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Increasingly, information and communication technology (ICT) uses are transforming professional activities and interactions in ways that challenge traditional assumptions about professional identity. In this article, we consider the ways in which the professional identities of research scientists in oceanography and marine biology are shaped by the use of ICTs. We draw empirical data from an ongoing study of scientific research collaborations that examines uses of basic communication technologies, as well as scientific technologies with embedded ICT components. Our analysis suggests that development and use of ICT-enabled scientific technologies are identity enhancing for many scientists, facilitating their development of unique areas of scientific knowledge. ICT-related changes in data collection, collaborative coordination, and scientific interaction also challenge traditional definitions of expertise and professional identity. An examination of these challenges directs attention to the project identities that form around ICT-enabled scientific technologies and the ways that those project identities are enacted through ICTs.  相似文献   


There is wide agreement on the value of multidisciplinary social research related to information and communication technologies. This paper provides insights into the dynamics at play in these studies, drawing on an in‐depth analysis of exchanges among an international group of experts from many relevant disciplines who participated in a workshop on research into the social implications of emerging digital technologies. In addition to identifying some distinctive new challenges facing this field, the paper suggests how understanding ways to foster productive engagement in discussing and developing issues and joint work could lead to more useful multidisciplinary partnerships.  相似文献   

This paper investigates innovative activities, clustering and regional interaction of a group of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) firms in the metropolitan area of Melbourne. In order to make an evaluation of the regional innovation potential among the firms, a written questionnaire was sent to the selected firms. The focal point of the analysis lay in determining innovative activities within individual firms and degree of linkages between different firms. The results indicate that innovative relationships with customers and suppliers are stronger within the region and they tend to co‐operate more on a vertical basis. However, the findings suggest that firms rely only partly on innovation partners within the region and to a considerable extent they are integrated in national and international networks.  相似文献   

《The Information Society》2008,24(2):105-115
This article reviews the body of research on the use and role of instant messaging (IM) in campus life, and how IM is a key part of university students' communication. IM is a synchronous form of communication, and its speed, availability information, and support for multiple conversations have made it appealing for young people. With university students, in particular, showing a heavy reliance on IM, researchers have shown great interest in how university students use IM and how it is integrated in their social and academic life. While studies are emerging in various disciplines, no attempt has been made to integrate the disparate findings and approaches. This article synthesizes key findings, provides a map of the literature, and discusses conceptual problems inherent in the study of IM and other information and communication technologies (ICTs) that will help researchers identify key areas of study and opportunities for future investigation.  相似文献   

This article reviews the body of research on the use and role of instant messaging (IM) in campus life, and how IM is a key part of university students' communication. IM is a synchronous form of communication, and its speed, availability information, and support for multiple conversations have made it appealing for young people. With university students, in particular, showing a heavy reliance on IM, researchers have shown great interest in how university students use IM and how it is integrated in their social and academic life. While studies are emerging in various disciplines, no attempt has been made to integrate the disparate findings and approaches. This article synthesizes key findings, provides a map of the literature, and discusses conceptual problems inherent in the study of IM and other information and communication technologies (ICTs) that will help researchers identify key areas of study and opportunities for future investigation.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships between information and communication technologies (ICT) usage, the benefits a company derives from membership in a rural business cluster, and the success of rural companies. Analysis of 333 rural businesses located in northern lower Michigan showed a strong relationship between (a) ICT adoption and benefits derived from the membership in business clusters, (b) ICT adoption and self-reported business success, and (c) benefits derived from business clusters and business success. Although analysis indicates that these relationships may be industry specific, results suggest that ICT adoption by rural enterprises may have advantages for the region's social capital and business success and may help reduce the digital divide experienced in rural communities.  相似文献   

王立贵 《现代情报》2011,31(3):79-82
信息化是当今世界发展的一大趋势,是推动社会变革的重要力量,信息资源在信息化社会中的地位和作用不可替代。开发利用信息资源是信息化社会中一项非常重要的工作,它可以引起社会政治、经济、文化、军事发生深刻变革,从而对世界格局产生影响。档案作为信息资源的一部分,有着十分丰富的知识内含,对档案信息资源进行开发利用,意义非常重大。本文正是立足于信息化社会战略转型的需要,针对档案信息资源开发利用薄弱的现状,提出了自己的战略思考。  相似文献   

