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地震24小时内我们能做什么? 接到即刻飞赴日本的通知,已经是3月11日下午两点前后.当时,我正身处距离曼谷200公里处采访.要想出发,首先要拿到日本的签证.日本驻泰国大使馆16时30分闭门.意味着,错过今天,周六周日不上班,只能周一了.可是要在不到两个小时,准备好所有的材料,我还要从200公里外,飞奔,出现在大使馆前,似乎有些不可思议.  相似文献   

衡阳“11·3”特大火灾坍塌事故的发生,谁也始料未及。衡阳日报社提出“新闻在哪儿我们就在哪儿”,三位记者第一时间赶赴现场,精心煅造新闻和版面。既赢得了党和政府的肯定,又深得广大读者的赞扬。  相似文献   

曾光  陈靓 《新闻前哨》2008,(7):37-39
近年来,中国政府面对的危机事件不断。应对汶川地震,中国政府表现出良好的公关能力,得到了国内外人民的一致好评,有效地改善了中国政府的形象,为中国政府赢得了无数的赞誉。本文列举一些政府危机公关能力提升的具体表现,突出亮点,得出政府只有遵守相关的政府危机公关原则,制定相关的法律,做出创新性举措,才是加强政府危机公关能力的根本途径。  相似文献   

本文以日本媒体对3.11大地震·核辐射的报道为研究对象,选择日本三大主流综合性报纸、经济类报纸、财经类杂志的报道,运用数据分析、内容分析等研究方法,解读日本媒体在大地震·核电事故重大灾难和危机处理中的表现,进而更全面而深入地理解媒体在处理社会危机中的价值和作用.  相似文献   

2004年2月15日中午11时左右,位于吉林省吉林市的中百商厦发生特大火灾,酿成54人死亡,70余人受伤的恶性事件.面对这一突如其来的严重的公共安全事件,广播媒体迅速反应,吉林市信息广播电台和吉林市交通音乐台充分发挥了广播信息传递快的优势,对灭火救援的过程进行了现场直播,及时发出了火灾信息,并且很好地发挥了新闻媒体协调、组织、动员的功能和作用.  相似文献   

作为新一代的互联网应用,微博以其强大的开放性、简单的操作方式和较低的进入门槛等特点在我国发展迅猛.但与此同时,各种谣言借助微博传播也十分普遍.对此,本文以日本大地震为例分析了微博时代谣言泛滥的具体原因,并在此基础上提出了微博时代谣言的控制防范对策  相似文献   

刘晓菲 《新闻世界》2013,(6):345-347
日本是一个地震灾害频发的国家,2011年3月11日,日本东北部海域发生9级大地震并引发了海啸。在这场灾难中,日本媒体体现了其新闻专业主义,尤其是日本唯一的公共放送组织——NHK在地震期间提供了值得信赖的高水平报道,为地震中信息传播及灾难应对起到了积极作用。该文以NHK对3·11大地震的报道为例,分析NHK灾害报道的特点及形成原因,以期对我国媒体的灾害报道提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

2011年3月11日13时46分,日本宫城县和福岛县附近海域发生里氏9.0级地震,央视新闻频道迅速做出反应,对日本大地震进行了现场直播.这是继汶川地震和玉树地震之后,央视新闻频道对突发性灾难事件的又一次重要的现场直播.央视新闻频道在这次地震事件的直播中表现出了反应迅速及时、报道态度冷静客观、报道角度多元、注重信息的整合挖掘等特征.从中我们可以看出央视对突发事件尤其是突发性灾难事件的直播已经越来越重视,经验也越来越丰富.  相似文献   

日本政治正进入一个新的格局,那里充满了变数。对于小泉来说,参拜靖国神社和邮政改革是其选举公约,即选举承诺。为了推行邮政改革,小泉以政治生命为赌注  相似文献   

9·11后,为配合打击恐怖主义,美国国际广播管理委员会(BBG)将美国之音的阿拉伯语广播电视部剥离出来,单独创办了针对中东地区的反恐广播--中东广播网.  相似文献   

试论新闻报道中的“证伪”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文借助逻辑学中“证伪”理论分析新闻报道中的问题。文章认为,新闻报道不是“证实”的艺术,而是“发现”的艺术。记者应为报道对象规定“可证伪性;”“证伪”只是一种手段,它的最终目的,是尽可能地追求新闻的真实。  相似文献   

