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论环境教育与可持续发展教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
环境教育和可持续发展教育究竟有怎样的关系?国内外学者看法各异。归纳起来,主要有五种:第一,环境教育与可持续发展教育是等同的;第二,可持续发展教育是环境教育的一部分;第三,环境教育是可持续发展教育的一部分;第四,可持续发展教育与环境教育互不包含,但有共同的部分;第五,可持续发展教育是环境教育发展过程中的一个高级阶段。根据相关文献分析,我们认为,环境教育是可持续发展教育的一部分,两者关系是互动的,环境教育需要面向可持续发展重新定向,可持续发展教育有着环境教育无法实现的功能。  相似文献   

运用现代经济学理论,分析了当今中国体育产业经济发展的现状,提出中国体育产业经济正处于第2类非均衡状态向第1类非均衡状态过渡的理论观点;探讨了中国体育产业经济非均衡状态的成因;阐述了中国体育产业经济应对激烈的市场竞争,谋求可持续发展的策略。  相似文献   

人力资源是经济和社会发展最活跃的要素。本文构建了人力资源可持续发展指标体系,采用因子分析和聚类分析法,对甘肃省14个市州的人力资源可持续发展水平进行评析。研究发现,高等教育、劳动者自身发展、教育投入是决定人力资源可持续发展水平的内在因素;各市州人力资源可持续发展水平差异显著,可按综合发展水平划分为三类地区;经济发展程度是影响人力资源可持续发展的重要因素;发展教育事业、增加教育投入可有效促进人力资源可持续发展。  相似文献   

21世纪是可持续发展的时代.在这个时代,教育是提高公众可持续发展意识和能力的关键.首先,教育是确立可持续发展观念的主要途径;其次,可持续发展呼唤中国的教育改革;第三,要确立教育可持续发展的战略思路.  相似文献   

林立军 《河西学院学报》2013,29(4):77-82,21
旅游资源是一个国家或地区发展旅游业最重要的载体,如何开发和利用好地区旅游资源是发展旅游业的关键所在。本文运用模糊聚类的数学方法对宁夏沿黄城市带13个县区市的旅游资源进行定量评价,从旅游资源的聚类结果看:兴庆区、金凤区和沙坡头区为第一类;平罗县、贺兰县、大武口区和青铜峡市为第二类;灵武和中宁县为第三类;惠农区和永宁县为第四类;利通区和西夏区为第五类。对这五类地区旅游资源开发现状和潜力进行分析,并提出未来沿黄城市带旅游资源和产品的开发方向。  相似文献   

在谈读书以前,想先和大家一起来分析一下我们一天当中的工作时间安排。 专家曾对人在一天的工作进行了分类:Ⅰ类是重要的而且紧迫的;Ⅱ类是重要的但不紧迫的;Ⅲ类是不重要假是紧迫的;Ⅳ类是不重要且不紧迫的。第Ⅰ类重要而且紧迫的事,我们当然要做,但对于我们许多人来说,我们往往会把这第Ⅰ类和第Ⅲ类不重要但紧迫的事混淆:  相似文献   

目前我国城市社区体育可持续发展存在着诸多问题。首先是城市体育仍以社区行政管理为主;其次是城市社区体育的消费热情不够;第三是体育基础设施建设的资金短缺问题明显;第四是社区体育教练人员的匮乏明显。要实现我国城市社区体育可持续发展,首先要进一步强化发展城市社区体育的战略意义;其次要完善社区体育组织管理体制和法规;第三要改善城市居民的体育消费观念;第四要完善城市社区体育的科学保障体系。  相似文献   

2015年以来,德国推出了一系列可持续发展教育改革的战略计划,改革领域涵盖了教育系统中的各个教育类型。在职业教育和培训领域中的可持续发展教育改革有五大特点:第一,修订职业教育法律条例,保障BBNE改革质量;第二,确定重点优先发展领域,有序突破BBNE改革重点;第三,基于可持续发展行动标准,构建可持续发展能力模型;第四,面向课程教学,融入可持续发展能力要求;第五,多元主体参与,协同推进BBNE改革。德国BBNE改革,为我国将可持续发展教育纳入职业教育体系提供了全新的改革视角和有价值的行动参考。  相似文献   

文章分析了高职数学选修课程是实现学生可持续发展的必要补充;同时构建了三类数学选修课程:数学知识提升类、数学思维提升类和数学应用能力提升类;并在此基础上针对师资的选择、教学课时的安排、与专业的对接三个方面提出了自己的思考。  相似文献   

消毒剂的种类有很多 ,第一类是过氧类消毒剂 ,比如过氧乙酸、过氧化氢等 ;第二类是含氯消毒剂 ,如 84消毒液等 ;第三类是二氧化氯 ;第四类是碘类消毒剂 ,如碘伏等 ;另外还有乙醇。作为家庭使用 ,最好使用过氧乙酸或 84消毒液等。哪些消毒剂适合家庭使用  相似文献   

指示词的科学分类对认识其本质属性和特征有重要意义,可以加深对指示词和它与话语及语境关系的分析理解。在分析指示词的特点和范围的基础之上,指示词可以分为四大类:人称指示(persondeixis)、时间指示(timedeixis)、地点指示(placedeixis)、事物指示(thingdeixis);人称指示下又包括社交指示的小类,事物指示下又包括语篇指示的小类。  相似文献   

