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Australian higher education has undergone radical change aimed at transforming universities into commercial enterprises less dependent on public funding. Despite some significant successes, including dramatic increases in the numbers of domestic and international students, decreased Commonwealth subsidies, and more private sector finance, there are ominous indications that institutional failure is endemic, especially financial accountability. Drawing on various theories of institutional failure, this paper attempts to examine the causes of the current crisis. A fourfold taxonomy of Australian university failure is developed that identifies governance failure, accountability failure, quality failure, and information failure as the primary sources of tertiary education institutional breakdown.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the contribution that Prometheus has made over the past 20 years to the literature on innovation, innovation policy and technological change. I offer first a necessarily subjective view of how the research literatures of innovation and innovation policy have developed in recent decades. I then compare that account with an interpretation of the emphases and trends in the corresponding areas in Prometheus. The research literatures involved are vast, located in many specific discipline areas and cross many discipline boundaries. While my ‘home’ discipline is economics I believe much can still be learned from the flexible and imaginative use of economics to frame research inquiry in the innovation area.  相似文献   

传统的科学传播研究主要依托科学社会学、科学技术与社会等学术背景,侧重于考察和反思科学传播过程中的权力关系。在科学传播研究经历了30年发展后,原来忽略这一领域的传播学研究者,正在以社会科学(如心理学)的理论、方法和成果为基础,推动科学传播的科学化。这些学者考察了人类接受科学信息的心理机制、科学政治化对人们掌握科学的影响、价值和信任在公众接受科学知识方面所发挥的作用及其测度、以及基于实证研究的科学传播解决方案。科学传播的科学对于走向快速发展轨道的中国科学传播领域具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

谭红玲  李非 《科研管理》2014,35(12):94-102
科学技术创新政策研究是国际上一个新兴的、前沿性的交叉学科研究领域,一个新的研究范式。美国、日本、澳大利亚等国相继开展"为政策的科学"研究,我国相关研究却刚刚起步。基于政策与科学互动的科学技术创新政策,运用政府-创新者"反馈环"构建政府、高校、科研机构和企业"四位一体"螺旋式科学技术创新政策机制,耦合"为政策的科学"和"为科学的政策",增加科学、技术和创新预期效用,为经济增长或社会效益作出更大贡献。  相似文献   


All national information activities are increasingly interfaced through telecommunications. Today's users stand as witnesses to the formative stages of a totally networked society in the 21st century. Telecommunications technology lies at the root of formal concepts such as Inter‐Information Subjects Networks (IISNs) and National Information Systems (NISs), developed in the last few years. The term teleport refers to the new types of nodes that will form an overall integrated information traffic system. The challenge to all nations in the coming years is to provide or open these teleports to all types of national and social groups. Such teleports will give democracy a finished quality and otherwise bolster freedom by supporting the availability of all types of information.  相似文献   

潜伟  吕科伟 《科学学研究》2007,25(2):233-238
借助科学计量学方法,以《宋史》本纪中记载的科学技术内容为计量对象,对其进行句频分析,显示出宋代统治层对科技的关注度,可作为当时科技政策的计量指标。研究表明,宋代帝王们对天文、大气、水利、农业等最关注,一些实用性技术也有足够的关注,而基础学科相对不受重视。文章给出了各学科受关注程度随时间变化的情况,并对其社会政治背景进行了初步的分析。总体看来,北宋初期和南宋中期的科技普遍得到重视,而两宋交替之际和南宋灭亡时期则无力顾及。比较发现,科技政策曲线和科技成果曲线具有很强的相似性,并且成果曲线滞后于政策曲线约75年。  相似文献   

当前国际科技竞争日趋激烈,基础研究已成为战略博弈要地。世界主要国家就新时期基础研究的内涵,以及其在国家创新体系中的重新定位进行评估,并不断开展新的资助模式探索。文章通过监测分析2022年国外基础研究最新政策动态,在政策分析和数据挖掘的基础上,对主要国家的基础研究政策动向和未来趋势进行初步研判,以期为有关部门和机构制定基础研究科技政策提供参考。  相似文献   

