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对全国三万名科技工作者的抽样问卷调查结果显示:接近半数的科技工作者认为当前学术不端行为是普遍现象;超过一半的科技工作者表示确切知道自己周围的研究者有过“抄袭剽窃”、“弄虚作假”和“一稿多发”和“在没有参与的研究成果上署名”等至少一种学术不端行为。多数被调查者认为当前“学术评价制度不合理”是造成学术不端行为的最主要原因。相当部分科技工作者对学术不端持宽容态度。科技工作者对学术规范的了解情况堪忧,近四成科技工作者表示自己对科研道德和学术规范了解很少或者不了解,近一半的人从来没有系统地学习过科研道德和学术规范的知识。根据调查结果,文章提出了治理学术不端行为的政策建议。  相似文献   

正With the rapid development of the global economy and the increasing mobility of capital and labor,urbanization is gaining more momentum.After more than 40 years of reform and opening up,urbanization in China has been accelerating with approximately 15 million people moving into cities every year.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the key political issues involved in current and past attempts to come to a common European space programme. The history of European space policy has been characterised by different perceived interests on the national level. In the 1960s financial and above all political problems shattered the ideal of a unified Europe, and European collaboration in space largely failed. Political disagreement — particularly between the three main European space nations, France, F.R. Germany and the United Kingdom — continued into the 1970s. Finally, a renewed attempt for European technological cooperation was made by the setting up of the European Space Agency. Since its creation, in 1974, Europe's space policy has again been facing political uncertainty. As a result of the divergence of national interests and of inappropriate industrial policies at the European level, Europe is now unable to cope with the reality of competitive space markets (satellites, launchers, ground equipment, tracking stations, etc.). If Europe is to become competitive in the commercial space market, industrial policies will have to be altered — with possible profound consequences for the structure and existence of the European Space Agency. If, alternatively, political disagreements about joint European programmes are not resolved, and if Europe as a consequence fails to make a (already late) start in the commercial space sector, the consequences may be far-reaching. The European countries may then either revert to separate national (or bilateral) programmes or become largely dependent on outside suppliers for space technology products. Europe may thus find itself without any share of the world space market.  相似文献   

Researchers at the CAS In-sti tute of Hi gh EnergyPhysics have been suc-cessful in developing China’s firstminiature positron emission tomog-raphy (PET). Preliminary tests showthat its technological indexes basi-cally reach the design specifications.PET …  相似文献   

In the 1950s, China is widely regarded as having made great achievements in the control of schistosomiasis, also known as snail fever. Despite the success, efforts to prevent the disease did not fare well during the Reform period (1978–present). Given this, several key questions need to be addressed. Was the schistosomiasis control campaign a real success in the context of political fervor? Would a schistosomiasis control policy be successful only when it returns to the Maoist medical model, as Miriam Gross argues? Did schistosomiasis return as advertised, or was it never eliminated since the 1950s? In this article, I argue that (1) schistosomiasis control is widely regarded as a great success in an ecological sense, but as far as a long-term mechanism of control is concerned, an approach that relies exclusively on strong political intervention and mass participation may not be effective; (2) schistosomiasis control should first focus on the establishment of a sustainable, long-term mechanism, rather than a temporary, assault-style approach to the problem; and (3) from the 1950s to the present, the spread of schistosomiasis does not represent its return, but, rather, the failure of control efforts to eliminate it.  相似文献   

基于全要素生产理论,利用数据包络分析(DEA)方法构建非参数前沿,在共同前沿方法框架下分析比较2000-2007年中国全要素能源效率的区域差异,并利用"技术缺口比率(TGR)"定量考察中国区域能源利用的技术差距。结果表明:样本期间内中国全要素能源效率整体水平偏低,在全国共同前沿下的均值仅为0.688,维持既定经济产出的节能空间达到31.2%;从区域角度来看,中国能源技术存在显著差异,其中东部地区接近全国最优水平,样本期内TGR始终维持在0.95以上,而中、西部地区距离全国潜在最优能源技术还分别存在18.6%和26.6%的改进潜力,三大区域之间的能源技术差距有进一步扩大的危险。  相似文献   

When I first met Don, I was already an established research fellow in regional economics. Don’s subsequent influence directly helped me follow my dreams, passions and interests. Thus, my academic career grew, developed and transformed from regional economics, to information economics, and eventually to evolutionary economics. This reflection traces that evolving process, illustrating Don’s influence throughout.  相似文献   

South Africa’s groundbreaking constitution explicitly confers a right of access to sufficient water (section 27). But the country is officially ‘water-stressed’ and around 10 % of the population still has no access to on-site or off-site piped or tap water. It is evident that a disconnect exists between this right and the reality for many; however the reasons for the continuation of such discrepancies are not always clear. While barriers to sufficient water are myriad, one significant factor contributing to insufficient and unpredictable access to water is the high percentage of broken water pumps. Previous studies have reported that between 20 and 50 % of all hand operated water pumps installed on the African continent are broken, or out of use. Monitoring and maintenance of pumps, which in South Africa is the responsibility of local municipalities is often ineffective, in part due to the distances between municipal centres and rural communities and the consequent costs of site visits, as well as breakdowns within the local bureaucratic system. The emergence of new telemetry tools that can remotely monitor water applications constitutes a novel and cost-efficient alternative to undertaking regular sites visits. Sustainable, appropriate, low-cost telemetry systems are emerging that could be used to monitor the operational performance of water pumps, or a wide range of other field parameters, and to communicate this information swiftly and cheaply to water service providers, using SMS messages. Data on the performance of water pumps could also be made available to the public online. This is an example of how ICT can be used for water resources management and environmental regulation, as well as in the governance of socio-economic rights: helping to optimize water allocation by improving communication and strengthening accountability.  相似文献   

Software, the core and soul of the information technology industry, is a fundamental and strategic pillar of an economy. The new century has witnessed a soaring development of China’s software industry with  相似文献   

In response to the scientific re-search program SOLAS (SurfaceOcean-Lower AtmosphereStudy), which was newly introducedby International Geosphere and Bio-sphere Program (IGBP) Phase II,the fourth session of the standingcouncil of the Chinese NationalCommittee for the IGBP, (CNC-IGBP) has unanimously reached aresolution to set up a ChinaSOLAS task force for undertak-ing related research.The team will be composed ofspecialists in oceanography, atmo-spheric sciences, and geochemis…  相似文献   

An interdisciplinary research consortium led by Prof. HE Hong from the Research Center for Eco- Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences has been tracing the culprits of the toxic haze above China. In about ten years' time, they will strive to identify the hazardous particulates in the air, figure out where they come from and how they evolve, and help policymakers develop targeted and cost-effective measures to curb the pollution. As Prof. HE told BCAS reporter XIN Ling in an interview, "China's haze problem is very sophisticated, involving multiple pollution sources including coal burning, car emission and sandstorm'; There are plenty of challenges in understanding and managing the situation. Primary research results showed that NOx plays a key role in haze formation, so the control over vehicle exhaust, especially diesel exhaust, should become a policy priority in the future.  相似文献   

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