1991年,科伊(AnnaCouey)提出新范畴“赛伯艺术”(cyberart),作为对伴随当代信息科技发展起来的多姿多彩的艺术类型的总称。它至少具备三重含义:一是体现赛伯主体性的艺术,二是将电子人当成描写对象的艺术,三是基于赛伯媒体的艺术。对于赛伯艺术的考察,有助于丰富当代文论体系。  相似文献   

The Development of Category-based Induction   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In a category-based induction, knowing that a property is true of some category members leads one to conclude that the property is true of other category members. An example is: Cardinals have ulnar arteries. Therefore hawks have ulnar arteries. Recently, Osherson et al. (1990) demonstrated a number of phenomena involving category-based inductions, and proposed that these phenomena can be explained by variations in 2 processes: (a) the similarity between the premise category (cardinals in the above example) and the conclusion category (hawks in the above example), and (b) the degree to which the premise category "covers" (roughly, is similar to) instances of the lowest-level category that includes both the premise and conclusion categories (birds in the above example). The present paper traces the developmental course of the relevant phenomena and of the similarity and coverage processes that presumably underlie them. Studies 1 and 2 demonstrated that the inductions made by kindergartners are sensitive only to the similarity between the premise and conclusion categories. Studies 3 and 4 showed that second graders' inductions are sensitive to both premise-conclusion similarity and coverage, as long as there is no need actually to use a generated category that includes both the premise and conclusion categories. These developmental findings reveal an orderly process in the growth of category-based inductions, and also decompose the Osherson et al. model into 3 basic components that have not previously been explicitly distinguished.  相似文献   

制度成本与社会主体的理性选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制度成本范畴是一个综合性的成本指标体系,它涵盖了与制度有关的所有成本投入的总和,主要有制度的设计与创生成本、运行成本和改进与变迁成本等。制度成本投入的理性选择是,制度投入的边际成本等于其边际收益,适度提高制度的设计成本以降低其运行成本和变迁成本,实现激励(制约)成本均衡和各种成本投入合理化,消除观念隔阂借鉴先进制度降低人为的制度成本。  相似文献   

"等 X 时/后"是现代汉语中应用比较广泛的时间格式,一般在句中充当句首修饰语,具有时间定位功能.格式中"等"是介词,语义范畴为"时间终结点",具有后延性.由它构成的句式蕴涵多种隐性语义关系,涵盖了现代汉语的五种时制形式,是一种典型的时间句型,具有独特的语用价值.  相似文献   

In its focus on social practices, the feature article presents an interesting theoretical framework for rethinking not only where and how knowing and learning in science education exhibit themselves but also we might change our own research practice. The framework is not new to me, as I have advocated it explicitly for more than 15 years. But over time it became apparent to me that some particularities of participation in practice may be grounded more strongly in an orientation towards the societal nature of any human praxis. In this forum contribution, I present a theoretical approach built on societal-historical activity theory that also takes activism as a major category for theorizing participation. This approach not only covers the extent of the social practice framework but also allows us to make thematic the production of inequity and restrictions to access science and engineering that are characteristic of many societies.  相似文献   

This review covers articles published during the recent two decades on attitudes toward the participation of individuals with disabilities in physical activity. Research literature has been retrieved and analyzed by content and quality, across research type categories (cross sectional vs. intervention) and members of the participation context (i.e., professionals, peers, and participants with disabilities). The underlying theories, instruments, methodological approaches, and outcome variables are discussed in each category. Contact theory has served as the most popular theoretical foundation, however, without significant effectiveness in most trials. Gender has almost unanimously been recognized as a significant factor in all participant categories. Females tend to express more positive attitudes toward inclusion than males do. Participation in Adapted Physical Activity (APA) courses and previous experience with individuals with disability tend to improve professionals' attitudes.  相似文献   

This paper arose from research on numerical errors by 6 and 7 year-olds particularly in subtraction. The present investigation covers four categories: 11 year-olds: school-leavers: student nursery nurses: bus conductor trainees. The central questions were whether earlier errors recurred at these later stages and how far feelings towards the subject (sometimes formed when young) affected performance. The sample was small (N=93) but the results at least suggest questions and directions for further work. In each category, for example, over 25 per cent got a very basic subtraction sum wrong. This indicates that some young children are asked to do sums which are beyond their comprehension and the resulting confusion is difficult to remedy later.  相似文献   

The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is, quite possibly, the most comprehensive and systemic education reform act passed by Congress in the last 40 years. Given only 17 states ever fully complied with NCLB's predecessor, the 1994 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, it is only proper that legislators, policymakers, and researchers are now asking how we, as a nation, are doing implementing the law this time around? The Education Commission of the States (ECS) attempts, in the following article, to answer the question. The article covers information ECS has harvested and some of the insights ECS has gained since first examining state policy enactments related to NCLB. It provides information on the structure of the database, the methodology used to gather and verify the information, major findings of the tracking and reporting activity, specific gains made by category, key issues that merit immediate attention, and finally specific actions for consideration should federal officials and state policymakers be inclined to make changes to the law.  相似文献   

运用认知语言学的范畴理论,首先讨论英语词汇的分类,英语词汇可分为基本范畴,上位范畴和下属范畴词汇。然后重点探讨英语基本范畴词汇的特点:词形简单,使用频率高,构词能力强,适应性广,隐喻用法多。因此,认为基本范畴词汇是英语词汇学习的首选和重点,范畴理论对英语词汇学习提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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