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The contribution of employment in high technology industry to future employment growth in the US economy is estimated to be small. Much high technology employment is not professional work at all, but routine labour, and much of that performed by minority groups with few career opportunities. Most new jobs will occur in occupations requiring no more than secondary education. High technology may generate employment in other areas, but often low grade work performed in the “homework economy”. Appropriate education for employment in high technology industry and in computer-related fields is not necessarily specialised and technical; high-quality general education is probably more important. Instrumental education, ignorant of the demands of high technology, and of the demands a modern economy makes upon high technology, is likely to be counter-productive. Commercial and technical success requires a combination of cultural learning and technical skill.  相似文献   

Australia seeks to emerge from the depths of recession and to break free from the syndrome of giving ever-increasing protection to a decaying manufacturing sector, by encouraging high technology industry. Silicon Valley, the home of much of the world's semiconductor industry, is often seen as the appropriate model for the development of such industry. For those used to dealing with the siting and encouragement of conventional industry, it can seem that high technology industry, with no heavy raw material input or bulky product output and requiring no large labour pool or local market, in fact has no special requirements at all. Others look to the Silicon Valley model and plan science or technology parks to reproduce the factors they believe responsible for that phenomenon. For example, great emphasis is generally placed on proximity to universities, apparently in ignorance of the very minor role universities played in the growth of the semiconductor industry, and of the great practical divide between science and technology. Vital factors, such as the ready information flow achieved by high mobility of those in high technology industry, are ignored. The Australian situation is complicated further by competition among the States to attract high technology industry, a competition that tends to emasculate national policy. Yet this situation is really just a local representation of what is happening internationally among countries and among regions within those countries. This desperation to leap blindly into high technology, whatever it is and whatever the cost, by following a model that is scarcely understood, is unlikely to produce the huge rewards so many policy makers anticipate are so readily available.  相似文献   

The results of a number of studies sponsored by the Californian Commission on Industrial Innovation concerning the job generating potential of four major high technology sectors are reviewed. The prospect for increased employment opportunities may not be encouraging. Likewise a recent Melbourne based case study finds that businesses which introduce new technologies coupled with reorganisation methods (an increasingly common strategy as companies strive to remain profitable) have predominantly negative effects on employment. On this basis local economic planning proposals which rely heavily on small firm sector attempts to promote industrial innovation are regarded as suspect. Instead, it is argued, local policies designed to create jobs would do better to concentrate on community service programmes. In addition where subsidies to industrial innovation persist they should at least be directed at medium to large size locally based firms through the medium of Development Corporations or Enterprise Boards.  相似文献   

Internationally, two basic strategies have been adopted for the macro-management of the industrial relations issues arising from recent technological change. The first has been one of tripartite consultative planning, whereas the second has allowed ‘market forces’ a free hand in determining the nature of technological change in industry. Since 1983 Australia has begun to shift from the second to the first approach, because of changes in the political and legal climate, and in the strategy of the ACTU and some important unions. Nevertheless, the impact of these changes is gradual.  相似文献   

Reasons are suggested for care over the definition of high technology industry. Some general approaches to definition are outlined, and a chronology of definitions is presented. Conceptual and practical problems with conventional choices are discussed, and a new consensus definition — drawn from a survey of current practice in the USA — is suggested as a complement to objective definitions. This is used to speculate upon high tech's potential role in the overall US employment problem.  相似文献   

澳大利亚的新科技政策及从中得到的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2002年10月国家自然科学基金委员会组织自然科学基金管理人员共27人,赴澳大利亚进行了为期22天的学习培训。现将学习培训情况总结于后,供同道参考。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to contribute to the continuing controversy in Australia on the best way to deploy that country's scientific and technological research and development (R & D) resources. It puts forward and discusses some policy options relating to the ‘restructuring’ of the Australian R&D system currently underway, for the consideration of the research community and those responsible for the research policies. In particular, the paper comments on how overall objectives and priorities for R&D can be set, the need for evaluations of the research and development that is conducted, the need to develop a dialogue between the public and the scientific community over the setting of research and development directions.  相似文献   

进入21世纪,随着科学技术日新月异的发展,科技原始性创新也越来越成为衡量和增强一个国家综合实力的主要标准和途径。为了了解科技原创力在我国经济发展中的战略地位,实现我国的科技发展从跟踪模仿为主向自主创新为主转变,本文对科技原创力的基本含义及发展规律进行了深入的概括和总结。  相似文献   

Just over three years ago, in June 1984, the government of Canada received the report of its task force on federal policies and programs for technology development (the Wright report). Three months later, this (Liberal) government was defeated in a general election. In its election platform, and during its first months in office, the new (Progressive Conservative) government appeared to favour the kinds of measures and approaches recommended by Wright and his colleagues. Since then the picture has been somewhat confused. On the one hand, there have been changes in policy, budget cuts and some reorganisation affecting federal science departments and agencies. On the other, there have been more programme studies, some programme changes, and increasing emphasis placed on the participation of the private sector in co-operative R & D. This paper looks back to the recommendations of the Wright report and to what has happened to them under the new government. The paper concludes that the report was timely, that it had a positive influence on some of the new government's actions, but, like other similar reports, its impact was diminished by events. The paper also concludes that the Wright report's main thrust — the improved management of federal activities in technology development — has been set back by budget and other cuts and changes.  相似文献   

