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This article examines the reasons why Japanese cultural products have not penetrated other countries. It also explicates the recent trends in Japan's expansion of its cultural products and Japan's direct investment in the global cultural market to ascertain whether this new development is a sign that Japan is attempting to gain an important role in global communication. It concludes that Japan was not able to successfully build its communication power to a degree comparable to its status as the second largest economic power and its second largest media consumption market.  相似文献   

在高质量发展背景下,中国需着力提高全要素生产率﹑推动全社会技术进步,而具有不同特性且数量持续增长的风险投资﹑科技信贷和公共财政在中国科技创新中扮演着不同的角色并存在异质性的作用,有必要进一步探明异质性科技金融和国际创新合作在中国经济高质量发展中所扮演的角色,为明确推动中国经济高质量发展的实现路径提供参考。借鉴双元创新理论构建理论概念模型,并将国际创新合作作为调节变量,应用有调节的中介效应模型,采用计量经济学方法实证探讨异质性科技金融在中国科技创新中的角色,以及比较风险投资和科技财政等不同科技金融工具的作用大小,以揭示中国经济实现高质量发展的运行机制。主要发现:异质性科技金融中,风险投资的作用最大;中国自主创新对全社会技术进步的作用显著为正;国际创新合作正向调节国外技术引进推动中国全社会技术进步的过程,当国际创新合作程度很低时,技术引进对全社会技术进步的作用方向为负。基于研究发现,提出建议:改革创新融资方式,大力培育风险投资市场;将经济高质量发展的立足点始终放在中国科技的自立自强上;坚持对外开放战略,积极推动国际创新合作;加强技术引进的创新绩效考核。  相似文献   

目的】研究Web3.0快速发展背景下,科技期刊同行评议改进与发展的新平台、新模式。【方法】 以Peerage of ScienceFrontier为案例,针对最新的基于社交网络平台的同行评议模式进行了分析,介绍了该同行评议模式的改进、特点、流程、工作方式等。【结果】在社交网络平台下,同行评议从静态变为动态,从"一对一"变成"一对多",从封闭式评议变成开放式评价。【结论】基于社交网络的同行评议模式是同行评议发展的最新趋势,可为我国的同行评议发展提供参考。  相似文献   

服务外包是跨国公司发展的新趋势。我国作为服务外包的主要承接国之一,要充分利用国际服务业转移带来的机遇,从战略高度认识国际服务外包对我国的重要性,加快制定政策,积极承接跨国公司服务外包,从而促进服务业发展,带动经济增长。本文指出要承接跨国公司服务外包对我国的重要意义,分析了我国承接现状和存在的问题,并提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

互联网思维在学术期刊经营发展中应用的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的】寻找适合学术期刊市场化改革的思维理念,以促进学术期刊经营发展。【方法】 在挖掘互联网思维本质的基础上,从市场化运作的角度分析如何在学术期刊工作流程中应用互联网思维。【结果】互联网思维的本质是以用户为中心,最大化甚至超额地满足用户的需求,同时将用户所需要承担的成本降到最低直至免费。采用学术期刊市场化运作时,在选题策划、编辑加工、出版传播、增值服务各环节都应该围绕互联网思维的本质及其衍生出来的特征思考解决问题。【结论】互联网思维可以作为学术期刊市场化改革的思维理念,应充分理解互联网思维本质,并将其应用到学术期刊工作的整个流程中,从而促进期刊的经营发展。  相似文献   


Australia spends proportionally more on university R&D, particularly when compared with business expenditure on R&D, than almost any other advanced economy, which suggests that creating the right environment to encourage the commercialisation of Australian university research results is vital if Australia is to obtain the best economic results from its investment. In this paper a meta‐analysis is used to review literature from various sources available on the broad environment in which university research commercialisation is conducted in Australia in order to identify the key components of the environment and where change may encourage or promote better commercialisation outcomes.  相似文献   

中华医学会系列杂志媒体融合发展实践   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
[目的]介绍中华医学会系列杂志媒体融合发展的实践,以期为国内科技期刊同行提供借鉴。[方法]以中华医学会系列杂志发展策略和多种媒体发展具体案例为例,介绍中华医学会系列杂志媒体融合发展现状。[结果]顺应媒体融合发展趋势,中华医学会系列杂志基于集群优势逐步实现了期刊出版全程的信息化管理、期刊资源整合、数字化平台和新媒体的融合发展。[结论]掌握并积极应用先进的数字出版技术,有助于实现期刊群内容资源的有效整合,提升展示效果。  相似文献   

