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Are advances in ICTs enabling positive transformations in academic research practices? This paper explores key themes emerging from a 2008 survey of researchers aimed at identifying use and non‐use of advanced ICTs for research. Deterministic perspectives on e‐Research suggest that new e‐infrastructures will reshape research in predictable ways, such as by fostering more collaboration. In contrast, social shaping perspectives lead to the expectation that existing practices and institutions will shape the ways in which e‐Research is employed. This exploratory study found that individual variations across researchers cluster into identifiable groupings of research practices, which help to illuminate involvement in e‐Research, and differences in methods and research software used across the disciplines. In line with a social shaping perspective, the findings suggest that, in the social sciences, top‐down visions of e‐infrastructure development need to be tied to the realities of bottom‐up patterns of innovation in approaches to e‐Research.  相似文献   

在国内外经济形势日趋严峻的压力下,我国企业集群能否解决转型升级的问题,引起了理论界的广泛关注,企业创业则是集群转型升级的重要途径之一。运用了经济学模型及探索式多案例的研究设计,通过对三个企业集群样本的逐一剖析发现:在外部风险的作用下,率先进行创业的企业会成为集群内焦点企业,并迫使其他企业选择跟随战略,实现企业层面的升级,促进集群层面的结构转型,并以此揭示了集群跨层面升级原理。  相似文献   

知识转移是当前企业知识管理实践和学术研究关注的热点。整合并提出了知识转移成本分析框架,采集了369份问卷进行分析,在个体层面验证了知识距离与知识转移容易性负相关。结果显示,受各种知识转移成本影响,知识隐含性对知识距离与知识转移容易性关系有显著调节效应,联系强度与知识隐含性的联合调节效应显著。进一步发现:联系强度调节知识距离与知识转移容易性关系有赖于知识隐含性,知识隐含性与联系强度存在匹配关系。  相似文献   


Patients and carers now have unprecedented access to health information via specialist journals and the popular media, while the worldwide web has revolutionised public access to clinical information. Levels of patient demand for information about health have grown and there is evidence to suggest that patients wish to receive more information than is sometimes currently provided by clinicians. In secondary care, some specialisms have more readily adopted the use of information communication technologies (ICT) in clinician/patient communication than others. This paper focuses on clinicians' perceptions of client Internet use for psychiatric conditions and studies the influence this has had on the consultation process in the United Kingdom. The research method consisted of a postal questionnaire distributed to the members of the Women in Psychiatry Group on the register of the Royal College of Psychiatry. Telephone interviews were conducted, employing the critical incident method, as well as a brief additional questionnaire. The data show that psychiatrists who used the Internet discerned client usage more readily. Where the client sought to discuss information acquired electronically with the consultant this tended to extend the consultation period, but a number of psychiatrists reported a greater sense of partnership as a result. The paper explores consultant perceptions of client motivations for Internet use and the perceived advantages and disadvantages for both client and psychiatrist. Overall, the psychiatry profession appears to be following the lead of clients in the use of ICT. Policy recommendations are offered with respect to the provision of profession-validated information on the Internet and psychiatrists' training in IT.  相似文献   

The most critical factor in building an innovation-ori- ented country lies in the im-provement of “indigenous” innova- tion capacity, says Prof. BAI Chunli, executive vice president of CAS. Enhancement of such a capabil- ity is key to success in develop…  相似文献   

对我国大学科技创新的研究,不仅要从总量的角度进行,更应注重从"效率"的角度展开。采用超效率DEA模型测算了我国各地区大学的知识创新效率,按照效率水平及变动情况,可将我国大学知识创新效率分为高投入、高效率,高投入、低效率,低投入、高效率,低投入、低效率等模式。这种划分为今后关于我国高校科技政策的制定提供了一个可供参考的分类标准。同时,对大学知识创新效率的空间趋同性进行了检验,表明我国大学知识创新呈现"俱乐部收敛"特征,且不同区域收敛于不同的均衡水平。  相似文献   

正You may have seen solar cells on satellites and street lights,but do you know why these solar cells are not widely used in our daily life?Complex device structures,fabrication difficulties,area limitation,high costs,and heavy weight-these factors have all led to their limited application.In contrast,polymer solar cells(PSCs)are emerging as promising  相似文献   

在团队模式已经广泛地被证明可以克服个人认识盲区和有限理性对决策所带来不利影响的今天,我国高校战略管理也应借鉴团队“行为整合”的理念将“党委领导下的校长负责制”落实到真正团队形式的领导上。基于社会认知理论,通过文献回顾,提出集体效能和团队认同对高校领导团队行为整合影响的研究思路,构建研究框架提出相应假设,进而实证集体效能和团队认同对领导团队行为整合的作用机制。最后结合相关理论和实践提出相对应的管理启示。  相似文献   

While building a na- tional innovation sys- tem with Chinesecharacteristics, China should not blindly follow developed countries or simply negate its successful prac- tice over the past five decades in scientific and technological (S&T) development and its hard-earned S&T infrastructure and systems, much less forget the basic fact that China is currently in the primary stage of socialism and will remain in this stage for a long time to come, urges CAS Pres ident LU Yongxiang, who is also v…  相似文献   

