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There is a widespread feeling that the Japanese government is unfairly acquiring for its economy the few really good tickets to prosperity in the twenty-first century. Foreign reactions to Japanese targeting have ranged from concern that such practices are unfair and inconsistent with the international economic system and that Japan should be forced to eliminate them, to intense admiration and a hope the other countries can somehow emulate Japan. Understanding Japanese practices, particularly as they relate to high technology industries, requires an analysis not only of the relationships between government and business in Japan, but also of the relationships between government and education and between education and business. From the perspective of an analysis of the interrelationships between these institutions, it is possible to understand the character of the market distortions and market failures with which Japanese policy has sought to cope. It should also then be possible to assess whether other countries face a similar set of problems requiring similar interventions. These analyses will proceed with particular focus on the development of the biotechnology industry in Japan and the United States.  相似文献   

刘天一 《现代情报》2011,31(8):52-54
本文在阐述产业技术创新战略联盟的概念和特征的基础上,论述了信息在联盟中发挥的作用,分析了联盟的信息需求并提出了联盟的信息保障策略,以期为提高联盟创新效益、提升产业技术创新能力有所裨益。  相似文献   

空间信息系统支持下的三峡库区土地利用时空变化分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
论文利用近50年来长序列统计资料对赤峰市耕地动态变化进行了研究,结果发现:1950年-2000年赤峰市耕地总量经历了3个增长期和2个减少期;耕地变化除具有以全市总量变化为代表的普遍特征外,南部和中北部具有明显的区域差异,主要表现为,50年来,与中北部各旗(县)相比,以敖汉旗为代表的南部3旗(县)耕地相对变化率较小,但1961年-1990年耕地减幅较大;通过文献调研和定量研究得知,50年来赤峰市耕地变化主要受5次大的政策因素驱动,并与人均国内生产总值、总人口、年末牲畜存栏总头数、粮食单产和人均粮食占有量等人口和经济发展因素显著相关。  相似文献   

本文用案例研究方法对我国中小企业国际化中26个成功联盟案例进行逐步聚焦分析,探讨跨国联盟中的组织学习与认知合法性获取关系,揭示获取机制。研究显示,联盟对外围关键利益相关人产生示范作用;联盟中的组织学习对联盟伙伴和外围关键利益相关人产生同构效应;技术学习通过产品质量提升带来的经济效益提升联盟伙伴的认知。本研究将推动对跨国联盟中的认知合法性获取机制认识,对我国企业通过联盟克服国际化中的认知障碍具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

本文用案例研究方法对我国中小企业国际化中26个成功联盟案例进行逐步聚焦分析,探讨跨国联盟中的组织学习与认知合法性获取关系,揭示获取机制。研究显示,联盟对外围关键利益相关人产生示范作用;联盟中的组织学习对联盟伙伴和外围关键利益相关人产生同构效应;技术学习通过产品质量提升带来的经济效益提升联盟伙伴的认知。本研究将推动对跨国联盟中的认知合法性获取机制认识,对我国企业通过联盟克服国际化中的认知障碍具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了项目在传染病流行病学数据整合及其共享分析技术平台建设、血吸虫病时空动态传播的多尺度定量化模型、血吸虫病时空传播和动态预测模型、肾综合征出血热时空分布与传播规律、生态流行病学、传播风险预测等方面取得的重要创新性研究成果.  相似文献   

通过分析影响公建项目多参与方合作关系的因素之间的相互作用机理,建立基于BIM技术情景下多利益方协同工作驱动要素测量表,对天津市某公建项目参与单位所做问卷调查得出的数据进行统计检验,认为BIM情境下团队建设对公建项目多方单位协同工作的影响最大,其次是高层管理支持、相互信任机制、信息共享机制和团队共同目标建立,而激励机制对其影响不大。这不仅有利于提高政府公建项目利益方协同工作的有效性,而且为未来BIM技术的发展应用提供指导方向。  相似文献   

《The Information Society》2007,23(3):193-201
This article describes the rights-based approach to access to information and communications technologies (ICT) used by the Council of Canadians with Disabilities (CCD). This approach challenges the thinking of policymakers, those in industry, and others who argue that access to ICT can be achieved through a variety of economic, business, or market-based perspectives. It argues that these approaches have failed to deliver accessible ICT to people with disabilities, and that improved legislation, regulation, policy, and programs are required to remove the barriers to ICT experienced by people with disabilities in Canada.  相似文献   

区域经济与人才供给及其战略选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
区域经济增长是在需求引导下产业结构和技术结构调整和优化的过程,产业结构和技术结构的变动是人才需求结构产生变化的依据,高校人才供给的类型也要适应这种变化。我国高校类型分布决定着人才供给的结构,高校人才培养定位应满足所在区域产业分工和布局的需要,形成专业人才培养层次和规格与产业技术层次间的有机联系,以增强人才供给的有效性。  相似文献   

钟美瑞  宋婉婷 《资源科学》2020,42(8):1580-1591
本文基于产业安全视角,采用2006年8月—2018年12月的月度数据,将影响战略性金属矿产价格波动的直接和间接因素同时融入统一的分析架构中,并构建TVP-FAVAR实证分析模型,提炼出反映战略性金属行业波动本质的综合因素,全视角分析供给冲击、经济需求冲击、战略性金属特定需求冲击以及金融投机冲击导致的战略性金属矿产价格波动对战略性金属行业产出的影响及时变特征。结果显示:①战略性金属矿产价格冲击的行业影响效应具有时变性,在不同时间尺度与不同时间点,其影响效应呈现异质性;②供给冲击对战略性金属矿采选业产出的影响最大,而经济需求冲击主要影响战略性金属冶炼及压延加工业产出;③战略性金属矿产价格波动对中国战略性金属行业特别是战略性金属矿采选业产出产生显著抑制作用,严重影响了中国战略性金属产业安全,在当前中美贸易战背景下,其负面影响更为显著。  相似文献   

