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宋小娟  郑瑾 《科教文汇》2014,(31):182-183
商务日语专业涉及领域十分广泛,如贸易、经济、管理、服务等领域。而其高职人才培养目标是培养以日语为语言工具,从事相关领域工作的一线基层应用型、技能型商务人才。为了预防高职商务人才与日语市场需求脱节,必须从课程设置、教学模式、师资队伍、实训环境等方面入手,努力实现高职商务日语专业学生与企业的零接轨。  相似文献   

清末中日数学交流是现代中国数学史中的重大事件。在政府和民间的共同努力下,通过日本,中国引进和建立了现代数学教育制度。与此同时,留学日本的中国人将大量日文数学教科书翻译成中文,并且回国担任数学教师。在他们的努力下,中国的数学教育实现了现代化,中国数学也融入世界数学主流中。  相似文献   

日本自2002年全面开展政策评估,目前已形成较为完善的政策评估体系。本文通过介绍日本政府政策评估的制度建设、评估模式及其在管理中发挥的作用,结合日本中央和地方政府部门以及评估机构开展政策评估的实践,总结认为,日本的政策评估本质上是用于改进行政主体的管理,特别是改善管理目标和途径的一个重要手段。结合中国当前的科技评估(主要是科技计划评估)工作现状,提出全面认识评估作用、加强评估体系建设等启示与建议。  相似文献   

随着环境事业的不断发展,环境教育立法的重要性日益突显。我国目前环境教育滞后于环境保护事业发展需要,环境教育立法亟待完善。日本在《环境教育推进法》等相关立法中,为唤起国民对环保活动价值正当性的自觉、认同与实践的意欲,在立法中确立了关于"社会参与"的激励原则,对构建可持续发展社会有着深远的影响与意义,值得我国在今后的环境教育立法中加以借鉴参考。  相似文献   

回应“政府如何通过数字治理介入市场”的问题,探讨政府通过数字治理介入市场并驱动商业模式创新和产业合作的作用机理。采用单案例研究方法,以大连数字港口建设过程中中小企业供应链融资新模式的演化作为案例,访谈案例所涉及的部门,按照“目标-行动-结果”的路径对访谈数据进行提炼,分析得出结论:数字治理是服务于整体性治理理论和新公共服务管理理论的重要工具,也是政府主动介入市场、驱动产业合作和模式创新的治理工具,是一个与政府、与市场双向双重嵌入的具象实践;市场主体可以通过嵌入到数字治理的技术权威性来实现对治理边界的跨越,将政府的数字治理作为商业模式创新的核心能力。为此,政府需要进一步探索数字治理驱动下的产业创新发展路径,同时充分发挥市场主体需求对数字政府建设的积极作用,推动有为政府与有效市场的深度融合。  相似文献   

汪明月  李颖明 《科研管理》2022,43(10):71-80
企业绿色技术创新是促进经济发展同环境污染尽早“脱钩”的有效措施,也是全面可持续发展目标实现的重要动力。企业不同类型绿色技术创新之间并非完全独立,处于不断升级的过程。本文借助642家工业企业调研数据对政府价格规制与企业绿色技术创新升级的关系展开实证研究,试图回答清楚在企业绿色技术创新动态演进过程中,政府价格型规制的作用节点和效果。实证研究结果表明:企业绿色技术创新升级路径是显著存在的,绿色工艺创新是中介变量,且间接路径所占的比重要大于直接路径。政府价格规制对企业绿色技术创新升级存在正向的调节作用,但是调节的作用节点仅存在于绿色工艺创新向绿色产品升级的过程中,且政府价格规制对绿色工艺创新与绿色产品创新关系的调节作用具有边界性。上述研究对于深入理解如何构建市场导向的绿色技术创新体系具有指导意义,也为提升环境治理能力贡献理论支撑。  相似文献   

以调查数据为研究基础,将社会资本分为政府与民间两个变量,研究双重社会资本的不同影响,运用回归分析与结构方程模型探讨双重社会资本、治理行为与雾霾治理绩效三者间的关系.结果表明,双重社会资本对治理行为与雾霾治理绩效均有正向影响,两种治理行为均起到正向中介作用.特别地,具有公共服务性质的雾霾治理需要政策强制力来保障实施,号召性的信任因素与激励行为的正向影响有限.我国雾霾治理进程需要从规范、价值观、组织文化等多方面着手:颁布法律规范,弥补制度漏洞;增进彼此信任,加强公众监督;引导环保理念,发展绿色经济;协调多方行为,激励资本互动.  相似文献   


This article examines the reasons why Japanese cultural products have not penetrated other countries. It also explicates the recent trends in Japan's expansion of its cultural products and Japan's direct investment in the global cultural market to ascertain whether this new development is a sign that Japan is attempting to gain an important role in global communication. It concludes that Japan was not able to successfully build its communication power to a degree comparable to its status as the second largest economic power and its second largest media consumption market.  相似文献   

