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This paper reviews 20 years of information economics in Prometheus. It finds broad coherence about the theme of information as knowledge‐capital, as distinct from information as a message in a market‐space. The paper suggests that micro‐foundations for the Prometheus school of information economics should be based in evolutionary micro‐economic theory rather than in neoclassical micro‐economic theory.  相似文献   

Science policy, as the theme appears in Prometheus over the last 20 years, has been represented by discussions of industrial competitiveness. Many comparative articles have appeared under this theme, as well as evaluations of policies aimed at innovation. By the mid‐1980s, articles in Prometheus were tracing the emergence of the knowledge economy, with some of its associated issues. The issue of human resources for the knowledge economy has received scant attention, however, but Prometheus authors have discussed public participation in science policymaking and setting priorities. Finally, authors have noted and analyzed the closer management of Australian science to direct it toward economic ends. Overall, Prometheus has tracked the dominant themes of science policy in other OECD countries well, and also given space to issues that are less prominent but nonetheless important.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the contribution that Prometheus has made over the past 20 years to the literature on innovation, innovation policy and technological change. I offer first a necessarily subjective view of how the research literatures of innovation and innovation policy have developed in recent decades. I then compare that account with an interpretation of the emphases and trends in the corresponding areas in Prometheus. The research literatures involved are vast, located in many specific discipline areas and cross many discipline boundaries. While my ‘home’ discipline is economics I believe much can still be learned from the flexible and imaginative use of economics to frame research inquiry in the innovation area.  相似文献   

In this article I review 20 years of writing on communication policy in Prometheus. I examine the contribution Prometheus has made to three areas of knowledge about communication policy: communication itself, its histories, and broad notions of communication policy; telecommunications; and new communication technology. I suggest that it is in the latter two areas focusing on the technological dimensions of communication policy, that the journal has consistently contributed genuinely innovative work. Here the journal has fostered interdisciplinary writing and enquiry where policy and technology developments most required critique and new ideas.  相似文献   

介绍和评述了中华医学会杂志社领军人物游苏宁先生最新编著的《编辑哲思与践行》一书及著者所取得的学术成就。全书共五章,分别为恪守初心、砥砺前行,末技探究、日益精进,编辑哲思、办刊秘籍,百年老店、立德树人,学界泰斗、业界楷模。该书汇集了中华医学会杂志社近30年编辑学研究的代表性论文106篇,不仅是我国医学科技期刊编辑学研究的思想集萃,也忠实记录了这一中国医学期刊航母的发展与实践历程。  相似文献   

叶佳鑫  熊回香  孟璇 《情报科学》2023,41(1):166-173
【目的/意义】通过深度学习方法对图书评论进行细粒度挖掘,并基于挖掘结果优化图书间相似度计算结果。【方法/过程】首先从在线书评网站上采集图书评论,对评论进行词性分析构建属性词表,随后基于属性词表对评论进行类型标注,通过BERT-BiLSTM模型对标注数据进行学习以实现评论自动分类,最后通过BERT对分类后的评论进行向量表示,通过余弦相似度计算评论间的相似度以表征图书相似度。【结果/结论】本文构造的BERT-BiLSTM评论分类模型准确率、召回率和F1值分别达到0.922、0.921和0.921,可以较好地实现评论分类。通过模型将评论划分为文笔、人物、情节、概要、读者态度5种类型来计算图书间相似度可以得到较为契合的相似度结果。【创新/局限】相较于其他类型的评论,通过人物与情节类评论计算图书相似度的效果有待提高。以后可对这两类评论进行更为细粒度的分析。  相似文献   

This is a review of Hans Moravec's book, Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind. This review raises three categories of questions relating to Moravec's vision of the future. First, there are the ethical and social implications issues implicit in robotics research. Second, there are the soul issues, which especially relate to the prospect of the demoralization of human beings. Third, there is the issue as to whether a robot could ever be a sentient being.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]图书评论是出版社、图书馆和用户研究读者观点的重要线索,评论特征抽取研究是提高图书评论观点精准挖掘效率和准确率的基础性工作。[方法/过程]分别从评论特征抽取研究和图书评论特征聚类、语义表示、隐性特征抽取的典型方法等方面对国内外研究现状进行客观分析,梳理相关领域研究发展脉络和趋势。[结果/结论]指出图书评论特征抽取效率和准确率的提高需要考虑特征聚类、语义表示和隐性特征抽取等关键问题。  相似文献   