Adopting a population ecology perspective, this study tests the influence of population-level factors on news coverage in hyperlocal websites. Specifically, level of legitimacy of the hyperlocal website population is assessed as a predictor of frequency and favorability of coverage of local businesses and government organizations. Traditional “field-level” predictors from media sociology are also examined. Among the field-level factors tested, professional background of staff and affiliation with traditional media organizations proved most important in explaining favorability of coverage, and level of advertising was an important predictor of frequency of coverage. The level of the population’s legitimacy also corresponded significantly with frequency of coverage. Results suggest that factors related to the population level and to institutionalization over time are relevant, even for the hyperlocal website, a relatively young and idiosyncratic media form. These factors warrant attention in future research.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV continues to be a serious issue, especially for men who have sex with men (MSM). A new means of HIV prevention, called preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP), significantly reduces the chance of HIV infection. However, adoption of the drug has been slow. In this study, a content analysis of 234 online news articles about PrEP from popular U.S. news Web sites was conducted, focusing on how articles were framed in terms of benefits to PrEP, barriers to PrEP, the severity of HIV, and the susceptibility of MSM to HIV. Results showed that coverage contained conflicting information about PrEP and failed to cast HIV as a serious problem.  相似文献   

Constructing Dysfunction: News Coverage of Teenagers and Social Media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cultural storytellers such as journalists play a meaningful role in shaping how adults think about the role that social media play in teenagers’ lives. To better assess what adults might be learning, we employed a critical, qualitative approach to examine how contemporary news media constructed cultural understandings of teens’ relationship with social media. Our analysis of 339 print and online news articles from 2013–2014 found that the news media constructed a mediated reality that placed dysfunction as the defining characteristic of teens’ relationship with social media. The news articles consistently positioned teenagers and social media as at odds with one another, entwined in an unhealthy, frequently dangerous union. Discussions of the self-expressive, creative, and communicative practices of teen social media users were undermined or absent altogether. Altogether, the coverage created a mediated reality that denied teenage agency and obscured the diversity of teenagers’ experiences and social media practices.  相似文献   

Using actual news coverage of an environmental risk, this experimental study examined whether providing unrelated risk comparisons and information about other sources of the same risk influenced readers' reactions to the coverage. The study suggests stories that provide information on other sources of a contaminant may do little to reduce risk perceptions; however, providing information about the magnitude of the risk at hand relative to other risks had several communication benefits. Both comparisons lead readers to feel more informed about the risk and, thus, better able to make decisions than those who did not see the comparisons. Media implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Bribery for news coverage has a negative impact on the credibility of media; it also restricts the free flow of information and violates the public's right to know. Further, research showed that there exists considerable inequality among countries in terms of the extent to which bribery for news coverage exists in media system. This study provides the first quantitative cross-national assessment of a set of predictors of the likelihood that bribery for news coverage exists in a country's media system and tested competing arguments derived from the literature. Data of this study are drawn from 66 nation states. The analysis shows that 5 groups of political, economic, cultural, educational, and technological variables have direct or indirect impacts on a country's media bribery level. The interactions between these variables are also analyzed. The study concludes by discussing how analyses of the nature of the international media bribery problem contribute to finding multiple approaches to solutions to this problem.  相似文献   

从美国媒体报道看PNTR的通过   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20 0 0年美国媒体对中美永久正常贸易关系 (PNTR)的报道 ,数量大、范围广、观点多。同时 ,围绕这一主题的报道 ,又体现出经济问题政治化、国际报道国内化的特点。总之 ,政府和工商界的影响 ,媒体自身的利益 ,推动了此次报道较以往对华负面报道的积极变化 ,促成了PNTR的通过。但美国媒体对PNTR的正面报道应看作是特例。  相似文献   

Using experimental data from a split-ballot survey conducted just after the 2004 U.S. presidential election, we tested competing predictions from reactance and balance theories on the effect of government censorship of images of ceremonies that include caskets containing dead U.S. soldiers on interest in viewing such images. In contrast to the reactance theory prediction that knowledge of the censorship should prompt increased interest in viewing the images, the effects of knowledge of the policy depended on attraction to George W. Bush, and sometimes knowledge of the policy prompted reduced interest in the photographs. Inconsistencies between the results and predictions derived from reactance and balance theories are resolved using a simple cognitive response model from the persuasion literature.  相似文献   

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