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Technologies are often presented and perceived as being inevitable, natural and necessary, as if they were the products of some inner logic. As a result, there has been a tendency in the past to focus on the effect or impact a technology has on society at the expense of investigating the origin of the technology. More recently, efforts have been made to penetrate the ‘black box’ of the technological artifact in order to reveal the variety of ways technologies are shaped. This paper will discuss the economic, political and other social factors which shaped the Australian Animal Health Laboratory and which determined its proposed functions.  相似文献   

资源经济学的学科性质、地位与思维   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
谷树忠 《资源科学》1998,20(1):16-22
资源经济学是资源科学中最富活力且仍在迅速发展的学科之一。它是边缘性学科,是典型的公共或政府经济学。具有人本主义色彩,在经济科学和资源科学体系中均占重要地位。资源经济学具有独特的人本主义和动态发展的哲学思维,注重代内公平和代际公平的伦理思维,问题导向性的逻辑思维,以实证分析、规范研究和合理预期为特征的经济学思维。资源经济学具有以最优耗竭理论、稀缺理论、产权理论、代际分配、核算理论和资源效率至上论为主要内容的基本原理。资源经济学将朝着市场化、定量化和信息化的方向发展。  相似文献   

青藏高原区域可持续发展战略探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
青藏高原是中国西部的落后地区,开发也必须坚持可持续发展战略。在世纪之交,本区社会经济必须同时满足充分就业与社会稳定、效率与公平、保护环境与维护民族及国家利益、经济增长和结构优化四大发展目标。作者认为高原可持续发展的基本模式,必须遵循“需求、限制、平等”三大原则,确保人口与资源、生态与环境、经济与社会三方面呈良性运行和发展;应采取人口有序发展、比较优势资源开发、防御型环境保护、局部区域突破发展和经济社会开放等综合模式,并根据可持续发展理论,探讨了高原人口与资源、资源与环境、环境与发展、区域与产业等多重关系之间的协调机制,提出了高原产业结构调整优化与战略产业选择的途径与措施。  相似文献   

地区科学基金作为国家自然科学基金的一个重要组成部分,自设立以来,为促进边远和少数民族地区的社会及经济发展做出了积极的贡献。科学基金特别是地区科学基金的资助,不仅为宁夏大学的学科建设注入了新的生机和活力,同时也为我校的人才培养和提高在基础科学研究领域的综合能力奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the essence of entrepreneurial activity is ‘strategic commitment’, which encompasses strategic thought and decision, together with commitment based on that strategy. Three distinct types of commitment are identified — resource commitment, psychological commitment and organisational commitment. The implications of a recognition of the pervasiveness of unknowledge in entrepreneurial activity are discussed. The paper also suggests that the term ‘entrepreneur’ be reserved for individuals who have demonstrated a singular aptitude for and commitment to enhancing their organisation's relationship with its environment.  相似文献   

The Australian government offsets program has been in place since 1970, but until recently, with the publication of the report of the Committee of Review on Offsets, it has operated with little public scrutiny and has attracted little academic interest. This is a program aimed at the manufacturing sector in Australia, with a view to increasing Australian firms' participation in internationally competitive activities. Issues posed as requiring investigation include: the protection aspects of offsets, their efficacy in transferring technologies from overseas suppliers of government funded purchases, the question of economic integration and the countertrade dimension of offsets.  相似文献   

区域尺度陆地生态系统生物生产力研究方法   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
本文对国内外生物生产力区域尺度研究的理论、方法以及取得的成就和存在的问题进行全面而系统地评述。生产力机理模型是当前生产力生态学研究中的热点,而区域尺度转换是全球变化模型研究的关键问题。大量研究表明,植被叶面积指数是进行空间尺度拓展的连接点,而且叶面积指数的地带性分布规律是进一步拓展生态系统定位站研究结果的重要理论依据之一。  相似文献   

区域水资源开发利用战略研究是对区域水资源更合理、经济、有效地开发利用的措施、原则、方法的综合性研究,是对水资源系统自身及其与社会经济发展系统相互协调发展的具有较高层次的综合性研究.目标是优化、改善区域水环境,建立一个新的高效的供需水平衡系统。本文以河北省廊坊地区为例,进行了区域水资源开发利用战略案例研究。  相似文献   

调查青海省区域创新环境与科技创新绩效的现状特点,建立青海省区域创新环境评价指标体系,以青海省1999年-2013年的数据为基础,运用因子分析方法对青海省区域创新环境质量进行动态评价,对青海省区域创新环境与创新绩效进行相关性分析,结果表明区域创新环境与创新绩效存在显著相关性,分析青海省区域创新环境存在的制约因素,主要包括创新基础与服务环境方面、创新资源与政策环境方面。最后,分析提出改善青海省区域创新环境的对策建议。  相似文献   

青藏高原区域可持续发展指标体系研究初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
可持续发展是指导世界各国或地区经济社会发展的总体战略,在把可持续发展的思想变成现实过程中,关键问题是对可持续性的评价。本文采用博塞尔?哈特缪特的“标识星(Orientor Star)”方法,对青藏高原重点区域可持续发展指标体系的确立和定量评价,进行了初步的尝试。文章在系统分析目前国内外关于指标体系研究的基础上,提出建立具有高原特色的可持续发展指标体系。作者按照人类、支撑及自然3个亚系统建立了川滇藏接壤地区的区域可持续发展指标体系,并应用标识星方法定量地分析了在1959年、1999年和2039年该区的区域可持续性特征。  相似文献   

