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尹斯斯  高云舒  黄寰 《科研管理》2022,43(3):142-151
   基于《中国专利数据库》等数据库的匹配数据基础上,本文从理论与实证相结合的角度研究了贸易自由化与企业创新知识宽度之间的关系及其影响机制问题。研究表明:总体上讲,贸易自由化会促进企业创新知识宽度的拓展;资本品、最终品贸易自由化对创新知识宽度的促进作用大于中间品贸易自由化;贸易自由化对发明专利的促进作用显著地高于对实用新型以及外观设计专利的促进作用;企业的多产品生产、对高技术工人的需求以及加工贸易份额高低是贸易自由化影响企业创新知识宽度的影响机制。本文的研究为中国的对外开放战略、创新驱动发展战略与高质量发展战略提供了相关的政策依据。  相似文献   

In this research, we are interested in ERP systems which are common information repositories that are aimed at matching the knowledge, practices, and skills that drive the organization in the best possible way. Can the cognitive and hierarchical models coexist within the same project? What is the impact of ERP on the interconnection between communities? To answer these questions, we rely in particular on the work of Levina and Vaast (MIS Quarterly 29(2):335–363, 2005), which underlines that the modes of interaction between CPs must be mediated by the activation of boundary objects and/or the mobilization of boundary spanners. Finally, this leads us to discriminate between two types of ERPPs (hierarchical/cognitive) and to underline the role of the switch in the ERPP success.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(2):104418
U.S. invention has become increasingly concentrated around major tech centers since the 1970s, with implications for how much cities across the country share in concomitant local benefits. Is invention becoming a winner-takes-all race? We explore the rising spatial concentration of patents and identify an underlying stability in their distribution. Software patents have exploded to account for about half of patents today, and these patents are highly concentrated in tech centers. Tech centers also account for a growing share of non-software patents, but the reallocation, by contrast, is entirely from the five largest population centers in 1980. Non-software patenting is stable for most cities, with anchor tenants like universities playing important roles, suggesting the growing concentration of invention may be nearing its end. Immigrant inventors and new businesses aided in the spatial transformation.One Sentence SummaryThe growing concentration of patenting in tech centers masks an important stability in non-software patenting for most U.S. cities.  相似文献   

余竑 《中国软科学》2006,3(10):128-133
当前越来越多的国际贸易协定制约了东道国政府贸易政策的使用。相对而言,约束东道国政府FDI政策使用的国际协议较少。本文通过对国内公司、跨国公司及东道国政府三者之间的博弈模型分析表明:即使东道国政府在可自由设置其贸易政策(或FDI政策),而另一种FDI政策(或贸易政策)受到制约的情况下,其均衡政策也不会扭曲跨国公司进入模式;而且在给定的自由贸易政策约束下,东道国的FDI政策主要起到一种分配作用,即通过这种FDI政策可使得东道国政府从外国投资者身上获得额外租金。  相似文献   

In an effort to enhance the odds of “organized spontaneity,” this article advances analytics for selection of participants, format of

interaction, and milieu within which the interaction occurs. The analysis proceeds in a two-part process. First, three creative environments far removed from the present-day academic forums—18th-century French salons, the 18th-century London coffeehouses, and Mensa—are examined to generate analytical distance from our current practices. Second, with these three locales in the background, current practices are analyzed and the following thoughts are offered for deliberation: (1) Low threshold to entry is not necessarily a bad thing. (2) Creative environments require an artful mix of homogeneity and heterogeneity. (3) Sociality, which is essential for a creative environment, limits the extent to which a disagreement can be pushed. (4) The selection–format–milieu interaction greatly shapes the character of what gets produced in a creative environment.  相似文献   

PBL已逐渐形成一种新的现代课堂教学模式。将其引入到病理学CPC教学实践,对其在CPC教学中的实施过程、效果及存在的问题和注意事项进行分析,得出了PBL教学法确实起到了激发学生学习病理学兴趣和激情、培养学生独立思考及自主学习能力等方面的作用。因此,在CPC教学中,PBL教学法是一种值得推广应用的教学方式。  相似文献   

