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严肃党的纪律、坚决查办违纪案件是纪委的重要职责。纪委在案件查办过程中会遇到案件线索缺乏、办案说情风严重、与其他执法部门沟通少、办案手段滞后等问题。这些都要求纪委在办案中改进和创新办案方法,以适应严峻的反腐倡廉形势的需要。  相似文献   

学科是高校核心竞争力的关键要素,特色学科与专业建设关系到行业特色高校科研和人才培养等方面职能的发挥。学科中的特色学科是学科建设中最为活跃的因素。特色学科需要不断积累与积淀才能形成,学科建设中如果单纯追求特色而忽视其学科基础,则特色学科很难持续发展。特色学科可以为专业人才培养提供高水平的师资、良好的环境与制度支持。通过对船舶特色电子与通信工程学科及其相关本科专业特色化建设进行的一系列探索,取得了较好效果,其结果具有一定的借鉴意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

As the discipline of technical communication undergoes increasing scrutiny by scholars and teachers and as the discipline continues to evolve with advancements in technology, we should pause to consider some foundational, historical issues that led to the formation of a technical communication pedagogy in the first place. This piece evaluates shifts in an engineering curriculum from roughly 1850 to 1960 that made possible the development of a technical communication curriculum.  相似文献   

Communication is described as a discipline with an obligation to pursue any inquiry that will shed light on the process of life forces attempting a common union. A holistic perspective is cited as necessary to deal with the complexity and ambiguity this approach embodies: an approach that requires a recognition of both the art and the science of human communication. The ability to communicate effectively is termed fundamental for communication education. Consequently, for internal validity, both knowledge‐building and skills‐training are called for in the teaching of communication. For external validity, the discipline must strive to establish common understandings of its work and to send clear messages about the findings to those outside the field.  相似文献   

学科间的卓越集群发展是维系存在意义上的大学社群组织有效运行的精神支柱与动力源泉,它需要依靠学科共同体间的信任与合作来达成交叉融合渗透的交往共识。这种交往共识需要学科规范的调节,因为学科规范是学科发展所应坚守的共同道德与内在契约,而学科间的恶性竞争与盲目攀比是对学科场域共同道德的破坏。学科治理是维系学科共同道德的“强制善”,它以学科向善发展与理性育人为价值基础,塑造学科服务社会重大现实需求的公共性,凸显知识创造价值的社会共在责任,呼唤学科共同体理性治理精神的回归。  相似文献   

媒介生态学(Media Ecology Studies)是将“生态观”引入传播研究,探讨传播媒介与社会文化之间交叉、渗透关系的一门新兴学科。媒介生态学现今有中西方两大研究方向,中国侧重于研究媒介与其生存发展环境问题,而西方侧重于研究人与媒介环境问题。将两方面互补,更有利于我们深入理解社会发展扣媒介发展之间的相互作用关系。  相似文献   

西方早期的文化传播研究,是一道文化人类学的命题。当前,文化大发展大繁荣,对我国文化传播学研究提出了新的更高的要求。"如何满足人们的精神生活需要",应该成为我们研究文化传播学的出发点,而文化传播学这门年轻的学科,应该是一个立足于传播学的分支学科。由此出发,我们可以界定文化传播学的研究对象,即主要研究的是人文知识、文学、艺术、新闻、娱乐等内容,重点关注新闻、出版、广播、电视、电影、演出、图书馆、博物馆、文物考古等领域的信息传播。  相似文献   

在信息社会,人与人之间打破了传统的面对面交往模式;行为主体更多地体现为隐蔽性、面具化以及模糊性。针对这种现象特提出应对个人信息伦理的策略和方法问题,首先从信息主体的自律入手,也就是主要通过慎独的方式加强道德主体的自律;同时通过法制手段、技术手段以及加强国际合作等外在强制方式来对网络社会的行为规范进行约束,从而达到净化网络社会的目的。  相似文献   

教育学作为一门学科在国内外有着不同的演变历程。赫尔巴特《普通教育学》的出版标志着教育学已经成为一门独立的学科在国外出现,而我国教育学作为一门独立学科发展要晚得多。教育学学科演变中值得关注的主要有教育学可否成为一门学科、教育学的科学性与艺术性、教育学的事实与价值等问题。中国教育学学科未来发展将朝着多学科渗透创生多元交叉学科、立足本土并轨国际教育学、立足实践发展教育理论、侧重从方法论角度寻找教育学研究的突破口等方向发展。  相似文献   

学科集群与产业集群实现有效对接的内在机理在于高校与科研机构能够通过一定的组织载体嵌入产业集群产业链。应当完善产业集群产业链,梳理技术创新链,构筑学科集群学科链,并以对接载体嵌入产业链为切入点,实现学科集群与产业集群间的对接与沟通,确保学科集群与产业集群融合为一个统一的技术创新组织体。  相似文献   

Software engineering education has been emerging as an independent and mature discipline. Accordingly, various studies are being done to provide guidelines for curriculum design. The main focus of these guidelines is around core and foundation courses. This paper summarizes the current problems of software engineering education programs. It also proposes some important dimensions as integral parts of software engineering education: interdisciplinary skills, practice experience, communication, skills on continuing education and professionalism. In the current guidelines and studies these dimensions are not addressed specifically. Although there could be other dimensions to be considered in software engineering education, we believe that the proposed ones are very crucial as software engineering is evolving more rapidly than any other engineering discipline. This study also provides a survey of some major universities’ undergraduate software engineering programs to evaluate these dimensions.  相似文献   

