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Australian footwear manufacturers were surveyed in late 1986 in order to identify actions undertaken since 1981 in response to the anticipated or actual increase in import competition as a result of the first seven year protection plan. A wide range of actions were undertaken, with capital investment in new production technology the most frequent and ‘most important’ action. This research indicates that the plan created organisational change which in turn promoted more efficient and effective business practices.  相似文献   

Diversity of newspaper outlets and diversity of newspaper ownership are both generally conducive to economic efficiency within the newspaper industry. A review of the economics of newspaper publishing reveals two major factors concerning the structure and ownership of the press. The first is that scale economies of production are largely responsible for the tendency of newspaper markets in cities and towns to be dominated by a single title. The second is that the combined effect of economies of scale and newspaper firms’ drive towards growth is likely to bring about a high concentration of newspaper ownership. It is argued that economic theory lends qualified support to policy proposals to prevent mergers between newspaper firms and to require divestiture of newspaper titles.  相似文献   

Australia seeks to emerge from the depths of recession and to break free from the syndrome of giving ever-increasing protection to a decaying manufacturing sector, by encouraging high technology industry. Silicon Valley, the home of much of the world's semiconductor industry, is often seen as the appropriate model for the development of such industry. For those used to dealing with the siting and encouragement of conventional industry, it can seem that high technology industry, with no heavy raw material input or bulky product output and requiring no large labour pool or local market, in fact has no special requirements at all. Others look to the Silicon Valley model and plan science or technology parks to reproduce the factors they believe responsible for that phenomenon. For example, great emphasis is generally placed on proximity to universities, apparently in ignorance of the very minor role universities played in the growth of the semiconductor industry, and of the great practical divide between science and technology. Vital factors, such as the ready information flow achieved by high mobility of those in high technology industry, are ignored. The Australian situation is complicated further by competition among the States to attract high technology industry, a competition that tends to emasculate national policy. Yet this situation is really just a local representation of what is happening internationally among countries and among regions within those countries. This desperation to leap blindly into high technology, whatever it is and whatever the cost, by following a model that is scarcely understood, is unlikely to produce the huge rewards so many policy makers anticipate are so readily available.  相似文献   

Reasons are suggested for care over the definition of high technology industry. Some general approaches to definition are outlined, and a chronology of definitions is presented. Conceptual and practical problems with conventional choices are discussed, and a new consensus definition — drawn from a survey of current practice in the USA — is suggested as a complement to objective definitions. This is used to speculate upon high tech's potential role in the overall US employment problem.  相似文献   

世界非燃料矿产资源的开发与环境保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文回顾了世界非燃料矿产资源开发的历史,阐述了矿产资源的开发与环境保护的关系。虽然非燃料矿产有巨大的消耗,但是世界储藏量所而有所增加。一方面是由于新矿脉的勘探、采矿和金属回收技术的提高、替代产品的不断涌现;更重要的是环境保护的需要和土地利用政策的改变限制了一些矿场的开采。在不同发达适度的国家情况有所不同,特别是不发达国家的经济发展与环境保护的矛盾仍很突出。  相似文献   

The Australian government offsets program has been in place since 1970, but until recently, with the publication of the report of the Committee of Review on Offsets, it has operated with little public scrutiny and has attracted little academic interest. This is a program aimed at the manufacturing sector in Australia, with a view to increasing Australian firms' participation in internationally competitive activities. Issues posed as requiring investigation include: the protection aspects of offsets, their efficacy in transferring technologies from overseas suppliers of government funded purchases, the question of economic integration and the countertrade dimension of offsets.  相似文献   

新一轮贸易自由化与中国农业、贫困和环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了新一轮贸易自由化对中国农业、贫困和环境的影响。研究 结果表明贸易自由化促进农业生产结构调整,对中国农业的总体影响是利大于弊。但贸易自 由化也将引发新的贫困,使收入不均问题更加严重,同时对农业化学品面污染也起到一些微 小的负面影响。文章最后针对贸易自由化的影响提出了相应的对策和政策建议。  相似文献   