[目的]全面分析和研究PeerJ的出版特点及其优势,完善我国科技期刊开放获取出版模式。[方法]从出版策略、同行评议制度、运营模式等内容出发,分析PeerJ的核心竞争力。[结果]PeerJ通过新的收费模式和工作机制,大大提高了其竞争力,成为发展快速且具有影响力的OA期刊。[结论]PeerJ作为OA期刊出版的成功案例,国内科技期刊可借鉴其办刊经验,探索适合中国科技期刊发展的道路。  相似文献   

为了促进海洋经济发展,推动海洋强国建设,加快海洋科技创新、提高海洋全要素生产率成为新时期我国海洋经济发展重要驱动力。基于2007年—2017年我国11个沿海省市面板数据,运用面板向量自回归模型PVAR,分析海洋科技创新、海洋全要素与海洋经济发展的动态关系。研究结果表明:海洋科技创新和海洋全要素生产率存在自我增强机制;海洋科技创新与海洋全要素生产率存在双向促进关系,相互促进效果较小;在长期发展过程中,海洋经济发展对海洋全要素生产率的影响程度大于海洋科技创新;海洋经济发展的主要影响因素是海洋全要素生产率,海洋全要素生产率对海洋经济发展的促进作用比较明显。通过发挥自我增强机制的提升作用,提高海洋科技创新与海洋全要素生产率的相互促进效应,以创新驱动经济发展、以全要素生产率提升经济质量,促进我国海洋经济高质量发展,推动海洋强国建设。  相似文献   


Like other technical changes, the new information technologies have inspired hopes and fears. The optimists celebrate the “technologies of freedom” and their potential for growth and autonomy, the enhancement of skills and culture, the elimination of unpleasant and boring tasks (Pool 1984). On the other hand, the pessimists fear dehumanized work, growing unemployment, and bureaucracy, with unavoidable threats to privacy (Mosco 1987; Robins and Webster 1983).

In the communication and development debate, similar polarized attitudes are to be found. The technological optimists of the so‐called “modernization paradigm” claim that the transfer of information technologies to the developing world will spectacularly enhance the process of development. Commentators arguing from within this paradigm point out that the transfer of appropriate information technology can contribute to the creation of new social structures that will adequately respond to the needs of the developing world. At the other extreme, however, we have the technological pessimists, “the Luddites of the Information Revolution” (Tehranian 1985, 21). Proponents of this perspective perceive the transfer of information technology as necessarily reinforcing existing structures and thus exacerbating politico‐economic dependency and the loss of cultural identity.

In our opinion, both positions possess partial truths. However, both are based on inadequate theoretical foundations—erroneous conceptions of the nature of technology and its relationship vis‐à‐vis society, and a misunderstanding of the concept of development. Consequently, the policy implications of each approach are less than helpful. Building on what we consider to be a more apt conceptual framework, the central argument of this paper is that the transfer of information technology can play a role, albeit limited, in the development process.  相似文献   


The paper has three main objectives, viz, to emphasize the need for informed project assessment as central to the effective management of R&D by Australian businesses; to argue that different assessment techniques will be applicable to different stages of a project's development; to emphasize the importance of R&D project assessment as an information and communication process which helps to promote a firm's goals. In addressing these issues the paper highlights some of the ways in which managers of Australian companies can learn from overseas experience and outlines some of the challenges facing Australian management at this time.  相似文献   


The developing countries, although not homogeneous, share a growing recognition of the importance of information technology for fostering the development process. Rapid advancements in computer and telecommunications technologies offer new opportunities for improved resource management and for the successful employment of these tools in rural areas. Although developing nations have responded enthusiastically to the advantages of modem information technology, they are equally cognizant of the negative impact that reliance on foreign technology and services may have. As a result, developing countries are taking a number of actions—at the national, regional, and international levels—to ensure their active participation in the emerging Information Age.  相似文献   

张敏  姜巍  高卫东  熊天琦 《资源科学》2014,36(9):1933-1940
基于能源生态系统理论,对晋陕蒙地区能源资源开发对当地经济发展以及生态环境的影响进行了评估,结果表明:由于内生系统规模的不断扩大,晋陕蒙地区能源生态系统的整体发育状况处于持续下降状态,其中山西省由于能源资源开发较早、产业结构单一,造成其内生系统规模较大,能源系统生态发育状况一直维持在较低的水平,而陕西、内蒙古则由于近年来能源开采量迅速增加而造成能源生态系统演进系数迅速降低;能源开发和消费的效益在一定程度上缓解了陕蒙地区能源生态系统的变化状况,使其总体状况略好于山西省;能源开发在带来效益的同时,亦带来环境的破坏,虽然三省的环境状况近年来有所好转,但是水平依旧较低。  相似文献   