In a series of three papers, we attempt to evaluate the past scientific performance of the three main particle accelerators at the Geneva-based European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) over the period since 1960, and to assess the future prospects for CERN and its users during the next ten to fifteen years.We concerned ourselves in the first paper (Paper I-Martin and Irvine [29]) with the position of the CERN accelerators in world high-energy physics relative to those at other large laboratories working in the field. We dealt primarily with the period from 1969 to 1978, and attempted to establish how the experimental output from the three principal CERN accelerators, taken as a whole, compared with that from other major facilities. In undertaking this comparative evaluation, we drew on the method of “converging partial indicators” used in previous studies of three Big Science specialties.In contrast, the second paper (Paper II - Irvine and Martin [24]) focused in detail on the scientific performance of each of the CERN accelerators taken individually. In particular, it asked, first, how the outputs from the CERN 28 GeV (giga or billion electron-volts) Proton Synchrotron compare with those from a very similar 33 GeV American accelerator at Brookhaven National Laboratory over the past two decades. Second, how great have been the experimental achievements of the Intersecting Storage Rings in world terms? And, third, how do the outputs from the CERN 400 GeV Super Proton Synchrotron and from a rival US machine at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory compare? Attempts were then made to identify the main factors responsible for determining the relative scientific performance of each CERN machine.These factors are of relevance to the subject of this third paper (Paper III), which sets out to assess the future prospects for CERN and in particular for LEP, the large electron-positron collider scheduled for completion in the latter part of 1988. What are the construction requirements (financial and technical) associated with LEP, and how easily will they be met? How does the scientific potential of LEP compare with that of other major accelerators under construction or planned around the world? In the light of the previous record of the CERN accelerators, to what extent is this scientific potential likely to be realized? What spin-off is there likely to be from LEP to accelerator physics in general? Finally, how “flexible” is LEP -in other words, what is its potential for future development? The paper concludes with a discussion of the extent to which predictive techniques can be utilized in the formulation of scientific priorities, and of the problems in current science policy-making that such techniques might help address.  相似文献   

梁立明  Ed Noyons 《科学学研究》2011,29(9):1435-1440
 第13届国际科学计量学与信息计量学大会(ISSI 大会)于2011年7月4日-7日在南非德班召开。作为大会议程主席和理论专题主席,本文作者介绍了大会论文征文和投稿的内容及形式,展示了论文评审机制与评价指标,并对提交论文、录用论文及评审专家的国别分布做了分析。中国是提交全文和研究进展论文最多的国家,作者总频次居各国之首,但论文录用率较低。中国也是提交墙展论文最多的国家,显示了中国学者参加国际ISSI大会的热情。由来自25个国家95名成员组成的大会科学委员会中只有一名中国委员,这提示我们中国学者应该更积极地参与国际会议的学术和组织工作。论文最后讨论了中国学者投稿国际ISSI大会,走上国际论坛的几个问题。  相似文献   

高油价时代的国际石油地缘政治与中国石油贸易格局   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄运成  陈志斌 《资源科学》2007,29(1):172-177
近年来,世界各国对石油资源的争夺愈演愈烈,油价也一路攀高。高油价的背后,反映的是国际石油地缘政治格局以及世界石油市场格局正在发生着重大变化。当前国际石油地缘政治格局是美国主导、供给方(OPEC、俄罗斯为代表的Non-OPEC、非洲)三分天下的局面。其特点是:除政治、军事手段外,各国还通过争夺石油定价权、进口多元化、石油民族主义、建立战略储备、石油期货等方式来保证石油安全。目前中国每年进口石油的数量与金额不断增加,屡创新高。2005年原油进口达到1.27×108t,对外依存度达到45%,已成为世界第二大石油进口国,并且进口数量与对外依存度在未来还将进一步增加,到2030年有可能达到60%。如何保障石油安全已成为国家层面的战略问题。通过对历年来进口石油的数据统计分析,作者认为要保证中国的石油战略安全,应着重处理好3方面的地缘政治关系:与俄罗斯和中亚的关系;与美国的关系;与日本和东南亚各国的关系。并从国家战略层面这一角度提出化解石油安全的具体措施。包括:①发挥上海合作组织的地缘政治优势;②构建多元化的石油供应战略格局;③建立石油战略储备;④利用石油期货等金融工具规避价格风险。  相似文献   