劳创志 《大众科技》2014,(10):38-40
通过对CAD和PDM系统集成技术分析,研究装备设计过程以接口交换为基础的CAD和PDM集成技术模式,探讨BOM表的生成及转化关系,形成CAD/PDM系统的数据管理集成框架及合理的集成功能流程。在此基础上搭建合理的集成系统数据管理和网络通讯平台框架。  相似文献   

杜根旺  汪涛 《科研管理》2019,40(7):1-11
创新政策融合了科技、产业、财政等诸多内容,创新政策协调对于创新政策促进创新的效果具有重要作用,然而当前对于创新政策协调的一些关键问题尚不清楚,更缺乏一个系统的理论框架,这些影响理论的发展和实践的开展。本文试图去弥补这一空白,首先介绍了创新政策协调研究的发展阶段,接着从创新政策协调的内涵、影响因素、主体维度、工具维度、测度和调整几方面对已有研究进行了综述,并进行研究展望,最终构建了创新政策协调研究的理论框架,以期为未来研究和政策实践提供参考。  相似文献   


This study makes a systematic effort to connect digital communication research with comparative political analysis. It explores the concurrence of global influence and national resilience in digital spheres, integrating the homogenizing tendencies of networked connectedness and globalization with heterogeneous configurations of national political communication spaces, which are strongly influenced by enduring social contexts. Drawing on the process-oriented actor-connector-interlocutor model, this study uses three sets of indicators to classify national political communication spaces. It conceptualizes three distinctive types of political communication spaces – “symmetrical and fully-fledged,” “vigorous but censored,” and “infertile and unresponsive” – and identifies their characteristics, internal logics, and their linkages to other communication spaces. It offers a systematic and applicable framework that may be used in future studies on cross-national comparisons of political communication processes in digital spheres.  相似文献   

21世纪以来,新一轮世界科技革命和产业变革加速演进,特别是2008年国际金融危机后各国强化科技战略布局和研发投入,科技强国大国间科技竞争日益激烈,科技政策成为决定科技竞争成败的关键因素。美国意识到其全球科技领导地位受到挑战,遂利用各种手段打压主要科技竞争对手国家。分析近20年来美国政府发布的科技规划、战略方针、研究报告等政策文件和联邦政府长时间序列的研发投入数据的历史演变,以期系统揭示美国科技政策的发展脉络和演变特点,寻找美国科技领导地位相对下降的定量解释依据。研究表明,21世纪以来,美国科技全球领导地位和国家科技竞争实力的相对走弱趋势,与其科技政策惯性及相对平稳发展、重大科技计划或科技工程的战略性引领性趋弱、政府研究与试验发展(R&D)投入强度逐年下降,以及基础研究重视程度下降等密切相关。美国科技政策发展的历史经验对我国具有重要启示意义:科技发展不仅是长期战略性事业,也是高度竞争性事业,科技竞争力的提升是国家长期科技战略导向布局、稳定增长的研发投入力度和重大科技创新突破积累的结果。  相似文献   

20世纪英国科技政策的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴波 《科学学研究》2006,24(6):901-905
梳理20世纪英国学术界有关国内科技政策研究的演化脉络,从一个侧面介绍英国学术界的变化趋势和学术与政治之间的微妙互动。  相似文献   

This paper reflects on the relevance of “systems-theoretic” approaches to the interdependent policy issues relating to the dynamics of science, technology and innovation and their relationship to economic growth. Considering the approach that characterizes much of the current economics literature's treatment of technology and growth policies, we pose the critical question: what kind of systems paradigm is likely to prove particularly fruitful in that particular problem-domain? Evolutionary, neo-Schumpeterian, and complex system dynamics approaches are conceptually attractive, and we examine their respective virtues and limitations. Both qualities are readily visible when one tries to connect systems-relevant research with practical policy-making in this field.  相似文献   