Through this article we theorize on the nature and effects of articulation work relative to the take-up and use of information and communications technologies (ICT). Articulation work is “work that enables other work”: that which links people, processes, and technologies within organizations. Articulation work in organizations is both common and too often invisible from a managerial or budgetary perspective. Drawing on data from a study of the introduction and implementation of mobile computing technologies into criminal justice organizations, we highlight two findings: (1) There exist ongoing but unmet articulation needs present in any organization or work system. (2) Articulation is cumulative. We find, that as work becomes more complex (such as adding new work tasks and using new technologies), there is more articulation needed. These findings raise issues with assessing the costs of articulation on individuals, and making arrangements to accommodate explicit and implicit articulation in organizational work, particularly around the take-up and ongoing use of ICT-based systems.  相似文献   


Through this article we theorize on the nature and effects of articulation work relative to the take-up and use of information and communications technologies (ICT). Articulation work is “work that enables other work”: that which links people, processes, and technologies within organizations. Articulation work in organizations is both common and too often invisible from a managerial or budgetary perspective. Drawing on data from a study of the introduction and implementation of mobile computing technologies into criminal justice organizations, we highlight two findings: (1) There exist ongoing but unmet articulation needs present in any organization or work system. (2) Articulation is cumulative. We find, that as work becomes more complex (such as adding new work tasks and using new technologies), there is more articulation needed. These findings raise issues with assessing the costs of articulation on individuals, and making arrangements to accommodate explicit and implicit articulation in organizational work, particularly around the take-up and ongoing use of ICT-based systems.  相似文献   


Progress towards realizing the full potential of ‘e‐government’—using digital technologies to improve public services and government–citizen engagements—has been slower and less effective than the technologies’ take‐up in spheres such as e‐commerce. Evidence from across Europe reported here, including an online survey and case studies, indicates a significant reason has been an overly narrow focus on substituting electronic for traditional services. Theoretical and empirical perspectives on barriers to e‐government identified (e.g. poor coordination; workplace and organizational inflexibility) suggest greater attention should be given to supporting organization innovations to achieve maximum benefits from networking in the public sector.  相似文献   

This article spotlights the need to develop capacity for ICT policy and regulation within developing countries. It argues that capacity should to be developed among all stakeholders, not solely within government agencies, because that would enable effective participation by many players in the regulatory process. The resulting participatory regulatory process will in turn increase accountability and procedural legitimacy. The article examines different approaches to developing in situ expertise, especially just-in-time learning and open-source research.  相似文献   

协同创新平台建设是应用技术型高校转型的必由之路,是高校、科研院所和企业多方共赢、整体提升可持续发展能力的必然选择。上海应用技术大学通过建设协同创新平台,推进了各学科专业与科研院所、行业企业及地方政府深度合作,三位一体,推动产学研合作、应用型人才培养、“双师双能型”师资队伍建设,实现在平台建设中解决高层次应用型人才培养问题。  相似文献   

金兰芳 《科教文汇》2012,(25):68-69
在信息技术飞速发展的时代,用人单位对大学毕业生的计算机应用能力要求有增无减。大学计算机信息技术这门课涉及到计算机硬件、软件、网络、多媒体、数据库等有关计算机的各个方面,知识点多,面很广,而民办大学学生存在学习主动性不高、自学能力弱、基础差等特点。本文主要针对如何在民办大学中上好大学计算机信息技术这门课进行了探讨。  相似文献   

大众传播媒介是科技传播与普及的重要工具和渠道,其在提高公民科学素质方面起着举足轻重的作用.而“大众传媒的科技传播力度不够、质量不高”则是造成我国公民科学素质偏低的重要原因之一,大力提高大众传媒科技传播与普及的能力已迫在眉睫.文章以大量数据和实证案例为依据,分析了我国大众传媒科技传播与普及的基本现状,剖析了其存在的主要问题,并提出了提高我国大众传媒科技传播能力的应对策略.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that adolescents use the Internet not only to maintain social relationships with distant relatives and friends but also to create new relationships online; some of these friendships become integrated into their social circle. Research has focused mainly on the effect of the Internet on existing relationships or the nature of online-only ties, so studies comparing the quality of online and face-to-face relationships are missing. The goal of this study is to bridge this gap. In keeping with previous studies on social association, we argue that the quality of social relationships is dependent on duration and diversity of topics and activities carried together. Time is important, as it facilitates the development of a collective shared history and identity. Intimacy develops through the participation in shared activities and discussion of diverse issues of personal concern. Using a representative sample of the adolescent population in Israel, we find that closeness to a friend is a function of social similarity, content and activity multiplexity, and duration of the relationships. Friendships originated in the Internet are perceived as less close and supportive because they are relatively new and online friends are involved in less joint activities and less topics of discussion. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   