This issue of the journal Prometheus includes an edited collection of papers by communication and media scholars from around the globe treating the social and societal aspects of the use of telecommunication and mass media tied to the tragic events that occurred in the United States on September 11, 2001.  相似文献   

目的】探讨异地终审会提高科技期刊学术质量和影响力的效果。【方法】 2015年4-6月,在总结《中国实用妇科与产科杂志》8年来异地终审会效果的基础上,通过查阅既往文献,比较异地终审会与本地终审会的差异,以及异地终审会在提高期刊学术质量及影响力方面的优势。【结果】与本地终审会相比,异地终审会专家学科知识涵盖更全面,可减小审稿的地域局限性;减轻本地编委终审压力,调动异地编委审稿积极性;更加强了编辑部与编委的沟通和联系;扩大了期刊的学术质量和影响力,提高了被引频次和影响因子。【结论】异地终审会可以达到提高期刊学术质量和影响力的目的。  相似文献   

Recent anthropological analyses of Chinese attitudes towards privacy fail to pay adequate attention to more ordinary, but more widely shared ideas of privacy – ideas that, moreover, have changed dramatically since the 1980s as China has become more and more open to Western countries, cultures, and their network and computing technologies. I begin by reviewing these changes, in part to show how contemporary notions of privacy in China constitute a dialectical synthesis of both traditional Chinese emphases on the importance of the family and the state and more Western emphases on individual rights, including the right to privacy. This same synthesis can be seen in contemporary Chinese law and scholarship regarding privacy. A review of recent work in philosophical ethics demonstrates that information ethics in China is in its very early stages. In this work, privacy is justified as an instrumental good, rather than an intrinsic good. I argue by way of conclusion that privacy protections will continue to expand in China, in part under the pressures of globalization, increasing trade with and exposure to Western societies, and the increasing demands for Western-style individual privacy by young people. Even so, I argue that these emerging conceptions of privacy will remain distinctively Chinese – i.e., they will retain a basic consistency with traditional Chinese values and approaches.  相似文献   

This essay is a critique of LarryLessig's book, Code and other Laws ofCyberspace (Basic Books, 1999). Itsummarizes Lessig's theory of the fourmodalities of regulation in cyberspace: code,law, markets, and norms. It applies thistheory to the topics of privacy and speech,illustrating how code can undermine basicrights or liberties. The review raisesquestions about the role of ethics in thismodel, and it argues that ethical principlesmust be given a privileged position in anytheory that purports to deal with the shapingof behavior in cyberspace. Finally, itproposes a philosophy of ethicalself-regulation instead of an over-reliance ongovernment policy to deal with certainimproprieties and negative externalities thattend to disrupt the Net.  相似文献   

王晓晖 《科教文汇》2013,(17):148-149
本文系书评之作。笔者结合本人在家庭教育问题上认识误区的纠正,对《心理减压室:完美高中生活指南》一书的主要论点及文章特色做出简要评述,旨在让更多的高中生家长阅读此书并有所受益。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨混合式评审是否是期刊论文的较为理想的评审方式。[方法]分析《经济研究》杂志近21年论文引用数据的阶段性差异来比较不同评审方式的效果。[结果]从月平均引用量和前30%高引用文章占总引用比例两个指标来看,混合式评审对于《经济研究》杂志而言优于匿名评审和公开评审。[结论]需要以实证数据为依据,进一步探讨何种评审方式最有利于学术发展。  相似文献   

