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澳大利亚的新科技政策及从中得到的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2002年10月国家自然科学基金委员会组织自然科学基金管理人员共27人,赴澳大利亚进行了为期22天的学习培训。现将学习培训情况总结于后,供同道参考。  相似文献   

In the media there is a complex interaction between technological change, markets and policy. The policy questions that arise are complex but not insoluble. Who should provide the technological infrastructure? Is economic, social or technical regulation required? If so, what is to be regulated? If technical regulation is required, what are to be the technical standards? We are no longer simply reacting to technological change but are actually planning ahead of change.  相似文献   

为推动国家自然科学基委员会(以下简称自然科学基金会)联合资助工作的健康发展,由自然科学基金会政策局负责牵头、委内相关部门同志参加针对自然科学基金会的联合资助工作开展了专题调研。现将有关调研情况简要介绍如下。  相似文献   

美国水资源政策演变及启示   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
贺缠生 《资源科学》1998,20(1):71-77
美国水资源管理政策自建国200多年来发生了许多变化:由早期的重开发,促进经济发展,到现阶段的以流域范围着手,重视多部门协作,追求生态环境与经济发展的协调和平衡。本文简要介绍美国水资源管理政策及途径的变化,以期对中国水资源管理有所启迪和借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>青海是华夏文明的发祥地之一,河湟文化、青海湖文化、昆仑文化、江河源文化、热贡文化和格萨尔文化在这里孕育发展、共生共荣。让我们一一来领略它们的风采吧。藏画之乡——热贡"热贡"汉语的意思是"金色的谷地",这里孕育了灿烂的艺术文化。2006年,被称为"青藏高原上艺术奇葩"的"热贡艺术",被列入国家首批非物质文化遗产保护名录。热贡艺术位于青海省黄南藏族自治州同仁县隆务河畔的热贡,渊远流长的藏族文化艺术与多民族文化互相渗透,形成了独特的历史文化艺术。  相似文献   

The high technology debate in Australia since 1981 is analysed using one of the most prominent features of the debate — he political rhetoric and symbols used in the debate. This form of analysis emphasises both instrumental and expressive political activity. The high technology debate is seen as having a significant expressive component and function. Most of the advocacy for high technology came as a result of institutional pressures and efforts of the Minister for Science and Technology, Barry Jones. High technology became a ‘maverick’ term in political debate but it has now become an accepted part of current economic language. The paper draws a number of conclusions for policy from the analysis.  相似文献   

中国黄土-古土壤序列与古全球变化研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在近年来研究工作的基础上,简要介绍了中国黄土-古土壤序列及第三纪红土在古全球变化研究中若干方面的贡献。成果表明,中国北方风尘堆积在古全球环境演化研究的许多方面具有其独特性的不可替代性。  相似文献   

廉锋 《世界发明》2010,(10):17-17
方力钧、刘小东、王广义、岳敏君、罗中立、周春芽、张晓刚、徐冰、展望、隋建国、曾梵志、王功新、韦尔申、叶永青、冯梦波、许江、宋冬、邱志杰、汪建伟、林天苗……这些中国当代艺术的代表性人物的作品凑在一起,便呈现出一幅过去30年以来中国当代艺术发展的全景图。2010年8月18日~9月2日,“建构之维——2010年中国当代艺术邀请展”在北京中国美术馆展出。该展览除了展出艺术家的代表性作品外,同时还有数十件艺术家在绘画、雕塑与装置方面的新作与观众见面。  相似文献   

美国是当今世界综合国力最强的国家,美国的强大源于其雄厚的科学技术实力,而科学技术力量的不断提升离不开正确的战略决策和政策制定。美国国家科学基金会(NSF)是美国政府资助基础研究的重要机构之一,美国大学基础研究和研究生教育  相似文献   

中国西部环境和生态科学重大研究计划已资助3批项目并于2004年进行了中期评估。通过实施该计划,取得了一批宝贵的基础数据资料和初步的研究结论,稳定和进一步培育了中国西部环境和生态科学研究队伍,特别是在内陆河流域生态水文过程研究方向上取得明显的进展,更加明晰了未来若干年可望重点突破的一些重要的科学问题。  相似文献   