In “Shaping the Web: Why the Politics of Search Engines Matters,” Introna and Nissenbaum (2000) introduced scholars to the political, as well as technical, issues central to the development of online search engines. Since that time, scholars have critically evaluated the role that search engines play in structuring the scope of online information access for the rest of society, with an emphasis on the implications for a democratic and diverse Web. This article describes the thought behind search engine regulation, online diversity, and information bias, and it places these issues within the context of the technical and societal changes that have occurred in the online search industry. The author assesses which of the initial concerns expressed about online search engines remain relevant today and discusses how technical changes demand a new approach to measuring online diversity and democracy. The author concludes with a proposal to direct the research and thought in online search going forward.  相似文献   

This article views prospective change in the industrial relations system, during the Hawke Government era, from an information system perspective. Exogenous forces emanating from technological change, cyclical and structural unemployment, and the framework of an incomes-prices policy, suggest that contentious policy issues of company information disclosure to unions and employees will occupy a prominent place on the agenda for the future of Australian industrial relations. Problems of disclosure are analysed against international trends, and reform proposals for Australian disclosure policies are critically examined. Some options are elaborated for the development of improved disclosure practices.  相似文献   

Australia's major government research agency, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), has recently changed its style of management. This paper traces the development of CSIRO from an institutional research organization to a body taking responsibility for Australia's strategic civilian research, from an organizational perspective. The problems that this change might create in disturbing the organizational balance are outlined. Possible remedies to counter-balance and stabilize the strategic bureaucratic trend are innovative forms of organizational structure, the strengthening of individual incentives to perform applied work, increased exposure of CSIRO scientists to external influences, and improved community involvement in CSIRO's decision-making structure.  相似文献   

Information technologies (IT) play a criticalrole in transforming public administration andredefining the role of bureaucracy in ademocratic society. New applications of ITbring great promises for government, but at thesame time raise concerns about administrativepower and its abuse. Using GeographicInformation Systems (GIS) as the centralexample, this paper provides the philosophicalunderpinnings of the role of technology anddiscusses the importance of an ethicaldiscourse in IT for public serviceprofessionals. Such ethical discourse must bebased on upholding the democratic values andpreserving the institutional integrity of ITprofessionals in public office.  相似文献   

方创琳 《资源科学》1997,19(6):27-34
能源资源是保证区域经济和社会持续稳定发展的重要物质基础。本文以苏、鲁、豫、皖接壤地区能源工业发展的资源基础出发,探讨了能源工业发展与布局特点及存在问题,提出了能源工业进一步发展的基本思路与建设布局重点。  相似文献   

Through this article we theorize on the nature and effects of articulation work relative to the take-up and use of information and communications technologies (ICT). Articulation work is “work that enables other work”: that which links people, processes, and technologies within organizations. Articulation work in organizations is both common and too often invisible from a managerial or budgetary perspective. Drawing on data from a study of the introduction and implementation of mobile computing technologies into criminal justice organizations, we highlight two findings: (1) There exist ongoing but unmet articulation needs present in any organization or work system. (2) Articulation is cumulative. We find, that as work becomes more complex (such as adding new work tasks and using new technologies), there is more articulation needed. These findings raise issues with assessing the costs of articulation on individuals, and making arrangements to accommodate explicit and implicit articulation in organizational work, particularly around the take-up and ongoing use of ICT-based systems.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships between information and communication technologies (ICT) usage, the benefits a company derives from membership in a rural business cluster, and the success of rural companies. Analysis of 333 rural businesses located in northern lower Michigan showed a strong relationship between (a) ICT adoption and benefits derived from the membership in business clusters, (b) ICT adoption and self-reported business success, and (c) benefits derived from business clusters and business success. Although analysis indicates that these relationships may be industry specific, results suggest that ICT adoption by rural enterprises may have advantages for the region's social capital and business success and may help reduce the digital divide experienced in rural communities.  相似文献   

Recent and prospective advances in information technology have generated growing interest in its potential. To its enthusiastic promoters, information technology is a ‘good thing’ and hence more is obviously better. But increasing experience with information technology during the past twenty years emphasises that it covers a wide variety of capabilities, absorbs substantial resources and affects operations in other important ways. Hence, to ensure effective exploration and utilisation of information technology, management must assess its potential contributions, requirements and costs, as well as other significant effects.  相似文献   

This article spotlights the need to develop capacity for ICT policy and regulation within developing countries. It argues that capacity should to be developed among all stakeholders, not solely within government agencies, because that would enable effective participation by many players in the regulatory process. The resulting participatory regulatory process will in turn increase accountability and procedural legitimacy. The article examines different approaches to developing in situ expertise, especially just-in-time learning and open-source research.  相似文献   


There is wide agreement on the value of multidisciplinary social research related to information and communication technologies. This paper provides insights into the dynamics at play in these studies, drawing on an in‐depth analysis of exchanges among an international group of experts from many relevant disciplines who participated in a workshop on research into the social implications of emerging digital technologies. In addition to identifying some distinctive new challenges facing this field, the paper suggests how understanding ways to foster productive engagement in discussing and developing issues and joint work could lead to more useful multidisciplinary partnerships.  相似文献   

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