胡将军 《资源科学》1994,16(1):59-66
鄂东业区是湖北小工业集中的地区,以治金、电力、机械、化工、建材等高能耗、高消耗的重工业为主,每年排放大量污染物,严重污染了本地区的环境。本文分析了鄂东工业区目前的环境污染状况和污染特点,提出了今后本工业区环境保护整治目标,以及控制污染、改善环境的措施。  相似文献   

In 1881 Louis Pasteur demonstrated to an incredulous world the efficacy of his vaccine for the prevention of the fatal disease anthrax in sheep and cattle. A decade later Pasteur's nephew and assistant, Adrien Loir, was manufacturing the vaccine in Sydney. But although Loir's operations were begun at the behest of local pastoralists, the diffusion of the Pasteur vaccine was not very successful in Australia. Within a few years it was virtually displaced from the market by the modified vaccine produced by two Australian men, John Alexander Gunn and John McGarvie Smith. The process of transfer and diffusion involved in that displacement is the concern of this paper. In particular, it highlights the importance of local adaptation for the successful diffusion of anthrax vaccination in Australia.  相似文献   

本文讨论了原创性应用研究的意义,分析了国外大学教授和工业界的 密切关系,阐述了工业实践经验对进行原创性应用研究的重要作用。  相似文献   

哀牢山地理位置特殊,风景旅游资源非常丰富,然而却鲜为人知。本文根据笔者实地调查资料和阅读有关文献资料,首先对哀牢山风景旅游资源特色进行了概述,然后分析了开发前景,最后提出了全面调查、统一规划等开发保护意见。  相似文献   

青藏高原环境保护对策   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
李明森 《资源科学》2000,22(4):78-82
青藏高原地域辽阔,地势高亢,生态环境独特而又脆弱。严酷的生存环境使其人口稀少,经济活动对环境的影响也较弱,故高原原始自然面貌基本完好。但是最近数十年间,局部地区的水、土、生物与矿产等资源的过度开发与不合理利用,不仅使部分资源质量下降,也导致局部地区环境趋于恶化,诸如草场退化、森林减少、荒漠化土地增大以及一些主要城乡的三废污染日益严重等。所以,适当控制人口、适度开发与合理利用资源、加强环境整治与自然保护区建设等乃是协调人地关系,保护高原资源与环境,促使高原地区经济可持续发展的基本对策。  相似文献   

辽宁省海岛生态旅游资源开发和保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
辽宁海岛地处我国海域的北端,受沿海区域开发的影响、海岛自然资源的开发正全面开展,其中海岛的旅游的资源独具珍奇性,自然景观构成了丰富的生态旅游内涵,海岛生态旅游的群体性、互补性明显、在海岛旅游开发的初期阶段,通过逐步引导、规划,形成海岛生态旅游体系,这对海辽宁海岛、生态旅游、开发保  相似文献   

生物多样性保护与利用的主要研究方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物多样性是有机界一个无所不包的术语,系指一个生态系统、一个区域乃至整个地球物种(包括动物、植物和微生物)丰富的均匀的程度。它既包含生物之间以及生物与环境之间复杂的相互关系的含义,也反映一个区域的发展规划是否符合客观规律的重要樗。可从遗传多样性、物种多样性和生态系统多样性三个不同水平来研究和分析其基本特点,当然,不同水平研究的关系是非常密切的。本文主要介绍其当前的基本情况、研究的战略思想、目标和主要研究内容,以期引起有关方面的重视,组织力量开展研究。  相似文献   

世界森林资源保护及中国林业发展对策分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
李维长 《资源科学》2000,22(6):71-76
根据联合国粮农组织的最新统计结果介绍了世界森林面积、森林拥有量最大的国家的情况和造成森林面积减少的主要原因;论述了世界各国为解决天然林日益减少的问题所采取的发展人工林的共同战略,把大力发展人工林作为21解决世纪对于环境和木材需求的根本措施。林业政策的修订和林业管理机构的改革是许多发展中国家和经济体制转轨国家正在或计划中的重要举措。文章还论述了我国的森林资源现状、林业所面临的问题及发展对策,作者建议采取,建立国家生态林补偿机制和森林生态效益补偿机制、建立保护森林资源、改善生态环境的多元化投资机制、调整林业政策、建立森林资源与环境综合核算体系等措施。  相似文献   