石磊 《科教文汇》2013,(29):130-130
随着中日两国经贸合作不断加深,各类企业特别是外贸企业对商务型日语人才的需求不断增加,对商务日语专业的教学提出了更高的要求。但在现实当中,目前的商务日语教学已经不能满足新形势的要求,所以以企业需求为导向,提高教师自身综合素质,改革教学方式,调整课程体系建设,已成为高校商务日语专业教学的必由之路。  相似文献   

创业环境对新创企业资源和绩效是如何发生作用的,虽然现有研究提供了一些有益启示,但目前仍然缺乏中国情景的实证检验。本文基于深圳硅谷创业园105家新创企业的问卷分析,得出主要结论:政策环境、基础设施、融资环境、技术环境、市场环境主要对新创企业的运营性资源获取产生影响,影响作用最为明显的是政策环境、融资环境和市场环境;技术环境、市场环境、教育与培训主要对新创企业知识资源获取产生影响,影响作用最为明显的是市场环境、教育与培训;各创业环境要素均通过资源获取作用于新创企业绩效。研究发现和管理启示有助于政府部门开展相关工作,以及改善新创公司管理层与环境的互动能力。  相似文献   

杨赞  杨鸿杰 《科研管理》2022,43(1):153-160
    近年来中国企业的研发投入不断增加,创新能力显著提升,但是距离发达国家的差距仍然较为显著。随着中国房地产价格的快速上涨,许多非房地产企业参与房地产投资,这可能会对企业的创新研发活动造成影响。本文基于微观企业数据的研究发现,房价的快速上涨吸引工业企业参与房地产市场投资,该投资行为在短期和长期中对企业的R&D投入具有显著的挤出效应,对于企业经营效率则无显著影响。本文的研究有利于从企业研发和创新的角度理解房地产市场在中国经济结构转型调整和供给侧改革背景下的角色和影响。  相似文献   

借鉴国际经验透视我国政府在中小企业产学研中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中小企业作为技术创新的一支重要力量,积极参与产学研合作,但由于自身的规模、实力和信用等问题,在产学研合作中更需要政府在资金、技术、人才和服务方面的支持,但我国政府在中小企业产学研中的作用没有得到完全发挥.在此,用博弈原理分析了我国中小企业产学研的问题,并借鉴国际经验提出了政府行为的完善方向。  相似文献   

The study described herein uses US Patent and Trademark Office data to assess variations in technological innovation capabilities, and their influence on market performance, among leading TFT-LCD producers in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. The empirical results suggest that TFT-LCD producers in Korea and Taiwan built innovation capabilities by creating complementary knowledge for Japanese firms, whose technologies lead the way in the industry. The results also show that latecomers sought to expand production by selecting certain technological fields, but that they exploited these fields in different ways. Specifically, Korean conglomerates increased their scale of technology in order to improve their technological positions, while Taiwanese producers pursued innovations that strengthened their technological efficiency. While Japanese firms led the way in terms of both technology and market share during the 1990s, they then evolved to become merely technological leaders from 2000 onwards. However, Japanese firms have since renewed their business strategies to counter the aggressive market expansion of their competitors by strengthening the protection of their intellectual property rights through inter-keiretsu collaborations in technological niches, and by securing leadership in the market in high value-added key components in order to retain more of the profits from their own innovations. Four policy imperatives for both technology leading and latecomer countries regarding the development of sustainable industries associated with the industrial cycle and market dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

闫晓从  李庆军 《科教文汇》2011,(9):196-196,201
石家庄市会展业与会展教育的严重脱节造成了两者互相阻碍的局面,要改善这一局面,不仅需要在会展行业采取多种措施促进自身发展的同时带动会展教育的发展,还需要各开设会展类专业的大专院校积极与会展企业和会展市场靠拢,不断完善专业建设,培养出符合行业和市场需求的会展人才,从而达到石家庄市会展业与会展教育的互动发展的目的。  相似文献   

多视角下我国风景名胜区特许经营探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
风景名胜区资源是一个资源系统,其功能既依靠于各类资源,又高于各类资源,整体功能大于各部分功能的总和。单一的经营主体不能有效地控制和充分利用各类资源,单纯的经营行为也不能有效地处理相关事务,须有政府或准政府机构进行有效协调与管理。因此,纯粹意义上的经营不适用于风景名胜区。针对目前我国风景名胜区管理相对低效、资源开发与资源保护财力不足等现实问题,本文尝试通过从商业特许经营、市政公用事业特许经营以及他国国家公园特许经营等,多视角阐释国家风景名胜区特许经营的必要性、可行性与现实适用性,用以获取规正未来风景名胜区经营与管理的有用启示:①在我国风景名胜区现行资源开发利用、资金保障的背景下,风景名胜区特许经营存在很强的现实适宜性,特许经营能在一定程度上可以加强风景名胜区的管理与法律基础建设;②我国风景名胜区与美国国家公园存在较大差异,但可参考其特许经营的基本做法,特别是关于特许经营期限、合同内容等方面的有关规定。  相似文献   

