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Australian industrial policy is primarily concerned with protecting the manufacturing sector by the use of tariffs and quotas. Over the last decade and a half successive governments have announced an intention to move towards lower tariffs. The result has been lower tariffs on average, but the introduction ofimport quotas in response to the 1974–75 recession has resulted in large increases in protection for the textile, clothing, footwear and motor vehicle industries. These sectors are covered by Industry Plans. There is a stated intention to liberalize trade, but for a decade the market share of imports has been fixed. On the basis of past experience, there is a low probability that significant trade liberalization will occur. Australian industrial policy has failed to create a more efficient manufacturing sector. It is reactive and has slowed the rate of structural change. It is a good example of the way in which initiatives to restrict trade flows by ‘temporary’ quotas — intended to provide a breathing space so an industry can reorganise and compete more effectively against imports — can result in import quotas becoming a near permanent feature of the economic environment. The Australian economy has also been subject to largeexchange rate appreciations. Our experience is that unusual appreciations bring to the forefront of structural change those industries which have already set out upon a path of long run decline. Once the appreciations have passed, these troubled industries are not placed back in their original position relative to imports.  相似文献   

资源经济学的学科性质、地位与思维   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
谷树忠 《资源科学》1998,20(1):16-22
资源经济学是资源科学中最富活力且仍在迅速发展的学科之一。它是边缘性学科,是典型的公共或政府经济学。具有人本主义色彩,在经济科学和资源科学体系中均占重要地位。资源经济学具有独特的人本主义和动态发展的哲学思维,注重代内公平和代际公平的伦理思维,问题导向性的逻辑思维,以实证分析、规范研究和合理预期为特征的经济学思维。资源经济学具有以最优耗竭理论、稀缺理论、产权理论、代际分配、核算理论和资源效率至上论为主要内容的基本原理。资源经济学将朝着市场化、定量化和信息化的方向发展。  相似文献   

Australian footwear manufacturers were surveyed in late 1986 in order to identify actions undertaken since 1981 in response to the anticipated or actual increase in import competition as a result of the first seven year protection plan. A wide range of actions were undertaken, with capital investment in new production technology the most frequent and ‘most important’ action. This research indicates that the plan created organisational change which in turn promoted more efficient and effective business practices.  相似文献   

In 1881 Louis Pasteur demonstrated to an incredulous world the efficacy of his vaccine for the prevention of the fatal disease anthrax in sheep and cattle. A decade later Pasteur's nephew and assistant, Adrien Loir, was manufacturing the vaccine in Sydney. But although Loir's operations were begun at the behest of local pastoralists, the diffusion of the Pasteur vaccine was not very successful in Australia. Within a few years it was virtually displaced from the market by the modified vaccine produced by two Australian men, John Alexander Gunn and John McGarvie Smith. The process of transfer and diffusion involved in that displacement is the concern of this paper. In particular, it highlights the importance of local adaptation for the successful diffusion of anthrax vaccination in Australia.  相似文献   

介绍了在火世计划实施中,加强项目管理瞄准市场需求,立足优势资源,围绕技术创新,连续支持 支柱企业,开发高新技术产品,培育新的经济增点,所取得的成绩 和今后高举理论旗帜,建立企业创新机制,强化实施火世计划的载体,广泛开展宣传增强高新技术产业化意识和加强领导,增加科技投入等组织实施火世计划的基本思路。  相似文献   

The title of this paper is not meant to imply comprehensive treatment of developments in Australian science from the 1940s to the 1980s. Its more modest objective is to isolate particular parallels in the debates and rhetoric about science in these two decades. It argues that shifting political and economic contexts condition scientists' preferred strategies of self-legitimation. These shifts may cause major realignments within the scientific power structure. Two such shifts occurred during the 1940s. Coinciding with the outbreak of World War II, the catchcry of ‘science for society’ catalysed unprecedented moves to register science as a key national resource. But the projection of the scientist as social engineer/mediator was not to be realised. With the onset of the Cold War, the scientific community reverted to the defence of autonomy and non-interventionism in scientific organisation. Scientific ‘excellence’ rapidly replaced ‘relevance’ as a justification for government support of science. The appeal to freedom from political interference remains a powerful article of faith within the stratified research hierarchy. Increasingly, however, the rationale of autonomy is out of step with the economic and political climate of the 1980s. Some exploratory observations are made about the legacy of the 1940s in the emerging current political debate about Australia's so-called ‘technological dependence’ and a renewed concern about strategic relationships among science, technology, productivity and national wealth.  相似文献   

通过建筑业生产力要素特质及其对生产能力影响力的相关分析,提出\\r 了界定中国建筑业适度规模的有用信息和改善其就业状况、实现产业文明的三项合理建议。  相似文献   

云南横断山区的民族文化多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
横断山区是我国乃至世界多样性最为复杂的区域,它具有生物多样性和民族文化多样性的双重特征,并面临生物和民族文化多样性保护的艰巨任务。在民族地区要开发民族文化力,建立既能固守民族传统文化,又能适宜现代化的民族发展模式。横断山区的多样性要采取保护性的开发和开性的保护,建立自然和民族文化保护区,保证横断山区多样性永存和社会经济的持续发展。  相似文献   