Despite a dramatic growth in interest in technology over the last two decades, this has not resulted in a clear understanding of either the nature of technological change or the basis for its regulation. Part of the problem is the ambiguous heritage of science, technology and society studies which rose to prominence in the 1970s. This paper seeks to provide a theoretical scheme for categorising the commonly used models of technological change: to outline the limitations of ‘technocratic’ and ‘technophobic’ approaches to technology and social development and argue for the superiority of an explicitly ‘technochoice’ approach; and to discuss the dominant models for the public control of technology.  相似文献   

郑义  秦炳涛 《科研管理》2016,37(8):130-139
本文基于中国1970-2010年能源消费、劳动、资本、碳排放及产出数据运用PSS(2001)协整检验法以及TY(1995)因果检验法研究这些变量间的短期动态关系及其长期协整关系。实证结果表明这5个变量之间存在长期协整关系。短期内能源消费、劳动以及资本对经济增长均有显著的正效应,碳排放的作用不显著;从长期来看只有劳动、资本对经济增长有显著的正效应。基于因果检验法我们发现能源消费、碳排放与实际产出均呈现双向格兰杰因果关系,且存在从能源消费到碳排放的单向格兰杰因果关系。结论表明中国若要有效减排,短期内势必要以适当降低经济发展速度为代价,但是从长期来看政府推行的节能减排战略不会阻滞经济增长。  相似文献   

This article explores the relevance of social engineering for the postindustrial epoch. The concept of social engineering has been dormant in recent years, stained by the behavior of police states in the 20th century. Yet stripped of its excesses, social engineering still represents a defensible moral and political enterprise. What is needed for the 21st century, however, is a chastened, deontological theory of social engineering, one that accepts the inviolability of the person while still pursuing ambitious long-term teleological strategies through state action. For its content, progressive information society policy should revisit the ethical norms developed by the left-liberal tradition, as articulated by the late John Rawls and others. The article concludes that the information age offers a new opportunity to engineer a just social order, or, at any rate, that the policymaking community needs to reevaluate the idea of social engineering.  相似文献   

近50年全球粮食贸易的时空格局与地域差异   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对1961年-2006年全球粮食贸易时空格局和区域差异的定量分析,发现全球粮食贸易格局无论是时空分布还是地域格局都有了显著改变。研究表明,这种格局转变一方面与各区域人粮对比关系的变化有关,另一方面还与发达国家和发展中国家在国际粮食贸易格局中的角色转换有关。从粮食数量上看,尽管发展中国家已取代发达国家而成为全球最大的粮食进出口贸易区,但对粮食净贸易额的分析表明,这种单纯的数量分析并不能揭示贸易量背后的真实经济涵义。事实上,从贸易额看,发达国家始终是全球粮食贸易的净收益地区,而发展中国家和低收入国家则维持了一贯的粮食贸易逆差态势。区域尺度的分析则进一步表明,这种差距水平仍在继续扩大。  相似文献   

王东方  陈伟强 《资源科学》2018,40(3):498-506
铝工业是国民经济发展的重要支柱。铝土矿作为铝产业链的源头,是铝工业可持续发展的资源保障。因此,全面了解铝土矿的进口市场有助于充分把握市场形势并做出相应的判断。本研究基于中国1992—2015年铝土矿的进出口数据,从对外依存度和市场集中度两个方面,构建了铝土矿进口资源安全程度评价矩阵,以评价中国铝土矿的资源供应安全程度。结果表明:①1992—2015年,中国铝土矿的净进口重量和价值量逐年增长,特别是2004年以来,净进口重量和价值量增长显著;②1992—2007年,中国铝土矿的对外依存度逐渐上升,2007年之后相对平稳;③2007年之后中国铝土矿进口市场的集中度相对2007年之前较低;④近年来,中国铝土矿向供应相对安全的方向发展。建议:今后进一步积极开拓海外铝土矿资源;进一步均衡从各国进口铝土矿的比例。本研究所采用的分析方法以及所构建的资源安全评价矩阵同样适用于对其他材料的研究。  相似文献   

