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鲁海帆 《科技广场》2013,(6):193-196
降低助学贷款的违约率是保证国家助学贷款的可持续发展的重要任务。本文分析了助学贷款中学生与银行之间的博弈关系,探寻了影响助学贷款违约率的主要因素,并提出了相应的改进措施。  相似文献   

目的:探讨妇产科学网络教学模式的可行性,并与传统教学模式比较,评价不同教学模式的教学效果。方法:以中南大学湘雅三医院2007级五年制临床医学专业的学生为研究对象,根据自愿原则将同学分为2组,分别采用传统教学模式和传统教学模式+网络教学模式授课。结果:在期末考试及课后问卷调查中,在激发学生学习的兴趣性、自主性、互动性及个性化教学方面,网络教学组的教学效果优于传统教学组,且差异有显著性(P〈0.05或P〈0.01)。结论:与传统的教学模式相比较而言,网络教学模式能更好地发挥学生学习的主动性、互动性及更好地实现个性化教学。  相似文献   

Because of rapid developments in information technology, abuses of sovereignty by authoritarian governments have received much publicity in recent years, raising public consciousness of massive human rights violations to new levels. Contributing to the dialogue on the influence of information technology on social systems, this article explores (1) the contested role of information in disaster relief efforts, (2) the clash of political and social values emerging from the use of information within the international community's involvement in high-profile crises, such as those in Somalia, Bosnia, and Rwanda, and (3) the resultant rethinking of government's power within national borders, sovereignty. With life-anddeath stakes, international affirmation of a free flow of information during disasters is emerging as a global human rights mandate.  相似文献   

Because of rapid developments in information technology, abuses of sovereignty by authoritarian governments have received much publicity in recent years, raising public consciousness of massive human rights violations to new levels. Contributing to the dialogue on the influence of information technology on social systems, this article explores (1) the contested role of information in disaster relief efforts, (2) the clash of political and social values emerging from the use of information within the international community's involvement in high-profile crises, such as those in Somalia, Bosnia, and Rwanda, and (3) the resultant rethinking of government's power within national borders, sovereignty. With life-anddeath stakes, international affirmation of a free flow of information during disasters is emerging as a global human rights mandate.  相似文献   

国家利益的博弈是不同国家间国际合作与协调过程中的必然反映,体现的是国家利益的最大化。全球金融危机爆发以来,世界各国为应对金融危机的持续蔓延和深化,加大了经济、金融领域国际协调的力度,拓宽了协调的范围。然而,世界各国在货币政策的协调上存在着巨大的分歧,应对金融危机的协调与人们的期望值相差甚远,国际协调与国家利益独立的矛盾也进一步显现出来。在经济衰退和金融危机面前,国家利益与世界各国共同利益的博弈与碰撞中,如何处理好世界各国共同利益与国家利益的关系,把握政策的导向是世界各国面临的严峻挑战。  相似文献   

网上书店(Electronic Commerce)是在Internet开放的网络环境下,基于浏览器/服务器应用方式,实现消费者的网上购书、商户之间的网上交易和在线电子支付的一种新型的商业运营模式。对基于ASP.NET技术网上书店的设计与实现进行了阐述,可以使更多的人对网上购书的实现过程得到进一步的了解。  相似文献   

介绍了ScienceDirect Online数据库使用统计报告的获取及构成,并对其使用情况进行分析。  相似文献   

进入“互联网+”教育新时代,建设在线开放课程势在必行。坚持立德树人,以学生的发展为中心,将课程思政理念及国民经济管理专业的学术前沿问题引入课程,致力于激发学生的内在潜力和学习动力。在建设“国民经济管理学”这一精品在线开放课程的过程中,逐渐形成四大特色:第一,它是全国第一个同门课程的在线开放课程;第二,它是以课程思政为引领,坚持立德树人;第三,它是坚持以真实经济问题为导向,以学生发展为中心;第四,卓越高效的教学团队是精品课程的品质保证。  相似文献   

DUALOG与定题服务   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吕娟 《情报科学》2001,19(1):73-76
本文详细介绍了利用DIALOG联机检索系统,为用户开展定题服务。  相似文献   

Domesticating Computers and the Internet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The people who use computers and the ways they use them have changed substantially over the past 25 years. In the beginning highly educated people, mostly men, in technical professions used computers for work, but over time a much broader range of people are using computers for personal and domestic purposes. This trend is still continuing, and over a shorter time scale has been replicated with the use of the Internet. This paper uses data from four national surveys to document how personal computers and the Internet have become increasingly domesticated since 1995 and to explore the mechanisms for this shift. Now people log on more often from home than from places of employment and do so for pleasure and for personal purposes rather than for their jobs. Analyses comparing veteran Internet users to novices in 1998 and 2000 and analyses comparing the change in use within a single sample between 1995 and 1996 support two complementary explanations for how these technologies have become domesticated. Women, children, and less well-educated individuals are increasingly using computers and the Internet and have a more personal set of motives than well-educated men. In addition, the widespread diffusion of the PC and the Internet and the response of the computing industry to the diversity in consumers has led to a rich set of personal and domestic services.  相似文献   