The title of this paper is not meant to imply comprehensive treatment of developments in Australian science from the 1940s to the 1980s. Its more modest objective is to isolate particular parallels in the debates and rhetoric about science in these two decades. It argues that shifting political and economic contexts condition scientists' preferred strategies of self-legitimation. These shifts may cause major realignments within the scientific power structure. Two such shifts occurred during the 1940s. Coinciding with the outbreak of World War II, the catchcry of ‘science for society’ catalysed unprecedented moves to register science as a key national resource. But the projection of the scientist as social engineer/mediator was not to be realised. With the onset of the Cold War, the scientific community reverted to the defence of autonomy and non-interventionism in scientific organisation. Scientific ‘excellence’ rapidly replaced ‘relevance’ as a justification for government support of science. The appeal to freedom from political interference remains a powerful article of faith within the stratified research hierarchy. Increasingly, however, the rationale of autonomy is out of step with the economic and political climate of the 1980s. Some exploratory observations are made about the legacy of the 1940s in the emerging current political debate about Australia's so-called ‘technological dependence’ and a renewed concern about strategic relationships among science, technology, productivity and national wealth.  相似文献   

生态保护背景下奈曼旗土地利用与景观格局变化   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
根据1985年和2000年土地利用数据,运用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,数理统计方法和景观生态学方法,研究了生态保护背景下科尔沁沙地奈曼旗土地利用及其景观格局的新变化。结果表明:20世纪80年代以来,由于重大生态保护工程的实施,奈曼旗草地防护林面积,退耕还林面积,以及植被恢复的面积皆有明显提高,尤其是林地面积增长最为显著,增幅达186%;同时,人口增长,耕地需求扩大,造成土地压力过重,因此,局部地区毁林开荒,滥垦草地,导致土地退化的现象依然严重;此外,水稻的引种,大面积的河滩被开发为水田,从而导致水域减少。从景观格局的变化看,林地最为显著,随着斑块数目的剧增,其景观破碎度由0.0178上升至0.1246,耕地、未利用地和水域的破碎度也有所升高,而草地和城乡工矿居民用地的景观破碎度稍有降低;分维数分析表明,林地的斑块形状日趋规整,其它地类变化不甚明显;草地、耕地、林地,以及未利用地间的相互转化,尤其是林地的迅速增加,使林地的景观优势度由0.0336上升至0.1488,是原来的4.4倍,而其它地类的优势度皆有不同程度的下降;就整体景观而言,破碎度和多样性指数皆明显上升。  相似文献   

There is a widespread feeling that the Japanese government is unfairly acquiring for its economy the few really good tickets to prosperity in the twenty-first century. Foreign reactions to Japanese targeting have ranged from concern that such practices are unfair and inconsistent with the international economic system and that Japan should be forced to eliminate them, to intense admiration and a hope the other countries can somehow emulate Japan. Understanding Japanese practices, particularly as they relate to high technology industries, requires an analysis not only of the relationships between government and business in Japan, but also of the relationships between government and education and between education and business. From the perspective of an analysis of the interrelationships between these institutions, it is possible to understand the character of the market distortions and market failures with which Japanese policy has sought to cope. It should also then be possible to assess whether other countries face a similar set of problems requiring similar interventions. These analyses will proceed with particular focus on the development of the biotechnology industry in Japan and the United States.  相似文献   

东太湖生物资源利用与生态环境保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文就我国具有代表性的草型湖泊——东太湖的生物资源和环境状况进行了分析,在此基础上探讨了生物资源的开发,同时根据东太湖生态特点提出了切实可行的生态环境保护对策,以期为草型湖泊的开发和保护提供参考。  相似文献   

中国贸易优势重构路径选择——从产业内贸易角度的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着贸易规模的迅速扩张,中国与伙伴国的贸易摩擦愈演愈烈.原因在于,出口产品立足于使用廉价劳动力,以低附加值为特征.本文试图论证:在中国,依据比较优势理论形成的"点线优势"遇到了困境;而依据国家竞争优势理论发展"立体优势",尚需漫长的努力过程.现阶段,中国应依据产业内贸易理论构建"平面优势",作为两者的衔接和过渡.  相似文献   

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