中国产品创新管理研究:现状、差距与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用结构化的程序与方法对1995-2004十年来国内产品创新(产品开发)管理相关的研究进行了考察.通过检阅11种国内管理、创新研究领域的一流学术期刊,确认了83篇与产品创新管理有关的文章.对文章类型、理论、方法的研究进行了归纳和分析,发现国内产品创新管理研究主要集中于文献综述、介绍国内外实践经验和实用方法开发上.通过回顾国外产品创新管理研究的发展趋势,阐述了我国的产品创新管理研究可能的发展方向.  相似文献   

本文从形式、结构以及作者思想3个方面对《信息分析的核心》一书进行述评,认为这是一本理论与实践结合较为紧密的好书。运用计量分析的方法对书中的标题类型、行文结构、案例说明等进行分析,对书中主要观点、系统思想进行剖析与述评。  相似文献   

康妮  费依凡 《科教文汇》2013,(29):63-64
本文是对《国史大纲》的读后感,回顾了钱穆先生写作本书时所处的时代背景和生活环境,并分析了《国史大纲》的两大精彩之处,一是其考据极其精深细致,二是其对经济和政治史的独到见解,并阐述了对《国史大纲》的理解。  相似文献   

This article challenges the desirability of implementing more than the minimum patent standards required by Australia’s commitment to the World Trade Organisation’s Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (so‐called ‘TRIPs‐plus’ measures). We argue that there has not been an adequate analysis of what the various TRIPs‐plus measures actually are under the Patents Act 1990 (Cth), and that these measures have not been subjected to a competition analysis as required by the Competition Principles Agreement. This is, we contend, reminiscent of ‘cargo cult’ as Australian policy makers appear to reason that the most developed nations have benefited from innovation with TRIPs‐plus measures, and so with similar measures, those same benefits will accrue to Australia.  相似文献   

Optimal loan periods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of a library's loan period on user satisfaction is a topic of considerable current interest. In this paper a model is created that is useful for studying this interaction. A policy, possibly appropriate for a reserve book room, is assumed, in which no queues form. Users not able to take out a book either give up or return. Also, the model includes the effect of a patron not being able to use a book for a sufficient length of time. This model yields equations for the value of the loan period that minimizes the number of transactions at the circulation desk consistent with a constant level of real demand. An iterative solution procedure is described and its convergence proven. Other objective functions, and in particular, the probability of a user successfully using a book, are considered.The objective of the paper is not to detail an operating procedure for circulation systems, but to continue the discussion initiated by Philip Morse about how such systems can be modelled. Morse introduces a queuing model for circulating books, but neglects to consider the impact of queue formation on the arrival rate to the system. The intention of this paper is to emphasize the necessity of introducing such considerations and to indicate how such complications can be analytically treated. The specific system modelled is a simplified one, similar to the one discussed by Bruce in a recent article published in L.Q. This model, or variants adapted to local conditions should be useful in assisting decision-making regarding circulation, but it is the modelling process rather than the management aspect that is addressed by this paper.  相似文献   

Many existing systems for analyzing and summarizing customer reviews about products or service are based on a number of prominent review aspects. Conventionally, the prominent review aspects of a product type are determined manually. This costly approach cannot scale to large and cross-domain services such as Amazon.com, Taobao.com or Yelp.com where there are a large number of product types and new products emerge almost everyday. In this paper, we propose a novel method empowered by knowledge sources such as Probase and WordNet, for extracting the most prominent aspects of a given product type from textual reviews. The proposed method, ExtRA (Extraction of Prominent Review Aspects), (i) extracts the aspect candidates from text reviews based on a data-driven approach, (ii) builds an aspect graph utilizing the Probase to narrow the aspect space, (iii) separates the space into reasonable aspect clusters by employing a set ofproposed algorithms and finally (iv) generates K most prominent aspect terms or phrases which do not overlap semantically automatically without supervision from those aspect clusters. ExtRA extracts high-quality prominent aspects as well as aspect clusters with little semantic overlap by exploring knowledge sources. ExtRA can extract not only words but also phrases as prominent aspects. Furthermore, it is general-purpose and can be applied to almost any type of product and service. Extensive experiments show that ExtRA is effective and achieves the state-of-the-art performance on a dataset consisting of different product types.  相似文献   

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