通过统计联合国统计委员会定义的知识产权产品的海关商品编码发现,(1)入世后,中国对日本和韩国知识产权产品贸易逆差不断扩大,到2010年甚至超过了全部贸易的逆差额;(2)文化类产品、电子计算机类产品和软件对我国贸易均衡发挥了重要作用,但产品附加值仍然相对较低;(3)从日韩的进口逐渐从集成电路和化工原料向高端的战略性新兴产业转变,这意味着无论是在关税减免还是在非关税壁垒方面,我国都应该得到更多的保护。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the ramifications of the problem of proving that the design of a symbol manipulating processor conclusively does what the designer intended. More specifically, it explores such questions as: (1) What different interpretations can be given to the expression “the intent of the process”? (2) Does the process, or should the process end? In either event, how do we prove it? (3) If the process does end, how do we prove that it does what was intended? This question may be meaningful even if the process does not end. (4) Is there a whole class of processes that stand or fall together? Can we adapt our proof of conclusiveness to cover the whole class? (5) Do the processes of the class yield the same or different results, and whichever it is, how do we prove it? The example of formal differentiation from the calculus is used to illustrate these problems; and question number four is developed in detail to illustrate the mixture of mathematical, logical, linguistic, computer science, procedural and even psychological insights involved. References are given for the methods of attack on the other questions.  相似文献   

贸易自由化与中国农村贫困的减少   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现有研究对贸易-贫困联系存在很多争论,本文提供的简单模型也证明了外贸的贫困效应具有不确定性。中国的贸易自由化降低了一些农产品的名义保护率,使其生产者的福利水平下降,但农产品外贸的扩大则迅速减少了农村贫困。农产品外贸结构的变化既冲击不同类型农业生产者的福利水平,也使沿海地区农民成为最大受益群体。本文采用联立方程的似不相关回归对中国的贸易-贫困联系进行估计,其结论显示,中国的贸易-贫困联系具有倒J型特征:20世纪90年代中期之前,贸易自由化恶化农村贫困状况,而其后则有利于农村贫困减少。  相似文献   

张建清  陈果  单航 《科学学研究》2020,38(10):1768-1781
鉴于近年来中国进口贸易的快速发展势头和制造业在全球价值链分工中参与度的不断加深,重新审视进口贸易的技术外溢效应具有重要的现实意义。本文利用中国2000-2014年16个制造业的面板数据,研究了进口贸易、价值链嵌入与制造业生产率进步三者之间的关系。研究结果表明:进口贸易研发溢出能够显著促进生产率进步,价值链嵌入与生产率之间则呈现“倒U型”关系,存在“低端锁定”效应;价值链嵌入的“低端锁定”效应集中体现在低技术行业,在中高技术行业并不明显,同时技术水平越高的行业进口贸易技术外溢效应也越大;价值链嵌入度是影响进口贸易研发溢出效应的重要因素,两者之间存在非线性关系,但呈现“正U型”,即随着价值链嵌入度的不断加深,国内制造业技术吸收能力得到提高,进口贸易研发溢出效应由负转正;相较于发展中国家,价值链嵌入对从发达国家进口所获得技术外溢效应影响更为显著,原因可能在于来自发达国家的进口产品通常包含更多技术含量,对技术吸收能力要求更高。  相似文献   

Informational privacy, data mining, and the Internet   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Privacy concerns involving data mining are examined in terms of four questions: (1) What exactly is data mining? (2) How does data mining raise concerns for personal privacy? (3) How do privacy concerns raised by data mining differ from those concerns introduced by ‘traditional’ information-retrieval techniques in computer databases? (4) How do privacy concerns raised by mining personal data from the Internet differ from those concerns introduced by mining such data from ‘data warehouses?’ It is argued that the practice of using data-mining techniques, whether on the Internet or in data warehouses, to gain information about persons raises privacy concerns that (a) go beyond concerns introduced in traditional information-retrieval techniques in computer databases and (b) are not covered by present data-protection guidelines and privacy laws.  相似文献   

试论科技工作者与科学精神   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
科学精神对科技工作者是至关重要的,那么,什么是科学精神?它对科技工作者有什么样的作用?怎样才能弘扬科学精神?本文从科技工作者的角度,对此进行了阐述。  相似文献   

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