsch core, or h-core. Jin's A-index relates to the average impact, as measured by the average number of citations, of this “most productive” core. In this paper, we investigate both the total productivity of the Hirsch core – what we term the size of the h-core – and the A-index using a previously proposed stochastic model for the publication/citation process, emphasising the importance of the dynamic, or time-dependent, nature of these measures. We also look at the inter-relationships between these measures. Numerical investigations suggest that the A-index is a linear function of time and of the h-index, while the size of the Hirsch core has an approximate square-law relationship with time, and hence also with the A-index and the h-index.  相似文献   

The process of assessing individual authors should rely upon a proper aggregation of reliable and valid papers’ quality metrics. Citations are merely one possible way to measure appreciation of publications. In this study we propose some new, SJR- and SNIP-based indicators, which not only take into account the broadly conceived popularity of a paper (manifested by the number of citations), but also other factors like its potential, or the quality of papers that cite a given publication. We explore the relation and correlation between different metrics and study how they affect the values of a real-valued generalized h-index calculated for 11 prominent scientometricians. We note that the h-index is a very unstable impact function, highly sensitive for applying input elements’ scaling. Our analysis is not only of theoretical significance: data scaling is often performed to normalize citations across disciplines. Uncontrolled application of this operation may lead to unfair and biased (toward some groups) decisions. This puts the validity of authors assessment and ranking using the h-index into question. Obviously, a good impact function to be used in practice should not be as much sensitive to changing input data as the analyzed one.  相似文献   

Evaluating the performance of institutions with different resources is not easy, any citation distribution comparisons are strongly affected by the differences in the number of articles published. The paper introduces a method for comparing citation distributions of research groups that differ in size. The citation distribution of a larger group is reduced by a certain factor and compared with the original distribution of a smaller group. Expected values and tolerance intervals of the reduced set of citations are calculated. A comparison of both distributions can be conveniently viewed in a graph. The size-independent reduced Hirsch index – a function of reducing factor that allows the comparison of groups within a scientific field – is calculated in the same way. The method can be used for comparing groups or units differing in full-time equivalent, funding or the number of researchers, for comparing countries by population, gross domestic product, etc. It is shown that for the calculation of the reduced Hirsch index, the upper part of the original citation distribution is sufficient. The method is illustrated through several case comparisons.  相似文献   

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