政策工具视角的中国风能政策文本量化研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
 政策工具是公共政策分析的一个重要路径。采用内容分析法,对我国中央政府颁布的风能政策所采用的政策工具进行计量和分析。全文按照样本选择、制定分析框架、定义分析单元、统计分析等步骤逐次展开,深入剖析了中国风能政策在政策工具选择、组织与建构中所存在的过溢、缺失与冲突问题,并给出了未来风能政策优化和完善的政策指引与技术手段。  相似文献   

Economic policy in Hong Kong is frequently cited as a shining example of the laissez‐faire model for development, with minimal government intervention. However, the government has played a bigger role in the economy than is often recognized, responding to market failures, social problems, and the needs of the business community. Information technology (IT) policy in Hong Kong has mirrored the colony's laissez‐faire economic strategy, with little government effort to promote the production or use of IT products and services. Hong Kong has become an advanced user of IT in several economic sectors and an assembly site for personal computer hardware. However, like much of the manufacturing sector, the computer industry is moving much of its production to China, causing concern about the future of Hong Kong's economy. While some people feel that Hong Kong can flourish as a financial and business services center, others feel that this role will be diminished as the Chinese economy liberalizes and other centers develop in mainland China. They argue that Hong Kong needs to upgrade its technological capabilities and develop technology‐intensive activities such as R&D and software development to complement China's manufacturing activities. The government has begun to respond with limited measures to encourage R&D, train more scientists, engineers, and managers, and support technology start‐ups. Hong Kong has the potential to develop software and information services industries to serve the Chinese market. It also can apply IT to other sectors to maintain its leadership as a financial, business services, transportation, and communications center.  相似文献   

选取14所以理工为主的985大学为分析样本,对各高校的项目类型设置、遴选方案、项目管理、绩效评价等展开对比分析,同时从国家自然科学基金获批项目的变化情况对各高校的实施效果进行评价。最后,对中央高校科研基本业务费的项目评审、过程管理和绩效评价等管理政策提出建议。  相似文献   

李燕  朱春奎 《科学学研究》2016,33(10):1507-1514
作为最早推行政府采购制度的国家之一,美国联邦政府形成了世界上最为典型的政府采购驱动型技术进步模式。本文旨在运用政策范式的研究途径,在对政策范式与公共技术采购进行理论探讨的基础上,简要介绍美国联邦政府技术采购的历史沿革,全面回顾并分阶段对比美国联邦政府技术采购的政策范式变迁历程,系统总结美国联邦政府技术采购政策范式变迁的基本趋势与主要特征,以期为中国运用政府技术采购促进技术创新、建设创新型国家提供可资借鉴的他山之石。  相似文献   

在产学研结合技术创新体系基本理论基础上提出产学研结合技术创新体系的定义和内涵,分析辽宁省建设产学研结合技术创新体系的现状及发展面临的问题,运用史密斯政策执行模型分析产学研创新体系的政策执行过程的规律,进而提出解决产学研政策执行问题的具体对策。  相似文献   

中国大数据政策体系演化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在大数据快速发展的背景下,制定科学、合理的大数据政策体系,支撑大数据高质量发展变得日益迫切。本文通过构建“政策工具-政策主题词”二维分析框架,对2000年以来国家层面有关大数据发展的政策文本进行了分析,从大数据政策的演进脉络、政策关系网络、政策主题词演进态势以及政策工具的使用情况等四个方面探究了大数据政策文本内容。研究结果表明:我国大数据政策发展,大致经历了从强调基础设施建设到关注产业培育与创新,再到构建大数据政策体系的发展过程。在发展的不同阶段,政策主题词与当时的经济、社会、国际环境密切相关。目前我国已经初步建立起大数据政策网络体系,但整体还处于初步发展阶段,大数据政策的顶层设计还不健全,现有政策工具中知识产权保护类政策工具和政府采购类政策工具使用较少等,仍需要进一步加强完善。  相似文献   

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