黄红丹 《科技广场》2007,(7):157-159
以校园网为构建基础,阐述了网上考试系统的设计方案。选取了"计算机文化基础"为设计课程,实现了考试系统题库的管理、自动组卷、自动改卷、考后分析等功能。简单描述了系统的体系结构和实现过程。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the understanding of online strategies in the context of museums as examples of cultural organisations, an underrepresented sector in the information management literature. It presents a theoretical framework for understanding the online strategies of museums’ use of Web and social media, their sources of online value (efficiency, novelty, lock-in, complementarities) and some measurements of Internet performance, such as the Alexa Internet ranking and the number of followers of museums in social media. This type of analysis has not been conducted before and the findings will help museum curators and managers of other cultural institutions to appreciate the impact of these technologies and to make better informed decisions regarding online strategies and resource allocation. In addition, the results of this research are applicable to similar organisations, such as archives and cultural exhibitions, as well as to other service organisations related to information, education and entertainment activities.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to develop a framework of management competences related to the effective management of three types of online innovation tools. The framework highlights the development of three types of management competences and related practices: (a) disclosure competence in order to find, direct and motivate users to contribute, (b) appropriation competence in order to appropriate users’ contributions, and (c) integration competence in order to direct, transfer and integrate user contributions to the relevant parts of the organization. The study provides a managerially relevant view of the complementarities between external sourcing of knowledge and necessary internal competences to reap the benefits of involving users through an online innovation tool.  相似文献   

针对目前中国市政工程中南设计研究总院(以下简称中南市政院)考试模式存在的问题,提出并开发了一套适合在设计院内联网使用的在线考试系统。着重介绍了该系统的设计、开发过程及系统实现关键技术。  相似文献   

网络课程的学习是学习者参与网络课程学习环境的过程。生态学为人们研究网络课程学习环境提供了新的视角。从生态学的基本概念和原理出发,分析了网络课程学习环境的特点和构成要素,在此基础上设计了网络课程的生态系统结构及模型,通过对模型结构的生态分析,阐述了基于生态学的网络课程特征。  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨学术论文网络首发中存在的困境,并提出解决路径,为期刊编辑部提供参考。【方法】 在与传统出版流程对比的基础上,以中国知网学术期刊网络首发出版发布系统为研究对象,从期刊编辑部、作者、网络出版商和期刊管理部门的角度,分析学术论文网络首发过程中存在的困境,并寻找解决困境的方法。【结果】 学术论文网络首发的困境主要体现在:网络出版商、期刊编辑部和作者三者之间的利益之争,网络出版权及其利益的高度垄断制约着期刊的发展;期刊管理政策与网络首发的内在要求之间的不匹配;现代期刊编辑角色转型带来的编辑角色失调;首发论文的校对标准之争;网络首发论文的认证、引用、评价和撤稿问题;网络首发可能导致论文多个版本共存,容易引起阅读障碍;纸刊存在价值的争议。【结论】 要破解网络首发(网络出版)的困境,最终需要平衡网络出版商、编辑部和作者之间的利益;期刊编辑需要转变为全能编辑;建立基于单篇论文网络首发的期刊出版新模式;实行以网络首发或纸刊出版为最终出版模式的单轨制出版;国家改革网络首发模式下的期刊管理办法,重点监管网刊。  相似文献   


The research on online news comments has been dominated by a normative approach and has centered on media engagement. Normativity and media dominance have also featured big in the theoretical discussions on the public sphere. This article presents a case study of online news comments, combining a novel methodological testing of social network hypotheses to examine user–user interactions in online comments with a conceptual discussion of the potential connections between social network research and theories of the public. The social network analysis in this study indicated that users (online commentators) do not constitute highly dense networks, although their relations can be studied as social networks. However, this analysis can only explore limited features of this online phenomenon and requires complementary methods. From a conceptual perspective, this article confirms the role of shared issue for a potential public and also emphasizes the importance of context, actors, and meanings for understanding the public.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情防控期间,电磁场微波类课程普遍采用线上授课模式。该文介绍了目前可开展线上教学的平台,探索各个平台可使用的具体功能与电磁场类课程可开展的线上授课形式,从学生角度出发,对提高电磁场微波类课程线上授课质量的方法进行研究。这些探索可有效提高学生接受知识的质量。  相似文献   

论国家信息政策法规的制定原则   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
肖勇 《情报科学》2003,21(12):1328-1330,1334
本文阐述了制定国家信息政策法规应该遵循的八个原则:务实性原则、协调性原则、均衡性原则、经济性原则、弹性原则、全面性原则、动态性原则以及重点性原则,对有的制定原则还给出了相应的案例。  相似文献   

网络出版与电子政务之间不仅有着紧密的联系或相似的特征,而且在多个方面有着相互推动的作用:首先,网络出版技术的发展促进了电子政务技术的成熟,有利于优化与重组电子政务应用场景,有利于传统政务向电子政务迈进,其专业性和法治性有利于推进电子政务建设;其次,电子政务有利于监管网络出版,电子政务的G2B模式直接推动网络出版发展,电子治理将规范网络出版并使其健康发展.  相似文献   

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