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论图书馆数字资源服务的知识产权侵权风险   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
童天乐 《现代情报》2009,29(8):93-95
针对图书馆数字资源服务知识产权风险频发,结合图书馆服务实践分析了知识产权风险发生的时空点与种类:数据库服务时的知识产权风险;视频点播服务时的知识产权风险;数字参考咨询服务时的知识产权风险。提出了降低、防范知识产权风险的策略:提高知识产权保护意识;加强知识产权管理;依法服务;技术保护等。首次在图书馆界提出数字资源服务时需熟悉合理使用界限,掌握法定许可条件等依法服务的防范知识产权风险发生的建议与策略。  相似文献   

知识产权是具有排他性质的垄断权,因而在知识产权法中,存在着知识产权人对知识产品的专有权利与社会公众对知识产品的合法需求之间的矛盾。近年来,知识产权法的合理性不断受到理论质疑和抨击,在实践层面,以开源运动为代表的抵制知识产权的运动也为知识产权制度带来了反思,推动对具有公共商品和私人商品双重属性的知识产品的使用、分配和利益分享作出合理安排,以实现知识产权法的公平正义价值目标。  相似文献   

Leading developing countries have recently introduced some reforms in their national intellectual property regimes to harmonize them with international treaties and agreements. However, major differences remain in how these laws are applied to different information industries, and how they are enforced on the ground. While intellectual property law applies to a host of information products ranging from music to computer programs, governments have selectively enforced the law in some information industries, while neglecting to extend the same protection to others. Based on the comparative institutionalist approach, this article identifies two variables--state-industry linkages and level of innovative activity--that may explain the selective enforcement of intellectual property law. Intellectual property rights were expected to be better protected in information industries with strong state-industry linkages and higher levels of domestic innovation. This expectation was tested through a comparative study of four intellectual property industries from the Asian region. The results confirmed the expectation, but also demonstrated that strong state-industry linkages may independently correlate with high levels of intellectual property protection, even in industries where the current levels of innovative activity are low.  相似文献   

Leading developing countries have recently introduced some reforms in their national intellectual property regimes to harmonize them with international treaties and agreements. However, major differences remain in how these laws are applied to different information industries, and how they are enforced on the ground. While intellectual property law applies to a host of information products ranging from music to computer programs, governments have selectively enforced the law in some information industries, while neglecting to extend the same protection to others. Based on the comparative institutionalist approach, this article identifies two variables--state-industry linkages and level of innovative activity--that may explain the selective enforcement of intellectual property law. Intellectual property rights were expected to be better protected in information industries with strong state-industry linkages and higher levels of domestic innovation. This expectation was tested through a comparative study of four intellectual property industries from the Asian region. The results confirmed the expectation, but also demonstrated that strong state-industry linkages may independently correlate with high levels of intellectual property protection, even in industries where the current levels of innovative activity are low.  相似文献   


This article examines a series of controversies within the life sciences over data sharing. Part 1 focuses upon the agricultural biotechnology firm Syngenta publishing data on the rice genome in the journal Science, and considers proposals to reform scientific publishing and funding to encourage data sharing. Part 2 examines the relationship between intellectual property rights and scientific publishing, in particular copyright protection of databases, and evaluates the declaration of the Human Genome Organisation that genomic databases should be global public goods. Part 3 looks at varying opinions on the information function of patent law, and then considers the proposals of Patrinos and Drell to provide incentives for private corporations to release data into the public domain.  相似文献   

孙赫 《科学学研究》2015,33(9):1372-1380
入世后我国知识产权保护的立法已经相当完备,我国知识产权保护的实际水平主要取决于执法水平。对于知识产权保护的执法水平的度量,具有涉及多个层面和部门、繁琐复杂、更难度量等特点。本文将构建我国知识产权保护执法水平指标体系,该指标体系力求涉及影响知识产权保护执法水平的各个层面和主要执法部门;涵盖主要的知识产权种类;尽量选择能够反映实际执法水平的直接指标。并运用该指标体系对我国2001-2012年的知识产权保护执法水平进行度量和详细分析。  相似文献   


Knowledge management (KM) approaches have developed traditionally from the knowledge-based view (KBV), a derivative of the resource-based view (RBV). Drawing on the relational and industry structure views, this paper presents a framework for analysing knowledge management practices in the biotechnology industry. These firms exhibit sophisticated and strategic KM practices and deploy a range of strategies in leveraging competitive advantage through their intellectual property practices. The paper demonstrates that the current KBV needs to be modified and extended to reflect current KM practice within Australian biotechnology firms through examining their use and management of intellectual property.  相似文献   

为完善、加强和协调我国在知识产权保护中法律制度的指导思想下,在全国范围内对我国知识产权保护中各因素作了随机抽样调查。调查中涉及知识产权的司法、行政和保护,知识产权制度的现状及改革、知识产权法律、法规的建立和完善,知识产权的教育与人才培养等方面的问题,本调查内容和结果有助于我国知识产权领域的工作者、研究者更进一步、深入地对知识产权领域的问题进行研究。对我国的决策部门提供了知识产权领域的发展和改革思路。  相似文献   

知识产权与知识管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
当知识产权成为一个企业最具价值的知识资产、并嵌入企业的核心能力时,知识产权管理就成为如何获得并维持高额利润的企业知识管理的一个重要组成部分。根据知识管理的要求,现代知识产权管理的目标应是产生新的知识产权,促进知识产权的商品化和保护知识产权。  相似文献   

