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基于电子商务的旅游产业价值链构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国旅游产业经过20多年的发展,已逐渐成为世界旅游大国。当前,我国旅游业急需解决的问题就是如何提高旅游产业的竞争力。产业价值链是目前世界上提升产业竞争力的有效模式,近年来在我国许多地方也出现了旅游产业价值链的发展趋势,随着现代信息技术的发展,利用网络资源构建旅游产业价值链成为我国旅游学界研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

目前第三方检验检测市场的需求和检测行业的发展现状形成突出矛盾。电子商务是互联网时代的新型贸易方式,影响传统检测企业的经营环境,促使检测行业转型升级。结合传统检测行业发展趋势,分析我国第三方检测行业发展现状和问题,阐述第三方检测行业发展电商服务模式的必要性和可行性,提出6种检测行业的电商服务模式,分析了6种模式的适用情形,旨在推动第三方检测行业的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   


The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been mandated to “acquire and diffuse among the people of the United States useful information on subjects connected with agriculture in the most general and comprehensive sense of that word. …” With this authority the department has taken advantage of continuing advances of communications and computer technologies by initiating several programs related to the electronic dissemination of agricultural information. For example, the Foreign Agricultural Service has begun testing the release of agricultural trade leads through the University of Nebraska's AGNET computer‐based network. The Agricultural Marketing Service disseminates updated market data on more than 150 farm commodities over its leased wire market news network; the system has 140 terminals linked by some 14,500 miles of leased wires. Additional projects described in the article include a pilot project to deliver market news information to farmers via public television, programs testing the electronic marketing of livestock, and the electronic mail network operated by the department's Office of Governmental and Public Affairs.  相似文献   

针对电子商务中买卖双方交易匹配问题,文章将主体给出的多粒度语言评价信息转化成三角模糊数形式,运用逼近理想解法计算主体综合评价与理想评价的相对贴近度,并以其表示匹配主体的满意度。构建综合考虑匹配主体满意度一致性和最大化的优化模型,求解该模型获得匹配结果。通过实例说明所提方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

在电子商务时代,泉州中小企业面临着来自线上和线下的竞争,为了更好地生存和发展,泉州中小企业必须深化电子商务的应用,实现企业的转型升级。从区域优势的角度,分析得出泉州中小企业发展电子商务具备地理区位优势、产业集群优势和政策支持优势。研究表明,泉州中小企业电子商务发展已初具规模,但其发展受到资金短缺、人才紧缺、线上线下渠道冲突的制约。提出泉州中小企业应充分发挥区域优势,通过抱团发展、优化人才培养模式、整合线上线下渠道等方式,促进泉州中小企业电子商务的发展。  相似文献   

我国电子商务与信用信息管理系统整合的构想   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
杨艳 《情报科学》2005,23(2):194-197
电子商务需要信用信息服务的支持,信用信息服务也最先在电子商务领域取得广泛的应用并体现其价值,本文结合我国电子商务发展中存在的问题以及我国信用管理系统的建设情况,提出电子商务与信用信息管理系统结合的模式。  相似文献   

中英旅游电子商务市场试析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄文 《软科学》2007,21(2):60-63
根据旅游行业的特征及电子商务的特点对中英旅游电子商务市场进行对比分析,对中国旅游电子商务市场发展进行探讨。  相似文献   

基于CSSCI图书情报类期刊论文的电子商务研究统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王伟军  王蕾 《情报科学》2006,24(9):1339-1342,1356
本文以中国社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)中的图书情报类源期刊(2004年度)在1998-2005年间所登载的电子商务相关论文为基础,通过对文献的统计分析,揭示了我国图书情报领域对电子商务研究的概况及主要的研究主题,并指出在继续深入研究相关主题的同时,还应重点加强搜索引擎优化、企业信息化、电子商务测评的研究。  相似文献   