This paper deals with intercultural aspects of privacy, particularly with regard to important differences between Japanese and the Western views. This paper is based on our discussions with Rafael Capurro – a dialogue now represented by two separate but closely interrelated articles. The companion paper is broadly focused on the cultural and historical backgrounds of the concepts of privacy and individualism in “Western” worlds; our main theme focuses on different concepts of privacy in Japan and their sources in related aspects of Japanese culture. The interrelationship between our two papers is apparent in our taking up identical or similar topics in each paper. Reading our two papers in conjunction with each other will bring about deeper and broader insights into the diverse values and worldviews of Japan and Western cultures that underlie concepts of privacy that at a surface level appear to be similar  相似文献   

This article provides a broad overview of the likely global/regional contextual factors and unique national characteristics that influence e-commerce diffusion in Singapore. Our analysis suggests that Singapore is likely to be a very fast adopter of e-commerce applications that have relatively proven business models in other advanced countries. In particular, advanced manufacturing clusters in Singapore with strong global supply chain links to advanced countries (especially electronics), logistics and transportation services, and other global market-oriented, business-to-business (B2B) industries are likely to be the most aggressive in adopting e-commerce applications. In contrast, we predict that Singapore will be less likely to innovate new e-commerce technologies or pioneer revolutionary e-commerce applications with radical global impacts, due to the small local market and the inadequate development of an information and communications technologies (ICT) entrepreneurial community with extensive network links to Silicon Valley and other entrepreneurial hot spots. Singapore is also unlikely to be a leader in large-scale business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce applications and mass consumer contents publishing. Our review of government policy initiatives to promote e-commerce suggests that although they are by and large in the right direction, they are unlikely to have significant impact until proven e-commerce models have emerged and competitive pressure start to be felt by companies. A possible exception is "e-government" applications. In contrast, we identify a number of areas where government policy initiatives have been a bit slow, notably in liberalizing the telecommunications services sector and in promoting technology entrepreneurship. Our review of the available empirical evidence on recent e-commerce diffusion trend and pattern in Singapore appears to be consistent with this analysis.  相似文献   

This paper provides a novel interpretation of the factors leading to low performance in venture capital (VC) markets. By using human and social capital perspectives, we investigate the relationship between the professional experience and education of VC firm managers and i) the success of their portfolio firms on one hand and ii) their fundraising activity on the other. Our study focuses on the French VC market. The French business environment is characterized by tight links between businesses and the state and by powerful elite networks, while the VC industry has been dominated by government funding and incentives since the global financial crisis. We evidence a positive relationship between task-specific human capital variables and the exit success of VC-backed firms. However, unlike the research from the US market, we find no support for the claim that success determinants impact fundraising activity. Instead, we substantiate the importance of higher social networks for raising larger funds in markets with strong networks.  相似文献   

This article provides a broad overview of the likely global/regional contextual factors and unique national characteristics that influence e-commerce diffusion in Singapore. Our analysis suggests that Singapore is likely to be a very fast adopter of e-commerce applications that have relatively proven business models in other advanced countries. In particular, advanced manufacturing clusters in Singapore with strong global supply chain links to advanced countries (especially electronics), logistics and transportation services, and other global market-oriented, business-to-business (B2B) industries are likely to be the most aggressive in adopting e-commerce applications. In contrast, we predict that Singapore will be less likely to innovate new e-commerce technologies or pioneer revolutionary e-commerce applications with radical global impacts, due to the small local market and the inadequate development of an information and communications technologies (ICT) entrepreneurial community with extensive network links to Silicon Valley and other entrepreneurial hot spots. Singapore is also unlikely to be a leader in large-scale business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce applications and mass consumer contents publishing. Our review of government policy initiatives to promote e-commerce suggests that although they are by and large in the right direction, they are unlikely to have significant impact until proven e-commerce models have emerged and competitive pressure start to be felt by companies. A possible exception is "e-government" applications. In contrast, we identify a number of areas where government policy initiatives have been a bit slow, notably in liberalizing the telecommunications services sector and in promoting technology entrepreneurship. Our review of the available empirical evidence on recent e-commerce diffusion trend and pattern in Singapore appears to be consistent with this analysis.  相似文献   

赵家敏 《软科学》2003,17(2):59-62
WTO的《服务贸易总协定》和《金融服务协议》界定了企业服务与政府服务的区别,政府经济行为的准则是遵循GATS的基本原则。面对入世后金融全球化趋势,加快政府职能转变势在必行,其中,制定符合GATS原则的国内规则、加强监管维护市场秩序是政府的主要职能。  相似文献   

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