作为我国基础研究"国家队"的重要组成部分,联合型SKL已经成为我国开展高水平基础研究的重要基地,但其原始创新和集成创新能力有限,且不同类型的联合型SKL自主创新绩效差异显著。首次运用SWOT法对我国联合型SKL自主创新进行了比较全面系统的分析。研究表明,我国联合型SKL在自主创新方面具有各自的优势和劣势,面临不同的威胁和发展的机遇。因此,发挥多种策略的协同功能,就成为提升我国联合型SKL自主创新能力的应对之策。  相似文献   

Water is a big issue in the world. As we enter the 21st century, a global water crisis threatens the security, stability and environmental sustainability of all nations, particularly those in the devel...  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships between three theoretical constructs developed in the course of the study measuring: (a) managers' memory capacity, (b) information processing, as a part of general system of cognitive capabilities, and (c) their perception of market research usefulness. In particular, we diagnose managers' natural limitations associated with cognition which determine their capabilities to deal with the market research information storage and retrieval as well as research information processing. With this intention and theoretical assumption, we designed and implemented a two-phase process of research. In the first phase, based on the literature review; face-to-face in-depth interviews and a pilot study (a pretest) we developed measurement models for the proposed theoretical constructs. Next, we conducted quantitative research among 213 highly experienced managers working in multinational companies in a European country (Poland), where the sample included individuals who were responsible for planning strategic and tactical marketing activities. Based on the structural equation modeling as the analytical strategy, the empirical research results revealed that managers in business organizations due to limited cognitive capabilities such as lower-than-average memory capacity and poor information processing, develop wrong perceptions of the usefulness of market research. Managers, when faced with difficulties regarding information storage and retrieval, as well as information processing, react negatively towards that research. Finally, we explained the reasons as to why managers in companies perceive market research in a negative light, as well as presented the most important theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

I. S&T Innovation Capacity as aStrategic Resource for SustainableDevelopment.Over the past two decades, China’s economy haswitnessed burgeoning growth at an average rate of9.4% per year, and by 2004, its per capita GDP sur-passed US$1,000, marking the beginning of the take-offstage of China’s industrialization. In line with nationalrealities, however, China cannot completely follow thetraditional route of industrialization taken by developedcountries. Instead, a brand-new road should b…  相似文献   

This paper examines how the relationship between firm value and patent-based indicators of inventive activity has changed over time. We use data from more than 33,000 mergers and acquisitions deals between 1985 and 2007, and distinguish between American (USPTO) and European (EPO) patents. Our results indicate that over time EPO patents have become the dominant indicator of innovative activity, while USPTO patents have no effect on firm value near the end of the sample period. The results are robust to controlling for citations and are especially strong for small firms, for firms operating in the drug and chemical industries, and when target and acquiring firms operate in different industries or countries.  相似文献   

研究了创新成功时间不确定条件下企业R&D模式选择问题。研究发现,在R&D投资不对称情况下,只有当企业的投资具有上限时,企业才有投资的积极性;通过对R&D卡特尔和研发RJV两种研发合作机制的研究,发现在研发投资不对称情况下,企业趋于非合作研发的方式;当企业决定进行研发合作时,企业选择研发合作的方式取决于形成研发RJV获得的额外利润与形成研发RJV所付出的成本比较。只有当两者之差大于零时,企业才会选择研发RJV的合作方式。同时,研发成果溢出的速度也会影响企业的研发投入,企业在R&D方式的选择上不仅要考虑技术溢出的速度还要衡量R&D投资的未来报酬水平。  相似文献   

Industry 4.0, known as the fourth technological transformation towards digital-physical systems in manufacturing, creates a disruptive impact on industries. Manufacturing companies, especially small and medium-sized ones, are facing various challenges and must constantly innovate to remain competitive. One way to innovate is by implementing new technologies into company processes. In this study, we investigate how technology, company and industry related factors are associated with the implementation of Industry 4.0 in SMEs. We collect data via a survey with a focus on Industry 4.0 in SMEs. The results indicate that knowledge and expected benefits of technology are the drivers for the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies. They also show that companies with high levels of process automation and high product variety are more likely to implement Industry 4.0 technologies. Our study creates a better understanding of the status, challenges and plans within Industry 4.0 implementation in SMEs, which will support the development of SME-friendly manufacturing tools and systems and craft managers’ and policymakers’ understanding of Industry 4.0 technologies.  相似文献   

Public procurement has been at the centre of recent discussions on innovation policy. We embed it into the broader framework of public policies to stimulate innovation: regulations, R&D subsidies and basic research at universities. We synthesize the characteristics of all four instruments conceptionally and quantitatively compare their effects on innovation success for 1100 firms in Germany. We find that public procurement and knowledge spillovers from universities propel innovation success equally. The benefits of university knowledge apply uniformly to all firms. However, public procurement is especially effective for smaller firms in regions under economic stress and in distributive or technological services.  相似文献   

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