Reasons are considered for growing government intervention in scientific and technological progress, justifications for such interference and variations in the objectives sought by developed nations through their science and technology policies. Many governments of developed countries now place high priority on using science and technology policy to maintain and enhance the international competitiveness of their industries. It is hoped thereby to increase their living standards and reduce unemployment. The belief is widespread that to be effective such policies should be directed towards encouraging selected industries and technologies, as in Japan and Germany. Since Australian policies broadly have not been industry specific and technology specific, they need to be re-assessed in the light of these developments.  相似文献   

陈一斌 《青海科技》1999,6(2):25-26,29
论述了农业新技术革命的内涵、主要内容及对我国农业科技发展的影响,提出了发展青海省农业新技术的对策。  相似文献   

略论科技创新战略与政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以党的十六大提出的我国科技战略为背景,结合现代科学技术的发展趋势,论述了创新是国力的精髓,创新是民族的灵魂,科技创新力是经济与社会发展的潜在的、根本动因的观点;在综合分析美国、英国、加拿大、日本、巴西等国先进科技创新体制和政策的经验基础上,指出了世界科技创新战略和政策的特点和趋势。通过分析对比中国和发达国家综合科技竞争力的差距,提出了提高中国科技创新能力的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to contribute to the continuing controversy in Australia on the best way to deploy that country's scientific and technological research and development (R & D) resources. It puts forward and discusses some policy options relating to the ‘restructuring’ of the Australian R&D system currently underway, for the consideration of the research community and those responsible for the research policies. In particular, the paper comments on how overall objectives and priorities for R&D can be set, the need for evaluations of the research and development that is conducted, the need to develop a dialogue between the public and the scientific community over the setting of research and development directions.  相似文献   

用“胡同深处的创意工厂”来形容北京后街美术与设计文化创意产业园,是再恰当不过的。因为它地处繁华的京城中心腹地、京味浓厚的亮果厂胡同内,左眺故宫、紧邻老北京皇城根遗址公同。  相似文献   

龚旭 《中国科学基金》2006,20(3):164-169
学科政策是科学政策的重要组成部分,对国家科学的发展影响深远。本文从学科的功能和学科政策的基本内涵出发,考察学科政策的社会经济因素及其影响,比较分析发达国家学科政策的主要类型和特点,指出国家科学资助机构在促进学科发展中的独特优势,进而提示对我国学科建设和学科发展的启示意义。  相似文献   

Internationally, two basic strategies have been adopted for the macro-management of the industrial relations issues arising from recent technological change. The first has been one of tripartite consultative planning, whereas the second has allowed ‘market forces’ a free hand in determining the nature of technological change in industry. Since 1983 Australia has begun to shift from the second to the first approach, because of changes in the political and legal climate, and in the strategy of the ACTU and some important unions. Nevertheless, the impact of these changes is gradual.  相似文献   

中国黑土资源分布格局与动态分析   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
该文从冻层的角度分析了黑土性状特点与形成过程,揭示了黑土资源的纬向分布与冻层存在的密切关系,根据季节冻结层底面年平均温和年平均气温关系式,计算出满足黑土形成所必需的纬度有关的气温条件,从而证明季节冻层决定了黑土纬向的分布。论文从土壤地质学的角度分析了东北黑土资源的经向分布格局,根据黑土的基本性状反演了第四世纪黑土成土环境,说明地质历史时期的一系列构造运动造成了东北地区明显的经向地貌差异,进而影响了土壤形成的植被条件、母质条件、水文条件以及元素迁移和聚集,从而限定了黑土资源经向分布范围。探讨了黑土资源数量和质量上的变化及其影响因素,强调了人类不合理的土地利用及化肥、农药的污染是土地资源退化的主要原因。  相似文献   

There is a widespread feeling that the Japanese government is unfairly acquiring for its economy the few really good tickets to prosperity in the twenty-first century. Foreign reactions to Japanese targeting have ranged from concern that such practices are unfair and inconsistent with the international economic system and that Japan should be forced to eliminate them, to intense admiration and a hope the other countries can somehow emulate Japan. Understanding Japanese practices, particularly as they relate to high technology industries, requires an analysis not only of the relationships between government and business in Japan, but also of the relationships between government and education and between education and business. From the perspective of an analysis of the interrelationships between these institutions, it is possible to understand the character of the market distortions and market failures with which Japanese policy has sought to cope. It should also then be possible to assess whether other countries face a similar set of problems requiring similar interventions. These analyses will proceed with particular focus on the development of the biotechnology industry in Japan and the United States.  相似文献   

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