In 1881 Louis Pasteur demonstrated to an incredulous world the efficacy of his vaccine for the prevention of the fatal disease anthrax in sheep and cattle. A decade later Pasteur's nephew and assistant, Adrien Loir, was manufacturing the vaccine in Sydney. But although Loir's operations were begun at the behest of local pastoralists, the diffusion of the Pasteur vaccine was not very successful in Australia. Within a few years it was virtually displaced from the market by the modified vaccine produced by two Australian men, John Alexander Gunn and John McGarvie Smith. The process of transfer and diffusion involved in that displacement is the concern of this paper. In particular, it highlights the importance of local adaptation for the successful diffusion of anthrax vaccination in Australia.  相似文献   

澳大利亚研究理事会资助管理办法概论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 澳大利亚研究理事会(ARC)的沿革与职能 ARC的机构沿革最早应追溯到1946年成立的联邦大学研究资助委员会,其最初是由联邦教育办公室主任负责的一个跨部委员会.  相似文献   

<正>当代壁画艺术的发展呈现出多样性的发展趋势,而公共性一直是其内在的属性,也是学界所关注的问题,虽然对于其研究文章有不少,但是主要是在于功能、意义上的研究。在如何表现的问题上关注点依旧是架上绘画及室内空间的壁画艺术,对于室外空间、地景壁画、街头壁画、现代科技手段所表现出来的当代壁画关注度很低,一般论文中只是简要带过,并未作为例证进行分析,在所选用的素材方面大多停留在上个世纪后半期的艺术,更新度不够,研究成果显然并未赶上当前壁画艺术的发展态势。但是有一部分关于当代壁画艺术的文章,如周丽《现代壁画在城市地铁空间的应用与拓展研究》,杨广宾《现代都市建筑空间环境中的壁画艺术研究》,许俊婕《当代壁画在城市公共空间的应用研究》是结合具体建筑空间来对当代壁画  相似文献   

我国近年来耕地资源动态变化的区域特征及对策分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
我国耕地资源的减少已经成为目前面临的主要问题之一,并随着经济的进一步发展,耕地资源减少的现状还将持续下去。本文根据1987-1994年我国耕地面积的总减少、净减少、损失率和变化率分析了耕地动态变化的区域特征,并依次将我国大陆30个省(区)分为不同的类型,提出了不同类(耕地资源、总减少、净  相似文献   

Australian industrial policy is primarily concerned with protecting the manufacturing sector by the use of tariffs and quotas. Over the last decade and a half successive governments have announced an intention to move towards lower tariffs. The result has been lower tariffs on average, but the introduction ofimport quotas in response to the 1974–75 recession has resulted in large increases in protection for the textile, clothing, footwear and motor vehicle industries. These sectors are covered by Industry Plans. There is a stated intention to liberalize trade, but for a decade the market share of imports has been fixed. On the basis of past experience, there is a low probability that significant trade liberalization will occur. Australian industrial policy has failed to create a more efficient manufacturing sector. It is reactive and has slowed the rate of structural change. It is a good example of the way in which initiatives to restrict trade flows by ‘temporary’ quotas — intended to provide a breathing space so an industry can reorganise and compete more effectively against imports — can result in import quotas becoming a near permanent feature of the economic environment. The Australian economy has also been subject to largeexchange rate appreciations. Our experience is that unusual appreciations bring to the forefront of structural change those industries which have already set out upon a path of long run decline. Once the appreciations have passed, these troubled industries are not placed back in their original position relative to imports.  相似文献   

Diversity of newspaper outlets and diversity of newspaper ownership are both generally conducive to economic efficiency within the newspaper industry. A review of the economics of newspaper publishing reveals two major factors concerning the structure and ownership of the press. The first is that scale economies of production are largely responsible for the tendency of newspaper markets in cities and towns to be dominated by a single title. The second is that the combined effect of economies of scale and newspaper firms’ drive towards growth is likely to bring about a high concentration of newspaper ownership. It is argued that economic theory lends qualified support to policy proposals to prevent mergers between newspaper firms and to require divestiture of newspaper titles.  相似文献   

2003年度国家自然科学奖揭晓:中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所陈均远教授,云南大学侯先光教授和西北大学舒德干教授共同完成的“澄江动物群和寒武纪大爆发”获得一等奖,由于3位获奖者从不同方面做出了各自的贡献,并列第一,这在我国自然科学奖评奖史上尚属首次。  相似文献   

自然保护区与生物多样性信息共享   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自然保护区与生物多样性信息共享是生物多样性保护和生物资源持续利用的基础性关键工具。“自然保护区与生物多样性信息共享”专题改造和完善了全国自然保护区数据库、全国自然保护区多媒体数据库、全国自然保护区电子分布图、中国生态旅游数据库、中国生物多样性多元化数据库、生物安全文献数据库;建立了基于Internet的Internet和Web服务器;采用ASP、ADO、SQL、ODBC、Web、GIS技术,实现了数据库与Web服务器的动态连接,建成了全国自然保护区数据查询和统计工具、全国自然保护区多媒体信息查询工具、全国自然保护区Web GIS查询工具、中国生态旅游信息查询工具、中国生物多样性元数据查询和录入工具、生物安全文献查询工具;实现上网共享信息600余M,其中数据103M,数据全部集中共享;完成了生物技术改性活体环境影响评价指标、风险评估技术准则、风险管理规范、中华人民共和国生物安全管理条例的研究报告。  相似文献   

2008年度国家自然科学基金国际合作紧紧围绕科学基金中心工作,在拓展国际合作渠道、推进实质性合作、规范管理以及探索战略型合作等方面都取得了显著成效,一年来共资助各类国际合作与交流项目1008项,资助经费达1.44亿元人民币.  相似文献   

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