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Self-awareness is important in social work education because it promotes knowledge, skill, and value development. However, little is written about the ways in which educators facilitate this process. A project was undertaken to design a new self-awareness assignment (SAA) and examine its value. The SAA’s development, which relies on role-plays, is described. Results from an exploratory qualitative study that examined the value of the SAA on 80 undergraduate social work students’ knowledge and skills is presented. The results suggest the SAA is a positive teaching strategy for promoting students’ knowledge and skills development. Implications for social work education are discussed.  相似文献   

Industry often complains that current academic curricula fail to address the practical issues of real software development. This paper outlines a proposal for an innovative core curriculum for a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. The proposed core curriculum contains elements of traditional computer science programs combined with software engineering via a team-oriented, hands-on approach to large-scale software development. In addition to traditional lecture/ project/exam courses, students are required to take an eight-semester sequence of ‘Software Factory’ courses. Software Factory courses put the students' newly acquired skills to work in a real software organization staffed and managed by all students in the program. Students from all courses in the Software Factory sequence meet simultaneously to fulfill their roles in the software organization. We expect that the students will be better prepared software engineering practitioners after completing a curriculum that combines traditional courses with practical Software Factory experience.  相似文献   

企业的生产管理是否科学合理关系到该企业的经济效益和未来发展。对北京某民办企业的一条生产线的优化过程进行详细地分析,给出了一个基于GPSS的生产线排队系统的优化方法。找出影响生产线流水段运行的瓶颈,改进该瓶颈段的设备和工作安排,找出一个比较好的生产线优化方案。  相似文献   

This study compared the characteristics of students who excel (those in the top quarter of their class) and students who merely survive (bottom quarter of class) when attending a course either in-class or online. Student characteristics such as personal attributes (learning styles and gender), individual competence (grade point average), and major (nonquantitative or quantitative) may influence performance differently in each setting. This study shows that low-performing students, who typically need the most guidance in an online course, do in fact have traits that differ from those of low-performing students in-class. Accordingly, it is imperative that instructors develop proper materials and evaluation procedures aimed at helping low-achieving students succeed. However, because online education lacks face-to-face interaction, faculty may not realize that these differences exist.  相似文献   

《兄弟》出版后,引发了激烈的批评。本文认为,《兄弟》是以"内在于"时代的方式来表现这个时代的,由此而导致文学与时代之间的关系和距离的调整,以及文学观念的调整。这种调整会引起不适应的反应,也为重新思考文学的一些基本问题提供了契机。  相似文献   

Students are put in the role of a manager who watches inventory levels decrease and must order at the right time and in the right quantity to minimize costs. This interactive game requires the students to race against time and has levels of increasing difficulty. It introduces the students to the concepts of holding cost, ordering cost, backlog cost, the sawtooth curve, reorder point, order quantity, ABC categorization, and continuous review systems. The game is simple and is available free online. An accompanying assignment is designed to guide the student's reflection process while playing the game.  相似文献   

指出了传统方法制作与演示随机通道建筑动画的不足之处,并提出改进的思路。以3通道to6通道为例,在规范3通道建筑动画制作流程的基础上,论述了制作新方法。根据边缘融合与几何校正原理,论述了演示新方法。  相似文献   


This article examines the case for the sandwich degree as the flagship for undergraduate business education in the UK and uses a range of available, but limited, evidence to show that the history of the practical implementation of the concept is such as to undermine its credibility. The theoretical benefits of the sandwich year are not delivered in practice, especially for students. The costs to students and to the public purse appear to outweigh the alleged benefits. The article uses existing published sources to cast doubt on the wisdom of pursuing the sandwich concept but concludes that available evidence is sketchy and inconclusive. Further research is planned at Bolton Business School to identify the impact of the business studies graduate on the labour market and alternative models for the development of business and personal competencies.  相似文献   

课程意识、课程观、课程角色、课程素养与课程权力是教师参与课程改革的五大核心概念.本文通过对上述五大核心概念的解读,为教师参与课程改革研究提供一种较为全面的分析框架.  相似文献   

大学:国家精英的加工厂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育大众化的实现,远没有达到教育促进社会公平的目的.即使在标榜民主、平等的西方发达国家,在教育公平的表象下依然存在着教育机构的等级制,而位于等级制塔尖的所谓精英教育机构始终深刻地影响着各国的政治、经济、文化.本文主要探讨法国、英国、美国、日本、德国等西方发达国家在精英教育机构方面存在的异同.  相似文献   

文章辨析了乐府与歌诗、歌行、词曲、民歌、音乐文学几个概念的关系,指出:乐府成为诗名以后,作为朝廷音乐机构表演曲目含义依然保留下来,宋代以前凡称乐府者,一定与朝廷音乐机构有关;歌诗泛指一切有音乐舞蹈表演的诗歌,只有作为朝廷音乐机构表演曲目的歌诗才能称之为乐府;歌行出自乐府但又不等同于乐府,带有音乐性质,但又偏重体裁而言,具有乐府体裁的特点,但又七言非乐府长歌;区分乐府和词主要看句式如何,若是齐言,属于乐府诗,若是长短句,属于曲子词;有些乐府来自民歌,但乐府作为宫廷乐章,不宜再称作民歌,只有少数杂歌谣辞例外;乐府虽与音乐有关,却与音乐文学不相等同,具有音乐形态的乐府属于音乐文学,已经失去音乐形态的拟古乐府和准备获得音乐形态的新题乐府不能视为音乐文学。  相似文献   

李翠平 《海外英语》2012,(20):126-127,143
In recent years,China’s college English education has achieved a great success.However,at the same time,it also brings a lot of negative effects,and problems emerge endlessly.According to her own learning experience,as well as combining the experience of her own college English teaching,the writer is trying to combine the famous marketing theory"Push& Pull" with college English teaching methods,hoping to provide some suggestions to improve the current teaching situation.  相似文献   

本文在实地考察的基础上,介绍了台湾中原大学的全人教育理念。文章以中原大学办学精神为主轴,围绕全人教育理念的形成、发展与落实情况作一具体分析,同时也从教育本质、教育规律的角度分析全人教育的功能与作用,以期对我们当前的大学教育改革有所借鉴。  相似文献   

人类社会的生产实践活动从来就是物质生产和精神生产的有机统一,社会生产方式也是物质生产方 式与精神方式的有机统一。同理,作为反映社会生产推动人类社会历史发展的社会基本矛盾,也是对社会物 质生产与精神生产相互作用,有机统一的矛盾运动规律的概括。人类社会就是在物质生产和精神生产的相互 作用、相互促进中不断发展的。社会基本矛盾是物质生产与精神生产相互作用的有机整体及其辩证运动。  相似文献   

测试是语言教学过程的关键环节,测试开发、实施和结果解读的公平与否会关系到受试者的未来发展和社会公正。自20世纪80年代以来,测试公平在研究深度和广度上都得到了长足发展,理论体系逐渐形成,约束机制逐渐建立。本研究梳理语言测试公平的概念和理论发展,结合欧美国家测试公平的实践,对语言测试公平的实现路径进行反思和总结。  相似文献   

后现代主义设计思想主张传统与现实的对话,在实践方面呈现出多元化、多样性、多品味的特征,这些观念已从许多玉器设计作品中隐约透露出来了。在设计语言多元化、产品形式多样性和注重精神感受的消费时代,既是商品又是文玩的中国玉器应该在传统中寻找根基,并与现实相结合才能有所突破。同时,玉器设计制作,必须以民族文化为根基,用一种现代精神对其进行艺术性的创新表达,才能赋予玉器设计制作以新的时代面貌。  相似文献   

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