大众传播学作为一门信息传播学科,具有较强的时代性和理论性,对学生的独立思考能力和自学能力要求较高。然而目前的大众传播学教学过程中,在这一方面还存在明显不足。建构性教学是以学生的主动求知为核心,对这一问题可以有效解决。本文通过对大众传播学现阶段教学中存在的问题进行分析,对这一学科教学中建构性教学模式展开思考,同时对其实践进行分析,以期为大众传播学教学提供参考。  相似文献   


Visual literacy and the ability to think creatively are critical skills requisite to full participation and communication in the twenty-first century. Learning experiences that integrate studio-based inquiry and other academic concepts can develop discipline skills as well as communication skills of deciphering visual cues and de/re-constructing visual metaphor. This article provides a theoretical overview of meaningful art integrated inquiry, offering examples of science, technology and math integration with studio technique, materials and processes. Further, an argument is presented for the need for all teachers to engage in art-based practices to further develop their own skills and conceptual frameworks.  相似文献   

Performance improvement professionals who occasionally manage projects can benefit from applying the discipline of project management. This article offers a checklist of proven techniques that lend themselves to most projects. Many techniques are applicable even in organizations lacking a project management culture. These techniques do not assume formal project management training. The checklist draws on common elements identified through a review and analysis of key sources that outline the ingredients for project success, such as communication, stakeholder engagement, executive support, and risk management.  相似文献   

学科评估是促进我国高校学科与世界一流大学学科接轨的重要手段,也是结合中国实际发展中国特色学科体系的重要指南,对推动高等学校学科聚合发展具有指挥棒的作用。随着高等教育的迅速发展,第五轮学科评估在思想政治教育、国际化交流、人才培养质量、就业和职业发展等方面设置的比重越来越大,学生工作作为学科建设的重要组成部分,应引起高校的高度重视,应围绕学科建设将学生工作的主要内容体现在学科评估的具体指标体系中,打造标志性成果,为学科的全面协调发展提供重要支撑。  相似文献   

中西方关学的起源过程是十分相同的。作为关学的具体内容,中西方均有着各自丰厚的发展。当今随着文化流通的膨涨发展,关学作为一门学科,在不同地区与国家的关学形式,作为关学的内容,在相互融合、借鉴、补充,从而达到共同发展。  相似文献   

Recent changes in higher education have confronted education research with a conundrum: how our traditionally multidisciplinary field can refine itself as a unified discipline. In this address I sketch out what this conundrum may mean for education research, both substantively and methodologically, in the future. I propose that one starting point is for education researchers to consider what unites rather than divides us. One common, unifying conceptual concern is with the operation of culture/s in educational settings. I use the narratives of two teachers from different places and times to illustrate how culture analysis can be a fruitful tool for understanding the experience and practice of Education. In my conclusion, I extend the theme of culture to education research itself. I suggest that the challenge of disciplinary identity confronting education research requires a culture change in the modus operandi of our practice, and that this will involve an articulated focus on methodological pluralism, interdisciplinarity, and the use of new modes of communication as key unifying elements of the discipline of education research.  相似文献   

惩戒是对具有特别身份关系的人所作的非难性裁罚。惩戒主要有社会罚、行政罚、纪律处置措施等不同种类。在大陆法系典型国家,公立高校被定位为公营造物或公法人,其对学生的惩戒因而被定性为特别权力关系下的纪律处置措施。在我国,教育法立法将高校定位为社会主体。司法实践中据此将"处分"这一高校教育惩戒之典型形态定性为法规范授权高校行使的行政罚。但行政罚的定性,无法解释开除学籍以外之"处分"的行政不可诉性,同时也无法明确"处分"以外之其他教育惩戒的性质。立足于管办评分离的改革目标,高校在法人化基础上应作类社团化的主体塑造。高校教育惩戒宜定性为社会罚,并以高校自主性规范为主导实现法治化。国家则通过严重惩戒的介入性立法、不当惩戒的立法禁止等方式对高校的教育惩戒进行规制。  相似文献   

知识增长与学科发展的关系探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学科概念可以区分为作为知识分类体系的学科和作为知识劳动组织的学科。本文认为知识增长促进作为知识分类体系学科的分化、综合、交叉;知识增长方式的转变推动作为知识劳动组织学科的产生和发展,同样,作为知识分类体系学科和作为知识劳动组织学科的发展促进知识增长,作为知识劳动组织的学科是知识传播、应用、创造的集约化组织,是大学需要着力建设的基层学术组织,它能保持知识的可持续创新和增强知识的“集团创造力”。  相似文献   

口语交际教学评价对口语交际教学的实施有重要影响。当前,中学口语交际教学评价存在诸多问题,表现为评价标准和体系的模糊性、评价方式的单一性、评价过程中存在的负效应以及评价教师的素养层次不高等方面。为此,制定科学具体的口语交际教学评价标准与体系是前提,凸显学科内综合化评价、开拓以现代科技为辅助、以元认知为基础的评价方式是手段,最大限度地避免评价的负效应是必须注意的对象,提升口语交际教学评价的教师知识素养与组织学生评价的管理能力是关键。  相似文献   

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