Online gambling utilises advanced telecommunications technology to provide access to gambling across national borders, presenting unprecedented opportunities for industry and new challenges for government regulation and national sovereignty. It also promises to revolutionise the way people gamble, raising critical issues about social and economic impacts. Nations have taken a variety of approaches to online gambling, ranging from unregulated legalisation to prohibition, creating a perplexing and uncertain legal environment. This paper will examine the development of Internet and interactive gambling, the responses by governments and industry, and the issues for policy-makers and regulators.  相似文献   


Modern growth theory acknowledges that a country's economic prosperity depends in large part on its capacity for technological innovation. Empirical evidence, however, supports the view that not all sectors are equally innovative. As a result, it seems desirable from a public policy perspective to identify and promote sectors displaying both a high innovation rate and, in an increasingly competitive international economy, a high degree of international competitiveness. It is frequently argued that the high-tech industry sectors, in contrast to low-tech sectors, satisfy both conditions, with the clear implication that public policy should be directed to enhancing the performance of high-tech sectors. This approach raises at least two important issues. The first is whether such classifications can be meaningfully constructed given both the intractability of the concepts involved and the difficulties in data collection. A second issue is the basic assumption that policy emphasis should be placed on technology-intensive industries because they have a greater impact on growth. In this paper, we argue that while it may be possible to construct indices of technological intensity that are useful for some purposes, the ones that are currently proposed do not, in fact, address questions of economic growth and firm performance very well. In part, this is a reflection of the technicalities involved in formulating and operationalising the indices, but it also reflects problems in the underlying premise, namely technology-intensive sectors are more growth-inducing than low-tech sectors. We call, therefore, for the adoption of a more sophisticated and detailed approach that would provide a sensible classification of industries and new policy insights.  相似文献   

[目的]认识科技期刊和科技智库互动发展的必要性和可行性,揭示二者互动发展的机理与路径。[方法]运用逻辑演绎推理方法,阐述双方互动发展的必要性、可行性以及机理与路径。[结果]科技期刊与科技智库互动发展的战略意义显著且可行。从机理上看,科技期刊可为科技智库建设输送知识资源并提供人才团队支持,还可张扬智库研究成果的价值;科技智库则能提高科技期刊学术质量、提升期刊社会影响力和塑造科技期刊品牌。二者互动发展的路径主要有协同创新、资源融合、常态化合作和互为环境与保障等。[结论]互动发展既对双方有利,又能使其更好地履行社会责任、更好地提升国家软实力并强化决策咨询功能。  相似文献   


This article contributes to the emerging theory of industry belief systems and the social construction of innovation by examining how industry actors conceptualise and negotiate industry transformation through the development and diffusion of new technologies. In a qualitative study of innovation in the Australian wool industry, we found that the social construction of industry belief systems and new technologies was an evolutionary process of social sensemaking in which there was reciprocity between individual and collective meaning‐making that reflected conflict, consensus and compliance between industry actors about new technologies and industry beliefs.  相似文献   


Australia's treatment of information technology (IT) has vacillated between two policy directions: laissez faire, market directed strategy on the one hand, and strong government interventionist, plan directed strategy on the other. The resultant policy mix is more a collection of individual initiatives than a coherent strategy. It produces conflict between initiatives aimed at developing indigenous information industries and those improving the productivity and competitiveness of all industry by encouraging the wider application of IT. Unlike its East Asian neighbors, Australia does not have a powerful, independent economic planning agency capable of creating and implementing industrial and technology policy. Policies must be developed through the give and take of a democratic political process, a process that can lead to fragmented, uncoordinated policies based on bureaucratic inertia, the demands of special interest groups, and short‐term political considerations, rather than long‐term strategic plans. The future of IT policy in Australia will depend upon the kinds of consensus that can be achieved on the role of IT in economic development. It will also depend on the government's skill in implementing policy and on the reactions of the private sector to whatever policies emerge.  相似文献   


Since access to knowledge is a critical source of political and economic power, the new telecommunications technologies pose a challenge to business, government, and the academic community as well as private persons. The individual and social uses of the most recent technological applications in this field are explored in this paper; problems related to the harnessing of these advances to individual information needs and some of the policy issues generated by the new technologies are also discussed.  相似文献   

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