论网络信息资源利用中知识产权的保护   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
韩学志 《情报科学》2003,21(3):279-282,285
对于网络信息资源利用中知识产权的保护问题,在被称为“第四媒体”虚拟空间的网络上需不需要法律来规范?这是目前知识产权保护研究中的一个新的领域,也是情报科学中值得探讨的问题。本文通过对网络信息资源利用中的技术问题及存在的知识产权问题进行阐述,提出对知识产权法律保护的合理建议,对于研究网络咨询服务中知识产权问题,具有十分重要现实意义。  相似文献   

李娜 《未来与发展》2010,33(11):85-88,74
我国知识产权犯罪呈高发趋势,其中跨国跨境的知识产权犯罪的危害和打击难度突出,在知识产权犯罪的国际司法协助方面需要解决好引渡和涉案财物移交问题,在知识产权犯罪的区际司法协助方面需要解决好法律规定差异、管辖权冲突和执法合作问题。  相似文献   

产学研合作中知识势差对知识产权风险的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴勇  林振阳 《科研管理》2018,39(2):75-85
对于合作过程中的知识产权风险,目前学者主要是从法律角度研究企业面临的知识产权冲突,而鲜有从管理学角度对知识产权风险进行深入的探索。有鉴于此,本文通过分析产学研合作过程中企业与学研方的知识势差对知识产权风险的影响关系及其机制来探究合作中的知识产权问题,并引入合作治理方式对知识共享的过程进行控制,构建产学研合作双方的知识势差对知识产权风险影响模型,探析知识势差、知识产权风险和合作治理方式相互之间的影响关系。通过对213份有效问卷的数据实证统计,结果表明,知识势差对知识产权风险存在正向显著影响;合作治理的不同方式对知识产权风险的影响存在差异,并在知识势差与知识产权风险影响关系中存在调节作用。  相似文献   

鲍甬婵  高峰 《现代情报》2016,36(3):97-100
试用数据库的知识产权受法律保护, 保护模式包括版权法保护、合同法保护以及技术措施保护等。当前对试用数据库的知识产权保护方面存在诸多问题, 图书馆要采取适当的保护策略, 如发布版权公告、做好技术保护、监控并处理违规行为、加强版权教育培训以及到期及时清理等, 切实做好试用数据库的知识产权保护工作。  相似文献   


Meta-tags are one of the 'associational tools' considered essential to the operation of the World Wide Web. Their significance has been highlighted by recent controversies in the United States which focus on one of their important functions, i.e. as indices of websites which search engines read and rely upon in looking for the appropriate content relative to queries submitted to them. This article deals with the effect of meta-tags on the intellectual property rights of website owners. The author presents a critical survey of the American meta-tag cases and offers an Australian perspective.  相似文献   

知识产权法因技术理性观的侵蚀而呈现的失衡状态,在以人工智能、云计算、大数据为标志的数字时代愈发凸显,隐藏着从局部失衡发展为系统性、结构性失衡的隐患。知识产权与隐私权、“数字人权”、生命健康权、信息获取权等权利的冲突亟待规制。建构主义的技术观从技术产生与运作中“人”的能动因素入手,为这一冲突的解决提供了思路。数字时代知识产权法的建构应当以人本主义为出发点和落脚点,从“树立平衡保护观”“培育创新与发展共同体”和“构建风险共同体”三重维度培育人本主义知识产权观,从坚持人的主体地位、强化人的主体责任、完善人的基本权利三个层面完善知识产权制度。人本主义知识产权保护理念的提出,也将为中国法迎来世界时刻。  相似文献   


Much knowledge is diffused by the exchange of property rights in intangibles. But tacit knowledge, not being subject to property rights, is instead diffused by migration of knowledgeable individuals between firms. The law impacts significantly on this diffusion mechanism, in particular those rules that determine the use individuals may make of their tacit knowledge after migration to a different firm. The general principle underlying the relevant law is that individuals are free to migrate with all their tacit knowledge. Nonetheless there are some narrow exceptions to this principle. That these exceptions remain narrow and carefully policed by the courts is important because imposing too many restraints on use of tacit knowledge post‐term would have a negative impact on real innovation.  相似文献   

运用直观描述经济周期性波动的蛛网模型,阐释了在不同法律市场中知识产权制度运行的三种模式,并由此启发我国的知识产权法治建设的长期任务不应仅仅将重点放在具有近期效果的法律供给上,而应该更着力培育法律市场的需求弹性,即加强公众知识产权意识的培养,提高公众对知识产权规则的敏感度,以利于形成长期和谐的知识产权市场秩序。  相似文献   

围绕知识产权与国际贸易的关系,梳理美国在其国内法中将二者挂钩、将其国内法的内容植入到国际条约之中,再推行新一轮的贸易保护措施,以及强化知识产权保护等整个过程,从而把握知识产权逐步成为国际贸易核心要素和重要竞争工具的发展趋势。在这一前提之下,重点分析中美之间过去和现在的经贸摩擦与知识产权争端,借鉴国外经验,结合中国特色,提出未来知识产权应对之策与发展路径。  相似文献   

为分析影响知识产权资产证券化价格的要素,建立证券价格敏感度曲线模型,并研究知识产权资产证券价格函数在各要素作用下的敏感度及非线性曲线的变化规律;本研究首先通过文献回顾挖掘影响要素,随后,利用知识产权资产价格非线性曲线的斜率及弧度建立证券价格敏感度度量方法,以期为知识产权资产证券化的价格敏感度分析提供定量化表达。研究结果显示:证券价格对证券期限长短及现金流变化频率的敏感性较高,而证券收益率越高,证券价格对其变动的敏感性越低。研究旨从理论创新及指导实践两方面为科技型中小企业开展知识产权资产证券化提供建议。  相似文献   

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