Recent studies have shown that adolescents use the Internet not only to maintain social relationships with distant relatives and friends but also to create new relationships online; some of these friendships become integrated into their social circle. Research has focused mainly on the effect of the Internet on existing relationships or the nature of online-only ties, so studies comparing the quality of online and face-to-face relationships are missing. The goal of this study is to bridge this gap. In keeping with previous studies on social association, we argue that the quality of social relationships is dependent on duration and diversity of topics and activities carried together. Time is important, as it facilitates the development of a collective shared history and identity. Intimacy develops through the participation in shared activities and discussion of diverse issues of personal concern. Using a representative sample of the adolescent population in Israel, we find that closeness to a friend is a function of social similarity, content and activity multiplexity, and duration of the relationships. Friendships originated in the Internet are perceived as less close and supportive because they are relatively new and online friends are involved in less joint activities and less topics of discussion. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

基于2007-2018年我国信息通信技术(ICT)产业上市公司专利合作数据,运用社会网络分析方法对我国ICT产业合作创新网络的整体特征、演化路径及合作模式进行系统分析,以期为我国ICT产业应对数字经济新阶段的挑战提供启示.研究表明:合作创新已成为我国ICT企业获取竞争优势的重要手段,但ICT产业合作创新网络整体仍较为稀...  相似文献   

It is a commonly held view that differences in national histories, cultures, political contexts, and the timing of a country’s entry into the industrialization process are reflected as diversity among countries in their goals, priorities, boundaries, directions, ranges, instruments and also in the performance of science and technology policy. This article, which examines development processes of Finnish science and technology policy, concludes that instead of divergence there is such startling convergence of organizational forms and practices. Finland has largely adopted its policy doctrines and instruments from the countries, which from the Finnish perspective, have been considered legitimate and successful.  相似文献   

研究了根据网络自引率和网络内引用率表征的实际含义,得出全产业链创新网络和网络内核心企业的行为模式:外部技术和内部技术相融合的融合创新模式。分析了融合创新行为模式的特性、基于技术转移的知识流动方式与微观和宏观两个层次的运行机理和相互联系。得到创新网络和核心企业的主导行为模式均为基于外部技术的创新模式。根据自回归分布滞后模型得出了网络自引专利数和网络内引用专利数所表征的行为对网络总专利数滞后效应。根据最小二乘法对三变量回归具有显著性,得出全产业链创新网络具有显著的融合创新行为模式的结论。  相似文献   

With greater access to computational resources, people use search to address many everyday challenges in their lives, including solving technology problems. Although there are now many useful ‘how-to’ resources online (especially videos on YouTube), it can still be difficult to identify, understand, and resolve certain kinds of technical problem. While research tasks have been studied for many years and we know the tactics people use, we know far less about searchers’ tactics for how-to technical tasks that involve actually being able to apply found information to resolve a problem. Crucial to our study was developing and studying a highly realistic, how-to technical task, for which there was no single guidance resource: making a phone safe for a child. After providing 39 participants with an actual phone to fix, and a search engine to perform the task, we analysed their search tactics using retrospective cued think aloud interviews. Our primary contribution is a set of 77 tactics used, in three categories, along with detail of how common they were. We conclude that people had a lot of tactics in their repertoire. Although it was not hard for participants to find relevant information, what was hard was for participants to find information they could use; indeed only 23% of participants successfully completed the entire task. Domain knowledge affected the choice of tactics used (although not necessarily towards better task success). We discuss these influences and make design recommendations for how future search systems can support those in resolving how-to technical tasks.  相似文献   

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