Social commerce, an emerging phenomenon rooted in social media and Web 2.0 technologies, has attracted the attention of many researchers. The number of publications on social commerce has grown exponentially in the past 10 years. Now, social commerce has become a significant emerging research area. In this paper, we first define the boundary of social commerce research and then attempt to review the extant literature in this area comprehensively and systematically. Based on the definition, this study surveyed 1369 peer-reviewed academic publications in the social media, Web 2.0, and other related areas. Following the survey, 418 of the publications were identified as social commerce research. Then, latent semantic analysis (LSA), a text mining approach, was applied to summarize the current state of social commerce research. LSA results show that there are three major research themes in the current social commerce research: organization, advertisement, and word-of-mouth. Each theme discusses topics such as innovation, user-generated content, and reputation, among others. In addition, we identify some interesting trends. The first main trend is that innovation, corporate reputation, and user-generated content remain the major research topics, although they are experiencing a slight decline. The second main trend is that online reviews, trust, and e-word-of-mouth are attracting more attention from researchers.  相似文献   

Growing evidence shows that mobile commerce will increase consumers’ impulse buying behavior. However, existing study examining the impact factors on individuals’ impulse buying in mobile commerce is limited. Drawing on stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) paradigm, this study focuses on situation factors and reaction factors in mobile commerce to examine impulse buying. Building on prior literature of browsing and motivation theory, this study views hedonic browsing and utilitarian browsing as two key drivers on impulse buying in mobile commerce. This study adopts partial least squares estimation to analyze the data obtained from an online questionnaire. Two main findings emerge. First, three situation factors (portability, visual appeal and interpersonal influence) differently affect hedonic browsing and utilitarian browsing. Second, hedonic browsing directly and positively influences consumers’ urge to buy impulsively, whereas utilitarian browsing indirectly influences consumers’ urge to buy impulsively through hedonic browsing. Discussions, limitations, and implications are also presented in the paper.  相似文献   

在研究发达国家废旧电器回收再生利用成功经验的基础上,分析了中国废旧电器回收处理的现状与问题,结合中国生产企业的具体情况,建立了符合中国国情的废旧电器回收再循环体系,并制定了保障回收体系健康运转的对策,旨在对中国废旧电器回收再循环工作起到一定的指导作用,促进该领域的不断健全与发展。  相似文献   

全球化与反全球化:发展中国家的应对策略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
唐宇 《科技与管理》2004,6(4):11-13
通过对全球化与反全球化有机结合进行综合分析,对发展中国家在两种截然相反的趋势中所面临的机遇与挑战,提出相应对策,以利于发展中国家把握机遇、权衡利弊、迎接挑战,选择适合本国国情的发展战略,促进其经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

Researchers have found a number of economic, technological, and political factors to be associated with the diffusion of information technology in developing countries. But cultural factors generally, and national identity in particular, have almost never been viewed as consequential. Castells and Himanen's 2002 study of the information society in Finland, in which the authors identify Finnish national culture as an impetus to the development of the country's informational welfare state, is the most prominent exception to this pattern. This article provides a critical overview of Castells and Himanen's research and revises their conceptual framework to focus on the specific choices states make in constructing their national identities and the effects of these choices on information policy and information technology diffusion. It demonstrates the value of this revised framework through a comparison of the historical trajectories of Turkey and Malaysia's nation-building projects, the incentives these projects have created for the two countries’ social and political elites, and the public information policies and programs that have resulted.  相似文献   

This paper presents data from Brazilian Patent Office (Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial, INPI) and compares them with data from the United States Patent Office (USPTO). Developing countries have technological activities that are important locally but not significant at international level (imitation, local learning, adaptation of foreign innovations). These activities might be patentable only at national level. Therefore, the study of domestic patents of developing countries provides a broader picture than USPTO patents. This paper compares 8309 INPI patents with 475 USPTO patents (between 1980 and 1995). Domestic patent data show peculiarities in the Brazilian case, possibly shared with other countries in similar technological level: (a) high share of individual patents; (b) foreign-owned firms with important activities; (c) low firm involvement in R&D activities. Some characteristics are shared with developed countries: (a) domestic firms as the major patentees; (b) according to firm size, there is a U-shaped distribution of patents; (c) evidences of multi-technology large firms; (d) a relatively small share of firms have more than one patent in the whole period. The contrast between USPTO and national patenting statistics shows different rankings according to ownership structure, leading firms, industrial sectors, and international patent classification. These differences highlight sources of international competitiveness and point to weaknesses in Brazilian innovative activities. This paper concludes evaluating the contributions (and weaknesses) of this database for the evaluation of the Brazilian National System of Innovation.  相似文献   