The Australian government offsets program has been in place since 1970, but until recently, with the publication of the report of the Committee of Review on Offsets, it has operated with little public scrutiny and has attracted little academic interest. This is a program aimed at the manufacturing sector in Australia, with a view to increasing Australian firms' participation in internationally competitive activities. Issues posed as requiring investigation include: the protection aspects of offsets, their efficacy in transferring technologies from overseas suppliers of government funded purchases, the question of economic integration and the countertrade dimension of offsets.  相似文献   

Australia seeks to emerge from the depths of recession and to break free from the syndrome of giving ever-increasing protection to a decaying manufacturing sector, by encouraging high technology industry. Silicon Valley, the home of much of the world's semiconductor industry, is often seen as the appropriate model for the development of such industry. For those used to dealing with the siting and encouragement of conventional industry, it can seem that high technology industry, with no heavy raw material input or bulky product output and requiring no large labour pool or local market, in fact has no special requirements at all. Others look to the Silicon Valley model and plan science or technology parks to reproduce the factors they believe responsible for that phenomenon. For example, great emphasis is generally placed on proximity to universities, apparently in ignorance of the very minor role universities played in the growth of the semiconductor industry, and of the great practical divide between science and technology. Vital factors, such as the ready information flow achieved by high mobility of those in high technology industry, are ignored. The Australian situation is complicated further by competition among the States to attract high technology industry, a competition that tends to emasculate national policy. Yet this situation is really just a local representation of what is happening internationally among countries and among regions within those countries. This desperation to leap blindly into high technology, whatever it is and whatever the cost, by following a model that is scarcely understood, is unlikely to produce the huge rewards so many policy makers anticipate are so readily available.  相似文献   

The production of information has been accepted as a new economic factor for urbanisation, particularly in the industrialised world. It creates new urban employment opportunities, changes urban spatial patterns, transforms demographic structures and social patterns. This ‘new’ production activity has been introduced into the Asian Pacific region — often by multinational corporations — and now begins to make its presence felt in major cities. This paper investigates the nature of the information industry in general, the role of multinational corporations and attempts to understand especially the effects of international information demand on Third World urbanisation. More specifically, it attempts to assess their relationship to urbanisation in the Asian Pacific countries. Lastly, it hopes to formulate areas and issues for further research.  相似文献   

关于我国产学研结合的现状与思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文是作者在中共中央党校学习期间,作为"国有大中型企业科技与创新"调研组的一员.在对高校/现代大型企业实地调研、资料查阅以及个人的认识与分析的基础上形成的调研报告,报告通过对我国大型企业产学研结合现状的调研、阐述了产学研结合对建设创新型国家的重要性,分析了我国目前在产学研以及科技成果转化方面的现状;并针对目前存在的问题提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

阜康绿洲土壤盐渍化与植物群落多样性的相关性分析   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
该文以电导、易溶性盐含量、pH作为盐渍化程度的指标 ,将阜康绿洲的土壤盐渍化程度划分为 9种类型 ,其中以强盐渍土和盐土为主 ,在纬度梯度上从南至北 ,即从洪积扇下部到沙漠按照中盐渍土—强盐渍土—盐土—强盐渍土—盐土—非盐渍土的顺序依次分布。以群落的优势种类型、灌木盖度、灌木多度、多样性等指数作为阜康绿洲荒漠植物群落的多样性指标 ,根据中国植被分类原则和系统将阜康荒漠植物群落划分为 9种类型 ,以囊果碱蓬群落—琵琶柴群落—柽柳群落或盐柴类的半灌木群落—琵琶柴群落—柽柳群落或盐柴类的半灌木群落—梭梭群落的顺序依次分布。琵琶柴群落为阜康荒漠的地带性植被 ,分布广泛 ,各种植物群落在空间上交错分布。通过相关性分析 ,结果表明 :在阜康荒漠植物群落的多度、盖度和多样性与盐渍化程度无显著相关 ,盐渍化程度的变化主要影响到植物群落组成的变化、群落类型的空间分布和演替 ,特别是盐生植物的多样性和分布  相似文献   

本文在分析国际权威刊物《农业经济学》近两个年度的热点论文和近\\r 两届国际农业经济年会论文的基础上,结合国内农业经济管理专家问卷调查的统计分析结果\\r ,提出农业经济管理研究的重点资助方向与领域。  相似文献   

张宏岩 《青海科技》1998,5(1):27-28,35
通过对青海省工业企业的财务状况分析,对目前企业存在的资产负债结构不合理、资产运营氏下等特征,提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents the first general analysis of the multipliers derived from twenty-nine Australian regional (GRIT) input-output tables, ranging from metropolitan areas to quite isolated regions. The study attempts to summarise the formidable array of results, aiming to provide an empirical reference point for research into regional multipliers, to identify any regularities in the multiplier components and to suggest conclusions for general policy purposes.  相似文献   

澳大利亚研究理事会资助管理办法概论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 澳大利亚研究理事会(ARC)的沿革与职能 ARC的机构沿革最早应追溯到1946年成立的联邦大学研究资助委员会,其最初是由联邦教育办公室主任负责的一个跨部委员会.  相似文献   

《澳大利亚研究理事会法案》及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龚旭 《中国科学基金》2003,17(6):368-370
20世纪80年代、特别是冷战结束以来,随着国际政治经济格局的重大变化、全球化进程的加剧以及知识经济的崛起,新一轮的科技竞争导致许多国家的科技体制与政策发生了很大变化。澳大利亚研究理事会(Australian Research Council,缩写为ARC)是以资助竞争性项目为主的方式支持科学研究和研究教育的联邦机构,在澳大利亚国家创新体系中处  相似文献   

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