矿井物探技术能够近距离观测解决采掘过程中遇到的异常构造、水文地质、瓦斯地质等问题,这是矿井物探方法所独具的优势。但由于矿井物探技术的使用,实际多处于应急式、应考式状态,导致整体技术效果未得到充分表现。笔者认为物探技术只有从技术应用和日常管理两方面着手,建立物探技术应用的长效机制,改变应急式使用方式,使物探技术的应用常态化,从系统上提高物探技术的应用效果,确实推动煤矿安全开采技术的进步。  相似文献   

The failure of a Patient Monitor Nurse Call (PMNC) system in a large metropolitan teaching hospital is reported and an evaluation is carried out to establish the reasons for failure and future design requirements.  相似文献   

Recent and prospective advances in information technology have generated growing interest in its potential. To its enthusiastic promoters, information technology is a ‘good thing’ and hence more is obviously better. But increasing experience with information technology during the past twenty years emphasises that it covers a wide variety of capabilities, absorbs substantial resources and affects operations in other important ways. Hence, to ensure effective exploration and utilisation of information technology, management must assess its potential contributions, requirements and costs, as well as other significant effects.  相似文献   

刘春林 《青海科技》1998,5(1):44-45
在多品种生产中,将相似零件分类归并成级进行生产,扩大零件的工艺批量,采用高效率的工艺方法和设备,可以使中小批量生产获得大一生产的经济效益。  相似文献   

仿生学是在认知概念上使我们得以最恰当地把握人与自然的关系,通过科学活动的现代结构体系,加以快速发展的学科。在航天科技的发展过程中,科学探索和技术应用同时存在,大量的科学问题转化为实现的方法和工程技术问题。认识的超前、系统的庞大、投入的巨大和技术转化滞后,会在技术上呈现出螺旋式上升的超前性和延迟效应。系统的复杂性和解决问题的难度,需要边缘学科、交叉学科的渗透和融入来解决创新与突破的问题。通过仿生科学对航天技术的启示分析,仿生学的发展为技术的突破和复杂问题的解决,提供了一条有效的途径和最大的可能。由航天技术的发展认识仿生科学的价值和重要性,对仿生学的发展有着重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

1IntroductionLoessdepositsareakindoftypicalterrestrialsedimentswidespread,coveringabout10percentoflandsurfaceoftheEarth.Thema...  相似文献   

我国科技期刊目前存在的问题与原因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作者针对我国已是科技期刊大国而非强国的现状,指出我国科技期刊目前存在的主要问题为:(1)办刊分散及重复办刊;(2)政策导向造成优秀的稿源外流;(3)重视专业数据库不够;(4)仅以影响因子论英雄的导向;(5)将期刊影响力等同于论文影响力;(6)办刊经费严重不足与版面费之争等.因此,强调应切实将为读者服务放在首位,并提出能真正发挥科技期刊在国家自主创新体系中作用的具体建议.  相似文献   

新农业科技革命和作物超高产育种研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
到下世纪30年代,预计中国人口将达到16亿,对粮食的需求量尚需在现有基础上再增加 3 000亿斤。由于土地资源有限,今后的增产途径主要是提高单位面积产量,因此需要能增 产20%—30%的作物新品种或称为超高产品种。本文指出,培育超高产品种,需要通过多学科 合作研究,发掘新的作物种质资源,改进育种方法,在作物对水、肥资源和光能利用效率方 面有进一步提高,育种目标才有可能实现。  相似文献   

Selectivity and concentration in research funding has become unavoidable in Australia today. Some of the reasons for this are reviewed relative to international economic, scientific/technical and conceptual developments. The resulting need to develop an evaluative culture in and for Australia is discussed. The reasons for undertaking evaluations are outlined, and a working definition of ‘research evaluation’ that may be suitable within the Australian context is developed. The parameters that may deserve consideration in designing an evaluation are detailed, and a series of conceptual and practical guidelines are forwarded. Several barriers to implementing evaluations that may apply to Australia are addressed. Finally, the implications of the concept ‘accountability’ for both the recipients of government support and government itself are briefly raised.  相似文献   

中国是全球人口最多,且经济正处于高速增长中的发展中国家,人口、资源、环境与发展的协调在发展的进程中尤其重要。工业化是中国走向经济现代化不可逾越发展阶段,但经济发展所需要的资源存在着现实与潜在的约束。要解决这一现实与潜在的矛盾,只能在强化科学技术与教育地位的基础上,加快工业化进程,促进资源高效型国民经济体系的形成  相似文献   

刘忠友 《科教文汇》2013,(5):163-164
随着教学改革的深入,高中政治教学出现了采用多媒体技术的教学形式。多媒体教学有利于优化教育过程.有利于为教师创造条件帮助学生在短时间内学习更多的知识。目前,由于多媒体技术可以促进高中政治课堂教学的生动直观,逐渐被教师所青睐。教学中使用多媒体技术已成为教学改革的重要形式。不过,随着多媒体技术的使用,人们对教学的反思也越来越多.本文主要从高中政治教学中论述多媒体技术的利弊。  相似文献   

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