胡晓鹏 《科学学研究》2006,24(1):125-129
随着对创意产业研究的兴起,文化创意一词开始进入经济学家的视野。在广义理解上,人们习惯把创意和创新看作是一回事,即都是指将一个潜在机会转变为新的“点子”,并将这些点子转化为广泛的实践应用的过程。但从狭义角度看,两者实际存在着很大的不同,即,创新对应的主体是技术,而创意对应的主体则是文化。基于此,本文首先探讨了创新和创意的历史由来,进而剖析了文化创意与技术创新的关系;在此基础上,研究了文化创意与发展中国家经济崛起的联系;最后,针对中国经济跨越发展道路中的文化创意问题进行了尝试性的分析。  相似文献   

Social commerce mediated by social media and social network platforms has led to the development of new business models in e-commerce and digitized the consumer decision journey. Social interaction is considered as a prerequisite for successful social commerce since consumers now expect an interactive and social experience while making purchase decisions. Drawing on word of mouth (WOM) and observational learning theories, we conceptualize social interactions in social commerce environments into two forms: WOM communication and observing other consumers’ purchases, and examine their impact on consumer purchase intention and actual purchase behavior. Analyzing primary data (n = 217) collected from surveyed active consumers within social commerce sites at two stages (pre-purchase and post-purchase), we found that positive and negative valence WOM, WOM content, and observing other consumers’ purchases significantly affect consumers’ intention to buy a product, thereby increasing the likelihood of actual buying and sharing product information with others on social commerce sites.  相似文献   

以数字经济崛起、数字技术发展、数据生产要素涌现为主要特点的新工业革命迫使全球价值链发生颠覆性变革和重构,催生了数字全球价值链。数字全球价值链作为一种新的价值链形式,需要对其属性特征、理论机制和动力机制等问题进行深入研究,以推动进一步发展。首先,系统梳理相关文献,聚焦于已有数字全球价值链的相关概念,并对其进一步拓展和界定,深化对数字全球价值链的理解。其次,通过归纳和提炼现有研究和实践中关于数字全球价值链的活动表现形式,提炼出数字全球价值链的核心特征。在此基础上,对全球数据价值链和全球价值链数字化等相似概念进行辨析。再次,结合数字经济的特点,识别数字全球价值链的投入—产出结构、要素禀赋、治理模式、价值链距离和政策环境五大影响因素。最后,围绕参与主体、动力机制和发展结果搭建数字全球价值链的理论框架。进一步地,围绕这一框架提出数字全球价值链未来亟须探索的三类研究方向。研究有助于提升数字全球价值链研究的系统性,为其后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

在分析全球价值链分工的技术进步效应的理论研究的基础上,利用1998—2014年中国14个工业制造行业的面板数据对中国企业参与全球价值链分工的技术进步效应进行实证分析。结果显示全球价值链分工对促进中国企业的技术进步的作用非常显著,但不同行业存在一定的差异;参与全球价值链分工的程度对技术进步的促进作用已经远远超过资本要素投入对技术进步的促进作用。中国企业应该努力提高参与全球价值链分工的程度,大力培养战略性要素,实现技术进步途径向主动式转变,加快技术进步的步伐。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]旨在探索如何科学合理、有效、规范化地管理电子资源。[方法/过程]通过分析电子资源在其生命周期(发现、试用、选择、采购、管理、评估)工作流程中不同的任务和工作内容,发现在日常维护、使用评估、验收管理等方面问题,进行管理工作上实践性的总结。[结果/结论]构建科学合理的电子资源管理体系可从建立电子资源管理制度、引进或开发电子资源管理系统,以及加强电子资源专业馆员队伍建设等多方面着手,使电子资源管理工作朝着生态化、可持续发展的方向发展。  相似文献   

针对电子元器件制作中所需的一类重要的材料——电子浆料的技术进步和发展所带来的新的、潜在的环境问题进行分析,从产品制备、使用到作为电子废弃物丢弃这一完整过程对环境的影响进行综合比对阐述,认为金属导电相的纳米化、贱金属化和低温固化方向的发展都存在着新的、甚至更大的环境风险。这种风险既有客观的技术因素,也有主观的意识原因,现有相关法规及管理措施也未能对这些风险进行有效的管控。因此,在应用电子浆料新技术的同时,亟需从生产管理及法律等方面加强其对环境影响的风险评估和防控,才能真正实现科技与环境的协调、可持续发展。  相似文献   

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